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Latest revision as of 06:16, 30 March 2020

Ninjas in Gotham
Date of Scene: 26 March 2020
Location: Summerset
Synopsis: Robin meets a New York hero taking down some creepy crawly bad guys.
Cast of Characters: Chizue Nakamura, Carrie Kelley

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    The "Sumerset Imperial" was a proper landmark in Gotham, it'd been the nicest hotel in Gotham ages ago. As the industrial districts the hotel lost it's prestige, but it's never gone away. Finally it'd secured foreign investment and had closed for the first time since '32 to fully refresh the property. Thats great and all, except for exactly who that investor is.

    It's well past midnight when the entourage rolls up infront of the hotel, and tough security types start filing out. The Rolls royce set centrally remains still for long moments, until slowly the doors open and with much assistance an old man is helped out of the car and to his walker. Theres a moment spent outside prattling before the man, and four scantily clad assistance begin to move into the hotel proper.

    Across the street however, is where our favorite Ninja is situated. Sneaky stealth cloak flipped over a shoulder for the moment, as she leans against the roof's railing to watch. Silently slipping her masked gaze down to a smart phone, as she tap-tap-taps a message out.

    "Owari" is a Ninja sure, but this is the more modern and arguably rather more fashionable edition. A mass of black cloak, jacket, leggins and fitted "Tabi" sort of sneakers. Theres a sword of course, and an SMG slung across her chest. Of more interest though, should be that mask. A polygonal fox's head, backlit in a rosey pink.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It wasn't unheard of for a presence to try and push into Gotham. It also wasn't unheard of for it to have been, well, heard of. There were many methods of gathering information for those that work Gotham's vigilante scene. While the old hotel gets some new business for the first time in awhile that means there's another set of eyes watching. A far more colorful set.

Perched atop another roof, slightly down the way, and approaching quickly was Robin. The female one. Darn name sharing of titles... Robin leaps along the rooftops managing to stay in the shadows a fair amount given the colorful nature of her costume, though she had toned it down significantly since her first time wearing it. The slight ruffle of air over a cape might alert the ninja if she were expecting company as Robin lands on the rooftop she too occupied.

"Going to be a problem here?" Is asked simply with eyes narrowed as she regards Owari. This didn't seem like one of the people of those below.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Of course, it is inevitable that a problem would come 'here' In the future."That mask turns to peer after Robin, the mask itself slowly losing color until it fades into perfect pitch black. "You have an infestation here, and it should be handled immediately. Lady Centipede has decided to take residence in your city, She's disguised as one of the old man's attendants right now. I -think- perhaps the one on the left there?"

    "Have you come to exterminate her puppets, or would you allow me the honor of doing this for you?"She parks one shoe against that railing, leaning back just a touch. "Incidentally, you do your costume great service, Not going to add a skirt or anything though?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I know. We're used to that sort of trouble though." Robin at least isn't one to jump the gun and attack without reason it seemed, even if it was an unfamiliar mask in the city. Her 'brothers' likely would not have been quite so nice. She looks over the edge of the rooftop regarding those below with a keen eye as she watches the one in particular that this individual believes is the Centipede.

"Could be a decoy. The one to the left is moving stiffly. Either nursing an injury or attempting to move a certain way." Then again THAT could be the decoy.

"We usually don't do exterminations in Gotham. The Bat doesn't like that. Just be sure who you're going after, and I can help if needed."

There's a pause before she chuckles, "Didn't grow up wearing skirts. Don't think the boys would know how to react."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Oh yeah, got to work it sister. Tactical frills, got to get that kevlar lace game going you know?"Theres a cock of the head there, and well it's hard to read expressions for obvious reasons right? "None of them are human, they are ghosts. This is why they cannot move during the daytime, daylight exposes them for what they truly are. So you will have to trust me, but hey I am a card carrying member of the Tokyo Justice Association if that helps? Fought under a different costume there however."

    Casually she pulls that cloak back over, reaching up to pluck that mask free to reveal the smooth visorless faceplate beneath.Then it's hood up, and slowly she begins to visibly fade into the shadows. "If I tell you a lie you can detain me and I shall not resist, but we can not allow her to move about freely. Her puppets must be destroyed before they're able to construct a nest for themselves."Theres a little shrug there as she tugs a line from her belt and lashes it to the railing with a deft little sweep of the hand. "Besides, she put the girl who took my old costume in the hospital. I have to set an example for the young heroines back home, we can't leave the fight unfinished."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Ghosts? That made a difference. If no one was really getting killed then the rules didn't apply in the same way. A slow nod comes, along with a grin at the suggestion of kevlar lace. That was a thought for later though.

When the other woman slides her cloak back she regards her with a solemn nod. It was typically a sign of respect to show your face in this business, even if the mask was still on. That along with the mention of the Tokyo Justice Association at least pings some familiarity. "I've heard of them," she admits, "Just never looked into it much. Bit far from home."

"All right. I know what payback is like. Sometimes it has to be done. If you don't mind some help, then?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I do not mind help with her retainers, however Lady Centipede is mine."She pitches the other end of that line across the street, and then drags the line back through the knot on this side to create an instant tight-rope. "Strike them at the base of the skull, and then leap away immediately. Also if you have a gasmask, I would wear it now. I do not intend to fight fair, It's a Ninja thing yeah?"She offers Robin a little nod, and a thumbs up.

    With that she takes off in a blur, that cape glitching visibly as it struggles to keep up with that dash across that impromptu tight rope. Then comes a leap off to the far side, half turning mid air to pitch a line back towards the tight rope. Slinging our Ninja out wide as the line goes sliding down, hurling Chizue foreward at street level at an impressive clip. A quick sweep of the right hand hurling a fistfull of mini-grenades towards the entrance to that hotel, before she hits the ground in a dead sprint.

    Those grenades erupt with a flash and a Krakoom, shattering glass and sending up huge plumes of bright purple gas. The security begins to turn and shout, followed by the women in white shrugging off their cloaks in perfect time to expose swords worn at the hip. One guard has enough time to start to draw his pistol, taking just one step out as he screams "Owari!"

Herur favorite Ninja takes flight, rolling once to drop kick the shouting guard square in the chest. The blow is sharp enough to hurl him back against a car, his head smashing into the rear fender well hard enough to be fatal, but the burst of automatic gunfire that follows is what polishes him off. Erupting into an explosion of spiders, centipedes, millipedes, snakes and seemingly every other sort of creepy crawly you can think of.

    Evil Japanese Ghosts..yup.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Fair enough. Fighting fair is for competitions, not real life," Robin agrees even as she reaches down to fish out the small gas mask from her belt. It's secured around her lower face hiding her from view even more. It was suitable in this manner, and affixes with a perfect fit. It helped to have a benefactor that could afford all the neat toys.

While the tightrope is Owari's, Robin uses the more familiar bat grappling line to swing her way across the street. The cape billow out behind her as she comes booted feet first right into the face of the guard drawing the gun, and calling out the warning. The impact was enough to send him down though if he came up she doesn't have time to check.

The line releases and her momentum sends her against the side of the building wall where she rebounds off with a quick parkour turn to change her angle of movement quickly. Leaping back toward the guards she does as asked leaving those women to Owari.

It's hard to tell what 'style' she uses. A mix of martial arts and the more refined military arts. She's quick, she's brutal, but she's not lethal. She could be... but she isn't. That wasn't her training.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    The Guards are, suspiciously slow to react to what they should be able to -see-. Instead their gaze follows where Robin -was-, tracking on sound it would seem? They are of course armed with pistols, sending rounds wildly in the vague direction of noise. Potentially dangerous sure, but a relief no doubt for a caped crusader who knows how to move quietly. That smoke effectively creates somewhat of a barrier, as one guard who tries to run through it immediately freezes up and hits the pavement before exploding in a shower of -dead- creepy crawlies.
    The sisters slowly form themselves into a line, drawing swords in perfect time before turning their heads to where Owari was last seen. "Aha, sisters it is she. So good to see you again "Yellow Scarf", we found your replacement most wanting. We'd have consumed her to the bone, just to have you back in Tokyo where you belong. "

    Theres a flash of brilliant color as that cloak glitches, and a flash of steel as she gets right the hell in there. Slicing down one of the woman, and hurling a fistfull of needle like shuriken into the face of another. Then comes the flashing of steel and the audible whooshing of sword swings which just can't seem to connect with Owari as she bends and twists and all but dances between the sword swings.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Very slow. It only takes a moment for Robin to clue in to why. No eyes? Or unable to really see. It's tested on the fly as she slips her hand into her belt withdrawing a batarang that she throws toward one of the guards. It's very visible. It could be dodged if they were any good at their jobs.

Before it even hits, the other guard that ran into the mist turns into a pile of centipedes.

An obvious shudder runs through Carrie at the sight. It's breif, the disgust at that particular bug pushed to the back of her mind. Focus, soldier! This was not the time to fear. Instead she lunghes at one of the guard's making a grab for it's jacket to grab, and swing it toward the smoke as well. If that smoke caused them to disintegrate into their true form then she was all for that. Afterwards there could always be a lot of bug stomping.

Or in this case, freezing. A pellet is pulled free from her belt as well to slam it down on the ground creating an instant crackle of ice spreading out along the ground. It wouldn't go far, but hopefuly far enough to freeze the critters in it's path.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    That Batarang strikes a guard's temple with an audible -thunk-, and for a moment he might even be confused for human. Then he half turns, letting out a shriek before he slumps to the ground as a mountain of nasty creepy crawlies. The next is grappled and it's immediately obvious he's maybe thirty or fourty pounds lighter than he really should be, in close contact you can -FEEL- their essentially boneless nature as the nastiness inside threatens to just explode out of that fake skin. Yet with a good throw he hits that mist and erupts into dead bugs and bad suit. As for freezing, well that has maybe an undesirable effect.

    One guard is esasily in the area of effect, and upon freezing that illusion is instantly shattered, a face made of a thousand different bugs frozen mid scream. It freezes in place temporarily, before tumbling foreward with an audibly snap-crackle-pop and frozen bugs go skittering across the frozen pavement in all directions.

    "Oh the Yellow scarf has -American- friends now, is that it?"Owari flips to one side, landing a kick against the mass of Shuriken embedded in one of the sisters, sending a flurry of bugs skittering across the remaining two. Theres a flurry of movement, a brilliant eruption of color as that cloak glitches visibly. A sister jabs in, only to have her blade grabbed by an off hand and her face introduced to Owari's own blade. A moment of pause, before she erupts into more creepy crawlers. The remaining sister sneers, before turning to run.

    "You want to see the Yellow Scarf Buster again so bad, is that it?"Owari resheathes that sword with a flourish. Casually she flips that cloak over one shoulder, as erupts in a brilliant yellow glow. Right gauntlet raised high above her head. "Secret technique number thirty three, Golden Buster!"And with that she erupts into a dead sprint, a true display of superhuman speed as she catches up to the sister in no time flat, before leaping into the air. Right arm cocked back, she lands that swing right into the final sister's face hard enough to send her reeling into a parked car. Owari is right behind her, following up with a blinding flurry of punches. Finally grabbing onto a wrist to roll the sister back foreward as her knees are kicked out from beneath her "Sentence delivered!"And with a stomp she pins the sister's skull to the ground before heaving back on that arm and -CRACK-. She erupts in pale green smoke, leaving behind only a skeleton covered in blood red kanji.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The guard of nasties is taken care of easily enough before Robin springs back to allow Owari and the Sisters have their battle without being in the way. She keeps an eye on it all though, making sure not to let too many of those bugs go free if she can. Which meant a lot of hot stepping and leaping until she finally stops at the end of it all.

Running a hand back through her hair to get her bangs out of her face, she regards the fallen skeleton of the other with a small shake of her head.

"Guess they bugged out of here," she quips with a wry grin. The technique the other had used certainly was ... vocal. Then again they sometimes would shout 'Form 3' or 'Plan B7' to each other during fights to enact a standard battle plan.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Oooh, good pun."Comes the immediate response, even as she kicks that skull across the pavement. Just to make sure, obviously. That cloak settles back down to a dull almost black, as she shakes her right hand out with a hiss. "Ayee-yah, I shouldn't really be playing those games without wearing the right gauntlets. Thats gonna sting all week, what I get for letting her get my blood up."Finally she turns that visorless faceplate towards Robin. Hey in the light, you can just make out three diamonds enclosed in a circle painted on that mask.

    "Did any of them get you? No bites or anything, or gunshot wounds I guess? I carry an antidote for centepede bites if you need it, because yaknow."And with that she nods towards the mass of creepy crawlies. Most of which are writhing in their death throws, thankfully. "You fight pretty good, need a little polish though. How long you been playing game?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Since I was thirteen," comes the easy response along with a nod as Robin looks down at the mass of crawlers. "With time off in between to go to school. For awhile I wasn't needed here. Just back in the game the past year or so." Rusty, eh? She'd work on that. A quick glance over herself is given to ensure she didn't get bitten before she shakes her head in response.

"I'm fine. Though if you've got any to spare I wouldn't mind taking one in case. I can always replicate it so we have it on hand if this group shows up again at some point." Never hurt to be prepared. One final look is given over the front of the hotel before she offers, "I'm Robin by the way. One of many."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Oh-ho, another lifer eh? I started at twelve, Tokyo's first 'Yellow Scarf Buster'. These days I'm in the family business though."Casually she flips that cloak back down, before producing another polygonal animal mask to clip in place. Is that a Shibe mask? Yes, yes it is.

    Anywho she cracks off a curt bow, before offering her hand. "I'm the Ninja known as Owari, It's a pleasure to meet you Robin. Bosses back home shipped me over here to take care of all the rogue Ninja punks running around, didn't expect to see this bitch come along for the ride. I do apologize for any inconvience, and thank you sincerely for the help. Now I think we ought to raid the hotel safe and see if theres anything interesting, you want a cut?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Everything seems to be going quite well actually. The incident was taken care of, there was another new face... One that presumably didn't twig the Boss' 'no metas' rule. All in all it was a decent evening. Even if she'd be scrubbing the hell out of her shoes before going back anywhere restricted. No unwanted passengers allowed.

"Ah, well there's a few ninjas been around here, but they're from Ras Al Ghul's line of the woods," she begins to explain. Right before her train of thought is derailed.

"A cut of... The safe?" Momentarily she looks confused as her train skips the track and goes right over the edge into the water of her mind. Theft. Huh. "Not usually what the Boss allows, but just call it 'searching for evidence," she allows with a chuckle.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Money is a weapon, give it to Charity if you want I don't care. I don't get why American heroes will take the turbo space lasers, but leave the billions in cash they'll use to get back out and buy another super laser."Owari just shrugs, leading on "I mean look sure I just fought a bunch of people, but ripping off badguys is usually my whole thing. They cant pay for thugs and guns, they're much easier to handle you know?"

    She spends a few moments at the front door, before using a little widgy bar to pop the front door open and stroll into the darkened hotel interior. There she pauses, pretty much entirely invisible save for that mask in the low light. "I'm not getting rich off it, pay for expenses and give the rest away to folks who need it. If you let rich villians keep their millions, they ain't gonna ever stop being not jobs."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley follows after at least most of the way. With arms crossed she glances up at the cameras that were likely there. Even if their feeds might only be going to where the criminal element could see it was still there. "It's not so easy with us," she begins. "It makes sense what you say, of course. No funding, no high end crimes. But here in Gotham we're treading a thin line ourselves as vigilantes. We're technically breaking the law by doing what we do... Even if it helps get criminals off the streets. There's quite a few that would gladly lambast us, and throw us in jail as well, claiming we're crackpots endangering society."

She'd seen it before. In her own world, in her own time. Even here there were those strongly against them. Shaking her head she continues, "For instance if I were to be seen on camera taking money from a safe... It doesn't matter whose money it is. The news would get it. The police would get it. I'd be branded a criminal in my own right." Which is why right now she reaches out to flick a small EMP up toward one of the cameras causing the system to frizzle out.

"I won't stop you from doing what you need, though."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    //I can tell that we are gonna be friends.// The ninja sings, apparently. Badly, off key but she does it. "I put the sword to enemy Ninja, I carry automatic weapons, explosives and use foul language in the presence of children. I also steal pens from my superiors as a super petty means of corporate revenge. I'm already a criminal, that doesn't stop me from being a hero you know?"She hops the caunter and pauses to pop the lock into the back office without missing a beat.

    "Then again Yakuza sponsor heroes back in Japan, and many fight as heroes themselves. Over here everything is -so- black and white, everyone's in such a terrible hurry to have opnions about things."And a pause as she spots a large freshly installed safe and slows to give it a careful study."Ninjas can do heroic stuff, and personally I'd never ignore a plea for help. Just understand I'm not here to play by American rules and pretend to be something I'm not."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Robin remarks, "Not asking you to. Just warning you that those who do play by those rules might not take kindly to it. I'm... More lenient than most are. Had to do my own share of breaking and entering in the past." A wry smile comes, and she slips back to the door to make her exit. "You've got about ten minutes before the police arrive. They're slow in Gotham but they do show up."

"Later, Owari."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    That safe doesn't take long before it's cracked and swung open to reveal, cash tied with a bright yellow ribbon. Seems Mistress centipede knew how this would go down. "Well hey you ever need Ninja help, or you're in New York? Give me a ring yeah? I usually listen in around frequency 128.85 yeah?"She snags that cash, paging through the bills for a moment to make sure they're legit before tucking most of it away save for one. Folding a single bill into an origami throwing star, which she tosses back into the safe. "Be safe and well, my friend."