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I Used to be a Gangster, but I Took an Arrow in the Knee
Date of Scene: 25 March 2020
Location: East Village
Synopsis: Colette and Terry go to visit another, friendlier gangster. Everything would have been fine if some Russian gangsters hadn't turned up. Kate turns up too, to the gangster's chagrin. Kate gets a new nickname, and a suggestion she visits Titans Tower.
Cast of Characters: Colette O'Connail, Patty Verdon, Kate Bishop, Terry O'Neil

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    There's a small parking lot next to the St George' Catholic Church in Little Ukraine, with padlock on the gate that hasn't been opened in years. The only car in the lot is more rust than car now, a pool of rain-leeched red staining the asphalt surrounding it as if it had been bleeding. At one end the fence has a loose post which can be raised just enough to swing the panel around for entry, but generally only the shadier of the locals know this. At the back of the lot and slighty out of view around the corner, a fire escape is the only entrance to a shabby set of apartments that officially nobody lives in.

    These days Little Ukraine is not a bad neigborhood. Less gentrified than most nearby, slightly bohemian in character, but not lacking in independent coffee shops, law firms and chiropractors. The ghosts of the past haunt it though. The Ukrainians never could match the numbers of the Italians or Irish, never reached the underworld dominance those two groups of settlers did, but they made a name for themselves as hired muscle, and to this day that tradition has not entirely gone. It's evening time, and the shadows of the past never seem too far from view. Somewhere, behind that rusted gate, up that rusted fire escape, a door leads to the home - or maybe just the place of work - of Andriy Tschevko. Eighteen years ago he was muscle for Nico Sabatini, until one fateful day when he lost his right eye, any chance of walking again without the aid of a stick, and any desire to have anything to do with Sabatini again.

    Today Tschevko is known as the Guy To Go To, at least amongst his fellow Ukrainians of legally dubious bent. Need an untracable gun? He's your man. Really good fake ID? He can provide. Hot info on what the New York gangs are up to? Well maybe, but he doesn't want to get shot. Again. A lead on the man who's actions caused him to lose that eye? That's why Colette and Terry are here today.

    Having already given the rusting gate a thorough shake, and unaware of the secretly movable fence section, Colette stands by the fence wiping rust from her palms. "You sure this is the way in, Terry? Because if there's a route in around the back I suggest we take it. And uh... how do you want to approach this anyway? Want me to stay outside as backup, or want to go in together?"

Patty Verdon has posed:
Terry sets his jaw, frowning at the fire escape. He's had too many close shaves on those so far. "Last time, we took the front door and I alost got killed. How about we try the back this time around and see if we can avail ourselves of the element of surprise?" Not that he was expecting a lot of trouble, but coming from the front would give Andriy time to arm himself. Supposed he ends up not liking the questions Terry is bound to ask? The redhead's face is partially hidden by the black hoodie he is wearing, with the hood raised. "If you have any powers that help with the sneaky sneaky, let me know as well...." He starts walking, hopefully there will be another way in that is not the direct route.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Honestly neither of them look like the gang members that Kate has been planning to ambush when they come to Mr. Go To Guy Tschevko.

They look like pretty normal teenagers(ish) sorts.

Sure Terry is acting suspicious and wearing a black hoodie. He is also now casing the joint. "Maybe they are here to rob the old dude... that would be interesting and ill advised." she mutters to herself. Then looks to see what Colette is doing.

Of course looks can be deceiving. The teenager with the knives at the Russians warehouse sure gave Kate a shock with the whole not caring about being shot and fileting all those mobsters after all.

So surveillance for the moment it is, watching through a pair of high tech binoculars from a rooftop of an apartment building a bit down the street.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Ix-nay on the owers-pay. I told you, I don't like using them. And this IS the back way." Colette stays standing there as Terry starts to walk in search of another way in. She pulls out her phone, fires up StarkMaps, switches to the satellite view and zooms around a bit. She sighs, puts the phone away and investigates the padlock. After a moment there's a faint crunching sound and Colette pushes the rusty gate open a foot or so, with considerable creaking, then whistles up the street. "Terry. Come back. I got it open." She surreptitiously kicks the broken padlock into a dark corner.

    Colette slips herself through the narrow opening of the gate, and peers around the corner. Nobody seems to be about. She stands at the bottom of the fire escape, looking up, then takes a few steps back, scanning the corners of the lot. She walks over to a dumpster to investigate behind it, then back into the middle of the lot, where she scans the rooftops. It's highly unlikely she noticed Kate though - the angle isn't great, she doesn't have binoculars, it's dark, and Kate is well-hidden. It is however definitely no longer normal behavior. She looks very much like she's casing the place.

Patty Verdon has posed:
"Well, sure. If you want to get technical," Terry says with a slight smirk as he makes his way back to the fire escape. If he were being truthful, he'd admit to being less than one hundred percent ready, since every single time he's followed a lead, he has ended up with a piece aimed at him. But... it was what it was.

He starts making his way up the fire escape, taking slow, deliberate steps so as not to make too much noise. He stands by the door and reaches out to test it, gingerly. This is the part where he is mostly inexperienced-- stakeout and surveillance? Sure, he can do it. Breaking and entering? His mother was a PI who was altogether very conscious of how far you could stretch some things, and she wasn't one of those who operated too much outside of the law.

He hoped the lock didn't need to be picked. Because he knows what look Colette would give him if he admitted he didn't know how to do it.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Mmmm. Suspicious as all hell.

Kate needs a better view though and shifts her footing then races down the edge of the roof she is on and launches herself over onto another roof now... trying to get a better view of what the two are up to.

It definitely looks like no good.

She gets into her new position and peers through the binoculars again.

Oh look, two black sedans right on time at the front of Mr. Go To Guy's place and a few heavies getting out of it to head up the normal non-breaking-n-entring route. "Well.. great." she mutters to herself.

Decisions. Decisions.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Next door up, Terry. That one hasn't been used in weeks," Colette says, following him up the fire escape. "And knock. They guy sells info. We're here for info. And he knows we're coming, this fire escape rattles too much for him not to have noticed. Intentional, I'm sure."

    Colette doesn't wait for Terry to follow instructions though, she goes on climbing past him and knocks on the door above. "Mister Tschevko?" she calls in. "A mutual Irish friend in Metropolis gave us your name. We're looking for info. " There's silence from inside.

    Colette points to the small window set into the door. A curtain obscures the view within. "See how clean it is?" she says to Terry quietly. "This is his business entrance. Going to the front tells him we aren't... legitimate so not the right word. You know what I mean though." She raises her voice again. "Mister Teschevko?"

    A tapping can be heard in the hallway beyond, then a reedy voice pipes up, rich with rolling Rs "Who yis that there? What's your names? Who sent you?"

Patty Verdon has posed:
Terry sighs, "Clearly I lack the training of the hardened criminal," he mutters, and follows Colette to the next door. When the reedy voice speaks up, he says "Mister Tschevko, name's Gary Lane. I'm looking for someone who's been missing a long time," Terry says, trying his best to keep his voice quiet, "I heard you might be able to help me."

He looks around, trying to see if there's anyone watching. Or anyone approaching. He's developed a slight thing about people shooting at him from the darkness in places such as this one. It's not his favorite.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Well the mobsters in question are approaching from the front door. As Colette says they aren't exactly coming through the business entrance because they aren't legitimate.

They aren't here to ask nice questions and makes friends with Mr. Tschevko.

Kate frowns peering at the teens through her binoculars and then the ones entering through another way. "Well crud... complications...."

She cinches a grapple rope on the rooftop and then leaps into the night ... not like a bat. Those people are crazy. Also not like a spider person. Also crazy.

This is a controlled rapid descent down to the street and she charges across the way towards the car "Hi" she says chipperly to the driver who was staying to guard the cars. The hello is followed by a swift baton right to the temple as she moves to drop the get away driver before she can move any further.

She hopes she can make it up the 'front' to the non-legit door before all hell breaks loose.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Calling me a hardened criminal?" Colette mutters. "Just observant, Terry." In a louder voice, "And you can call me Cole, Mister Tushevko." She's clearly having a little trouble with the name. "Nobody sent us, we're here on our own business. As I said, an /Irish/ friend told us about you. Told us you might have a /personal/ interest in the man we're trying to uh... locate."

    The curtain in the doorway swishes open, revealing darkness behind. After a few seconds it shuts again. A few more seconds pass, the curtain swishes open and a suspicious eye peers out. The eye swivels, looking the pair over, and the curtain falls again. There's a click of locks being opened, the tapping starts again. Colette holds a hand out to Terry in a 'stop' gesture, waits for a count of ten, and pushes the door open.

    The corridor beyond is unlit, illuminated only by light coming up from the staircase at the far end, and from the doorway Andriy is standing in. "Come yin," he says when he sees the back door swinging open. "Close door behind, slide bolt. Follow." He steps into the room beyond, leaning heavily on a cane.

    Colette walks in after him, glancing quickly into the room he entered before taking a few steps beyond and stopping at the head of the staircase. She looks around rapidly, grabs a broom leaning against one wall and sets it down on the dark floor at the head of the stairs, returns to the door of the room where Andriy awaits them, standing there to usher Terry in.

    Andriy is slowly lowering himself into a typist's swivel chair at a desk. It's the only item of furniture in the room that looks less than fifty years old. Shelves cover one wall, filled with musty books and folders full of papers. Another door sits in the wall opposite the one they entered. A pair of chairs face the desk, across from Andriy, and a ragged old leather sofa backs the wall behind them. The ceiling light has an old glass shade that's so dusty barely anything comes through. A table lamp sits on the desk, providing more illumination. "My leg is wery stiff these days," Andriy says. "You will forgive that I must sit. Please, state your... requirements, and then we can discuss whether there is something I can do to help you. And how much yit will cost. "

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry is at first puzzled when Colette grabs the broom, but before he can make any sweeping generalizations she deposits it at the head of the stairs. He gives her a look as if to ask her if she's expecting trouble... and then enters the room.

He notices that he is not invited to sit down, and he doesn't make a move to do so unless otherwise told. "Well... sir, I'm looking for a man who vanished about eighteen years ago or so. I was told that maybe he crossed your path at some point. I know he went by an alias, but..." he shrugs, "I have a picture, you might recognize him." He nods, indicating his hoodie. Because if he reaches into it all of a sudden he might cause the man some alarm. Forewarned is forearmed and all of that.

Should Andriy agree to look at the picture, Terry will slowly take out the photograph of his father and Sabatini, and hand it over to Andryi.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate doesn't greet the mobster on the top of the interior stairs as nicely as the guy she clubbed down by the cars. Mostly because she is losing ground on them as they move further up into the building now.

This fine upstanding gentleman of the criminal underworld gets shot right in the face, silently, arrows. It isn't a broadside though because she really does try to only main not murder jerks. Even criminal jerks.

It is one of Hawkeye's taser arrows though .. catching the goon right between the eyes. I mean it probably isn't healthy for him especially the gurgle noises he makes and foaming at the mouth as he drops to backwards to the ground and twitches there.

Damn she hopes she didn't kill him but she can't stop to check, she kicks his gun down the stairs behind her and keeps on heading in closing on the last two as they approach Mr. Tschevko's residence from the interior.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette follows in after Terry, shutting the door behind him. The window rattles slightly. She opens the door again a little, and shuts it. The window rattles slightly. She glances over at the opposite door, then comes to stand by Terry, who she gently pushes. Apparently she wants him to stand somewhat to the right of where he is standing.

    "Sure, show me," Andriy tells Terry. He takes the photo, stares at it for a few seconds, then hands it back. "Yeah, I know these two cunts."

    Colette ahems pointedly.

    "Sorry miss. Apologies. Old habits. This ah... bastard, O'Neil, he better not be your Irish friend. He's the bastard cost me my eye". He raises a hand to tap on one of his eyeballs - it's obviously glass. "The other bastard is Sabatini. I can tell you how to find Sabatini, can't tell you where O'Neil is. Vanished off the face of the earth, hmm. Maybe twenty years ago. Long time. If I knew where he..."

    Colette's head turns suddenly, and she looks at the door they'd come through, then she turns back to Andriy, eyes narrowing. A moment later there's a loud crash from the hallway outside, as off someone tripping over a broom in the darkness, and a loudly hissed "Shit!" follows it. Andriy's eyes widen.

    "Gary, Andriy, GET DOWN and kill the lamp! Muscles behind the door, move to your right and crouch, FAST." Colette slams her hand against the light switch, and as a moment later Andriy hits the lamp, the room is plunged into darkness.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry doesn't have to be told twice to get down. The soreness that still lingers on his shoulder is enough of a reminder. "Of course," he says quietly to himself as he crouches, "It's a day that ends in -y."

He doesn't know exactly what Colette's powers do outside of that brief demonstration. There hasn't been a discussion, much, mostly because there was a soul-devouring sorceress that almost killed them all the other night and they've spent time /processing/, okay?

One hand reaches into his hoodie pocket and grabs his phone, which is rather solid thanks to its brand new protective case. He was prepared to use is as a projectile. He could have used it to call 911- but let's be honest, he'd have a bullet in him (again) before the patrol car's seat had a chance to get warmed.

Time slows down for a second... and he suddenly realizes something is off.

He knew the room was bathed in darkness, minus the light leaking here and there from the windows. So why was everything so much /brighter/ than it should be.

If anyone could see his eyes right now, they'd notice that, or some reason, Terry O'Neil's pupils are slitted.

Kate Bishop has posed:
The mobsters in the hallway curse, one of them has to pick himself up. The other curses in Russian at his friend on the ground "Get up" he snarls then pivots and fires the shotgun into the door using a breeching round very professionally before hitting it hard to follow up on the breech to catch any chains after blowing apart the deadbolt and normal locks.

Someone is a professional.

Of course Muscles will crack open the 'wall' opposite and start to fire wildly at the Russian with military training who ducks into the livingspace moving for cover.

The friend of his picking himself up in the hall only gets about halfway up, knees when there is a THUD on the small of his back and an antipersonal nonlethal insta-hardening putty-foam arrow explodes sticking him in a blob to the floor

One still very active with only Muscles protecting the teens inside and the old man.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    With his unnaturally enhanced vision, Terry can see that Colette is looking quickly around the room. She takes a step forwards - the image is confusing because the distance she covers should take more than a step - and picks up a chair. Another confusing step takes her to the side of the door, where she crouches low, legs of the chair pointed forwards ready to jam into the legs of anyone trying to come through. She raises one hand in the air for no obvious reason, and tilts her head slightly to watch the door opposite out of the corner of her eye. It's a fair guess that he's not the only one having little difficulty seeing in the darkness.

    The room echoes painfully with the loud report of the breaching round; an excessive action given the door wasn't locked. The Russian barrels in low, under the wild fire coming from 'Muscles' from the room opposite. This saves his life. However it also means his center of gravity is quite far forwards, and is unable to recover from the sudden tangle of chair he finds his legs trapped in. The speed of his motion brings him crashing heavily to the ground. With that oddly enhanced sight, Terry can see Colette doing... something. Some gesture of her hand. It's not clear what, but the Russian doesn't seem to be in any hurry to move.

    The rapid cracks of Muscles pistol turn into clicks as he empties the clip into the opposite wall, and the room is silent for a second or two. "Hold fire Muscles!" Colette hisses in the darkness. She remains crouched by the door, now swinging on its hinges, and listens for a moment. "Whoever's out there, stay where you are. Do not enter this room without my permission. Do not move in this direction, and do not throw anything in this direction. There are civilians in here. Identify yourself."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
All throughout, Terry has held his breath. He's not going to pretend he's not scared, because he is, but he is also full of adrenaline and the instinct to preserve his life. Seeing Colette at work, however subtle her application of power is, reminds him that he is not defenseless. Or, rather, he is defenseless, but with someone who /isn't/.

He takes a slow, shuddering breath and wonders if this gets any easier- is that why Lois always comes across like she could manage a raging bull into submission? Because she has lived through stuff like this?

Questions to ask if he makes it out of this unscathed.?

Kate Bishop has posed:
There are muffled noises and then futile struggle noises from out yonder.

Also some silence as Kate considers her options. The clicking was probably the right time to disable the gunner in the room. Damnit.

"This is Hawkeye. I'm going to be coming in there and I am going to be asking questions. The three large Bratva out here and the get away driver are all no longer a problem. Though I came for information and ...well to thump these goons."


"So if you shoot at me I am going to be very cross and it won't end well for you all. Okay?"

Since when was Hawkeye a girl. Then again there has been a lot of media lately about that.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    As far as Colette knows, Terry still hasn't exactly seen her at work. It's been very dark, both times. This is why she doesn't immediately warn him not to use the word 'ninja' on pain of death, though that may yet come. Her use of power was certainly subtle, but he's likely to have questions about a few of the non-power related things she has been doing. Hopefully he has the sense to leave that for later, but she's never entirely sure with him.

    "Your voice is higher pitched than I would have expected. Pretty sure I told you not to come in here without my permission, 'Hawkeye'," Colette's voice responds, sounding distinctly disbelieving of that identification. "I'd advise you to pay attention. You can enter... /slowly/, hands out in front of you and /empty/. Nobody is going to shoot anyone, and I am going to insist on nobody being armed. Muscles, that includes you. Gun down. And Andriy, don't. I can see you reaching for that drawer.

    There's a sharp intake of breath from Andriy. It's still very dark in the room and he certainly wasn't expecting anyone to see his hands moving.

    From the next room, a new voice pipes up. It's almost comically squeaky. "Uh boss? What do we do now?"

    "/Chert/. Do as she says, Gus."

    "Okay, Hawkeye on helium. You can come in now."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
And just like that, something jolts in Terry's memory. And, just like it happens in cases like these, his mouth is faster than his brain. "Hawkey-- hey! That's the one who 'Okay Boomer'-ed Harley!" Terry's tone clearly indicates his amusement at that. Harley had told him the Other Hawkeye was twelve, but this didn't sound like a twelve year old.

He pauses, and then simply utters, "... Oops."

Kate Bishop has posed:
She mutters "At least someone knows who I am... at least I got a blue cheeckmark now." the curses of Twitter.

She peers at the door. "This is so stupid.. if you shoot at me I am so sticking an arrow in your face." very mature.

She isn't twelve but she definitely isn't twenty either.

Carefully she steps around, and yeah her hands aren't empty because she isn't setting the bow down, but is is down at her side and no arrow is in it or in her other hand, let alone nocked there. "No shooty. I took care of the Russians I want to talk, not here to arrest Mr. Tschevko. I just want to know how to find an old business associate of his named Sabatini."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Bang, you're dead. I told you no weapons." It's the same voice that was coming from the doorway, but now it's behind Kate. Colette stands in the hallway , leaning against the wall opposite the door rather casually, pointing two fingers like a play gun. There is no way she could have got past Kate. It's simply not possible. Kate was going through the door at the time.

    "That was very rude of you, but I'm a forgiving person. Light switch is to your left. Let's sit and chat. Maybe we can help you with Mister Sabatini. Andriy, you got something to drink? I suspect my friends Gary and MiniHawk here are under age, but I'm in a spirits mood."

    The door opposite cracks open a little and a huge face peers around, apparently Gus. "We good?" The squeaky voice asks. "I think so, apart from my heart," Andriy responds. "Who the fuck were those guys?"

    Gus steps in and stands there, looking from face to face. He's about six-five and the size of a pair of gorillas. He looks terminally shy.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry saw what Colette did, of course. And he still doesn't know how. However, just as he thinks about asking her if it was something she was doing to him, the room mis deep in darkness. His pupils are perfectly round.

He slowly gets to his feet. His knees feel a little unsteady, and he curses at them for their cowardice. "If I ever find my father, I am going to punch the bastard so hard for all of this."

He freezes as the light switch is hit. And he slowly, very slowly, looks at Andreyi.

"Er. Oops. As well."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Well Kate did see the lock trick, but through binoculars, she isn't sure.

What she is absolutely sure of though is that Colette didn't get the fuck by her that fast normally. She manages to not jump but her hand does twitch to the quiver as she looks back at Colette. "That is a good way to get an arrow in the face." she notes sternly.

Then grudgingly. "Good trick."

She slaps the lightswitch turning it on, her 'sunglasses' adjust automatically to the light change. "So lets talk. I want to find Mr. Sabatini. Those. Those were russian mafia.... been working on taking down various businesses of theirs.. not entirely sure why they were here.. maybe they also want to find Mr. Sabatini."

She moves into the room and finds a spot to lean.

"Also it is Hawkeye not mini-hawk" why is it always the nicknames.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "You're Sabatini's son? My condolences. You can punch the fucker for me too," Andriy tells Terry. He puffs his cheeks out and looks at his three visitors. "Gus? Go get the bourbon, the nice stuff, and ay, a couple of cokes too, good boy. Check our other visitors aren't going to bother us any more, while you are at it."

    Gus nods his head and squeezes his huge frame through the door. Colette places hand on his arm and says "And you can do that non-fatally, Muscles. Or else. " Gus is too shy to respond.

    Colette steps into the room after Gus has vacated the doorway. She gives Kate a quick wink, but there's no other response to the arrow in the face comment. She takes up a leaning position on the opposite wall to Kate's.

    "I guess I owe you kids my life," Andriy says. "You want Sabatini, I gyiv him to you. No problem. The guy is an asshole. Nyever liked him. He's not hard to find."

    "Already found him, already kicked the crap out of him," Colette responds. "O'Neil. Everything you know, please Andriy."

    Andriy looks wide-eyed at Terry. "You're that /charivnyk/'s kid?" He shakes his head. "Forget about him. Nobody heard from him for years. And you don't want to find him. Take my word on this."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Another dead end," Terry shakes his head. Then he rubs his forehead, sighing. Every new dead end made things worse, he had more questions than when he started. And the... episodes were getting more frequent.

He stiffens, all of a sudden, as he starts feeling something. Underneath his gloves, he starts feeling the telltale sign of sudden fur where there was none before. He feels claws protesting against the leather encasing them.

It was happening again.

"Okay, well, that's all I wanted to know." Terry starts beelining for the door, "No Cole, don't mind me, I'll just go to the car and head home... I've got work in the morning and this was a waste of time. Let's talk and do dinner okay?"

As he passes Kate, he says "I'm a big fan of Errol Flynn. Keep up the good work!"

And, if unimpeded, he will take the most direct route to the car and high-tail it out of there before he actually sprouts a tail..

Kate Bishop has posed:
Well that was.

That was fascinating really.

She looks across to Colette and archs an eyebrow. "He isn't in his usual holes. I'd still appreciate hearing where he is hiding now if the nice gentlemen pouring bourbon knows."

She glances after Terry then back to the man who has all the information. "It maaaay be good for you to spill it about the guy they came for too though. Seriously talk right."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette watches Terry's departure with a bemused expression, but does nothing to stop him going. Apparently he's going to drive back home and leave her here in New York. Okay, that's a new one. Weird even for Terry. Luckily there's the hyperloop. Or she could stay over in Staten Island, she has an apartment there too, to save early morning commutes.

    "He's got a place up in Westchester," Colette tells Kate. "Bigish place. Hard to miss. If he's not there, he's probably hiding out in case I go back. Guy's a complete fucking amateur, honestly. Don't bother, he'll probably manage to get himself shot by a rival any day now. Don't know how he's managed to survive twenty years in the business. I guess organized crime just isn't very organized after all if a joke like him can get anywhere."

    Gus returns, stopping for a moment to give Kate a wide-eyed stare. He has presumably seen her handiwork on the stairs. He pours out a couple of bourbons and hands one to Andriy and the other to Colette. He offers a can of coke to Kate, and then stands around looking puzzled by the absence of Terry. "Boss?" he asks in that squeaky voice. "Since the other kid gone, can I have the coke?"

    Andriy waves him away. "Sure Gus. Sorry kids, nothing more I can tell you about O'Neil. Gone is gone. Nobody heard from him since... I dunno. Long time. Sabatini though? Lemme see." He pulls a pad of paper to him across the desk, and jots something down on it, before pulling the sheet, folding it, and holding it out to Kate. "Three safehouse addresses. I didn't give you this, you were never here. Deal?"

Kate Bishop has posed:
Despite her being all of maybe sixteen, she really isn't bluffing about being Hawkeye. The arrows in all their fantastic variety seem to be very real at least.

She mmmms lightly at Colette and then nods. There are always other criminals like the Russians or supervillains to focus on around New York City. Honestly it seems like an endless supply.

Then she leans to snag the safe house addresses. "Thanks much." before looking to Colette "Want help finding this O'niel guy. I know people. Avenger type people." she offers.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Honestly I couldn't give a fuck," Colette tells Kate. "It's my friend who's looking for the guy. I suspect he's dead, but I don't really want to tell him that. Kind of a personal quest, you know. Wants to find his father for himself. I'm just along to make sure he doesn't get himself killed while doing it. Avenger type people as in the uh... better /known/ Hawkeye? I mean you're not just borrowing his name without asking?"

    Colette downs her bourbon in a single swallow, then nods to Andriy. "We're out of here now, Andriy. And in fifteen minutes, I'm going to call the police and send them over here to deal with your visitors. That's not enough time for you to hide the evidence they were here, but if you and Gus work fast you might be able to hide... other things. This is my way of being nice. Say thank you."

    "Blyat. Yes, yes. Thank you," Andriy says with a sigh.

    Colette nods her head in Kate's direction as she moves towards the door. "Coming?"

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate is still keeping an eye on the two criminals as Colette moves towards the door.

She pauses long enough to point to her eyes then art Muscles and Andriy. "Be seeing you boys."

then she pivots and strolls out after Colette. Ready in case either tries to take a pot shot at her. "On your six." she notes cheerfully and follows Colette down, she is curious what Muscles did with the Russians to be honest.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Apparently Colette is also curious, as she heads down the staircase, counting goons. They have been rather neatly wrapped up with cable wraps around the wrist, and have been gagged with makeshift gags that look like they might well need a good washing before they are next used for drying the dishes.

    "Apparently Gus is a good boy," Colette comments while giving one particularly noisy Russian who's trying to tell them "Mmm! MMgmmuh fghn fffww ooh!" a quick kick.

    When the pair reach the front, they find that Gus has even dragged the driver inside and treated him similarly. He really is a good boy. Obviously just fell in with the wrong crowd. With all mobsters accounted for, Colette stops, and turns an arched eyebrow on Kate. "Good work," she concedes. "Stairs though. Don't do stairs on your own. It's a nightmare, you're never in control of the angles. I'd say as a tip if you ever REALLY have to do stairs on your own? Do it on your back. Slow, but it works. Probably not with a bow though. So... how old are you?"

    There it comes. It was of course inevitable. It's obvious Kate is below typical superheroing age. For that matter it's not like Colette actually looks a WHOLE lot older, which probably just makes the whole thing worse.

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Old enough that the other Hawkeye is training and supplying me." she notes with even tone there. She tilts her head. "Not really keen on giving away any exact personal details that could blow my identity. It is fragile enough as it is in this day and age." softening the initial sass with an explanation at least.

She looks around now that they are down on the street. "also this isn't the first time I've had to breech a building after bad guys.. .probably won't be the last but I can't just walk away because I don't have backup when action is needed." she smiles over to Colette. "So calling the cops in a minute right. In the meantime... what was with your friend rabbiting and leaving you. Do you need a lift anywhere?"

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette raises a hand to stop Kate's flow. "I'm not criticizing, just asking. I just... take a certain interest in people who want to do what you're doing and for reasons such as perhaps... age... struggle with the credibility and the support structure they need to do the job properly. Maybe you're not so lacking in that regard if you're getting an Avenger to supply and train you. Still..."

    Colette lowers her hand, looks back at the building and shrugs. "What would you have done if they'd heard you coming, stopped at the top of a flight and pinned you down at an overhang? They see you before you see them. Or if someone came up from behind? You can try going down from the top. That puts the blind angles in your favor, but then you have to move and fire down, you're always dropping your center of gravity forwards. More scope for mistakes that would be fatal. How about when you'd reached the top? Gotta go through a door. You covering left or right first? Wrong choice can be fatal. Training and equipment is great, but you need someone to watch your back, Hawkeye two-point-oh. Avengers gonna help you with that? "

    Colette blinks a few times, remembering something's missing. "Oh, guess I didn't introduce myself. Name's Colette. No that's not a codename. Nice to meet you, Two-point-oh. And yeah. No idea what spooked my idiot friend. Not the first time he's been in a firefight. Weird. Uh. Well unless you happen to be heading to Staten Island, wouldn't say no to being dropped off at the Hyperloop station."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate listens to her talk, her eyes obscurred by those glasses but the tilt of her head is telling that she is listening. "You're right though. If they would have headrd me coming or turned on me I probably would have flash banged them.... maybe gone out a window, winched to the roof and come at them from the top next or from the side on their floor through another window. Lots of options if you stay fast and stay mobile." there is a smile, not cocky either just a smile.

She shifts and offers her hand out to you. "Still Hawkeye no offense Colette, but thank you on that. I could definitely give you a ride on my bike to the Staten Island Ferry." she mmms softly. "You headed to HH then?"

Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Never throw a flashbang up some stairs if you can possibly avoid it," Colette says with a shrug. "And never forget your enemies have options too. You might not have thought of them all."

    Colette takes the hand and shakes it. "Heartland Hill? No, Arden Heights, South Shore. Got a place there. And if you're gonna borrow someone else's name, get used to people coming up with ways to differentiate you. But hey, I dropped the mini-Hawkeye. Two-point-oh is good, it means you're the new and improved version." She grins wide.

    "Hmm. So lemme guess. Seeing as you didn't comment on that, you're getting a pat on the head and a few arrows and a bit of encouragement with a whole lot of 'but don't get into trouble' from the Avengers, and you're nervous of calling them up to see if anyone will join you on a job 'cos you're worried they'd say no and tell you it was past your bed-time? Well that sucks. I figure I've got a few years on you and people still don't take me completely seriously either. Someone to watch your back is still something you need to work on. Maybe you need to find a group with a younger profile. Where's your ride?"

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Eh 2.0 works for me... it would make him sad because it would probably remind him that I am younger and better than him." she is one of those two things, but yes the sass is strong with Kate Bishop.

"Well.. I mean I have an Iron Man of my own.. and a couple other people I can call more my age really but yeah I am not going to just call the other Hawkeye to babysit me all the time. That would get old for both of us quick. It is .. eeeh yeah he has like Avengers stuff and SHIELD stuff that keeps him pretty wrapped up and busy." a shrug from Kate as she starts to walk expecting Colette will follow while they talk.

"But no they won't say anything baout bed times or being in over my head... mostly because they know I wouldn't listen if they took that approach. But yeah I've been trying to corral some younger heros to do this with that are more my speed." she finally gets around a corner and indicates a midnight purple bike, it is ..very fast looking ... also intensely expensive. "Right here."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Now you're getting it, two-point-oh," Colette replies with a grin as she walks along beside Kate. "And don't let him forget it. The guy must be what, about forty, forty five?" An outrageous slur, and Colette probably knows it. "He'll have to be thinking about hanging up his bow some time soon. Time for a new generation, right?"

    Colette doesn't attempt to hide the look of interest on her face when Kate talks about her own nascent 'team'. "Got a brain on you, then. That's good. Find some people you can trust, people who know what they're doing. No need to wait on the old folks to get their shit together. I mean experience is great, don't get me wrong. And the hard lessons you might run into because you don't have it... well. Enough said. Look what happened to the Titans."

    When they arrive at Kate's bike, Colette walks around it, giving it a good look over. "Nice ride. I have to admit personally I go more for comfort. Which makes me wonder why the hell I let 'Gary' drive me here. His car was probably an insurance write-off ten years ago. On the other hand I didn't exactly buy with chasing after criminals in mind. I'd get too upset at them if they damaged the paintwork on my car."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"I'm not actually sure why the Titan's gave up the ghost. From what I can tell the whole thing fell apart around when Doomsday happened. A lot of bad things happened then but.. it is unfortunate it broke their team." she shakes her head. "It is a shame they aren't a team though. They would be a perfect resource our age." she muses.

"Eh this is the second bike.. the first bike got blown up by a plasma cannon during a high tech robbery. Bikes much like arrows are just tools for the job really. Have to keep that perspective or I would be way sadder about the first bike.. and worried about losing this one too." she grins and offers you the helmet since there is only one with one hand and a card with a cellphone number, disposable burner, with the other.. Brave. She also has no idea what your power set it after all. "So to the ferry?"

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette brushes her hair back and puts the helmet on, strapping it up carefully. "Ferry would be good. Thanks." The card goes into her back pocket, unmentioned.

    "Doomsday was hard on them. Broke more than just the team. They tried to stop him and failed, and two of them died. That can happen. Thing is, it's one thing to know you're putting your life on the line to do something you believe in. It's another experiencing what that actually means. Beast Boy was /fifteen/ when that happened, two-point-oh. Fifteen."

    Colette stands by the bike, one hand resting on the seat, waiting for Kate to mount. "You're right, you know. It would be the perfect resource for our age. And the age to come. Nobody has this right, yet. The superhero business. There's no path. No path for people like you, and the people who'll come after you. We're acting like the current crop is everything, and that's short sighted. In a hundred years, everyone will know them as pioneers. Short-sighted pioneers who didn't want to think hard enough about replacing themselves. The Titans though... giving youth a chance was their mission. Funding, resources, a shared identity, people to watch your backs."

    Colette turns her head away, looking up at the sky. "It is a shame. Maybe you could have used that, Two-point-oh. Maybe there would have been a place for you. Maybe some of those friends you're putting together. "

    Colette looks back to Kate. "You know what... I live on St Martin Island. I mean that's my main home. The place in Staten Island is for when I'm in the city. Titans Tower is right there. Can't avoid seeing it every day, sitting out there on the bay. Last few years... it's been haunting the place. Empty. Before doomsday, it lit up the night. Recently... you'd look up... there would maybe be one light on. Sometimes. Kids in the area say it's haunted. Funny thing. Last couple of weeks, the lights have been coming on more. I think that might be a trend."

Kate Bishop has posed:

She swings onto the bike and starts it up now after mounting it, it is a practiced fluid motion as she balances it pretty much perfectly. "It is really a trajedy that anyone died that young, and honestly I think they probably could have been thirty but if they hadn't lost anyone they still wouldn't understand the risks or death.... there are plenty of older people who go into this from being random joes and suffer loss too." she pauses "I'm not trying to come off as a dick but.. seriously I'm not sure age matters it is a war really and this kind of hit to the heart will hurt no matter how old you are until... I guess until you've suffered a hit."

She looks out at the street from the alley now. "You're right though about a new crop of heroes.. it has been why I've been kicking around the Young Avengers after Iron Heart and I got so much press attention a month or so ago..." she frowns. "Been thinking about how I could help bankroll it if I am being honest." which honestly explains the bike and that helmet. It is tricked out, looks like ingrated comms and nightvision. Also at this point it is clear her clothes are some sort of armorweave.

She pivots though. "Wait.. Titan's tower is active again. Are you serious.. like someone is pulling things back together?" okay yeah that got her attention.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette mounts up behind Kate, drops the visor and gives an 'I'm ready' nod.

    "You ever lost someone, Two-Point-Oh? Everyone does eventually, and everyone hurts. That's true. It's more of a shock to the system if it happens when you're young, but sure. It's always going to hurt. What fewer people experience is the guilt of wondering if it's /your fault/. 'Cos that's not just a friend, that's a team-mate. Someone who was relying on you. And maybe you end up questioning yourself. Wondering what right you have to claim you're protecting other people when you can't even protect yourself. Not saying that's rational. Fuck, it was Doomsday. Just saying that's how people work."

    "And yeah. Bankrolling is a tough one, unless you're Tony Stark." Colette's a tease, she just doesn't seem to want to address Kate's burning question. "I'm not exactly from the poor side of town myself, but the costs mount up. Got to admit I've been thinking those things through myself. Not sure where the Titans got their funding from, but it must be pretty impressive."

    Back on track, finally? Colette's a bit of a tease.

    From behind Kate, Colette gives a non-commital "Mmmm. Maybe. I mean those extra lights got to mean something, right? But I'd like to see /more/ than just a few extra lights before I believed it. Y'know..." Colette slows down, speaking thoughtfully. "Maybe it would be worth trying. I mean, for you... maybe it would be worth going to the Tower. Ring on the bell, see if someone answers. State your case, see how far it gets you."

    Colette falls silent for a few moments.

    "Oh. If you do? Ask to speak to Beast Boy. Raven will send you away. She's agreed not to actually swallow the souls of visitors, which is a start, but she's not the friendliest person I've ever met. Beast Boy's the one to talk to."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"I've lost the most important person in my life when I was younger yes. I guess it is true I never wondered if it was my fault but that doesn't discount how much it hurt or has impacted my life or outlook." if anything the loss of her mom made her care more about helping people.

"Superman went down despite everyone trying their best. No one could have expected the Titans to stop Doomsday. Honestly it is all in the name." she means it to. Not sarcstically, but like if Superman couldn't live through that what hope did anyone else have or blame.

"That building is impressive.. I probably would have just carefully used an abandoned factory or mall personally. Still with enough pooling."

"I just might have to look Beast Boy up... I do need a Hulk and he is green enough." okay the sass is back there. She tucks her feet back and accelerates now though taking off onto the city street to get Colette to the ferry. Pretty much impossible to talk with the noise and her not having a helmet with a comm.

Still a lot has been said already.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    It's not a long journey down from Cooper square to the ferry terminal, just a few noisy minutes while conversation is impossible. When Kate pulls into the lot by the terminal and kills the engine, Colette dismounts, takes the helmet off, and hands it back while brushing out her hair with her spare hand.

    "Thanks for the ride, Two-Point-Oh. Pleasure meeting you. And keep up the good work." Colette smiles and rests a friendly hand on Kate's shoulder. "I won't say stay out of trouble, because I wouldn't. But take what I said about working with a partner on things like that seriously. Working a building can get complicated fast."

    The grin returns. "Oh, and if you do try the Titans? Beast Boy is a nice guy. But if it helps any, you're welcome to say that Colette has seen you in action and thinks he'd be well advised to see what you can do for himself."

    Colette lifts her hand from Kate's shoulder, gives a lazy salute and says "Be seeing you!" as she walks away.