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Latest revision as of 00:17, 12 July 2022

Super Model -the Best kind of Super
Date of Scene: 22 June 2022
Location: Red Sally's Night Club
Synopsis: Catman finds an Aurora in a Dark Alley.
Cast of Characters: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Thomas Blake

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
While Red Sally's not one of the more reputable Night Clubs in the city, neither is Aurora one of the more reputable celebrities. At least she's well known enough to not be mistaken to an employee, considering how accomodating she is, as she walks inside, made up, dressed up and perfumed for a night out. It's not outside the ordinary for her to be in this club or that, sometimes attending several clubs on a given night. Her theme for the night is black, and daring, studded choker, fishnet gloves, sequined racerback tank top, daringly short skirt, stockings and garters, and boots. The only sprinkling of color comes from the sequins and flashes of red here and there, fashionably disorderly. From the onset, she walks directly towards the bar, never one to start things off without a good drink.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is the sort to frequent such a club as well, particularly the backroom where I high stakes game just concluded. He waves to the players continuing beh him, who hurl a few epithets his. He's pocketing his winning after a quick count (you never count your money when you're sitting at the table...) and somewhat distracted walks up to the bar.
There's this very tall, beautiful woman seated next to her. She's intimidatingly tall, fit and dressed top to kill. Not the way he dresses to kill. His sharp nose catches her perfume.

Thomas wastes no time. Some idiot may come along and turn her completely off and make the lady leave.

"Good evening. I just had two runs of incredible luck: the first at the card table and second now, meeting you. Will you let me share my good fortune by buying you a drink?" He gives her a smile.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Aurora was just considering what drink she will go for to start the night, when she heard a voice, and turned to look at Thomas with an arched brow. "I wouldn't dare contest the card table, Monsieur, but meeting me...?" She chuckles, swiveling in her seat to face Thomas, "some would call it bad luck. So, it's a matter of a point of view!" She motions at the empty spot besides, "...but I will never say no to a drink, mint julep if you would," seems she made her decision.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake slips into the seat beside Aurora. He tilts his head a little and then pronounces "Quebecois. I have a good ear for accents. I am Thomas Blake." He turns to the barkeep and orders a White Russian, then turns back to Aurora.

"As for bad luck -I'd take my chances. Sometimes luck is a matter of knowing what to keep and what to discard. You look and act like a keeper and unlike most stunning women, you are not insufferably full of yourself. That is rare."

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Quebecois over French? Rare in these parts," Aurora commends Thomas on his guess with a smile, "you ever been? To Quebec?" She extends her hand at the introduction, "Aurora Beaubier." She laughs at the backhanded compliment that follows, "are you saying I am unique in not being full of myself, or that women in general are full of themselves? I don't know if you're aware...but I am a model, this profession...it requires some form of vanity, n'est c'est pas?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake takes Aurora's hand in a brief shake. "The various dialects of French are each quite striking. No, I meant that you ran yourself down so to speak. Most women will not do this. It is the difference between vanity and insecurity. As far as vanity, it's a matter of looking after yourself for your livelihood. That's only good sense. Also you come here, to a gentleman's club as yourself. That also says you're pretty sure of yourself. I find this attractive. Not to mention you've not thrown a drink at me yet, so you're... open to new experiences?" He places an incredibly hard and callused hand on Auora's. Obviously no stranger to hard work. Of a sort.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Aurora nods the note of variance in the different French accents, not arguing that, very apparent to any native speakers. But she does look amused as the conversation rolls on, "does that mean I'm insecure? Or vain?" She asks a charged question, reaching for her julep, and raising it in toast to Thomas, "and merci beaucoup for the drink, very gentlemanly of you."

"Ah, yes, I do look after myself, I want to do well, it's difficult...but work hard play hard, non?" She giggles, before straightening in her seat a little, "but of course, who is to say only gentlemen can enjoy a Gentlemen's Club? Ladies can have fun too."

"Oh it would be a waste to toss a good drink at someone, especially when they've done nothing wrong..." hearing that bit about being open to new experiences, she asks, "you read about me in the tabloids, eh? You know who I am before you approach me?" After the handshake, she takes her hand away, and asks, "you do construction work?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake rolls his eyes in an exaggerated way. "You should be a lawyer. I don't think I called you vain. I said vanity had its place. And I said you were pretty secure to come here as yourself. I didn't know who you were when I sat down. You said you wee a model and obviously a well paid one. As to exactly who you were, I've been in Africa the last few weeks and I'm not a big reader, certainly not of tabloids." He notes her withdrawing her hand.

"I'm sorry about the hands. I am a sort of survivalist, I guess. Rock climbing, urban explorer... reformed supervillain if you can believe that. But I doubt you've ever heard of Catman? Let me get that out of the way now. Full pardon for services rendered during the Invasion, if that means anything." His voice goes deadpan waiting for her reaction.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"You think I can do that? Means you think I' smart, I like it," Aurora seems genuinely pleased, "I don't get complimented for that a lot." She grins, and nods, "it's true, I have some big contracts, I recently did a shot in Times Square, it was a lot of fun, I got to be 'sexy Captain Marvel'." She nods at the mention of lack of familiarity with tabloids, "they like to write about me...I think it gives them good sales. Always fun to make up stories."

"Oh, you're an active one, huh? I mostly dance," she laughs at the comparison, clearly her activity of choice isn't nearly as exhausting. "That's an odd thing to say...admitting to being supervillain before, did you ever hurt anyone? Kill anyone...?" She seems to shy away from Thomas now, leaning away from him without realizing it, as she takes another sip of her drink. A tad more nervous now. "I heard of a Catwoman...do you do cat-like things? Or it's just to mean you're agile?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake leans back. "I never hurt an innocent person in my life. I lived in wild places and I defended myself against very bad men. No more than anyone else would do. I fought alien invaders when we were at war. I do think you're smart. And direct." He turns to pay for their drinks and gets up to leave. "I'm sorry I scared you. I hope you have a nice night." He can't hide the look of disappointment as he moves his seat back. His shirt opens a bit revealing the claw marks on his chest.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"So what made you a supervillain then? Nothing wrong with fending for yourself," Aurora notes, easing a little, as she slowly sips more of her drink, listening to Thomas' story. She laughs at the 'direct' comment, "really? What did I do that was direct?" She muses, looking to enjoy the conversation. "Oh, au revoire..." she says with a wave, "thanks for the drink."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake stands but doesn't leave. "Asking me flat out did I hurt or kill people is direct. I'll stay if you want me to. I thought you were displeased."He sits back down. He takes another sip of his drink.

"Why did I become a supervillain. Simple. I was broke and I needed money to keep my mansion and lifestyle. Then... there was something more... I'd see people talking about the latest job I pulled, or reading the headlines about me, when I was making headlines and... I got a rush out of it. Like... say that you're dating a really disreputable type. Someone who would make the tabloids crap themselves and you keep it a secret and they have you linked to some Senator you barely spoke to. You're fooling everyone. You're smartest one in the room and it feels fucking awesome. It's all a rush. It's the same for the other guys, when they catch us. Then we get out and it starts all over."

"I can swing on a line, run along a tight rope, walk among lions, bend half dollars. I will fight anyone and I will bow to no one. I love that."

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Well, it matters to me, I don't want to be in the company of people who hurt others..." Aurora speaks frankly to Thomas. "Wow...I never had mansion and lifestyle, I was just broke and working as a barista in a dingy coffee shop," Aurora admits about herself. "I guess that makes it hard for me to understand."

"So you're an acrobat? That's cool, you know how to do martial arts? I love those movies...but I can't fight," she giggles, "though I can pose like I know. I did a shot where I had to kick someone's ass as a superhero, but it was fun, it's just like a dance, there's choreography and everything."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake starts laughing. "It's more like a dance than you think. I'm not hurting anyone. I give you my word I don't start trouble. That was another life. I'm not going to lie and say I hated all of it."

He gets a sneaky look, "You want to get out of here and go to the roof for some fresh air? I can show what I can do." He knocks back the last of his drink and extends a hand to her.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Is it...? I thought they just made it so it's easier for me to follow," Aurora laughs as Thomas reveals arts imitates life in that case. "It's nice of you not to lie, honesty is hard to come by." She downs the rest of her drink and places the empty glass on the counter, "that sounds borderline illegal, let's do it..."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake takes Aurora gently by the hand and leads her upstairs. He signals for silence, making not a sound himself and walks down the hall past offices, to a window overlooking the front of the club. Several men with cameras at the ready wait there. e makes a point of indicating them to Aurora, then quietly slides the window up and steps out and onto the ledge. He whispers, "We're going to outsmart the tabloid guys. Would you trust me and come out here." He holds his hands to guide her.

"I don't do anything borderline."

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Aurora is rather curious about this, and follows Thomas quietly as he asks, wondering just what he's up to. She's naturally nowhere near as stealthy as Thomas, but she follows him as abley as she can manage, trying to mimic his way of moving. "They really only ever snap pictures for a living, not sure how smart that is...but I'm curious, what are we going to do?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says, "I'm familiar with them. I was swarmed when my mother and then father died. Okay, you will give me your shoes. I will put them in this jacket. Ten you will wear this jacket and here's a tubular neckband. You can use it as a mask. No money being made off you tonight. The jacket is in case you have a wardrobe malfunction. And then we are jumping across the alleyway to the adjacent building and making our escape. I can do it carrying you... I'm good at this stuff. I do my own stunts. Trust me." He removes the jacket which isn't so much too long for Aurora as too big. She would fairly swim in it. Thomas' other hand holds a neck tube.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"My shoes...?" Aurora doesn't seem too much in love with the idea of giving her shoes to Thomas, looking at him very skeptically, eyes widening as he explains his plan. "That's crazy!" She notes, looking like she's having second thoughts. "Why do I have to give up my shoes?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shrugs. "I was going to make you put them in the jacket pockets. In case you had to do any acrobatics on your own? But have it your way." Thomas opens the window behind him wide he steps out onto the ledge and leaps without another word across the alley to land almost soundlessly on the fire escape. He looks down, seems satisfied and jumps back. Grabbing the sill he pulls himself back in. "See? This was what I had in mind." He waits.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Acrobatics...?" Aurora gasps, "like...in a movie?" She clearly doesn't seem ready to do something that's outside of a photoshot. She does look in amazement at Thomas' own acrobatics and grins, "I see why they called you the Catman...do you think you can do it while carrying me?" She wonders, clearly uncertain about trying the leap herself.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks at the jump he just did. He pulls his jacket back on, wears the neck tube himself and lets Aurora retain her shoes, if not her dignity. Because the Catman with a disturbingly smooth and practiced motion trows the leggy model over his shoulder, squeezes them through the window and leaps for his life. Her judged her weight correctly. Catman is pretty brave but even he won't ask a woman, let alone a super model, her weight.

They sail through the darkness and then there is a jolt as he lands on the railing of the escape. He grabs the railing f the landing above them and then carefully lowers Aurora, sliding her down till her heels are on the escape.

Heels and fire escapes do not go well. He hangs onto her arm while she figures out what to do, looking down at her and smiling slightly. "This was why I wanted you to take those heels off. Be careful. I didn't defy death for you to fall on your behind."

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Ack!" Aurora screeches, not quite having expected to be thrown over his shoulder, before being taken out the window for a swing across the fire escape.

She doesn't make it easy on him, flailing her legs and grabbing him as tightly as she can manage in however way she can manage with her arms. But they do make it to the other side alive, and she stumbles right at being lowered on the fire escape, she hangs on to Catman for dear life, before reaching to remove her heels on her own. "That was freakin' crazy..." she gasps, voice full of exhiliration, "and I get the bit with the shoes now...you could have just explained it better. Damn...that was impressive."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake slips off the railing and gives Aurora a hand as she removes her shoes. He pulls her into the shadows and says, "Shush." There as footsteps below as a man with a camera enters the alleyway and peers into the dark. Catman gets in front of Aurora, pretty much hiding her for a moment until the man leaves. He turns back to the model and grins. "I can carry you down in a more dignified fashion if you want?" He head tilts a little and rests a hand on her shoulder to possibly calm her.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Aurora is rather thankful for the cover, and pressing against Thomas, she mutters, "nobody cares to creep on some people in a fire escape, I'm sure if we hang around a bit, he'll go and you can take me down right after...thanks for the helps!"