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Latest revision as of 06:13, 30 March 2020

Getting Our Lines Crossed
Date of Scene: 29 March 2020
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: A Colombian drug gang and a major cartel run afoul of two Spiders.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Jessica Drew

Peter Parker has posed:
When you get more powerful, you can either take over the competition, or you can throw in with the current "ruling body." For the Asesinos, they are smart enough to know when they need help, so they are setting up a meeting with the Suenos, a major Colombian cartel, to provide protection in turn for a piece of the action.

Peter had caught wind of the upcoming meeting and felt he had to check it out. He also wanted to test the upgraded mobile listening device. He had the record time up to 30 minutes now.

He was about three minutes away from the apartment building the Asesinos set up for the meet. The interior walls had been knocked down in places to make room for the labs and the meeting was to be held in the largest one on the fifth floor.

And after feeling intimidated by two geniuses who could bankroll any invention they could, he felt like working out some working-class indignation...

Jessica Drew has posed:
The street lamps below turn the rain into delicate silver chains. A drop rolls down the side of Jessica's face insinuating its way into her collar. She sighs, shifting slightly on the deep window sill of the old apartment building, a remnant of the heyday of apartment building in New York. Six stories below the Asesinos, the current crop of 'bad boys' in the neighborhood have begun to filter in, in careful pairs, through the front door. No one looks up. Nor have they posted security on any of the adjacent buildings, not as smart as they think they are. Pulling her head back in, Jessica waits for the bosses to arrive.

Peter Parker has posed:
Then...a wrinkle. As the Seunos vehicles, three big black Escalades (no doubt with the banana-republic-dictator package for all three) roll towards the fenced-in parking area...and a familiar red-and-blue Spider is seen swinging in from the opposite direction, landing on the building on the other side of the Asesinos' HQ. Easy to miss by most as he is coming in through the rain and above the streetlights.

By most...but not by all.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Bored, yes, but Jessica's senses spread like a web over the buildings. The arrival of the vehicles, noted with satisfaction, has her poised to move down closer to the fifth-floor window. A much more subtle thrum on her web arrests her movement, her masked face turned alertly towards the source of the disturbance. Frozen in place, she waits for another touch, the faintest scrape of feet over brick, to tell her who has arrived.

Peter Parker has posed:
Four men are positioned on the roof of the building, all armed with pistols. Not much concern over the path of a bullet from this high up, but that's the issue.

The three men paused at the corners of the apartment roof, then looked down. Good. The party was about to start, and then they could call it a night, and...

The two men on the roof paused. Even in the rain, something was missing, but what? It was almost like...

The lone sentry turned around, and suddenly realized one was indeed the loneliest number as the webline caught him and yanked him forward into Spider-Man's fist. A second later, and he as webbed up and deposited next to the other three.

Well, that was refreshing.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Up above her something wicked this way comes. Black hair hanging loosely down to the middle of her back, the young woman moves vertically up the side of the building with ease, a twist and she lands on the roof in a dark corner, to hold still in the rain as she takes account of the missing sentries. A shadow that seems out of place attracts her attention, rising, she saunters silently towards it.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man walks over to the stairwell, then puts something that looks like a black aggie marble just inside the doorway. As he stands, the ball dutifully rolls down the stairs, following the route encoded into it. Spidey takes a tablet out of the backpack and turns it on, a flat map appearing like a mini-map in a video game. He doesn't seem to notice the woman as she approaches, his focus entirely on the tablet's screen. Of course, he is expecting anyone else here is going to be hostile to Crime's least-favorite Webhead.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The black and red mask with its blank white ovals covering her eyes hides the hiked eyebrows as she noiselessly walks up behind him. Spider-man. Craning her head forward, a faint tug of amusement pulling at one side of her mouth, Jessica clears her throat politely.

"Good thing you disposed of the guards, the tablet is bright up here. "Evening. Everything going well?""

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey JUMPS and turns around in a heartbeat. He spots Spider-Woman, then relaxes, sighing. "Well, lemme see...is a HEART important?"
He places a hand on his chest, tilts his head, then thumps his chest. He listens again, then nods. "Okay...jeez, who're you? You're not with these thugs, or my Spider-Sense would be ringing the four-alarm fire song. Who are you?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
In the shadow she approached him in, the red of her form fitting armor appears black, the silvery light of the tablet casting maroon highlights across it. Lips pursed ruefully, amusement battling with contriteness, she says, "I /tried/ not to do that. Sorry." Her British accent making the O of sorry very round and prim sounding. "Do you remember me? From the park? The young woman we helped that was getting mugged?"

Peter Parker has posed:
The eyes of the mask actually widen. So yeah, it can do that.
"Holy...sorry, I didn't recognize you." He looked down. "You here for the big alliance meeting, too? The Suenos could give the Asesinos some serious firepower and credibility on the street. I came here to keep that from happening."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Indeed. I don't often walk around like this during the day though it's been known to happen. Sorry for the scare." A pause, her head tilts to one side, any signs of amusement gone.

"That's an interesting coincidence. Very. The Suenos just turned up on my radar. Those little rats the Asesinos have been trying to move up in the world, so this is how they plan to do it." Another beat, "How are we going to go about doing this? What did you throw down the stairs?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey holds up the tablet as the message IN POSITION flashes on the screen. He pressed the button with the red dot, and a voice comes through clearly.

"...have much to discuss before we confirm all we have strived to set up. Percentages, yield, output, purity."

"Mobile listening device. Going to try and get as much info in the next five minutes before I start working my way down and web up every thug in the place." He smiled under the mask to Jessica. "Care to join me?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"I don't mind at all. It sounds fun." Fun having an ominous sound. Jessica peers at the tablet over his arm, "Nice toy. Yours?"

Peter Parker has posed:
"I have a tech guy. Maximum effort on minimum budget. Dumpster-diving is a lost art, I would say." Spidey smiles as the tablet attaches a name to one of the speakers, replacing the ??? with JOSE ALVARADO. "It's a gadget. It has...features." He looks up to Spider-Woman. "So...how do you usually handle overwhelming numbers?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica's masked face tilts considering the question, "What do you consider overwhelming?"

Leaning to watch the screen, she shifts forward slightly, lips pursed as she ruminates. "More than twenty starts to wind me but it depends on the weapons. Do you share? Could I buy one? It would be perfect for my work. Smart man having a techie work for you."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looked to her for a moment. "I suppose I could put you in touch with him after this scene."

He listens to the conversation, but no further names come up. "Hmm. Anyway, they'll be at it for a few minutes still." He checks the building again. "Approximately 40. Around eight on each floor, 16 on the third floor. Those are approximate numbers, of course." He paused. "So, do you prefer tight spaces or open areas? I like open areas. More room to move."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Open spaces are easier to shoot in, close up it hurts more." A shrug, another scrape of her foot as she shifts in place, head high, listening. "Quiet is better so we don't alert the other floors. I have no druthers. Only silence. You twip and I will tickle them with venom blasts. One floor cleared without the others knowing suits me."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks thoughtful. "Okay. How does this sound? You go in through the roof access, go down floor by floor. About the time they figure out something happening, I'll swing in through the third-floor window, say hi, get them riled, do what I do best...How's that sound?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
Pivoting in place she searches for and finds the skylight he is referring to, "That works. How long do you think that will take or will you be able to hear the hornets as we spray them with water to get them nicely riled up? Ready?"

She steps into the shadows a slender black silhouette in the drizzle, New York's ambient light silvering her form and crouches by the skylight listening. "Nothing immediately below. We should get moving before someone realizes the guards up here are down." She watches him from her vantage point, "Good luck!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "Don't worry...I think I'll have a pretty good idea when things are going sideways. Now, these are fairly tough customers. If you have to 'taser' them more than once...I won't mind all that much."

Spider-Man walked to the ledge, then looked back to Spider-Woman. "This is Yankee Stadium. You're up to bat, Spider-Woman. Swing for the fences."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Is that anything like cricket?" Her white teeth gleam in the dark as she grins and gives him a thumbs up. "See you on the flip side." Spider-woman crouches to pry the closed skylight open. Years of dirt and moisture give her a moment of real work, her gloved fingers slipping on the metal. With a rough groan she wrenches it open, pushes her head down between her knees to look around and in the next instant, slips through the opening down into the stairwell.

Peter Parker has posed:
The thugs on the fifth floor are easy to find. They're the ones with the guns, watching over the women who don't. The gang tattoos are something of a dead giveaway, too.

Spider-Man ponders as he looks over the edge. He kinda hoped she was as good as she said she was. He felt a little guilty about sending her in first. But he had a good feeling about her, and was willing to more tham make up for it...in about a minute or two...

Jessica Drew has posed:
The silhouette moves to the open door, pauses an instant to count the men then strolls into the room as though she belonged there. Four men with their backs turned to her are focused on the scantily dressed women, hookers for the afterparty, legs a thousand miles long in retro fishnet stockings and skirts that covered nothing when they bend over. She holds her fingers up to her mouth to shush them. One red lipsticked mouth drops open to warn the men.

Palms spread in a gesture between a benediction and an explanation for the lightning that is about to hit them, she lights up two of the men's backs, bolts playing over the back of their jackets and wreathing their necks. They drop like rocks in place, arms splayed. Jessica does not wait for the other two to react. She is in the air in a revolving high kick that bowls one over, before she drops into a crouch to spring up and head butt the other. A hard sharp chop to the back of the one she stomach butted leaves him senseless.

"You ladies, going to be quiet or do you want to ..." She points to the unconscious men. The four of them shake their heads simultaneously.

"Good." Running for the door she runs straight into a fifth man that she punches in the throat, then grabs by either side of his head and knocks it against the door lintel. With another look back at the women she bounds down the stairs.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man hmms and listens. No signs of alarm from the head honchos as they plan for distribution routes and the cut ratios for heroin, cocaine, MDMA...jeez Louise, they are going for one-stop shopping here.

Maybe she's TOO good. Maybe she'll clean out the whole place by herself, leaving him standing on the roof like a goober while she cleans house all by herself.

He wondered if he was going to get a complex about associating with women smarter than him with deep pockets...

<"HEY! We got an intruder on the fourth floor!">

Dang, she got through floor 5 before anyone could sound the alarm? Yep, DEFINITELY going to get a complex.

And with that, he jumped from the ledge, trailing a webline, and then it grew taut and he powered through the large plate glass window.

"HEY! You aren't the Girl Scouts!"

Jessica Drew has posed:
The shout tells her that her grace period has come to an end. Time to swing into action.

She vaults the banister using it like parallel bars to swing herself feet first into a man wielding a gun charging up the stairs. Air whistles through the netted webs strung between her inner elbows to under her arms as she finishes the swing planted hard on the man's chest. Stepping off of him she kicks the gun to chatter down the stairs.

A shot misses her head, another hits the wall next to her. Sprinting low she tackles the man like a linebacker, tipping him over the edge of the banister to disappear from her line of sight. Three more hinder each other on the landing below, one stays behind angling for a shot at her. The biggest of the two, easily twice her weight carries a metal police baton, she kicks his wrist trying to break it, miscalculates and gets a hit on her calf; faltering, Jessica drops to the floor, jumps inside his guard, grabbing the baton hand and twisting, while she bashes the palm of her hand into his nose. There is a crunch of breaking cartilage. The other punk tries to grab her from behind.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man is having his own fun. The smashing glass takes nearly everyone off-guard, and the webs are flying while they try to sort out what's going on. Four guys and one woman are webbed to walls and floor before someone yells his name. "It's SPIDER-MAN. SHOOT HIM!"

Gunfire erupts, but Spidey seems to move BETWEEN the bullets. Punch one, web two, punch one, web two...it sounds like Aunt May when she is doing her knitting.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Where is the man?" she mutters as she smashes her assailant's instep then rears back with a quick backward snap to break his knee. Above her four wigged heads peer over the top of the stairs watching her rampage to towards the next open door. A chair flies out the door and behind him a black haired man, head slick with product joins the chair to bump bump bump downwards. Shots are fired then quiet descends. Jessica emerges to leap skip down the steps to the third floor.

Peter Parker has posed:
The scene is almost comedic in scope.

People are webbed up and everywhere. On the floor, in the hall, along the walls...even one on the ceiling. The main leader of both gangs were webbed against the wall in a line, the first covering his eyes, the second covering his ears, the third covering his mouth.

Spider-Man was standing near the table, where two cases sat next to each other.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Nodding in admiration, Spider-woman ambles over to the men pinned to the wall, "Sucios cabrons." In the distance, the wail of police sirens signal that it is time to go. "You take a case and I will take the other. Nice work. How can I get in touch with you?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiles and reaches into his backpack, handing a phone number to Spider-Woman. "Call me here. I look forward to hearing from you."