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Latest revision as of 09:38, 9 July 2022

Stand And Delivery
Date of Scene: 08 July 2022
Location: Jamii Homeless Shelter
Synopsis: Cinque and Bunny met for the first time. They agree for Bunny to volunteer to help teach some of the shelter residents how to rollerskate.
Cast of Characters: Cinque Evers, Bunny Macleod

Cinque Evers has posed:
The shelter is preparing for their normal evening routine. It is a mixture of finding rooms for new arrivals, and feeding, entertaining, and servicing the needs of those that already call Jamii Shelter home. Cinque is out back, making sure that are the vehicles are gassed up and stocked with water bottles for tomorrow's runs helping the homeless. A young woman with auburn hair with a deep Boston accent calls from the delivery door, "How long you goin' to be out here, Mister Ever? Sam wants to make sure he is doing your recipe, right?

Cinque wipes the sweat from his brow as comes around from a van, "Jilly, I told you call me, Cinque. I waiting on a couple more delivers before I locked this door for the night. Have Sam, let you taste it. I trust you."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    And into the entrance of the shelter comes a very colorful little figure. Wearing bright yellow roller-skates, a bright pink skirt with plenty of tule poof and sky-blue leggings beneath, it's topped off with a brown shirt that has Macleod Messenger Service on it, and a matching brown baseball cap over her bright pink hair. She has a bandaid over one cheek as she makes her way into the shelter with her messenger bag, and approaches the desk.

    "Hello~" she trills, and she takes out a thick, manilla-wrapped folder.

    "I'm looking for a ...uh... Sink-eh Evers?"

Cinque Evers has posed:
"I am Cinque Evers." Cinque grabs a rag to wipe off his hands as he continues talking to the messenger, "Thank you, I am glad you were able to make this delivery today. The other service I was going to hired said that they would not be able to get to me for another week." Cinque pulls out an ebony and crimson wallet, "How much do I owe you?" Cinque tilts his head towards his right shoulder as he eyes rest briefly on the band-aid on the girl's cheek for a moment, "You didn't injure yourself coming here?

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Huh? This? Oh, no." the girl motions to the bandaid on her cheek. "Roadburn from narrowly avoiding certain death by running over a chihuahua. Bad luck." she grins with a bright smile. "The delivery was pre-paid by the other service on some contingency clause, so you currently have a balance of zero, Mr. Evers." the pink-haired girl replies, pulling out a smartphone and blowing a bubble on her gum, and she ovvers the phone to Cinque for the delivery confirmation.

    "So, homeless shelter, huh? How do you guys predict the supplies you're going to need week-by-week? Is there a collelation between like, businesses closing that you look at?" she questions.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Okay, here is twenty dollars for getting here before our evening rush." Cinque holds out a twenty dollar bill for her. "It is greatly much appreciated! Cinque looks around the shelter for a few moments, then back at the Bunny. "I don't think anyone has made their first question with me before." Cinque lets out a small laugh, "Uhmm, we do not work like normal shelters. We have a lot of regular people that stay here until they get on their feet." Cinque adds, "They don't get kicked out in the morning, and have to fight for a spot in the evening. There are our regular guests.

Cinque points to a part of the building, "Now, we have several emergency living quarters at night for people who have found themselves in a dangerous or unwanted position at night that need a place to stay. Cinque frowns a bit at that statement, "And since we are not in the best part of town, so we always have openings...." Cinque laughs as he realizes that he took the long way around to get to her answer.

Cinque nods, "So we know how much supplies we need to keep us operational, because our guests count is pretty constant.

Cinque adds, "We basically get supplies as if we are going to be at full occupancy, and we saved what we don't need for future weeks. We take donations and offerings from everywhere."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "So you operate on 'every night might be a full night', makes sense, prepare for the worst hope for the best?" she questions, accepting the twenty and the smart phone back, and she gives a bright smile.

    "Ah, well, you gotta be papred to grin through whatever life throws at you, so knowing the answer to some weird stuff can be helpful!" she explains, "I'm Bunny Macleod -- my dad runs the messenger service, and sometimes 'cause I'm all over the city people ask me if I know where this-or-that is... and it's always good to know where there's open beds." she explains quietly, and her smile softens "In case things happen, you know?"

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Well, I am always honored when people spread the word about little establishment." Cinque says, "I didn't realize MacCleod Messengers was a family business. Do you hire other people outside of the family? Cinque folds his arms across his chest as a small smile comes across his lips, "We always looking for places that have openings for our people looking for work."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Ah..." Bunny blinks a moment, and then her face and ears turn bright red. "At the moment... because you don't have to pay your family minimum wage... n-no." she stammers a moment, rubbing the back of her neck. "But once we expand I'm sure Dad'll be looking for additional logistsics and messenger types!" she explains, enthusiasm running over the nervousness of admitting things were Maybe Not The Best (TM)

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Thank you, and in the mind time, I will tell the some of the companies and business that we are partnered that you provided with amazing service." Cinque opens up the package as he goes to locks the delivery door. Cinque points to the kitchen area, "We are going to start serving dinner. You are welcome to grab something before you have to go back out." Cinque lets out a deep sigh as he goes back to checking over the vehicles one last time.

Cinque turns his gaze back to Bunny, "So is this summer gig, because we offer volunteer hours to students during the school year to meet their community service hours." Cinque shifts his gaze down to the ground, a little bit embarassed that he cannot stop selling.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Oh, I couldn't. You guys are doing your best with your supplies and food is pricy. I couldn't dream of it when I've got some pocket money and the possibility of tacos at home." Bunny replies to Cinque kindly, and she curiously skates to the side, peeeerring over the desk and into the vehicle bay.

    "Oh, no, family business. I mean, I do other stuff. Play piano sometimes." she explains, with a little smile, "Help people learn how to roller skate." she motions to her skates, deftly lifting one up high off the floor.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Cool, we have kids here that would love to learn to roler skate." Cinque lets out a deep laugh, "Not sure if the rest of my staff would appreciate it that much, but I am sure their parents would love for some of them to learn. Cinque tilts his head back towards his right shoulder as he watches Bunny look at the desk, "Can I help you with something else?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny raises her eyebrows, and she gives a grin, and turns over one of those mass-produce-cheap-business-cards with B. MACLEOD -- followed by six different phone numbers. One was starred and had a little bunny stamp on it.

    "Text me their sizes. It might take a couple of weeks, but I'm sure me and my roller skatin' group could come up with enough for everyone to give it a shot, and some knee pads." she gives a grin.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Let me know if you can't. we have enough in our discretionary fund to buy most of the equipment." Cinque adds, "We just need someone who really wants to teach and has thick skin. We do have some colorful kids, but there are good kids when you put in the work.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "All people are good people, if you put in the work to help 'em be that way!" Bunny agrees with Cinque, and she reaches out a gloved hand. "A deal then. I know we have enough between everyone of us for maybe twenty to thirty people to be fully helmeted and on skates." she considers a moment, and gives a grin. "We can even provide a place to learn and a couple other volunteers. Just let me know what sizes we need."

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque Evers extends his hand and shakes Bunny's hand., "I will let you know." Cinque smiles softly, "Thank you, so vey much."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny gives a smile, "Of course, Mr. Evers!" the young girl states, then skates backwards out the front of the shelter, giving a soft 'Excuse me!" to someone else on their way in, and then turns, turning the music on her phone, and jams her way down the street on her skates.