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Finnegan, Begin Again...
Date of Scene: 27 March 2020
Location: Basement - 20 Ingram Street - Queens
Synopsis: Peter Parker gets a visit from a freelance reporter from Metropolis in the aftermath of the Supergirl/Parker breakup.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Kara Danvers

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter was downstairs in the lab. The damage to the back yard had been fixed, and without needing to re-conceal the trap door. But it had been a very near thing.

This had not been the plan, but they had adapted it to include this. Peter sensed his classmates were practically falling all over themselves. First he had been dating Gwen, who had awakened from her coma with a newfound interest in girls...and there were PLENTY of jokes about how dating Peter had turned Gwen all the way off from men. And now, five separate guys referred to him as "Super-Ex-Boyfriend...able to make girls not want to date him at supersonic speed!"

Only a few more months, and maybe he might have better luck at ESU...if he can afford it.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara knew what the tabloids were saying. And she knew that Peter didn't deserve any of it. It broke her heart to see him being ridiculed in the news. But better ridiculed in the news than eulogized there.

She's nervous, now. Why is she nervous? He is still Peter. And she is still Kara. But Peter has never met Kara Danvers. She steps up onto his front porch, wearing a khaki linen blazer over a long, fluttery pastel floral sundress. The sides and back of her golden hair are pulled back into a silver clip, with the rest free and tousled by the breeze. She is wearing her signature brown-rimmed glasses and a cautiously optimistic smile, as she knocks.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter doesn't hear it, but the elderly Aunt May doesn't miss a trick. A few seconds after the knock, the door opens and Aunt May smiles to the girl standing on her front porch.
Nearly had a home invasion a few days ago and she still welcomes people.

"Oh! Hello, young lady. How may I help you?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"H-hi," Kara stammers nervously. "I'm...I'm Kara Danvers...r-reporter for the Daily Planet." Not a lie. She does freelance work for them. "I'm looking at doing a series on some of the bright and upcoming young men and women in education, and I was...hoping maybe I could speak with Mr. Peter Parker? If...if it isn't an inconvenience?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May chuckles. "Oh, do calm down, dear. Show some confidence. I am sure it will take you far. Hold on."

Aunt May presses the intercom button near the door. "Peter, there is a reporter here to see you."

"All right, thanks. Could you escort her down, please?"

"Of course, dear." Aunt May smiled to Kara. "Come on in. Peter's down in the basement. Follow me."

Aunt May guides Kara to the rear door under the stairs, then opens it and points downward. "Mind the third-to-last step, Peter's been trying to fix it."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Thank you, Ma'am." Kara nods and follows May, clutching a laptop and a tablet to her chest as she goes. "Mr. Parker has really impressed a number of experts and scholars in the tri-state area. I believe he has a bright future ahead of him."

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May positively BEAMS. "Well, i would expect no less. He may be a little odd, but he's so smart it's not even a contest. He's destined for great things, I'm sure of it."

The lab is revealed as Aunt May steps down into the large illuminated room. Peter is currently compiling something on the computer, but gets up as the two women enter. "Uhm, hi," Peter says politely.

"Peter, this is Miss Kara Danvers of the DAILY PLANET. She wuld like to interview you."

Peter is about to say something...then stops. Kara? Might be a concidence, or...well, he should be careful.
"Uhm, nice to meet you, Miss Danvers."
Aunt May nods. "Now, you two be nice. I have to finish dinner." She chuckles as she heads back up the stairs.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara just watches Peter for a long moment, before a soft smile tugs at her naturally pink lips. "Hi, Peter. I...I thought you'd like to meet me...this way." She shrugs a little, looking down at herself before meeting his eyes gaze with hopeful blue eyes. "I hope I'm not...interrupting anything."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks to the computer, then to Kara. *'...this way?'* He does wait until the upstairs door closes, before he looks at Kara curiously. "...SUPERGIRL?" he whispers almost reverently.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"In the flesh," Kara replies, holding out a hand to Peter. "How are you doing after that whole...mess?" She arches her brows. "I trust the lingering effects haven't been too much for you?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Boy, he IS fast.
In the space of a moment, he is embracing Kara, his cheek against hers. "I'm FINE...but I heard about the kryptonite. Are YOU okay?" He steps back, looking her over. "No ill effects? I...wow, you really do dial it down in normal clothes. Even when you said that, I had my doubts...WOW."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara embraces Peter, probably hugging him marginally harder than a normal person would. "I'm...I'm all right. It has been a little tough. I'm not back to a hundred percent yet, so I have been laying a little low. But I am SO glad you're okay." She finally lets go of Peter and steps back. And the press is being just awful to you...."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "Is it sad to expect people being awful to me?" He shakes his head. "One week from now, it'll be old news. Everyone will think what they want to think, people will get bored, move on...they may snicker and laugh at me. That's okay. I've been laughed at all my life. The trick..." He grins. "...is to know who you REALLY are. Now they'll leave me alone. Now they'll leave YOU alone. And the truth? Well..." he reached up to touch Kara's cheek. "...that's really none of their business, is it? We may have engineered this...with a little unexpected help from the Bad Toy Store...but I have no interest in bragging about how we made it work. We know the truth. And that is enough."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I'm glad to hear you say that, Peter. Because the truth is all that matters. That...and hope. And right now, I am full of hope, too." She looks into Peter's eyes and lingers there, lifting one hand up to his shoulder. "Just so long as it doesn't get to you, that is all I can ask..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter grins. "I'll be fine. I have the constitution of a New York vending machine." He looks into those guileless blue eyes, then says, "And, of course, Spider-Man and Supergirl have to work together more often. Not ALL the time, of course. But some of it. JJJ will be up in arms, but it'll be easier to digest." He tilts his head. "I'm sure you will be called a re-bound, but not by the papers. Who wants to read about a schmuck dating again after the clickbait girlfriend de-camps? I doubt anyone will even notice us anymore."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods slowly. "I hope not, honestly. Neither of us need that on our plate right now. I have put some feelers out to see who it is trying to hurt you to get to me. Waiting on information to come back on that. Because just between you and me?" Her eyes dart from side to side conspiratorily. "I don't think that was a real EasyBake Oven."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter gave Kara a droll look. "NO! Really? I thought ALL Easy-Bake Ovens had a lethality setting." He snickers. "I wish I'd gotten one of those things to study. Would have been nice to take it apart, see what made it tick. I haven't taken anything apart for fun in months, and I'd REALLY like to do it to one of those."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara frowns. "I was gonna ask you about that. You didn't get one?" She frets at her lip. "Did you check under the deck to see if one bounced under there?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiled wryly, then pointed to a metal garage can. "I was able to get ONE of the little bots. The mist was already expended, so I couldn't get samples of that. I'm currently keeping it in there for 48 hours to make its controller think it's destroyed, and then I'm going to dig DEEP into its metal guts." He grins his best Mad Scientist grin. "At least I can work with THAT."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Excellent..well, it's a start. Even if we can just find out what kind of tech they used. I mean...not just everyone knows about kryptonite." She shrugs slightly. "At least I can fly again, now."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "And...I've recently started development of a variant of the webfluid. I've got a formula to bond lead dust to the webbing without clogging the webshooters, which means I can make a lead-based webbing."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara arches a brow, and quirks a smile. "Seriously? How are you just in high school, again?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles. "Hey, I am in the AP classes and going to graduate valedictorian. And I'm going to make it into the Neuroscience program if I win the inter-school science fair." He smiles widely. "Can I get a good write-up in the PLANET for my scholastic achievements?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh, absolutely!" Kara beams. "I wasn't lying when I said that I was doing a piece on you. You deserve some good press after all that you've been through. I want everybody to know how amazing you are."

Peter Parker has posed:
"Okay. Just make sure you mention, only once, that my IQ was measured at 250."

Which, for the record, puts him at 10 points below Tony Stark.

His smile softens. "My Aunt and Uncle...they wanted me to have a well-rounded education. To learn about history and all the non-science stuff. Although I *did* go through a period that I wanted to study anthropology." Peter smirked. "For a couple of years, I wanted to be Indiana Jones."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara blinks. "Can you BE Indiana Jones?" She looks back at Peter. "I hadn't even realized he was a profession. We should just do that and leave all this science to the nerds." She winks.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter eyes Kara. "HEY, now...I *like* Neuroscience. I think I have a lot more to offer in that field rather than anthropology."

Besides, he already HAS his special gifts. He doesn't want to uncover, say, a magical amulet or a glowing orb of power.

Never let it be said that Peter Parker would bogart someone else's Origin.