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Latest revision as of 06:12, 30 March 2020

Bank Robbery Road Trip
Date of Scene: 27 March 2020
Location: Starling
Synopsis: And Mastermind is foiled by local heroes, running off with nothing.
Cast of Characters: Martinique Wyngarde, Vanessa Carlysle, Alexander Aaron, Oliver Queen, April O'Neil

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde is on a road trip to start funding what could be future operations to get vengeance for what happened to Genosha. Dressed in her tight green bodysuit, she steps inside the biggest bank in town. The first thing she does, while pullout out her hand gun and checking it, is to go into the security guard's mind. He finds himself thinking he's at his grandmother's house, sitting and listening to stories as she bakes him a cake. IT's very relaxing.

She then wheels the gun to aim at the tellers. "Don't even think of ..." she starts to say, but then one of them hits the alarm, as the people in the bank take off running, and leaving. "Fine. Alarm or no, I want ten thousand dollars. Cash. In this bag." She goes into her belt,a nd pulls out a plastic bag, throwing it at the recepticle in front of one teller.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa had told Oliver about the man that interrogated her while she was out shopping. Though she didn't have a name, the description she gave, and the things he said, might be enough to have Oliver suspecting who it could have been.

Would it be any surprise then if she's kept close at hand afterwards? "Sure, we don't mind stopping off," Vanessa had said of visiting the bank. She smiles over to April and says, "You can fill me in on more stories about hyenas and... yeah, all of that. Just no names. Last thing I want is this place thinking she's coming in here to rob it," Vanessa says with a little laugh. "Seriously though April, I worry so much about you." She slips an arm around April's waist as they wait inside the bank. "I-"

Vanessa goes silent as the woman in the bodysuit comes in, guns out. "Oh no," she murmurs.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The requirements for entering ESU in the next semester are silly. This much is decided in Alexander Aaron's mind moments before the alarm goes off around him. A full medical work up and a check list to get taken care of before submissions can even be considered. For most that's no big deal, but for someone that wants to keep a low profile like the Olympian youth... that means using one particular shady doctor and getting him to sign off.
    And then that leads to him sometimes wanting more money. And sometimes even in cash. Which results in having to go to the bank. And lines. Lines suck. And now there's an alarm.
    So the tow-headed youth with the ESU backpack and slouch turns as people run off, run away, head out. But him, he stays there in line even as the machine gun toting woman wanders in with her weapon and demands the money.
    "Hey. You mind if I got next?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Yes, Oliver had a good idea on who it may be. And it was certainly not good news. One more damn difficulty, but such was their life. It had been his choice to become Green Arrow all those years ago though and this came with the territory. And so did trying to find Slade. Would he try doing something again?

With April coming to visit there was little that Ollie could to stop them from going out, even if he sent in a couple of security guards to keep an eye out. Not that those guards expected that a -bank- of all places wouldn't be secure so they have been on the outside...

As for Oliver, it was time to get that suit on, the bow, arrows and then out onto Starling, keeping a watch from afar. It was easy enough considering all his guards had trackers for him to know where they were while on duty. So he perches on a building right outside the bank, looking inside. Not yet having noticed the commotion within or the robbery going on. But he frowns at seeing the two guards outside.

April O'Neil has posed:
April had taken another trip down to Sterling to see her friend and her friend's mysterious man friend. Stopping at the bank was just an average errand, right? April, dressed in a white tank top, blue jeans and soft leather boots, has a yellow hoodie tied by its sleeves around her waist. She looks over to Vanessa and just grins at her. "Harley's making real efforts. I'm sure of it. I used to think she was maybe putting on a 'facade' of reformed, but I honestly think it's genuine reform this time. I don't know." She returns the hug to Vanessa and is about to say something else when the trouble magnet element of her life kicks in again, in the form of a bank robbery.

April's eyes go to the woman with the guns and a look of concern spreads across her face. "Oh for god's sake, you gotta be kiddin' me." The Brooklyn native utters before reaching for her camera to instantly start to record the robbery.

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde is pretty blatanly visible inside the bank. A large handgun in her hands, leveled at the tellers. To make it clear their glass isn't enough protection, she aims up a bit, and fires, the bullet shattering the glass, then the second breaking through, and shattering a ceiling tile. "Ten thousand dollars." Meanwhile, the guard is in la la land "Yes nana," he says to the window as he stares outside it, into nana's kitchen in his mind.

The fleeing patrons have almost entirely cleared out now, a few of them shrieking as they leave after the shots. "Someone's robbing the bank and she has a gun!" someone yells. "Call the police!"

But then Alexander.. isn't. She whirls her gun to him when he speaks, aiming it as she looks at him. "If you want, if they have any left."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa winces as April starts to record it. "Maybe that's not a good idea," she starts to whisper softly, and then the gunshot goes off. Vanessa hits the floor, and tries to pull April down with her. She brought her gun with her this time, unlike the trip when Slade Wilson cornered her. However, she left it in her purse out in the car. Because who brings a gun into a bank?

Oh right, the lady there robbing it.

From the row of offices, a man comes out, presumably a manager. "Everyone, just do as she says. Get her the money," he says towards one of the tellers. Vanessa glances up at him. "Listen to Mr. Mathis, please," she says towards the tellers from her spot on the floor, whether April's down there beside her or not.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    No hint of trepidation at the gun, but then again there's no malice in his body language either, the young man who had stood in line murmurs, "Alright," And as easily as that he steps over to take up a place to the side out of the way, near one of the tellers, but holding put.
    He looks around the room, considering the surroundings, the layout of the place, the possible entrances and exits...
    Then takes a few more steps to the side just in case of possible lines of fire. He folds his arms and seems to settle there, ready to fulfill his end of the social contract of society. And no more.

April O'Neil has posed:
April has her camera phone aimed at the gun toting mad woman, AND at Alexander as he confronts her. This is good stuff, this is going to be a big stor--- "Ow. Ow, Vanessa!" April bickers with her friend as the other tries to pull her down. "You're ruining my shot!" April loud-whispers to Van but ultimately complies with her and does do as she's tugged-to-do.

Much lower now, but not entirely down, April keeps her phone up and aimed at the action as best she can, though it's going to definitely be some severely shakey cam footage. A quick look over and down at the lower Vanessa. "She doesn't care if we see her, she's not gonna do anything to us. She's here for--- ten thousand?" A small pause then she whispers loudly again. "Does that seem a little low to you? I would've asked for more."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The handgun is seen first, but then the shot just confirms it ... The timing would make Oliver laugh if only it wasn't both Vanessa and April in danger. So instead he springs into action. An arrow is taken out of the quiver, shot to the wall of the bank just near a window, a grappling hook tied to it. One that he uses to slide down across and to the ground.

And if it wasn't someone that he cared about in there he might had went in with a better plan, maybe go around the back. Or find a way in quietly from a window on one of the offices to take the assailant by surprise. A million things that his tactical mind could come up with. Yet he won't risk it just now, not with her..

So instead he goes in through the front door, opening it, bow and arrow on even if not exactly pointing towards Martinique yet. He speaks. "Put your gun down." his grave voice heard..

How do these heroes always get here so fast?!

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde glances again at Alexander, having the weird feeling that he's here to stop something. But her eyes flicker between him, and to the teller. "Make sure you don't put anything funny in that bag. It's translucent enought hat I can see it. Don't make me mad, and don't make me worry about details."

Then glancing around the room again, finally noticing April. "Is that live streaming?" she then barks to April, her gun shifting to point at April, or more properly, her phone.

Well, at least until Hawkeye arrives. Gun still trained at April's phone, she glances at him. "You first. Karen there is filling the bag and then I'll be on my way, and nobody gets hurt. Just relax, like Paul Blart over there."

"Yes, nana. Your cake is amazing. I love visiting you."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
It is April's comment that gets a response from Vanessa. "Really!?" she loud whispers back. "You wanna criticize the person with the gun's sense of scale of larceny!?" she whispers in an exasperated tone from the floor. "Would you get down, you're not a... well you are a reporter, but... oh crap."

Vanessa sees the gun-toting woman turning April's way and noticing it's being recorded. She looks around for anything that could help should this go bad, though there really isn't anything that could even serve as a makeshift weapon near her.

That's when the Green Arrow comes in the doorway. Vanessa didn't know his name when she saw him last, but has learned it since. Her eyes widen, never having expected she'd see him again. Let alone under these circumstances.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Lifting his eyes toward the doorway as Green Arrow makes his entrance, the blond youth considers the situation and cocks his head to the side curiously. A glance is spared April's way as Martinique draws his attention there, eyebrow quirking curiously. And then seeing that she's live streaming he lifts a hand to wave, then mouths the words, 'Love your show' before he looks back toward the confrontation.
    "Probably best to cut and run, that guy is a very good shot I'd imagine." The young Olympian offers that observation at a conversational level tone of voice, eyes settled on Martinique, gauging what her own body language tells him. Alexander straightens up, shifting his balance from leaning against the counter, to a more centered stance with his balance between each foot.

April O'Neil has posed:
April, on one knee, keeps her camera up. She's had guns pointed at her before. "It... is." She replies to the Robber. "But look. Th-there's cameras posted all over the place." She uses her other hand to point sort've toward at least two other cameras. "My footage is the only footage that is going to be raw and unedited, theirs is going to hit the internet in a way that only makes you look as bad as possible. So whats the crime in getting the truth out about what went down here, precisely as it went down." Reporter, for sure. A glance is given to Alexander when he motiosn toward her, but she has to look back over and down to Vanessa. "We'll be fine!" She loud whispers again.

But then Green Arrow shows up and April's blued eyed gaze goes toward him and... so does the live streamed footage going straight to her website and social media.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Mmm, that guard seems addled enough. Perhaps a gas of some kind he wonders, but regardless it seems this woman may be more dangerous than meets eye. Though that's true to almost everyonehe meets these days. He takes a quiet assessment of the room, the hostages on the floor, Vanessa and April, jaw tightening when he spots the weapon pointed in their direction, the young man nearby who seems more at ease than would be expected.

"You chose the wrong city to come do this at." He says, his tone also levelled, not as yet aggressive though firm. His bow continues down. "Right now it's only armed robbery, don't make it worse." blue gaze staring down on Martinique. Oliver seems to leave the choice to her at this point, perhaps offering a chance. Yet his shoulders do tense, ready if any movement is made towards the hostages.

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde isn't one to shoot someone needlessly. "It's just an armed robbery. That's right, just relax, sport." she nods to Oliver. Her gun moves off of April's phone... but April is getting her attention anyway. After a quick riffle through April's mind, the reporter now suddenly sees, in place of Mastermind, uh... Vernon the Camera man. In all his... glory. In a red white and blue speedo, grunting and making body builder poses. And it's all on April's camera screen. In her mind, anyway.

So that frees Martinique to walk to the teller. "That's enough," she says, after about 8 grand is put into the bag. "Pass the bag and I'll be on my way, Karen." The teller, shaking, starts to comply. Martinique keeps her gun ready, but not aimed at anyone in particular, even as she repeatedly glances around the room, especially toward Oliver. "This city's nice. Low traffic, slow cops. It's no Genosha, but it'll do for my needs today." Then to Alexander "Run, in my moment of triumph?" though her eyes do shift, when his stance does. And she makes a shift of her own as well.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Mr. Mathis is still on his feet but has his hands up lest anyone with a weapon point it his way. He looks from Green Arrow to Martinique, worried about the potential crossfire should they start fighting. Of course he recognizes the guardian of Starling City.

Vanessa starts to back away, crawling on the floor to stay out of said possible line of fire, though she's reaching for April to try to tug her into moving for cover now that the gun isn't pointed her way. "Come on, this could go sideways," she says, remembering how events transpired the last time the bow-wielding vigilante was there.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    That blond kid just doesn't seem too worried, but his eyebrows lift a little as Martinique offers her rejoinder. It has him turning to Green Arrow and offer the vigilante a small shrug as if to say, 'well, I tried.' But he doesn't do anything beyond that for now.
    Instead he stays there, balanced and standing without leaning against the counter, though one hand is tucked under the strap of the backpack. He doesn't seem inclined to interfere, but does seem likely ready to move one way or another.
    "As soon as a cape shows up it tends to go sideways. Even best case your exposure time is dragged out."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is crouched down right beside Vanessa, ultimately trying to shield her too in some way as she doesn't want her friend to get hurt in a situation like this either. But she can't stop recording, can't stop trying to get the NEWS. She sweeps her phone from the Green Arrow over to the Robber and back again... at least until the vision of Vernon on her phone's display makes April's dark eyebrows suddenly rise and her focus go solely upon /that/ display of unfit man-body in speedo. "What the hell?" April says before she curls a lip in disgust and finally does lower her phone down to aim it toward the ground. "Why the hell is this on my phone?" She starts to swipe the screen, tap it, bop it, whatever the hell people do to manipulate their devices, but the unsettling display of the nearly forty year old man doesn't stop.

Needless to say the Reporter is a bit disabled now, struggling to get her precious device to record this situation again.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Genosha. So most likely a mutant. Oliver frowns just so. Yes, this could turn badly quite fast, yet there is no way that he will allow someone to continue putting lives in danger here in Starling City. He was close to letting that arrow fly, specially when Martinique's attention goes to Alexander and they appear to square off...

...Instead he speaks up. "If this is about Genosha there are other ways to solve this."

A pause, to see if he catches her attention again, though he will take that moment to also whip out his bow in a rather quick motion, automatic, of someone who has shot thousands of arrows throughout his life.

"Not stealing money out of people who also need it." This said while the arrow flies, aimed towards the bag, to try and pin it to the counter.

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde thinks she's just about to have everything all settled. April is no longer streaming. Alexander seems like he's just... defensive. And the money is being given over. But then Oliver's arrow flies, hitting the bag and pinning it in place. She tugs, the plastic tearing, and the money all falls.

"Oh come on..." she sighs, turning around to look at Oliver. "Now you're just making this harder." She looks down at the wads of cash spread on the floor, then back to oliver, and around to the others. Trying to decide what now.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle doesn't know what caused April to stop streaming the robbery, but she's glad if it allows her to tug her friend back with her as she heads over to a desk over by the front wall. Where people sit to discuss loans, and what they have to put for collateral, and worst of all what their credit rating is. Vanessa checked her credit rating once, and after seeing the explanation of the number, she wanted to cry.

She kind of wants to cry now, but it's more because of the fear of being shot with lots of machine gun bullets. So she tries to tug April with her while the woman with the gun seems to be distracted.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Look, lady." Alexander says quietly as he stands there, trying to not seem too aggressive, and doing a passingly good job of it as he says gently, "I have no horse in this race. I sort of just want to get some money, so I can pay my doctor so I can go to school next semester." He adjusts his backpack with a roll of one shoulder, frowning a little.
    "There's probably some other reason you're doing this thing. And heck it might even be a good reason. But right now, cards are against you." There's a tilt of his head as he looks at the bag stuck to the counter now, then back to her.
    "And it's sorta clear you don't want to kill anyone. Not that you won't or can't. But you don't wanna. And I'd appreciate you keeping it that way."
    He tilts his head to the side, "So you drop the bag and the gun, and I'll go over and stop the arrow guy from chasing you for about..."
    A glance is given to Ollie, "Twenty seconds. Alright?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April glances up and over to the Arrow-one and watches it stab the bag against the counter. "Oh come on. That would've been number one on trending!" She exclaims in frustration at not having a functional camera, even though it's 100% still recording, only it's recording her shoes, her lap and the floor as she waves it around aimed down because to her she sees Vernon in a speedo tweaking with his dad-bod jiggling around.

Vanessa tugging is successful though and April moves with the other to go over by those desks, kneeling down on the floor beside one of them. "I've been /hacked/!" April says, showing her phone to Vanessa. "Look at this! It's digusting!" Vanessa will just a normal phone recording the ceiling now as it's aimed angled up to the far side of the room.

Oliver Queen has posed:
A faint whirr as another arrow slides out of the quiver and Oliver catches it, placing it on the bow once again. He levels it but chooses not to shoot. Still, his eyes are not friendly, not to someone that has been endangering innocents.

"We all have our reasons to do what we do. Though you can choose to do one right thing today and listen to that young man." again that rumble of a voice. Not that he expects Alexander could stop him. What are the odds of TWO mutants in the same bank? Turns out, a very big one. Yet if it will have the woman leave that seems fine with him.

"With noone harmed I am willing to not pursue you. But I don't want you stealing in -my- city again."

So possessive!

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde makes another look around. SEeing that April and the guard are still neutralized, that just leaves Oliver and Alexander. Which would be FINE, except that well, she doesn't have much chance of dealing with both of them without this becoming a much bigger problem. So, she makes a lightning move. Shooting at the nearest window, Twice, she makes a break for it, bursting through it, and getting out of the bank. "Next time I'm not letting you off easy," she says with great frustration and contempt as she makes her getaway.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa reacts to the gunfire by giving a little shriek and covering her head. Then doing that thing where she opens her mouth to try to get her ears to pop, because gunfire in a closed space is loud! She peeks her head up to see who got shot at, just in time to see the would-be bank robber heading for the window she just shot out.

"Wow, I can't believe how crazy my life is all the sudden," Vanessa whispers to April. "Seriously I need to just avoid... drug dealers, banks, and changing rooms in department stores as being too dangerous."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Wincing a little at the crack of the gunfire, Alexander makes no sign to pursue, though he does glance off toward Green Arrow. And to signify he has no stock in the situation he sort of holds his hands up and backs away, giving him a clear path to the pursuit of the fleeing Ms. Wyngarde.
    Which, to be fair, she didn't take him up on his offer so he doesn't seem inclined to stop the pursuit.
    There is a moment though where he looks around for that reporter though.

April O'Neil has posed:
April standing up while Vanessa is lamenting her life. She glances back to her friend and reaches down to offer her a hand. "Come on, she took off." She tells her before sweeping her gaze over to where the glass is scattering and settling on the floor. To the security guard, April sees him coming out of his trance, and she glances down to her phone to see it normal as ever now. "I think we were mind tricked, like a Jedi." She utters softly.

Her eyes snap up then and she looks to Green Arrow and Alexander. "Thank you both!" She tells them, but ultimately she looks to the not-so fat stack of cash on the ground and tilts her head. "Ten thousand dollars really doesn't look like that much in reality, does it."

Oliver Queen has posed:
For now the Arrow's priorities are elsewhere so he chooses not to pursue, even as that arrow continues locked on Martinique until she makes her getaway. A moment later the arrow is out of the bow and placed back on the quiver. His expression slowly loses it's grim aspect, or at least the lower part that is visible, along with that blonde stubble of a beard. He approaches the girls first, questioning, "Are you well?" making sure to keep his tone as neutral as possible.

A nod then given in recognition to Alexander's part on what went down. "Couldn't tell if you were actually bluffing or not, good job." he comments, but then looks up to that window again from where Martinique fled from. "There's a story behind this, there always is. Regardless, this is not the way to get what she wants."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The youth offers a small shrug in answer to Oliver, and perhaps the world will never know if he was bluffing or not. But then he turns back toward the teller nearest him, eyes the manager, then looks back at her. "Yah hi, I need to make a withdrawal?" He slides his small slip toward her.
    What? He's the first in line after all.

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde is gone. She does have a getaway car, getting into it and getting out of there. Window broken, the guard comes to his senses. "What in the.." he mutters, walking up to the broken window, seeing the cash on the floor. "What happened? Is this some kind of joke?"

The Teller starts to handle Alexander's request... and then faints, caught by the manager, who apologizes.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa has risen and dusts herself off. "What, who was Jedi mind-tricked?" Vanessa asks, not sure what the other woman saw. "Did she do something to you? You ok?" she asks warily.

Out of the corner of her eye she sees the teller start to fall. "Mr. Mathis, she-!" she gets out before he's already catching her. "Oh, good catch," she says. She tells April, "He's such a nice man." It won't be until later tonight when she wonders how she knew him. She's never been in this bank before.

Vanessa looks up as Green Arrow approaches. "We're ok," she says, the young woman looking a little uncertain as she comes face to face with the vigilante for the second time. She hesitates a moment and then glances around, at everyone who are fine, apart from one fainted teller. "Thank you. For keeping everyone safe," she says, her eyes studying him closely for a few moments.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When the teller starts to keel over, the Olympian youth winces a little, anticipating the short /thud/ from the body hitting the ground, only for the manager to catch her in such a timely manner. He smiles to the older man and nods his head once, holding up a hand to wave off the concern. But then he'll let another teller handle his business for now.
    Eventually, he'll get his withdrawal hopefully, and tuck it into a pocket before he turns and starts to step away from the counter.

April O'Neil has posed:
Now that her phone is recording again, April is already aiming it around once more in a professional-esque level. She gets shots of the window that the woman shot her way through, the bag of money that was torn open by the arrow and the teller window that got shattered too, among other things. At Vanessa, April nods her head. "I'm fine. But she, I think she made me see something on my phone that wasn't there." She nods toward the Guard. "Sorta like he clearly was spaced out too the whole time, acting like he wasn't even here."

April aims her camera at the bank staff, reacting to the situation and then out toward the way Green Arrow had come him. "Where the hell are the cops in this town?" She asks, glancing over to Alex trying to get his money out of the bank. "I don't think--" The young man gets his transaction one though and April's dark eyelashes flutter in confusion. "Huh. Good service."

Oliver Queen has posed:
It's a bit strange for Oliver too that Vanessa seems to be aware of Mathis, at least in such a manner. Sure, he has met Mathis in the past quite a few times, he is indeed a good man, but he had no idea she'd know about him. He stores it for later though, maybe it was Martinique's strange mind abilities that did this..

He nods towards Mathis at that catch, but then his attention is caught at April's explanation of what happened to her phone. "Someone powered. But I do not know who it is." not that he wouldn't do what he can to find out. Specially if they are wanting to stay around Starling.

Then looking back to Vanessa, "It is simply my duty. I am glad noone was hurt." a very faint smile coming to the man's features. Which may be somewhat recognizable by SOME. But it couldn't be, could it?

A brief glance about and then a nod. "The police should be here soon to handle the rest." he then stepping out to begin heading to the entrance.

And indeed there's the sound of sirens approaching!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Strolling up toward the group of them with his hands in his pockets, Alexander gives a smile to each with that casual way of his. A small tilt of his head is given toward The Green Arrow as he bobs his head in recognition and then lifts a hand to Vanessa. But it's to April that he turns as he greets her with a rather open and warm smile, "Hi."
    He pulls his cellphone from his pocket and keys it to life with the swipe of a thumb, bringing the screen up and then lightly tapping it a few times. He quirks an eyebrow at the thing, then holds it up toward April and her phone...
    Which likely causes a message to flit onto April's screen via bluetooth as the exchange of information is requested with the header simply being, 'New phone, who dis?'

April O'Neil has posed:
April gives a nod of her head to the Green Arrow and then glances to Vanessa as she's walking over to help the employees and such. She looks after the Arrow-one though and calls after him. "Thanks!" When he's gone she glances down to her phone and mutters. "Something familiar about him...."

It's about then that Alexander approaches and April looks over at him to show him a soft smile. "You were calm under pressure there, I'm impressed." She says. "What are you, another super hero? Only not wearing a fancy costume?" She glances down to his phone and the message as they communicate. She taps it as an approval and sends him her info. Her eyes look back up at him. "I'd like to get a chance to talk to you about all of this. I'm probably going to do a piece on it on my show in the next few days." She motions out the way that Arrow went. "I doubt he'll talk to me, even if I could catch up with him. But hey, there were two people trying to stop that gun-toting maniac here, right?"

She offers him her hand. "April O'Neil, by the way."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Hi," The blond youth smiles again as Oliver rushes off, his hazel eyes following after. But then he turns back toward April and Vanessa, looks at his phone and taps out a small note to himself for the contact information provided by April while she's talking to him. His head bobs a few times in possible agreement then he looks back to her.
    "Alex," He offers and then gives a small shrug, "Mebbe. Seeya around." And with that he'll start towards the door, and ideally will be on his way.
    Unless the police stop him of course.

April O'Neil has posed:
"See ya around." April says to the young man with a slight grin before she holds her phone out in both of her hands and does a full 360 turn around the lobby of the place. Talking to her phone now, April narrates. "As you can see. Wherever I go... problems follow. I think it's possible that I'm a super villain and I don't even realize it. But, please don't arrest me, I'd never survive in prison, and... I don't want to live in a world where Harley Quinn is living in my apartment and I'm in Arkham Asylum."

The security guard wanders over to her to tell her to turn her phone off. She smiles at him. "I'm a reporter. Buzz off, Sleepy Pete." Harley is changing poor April!