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Gaming To Get Away From It All
Date of Scene: 13 July 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: In the midst of all the insanity, best bros Gar and Vic get back to basics: video games
Cast of Characters: Gar Logan, Victor Stone

Gar Logan has posed:
It is not long after the completion - for the time being - of matters in Wonderland. The place was in danger of being erased from existence, but Vorpal and two other Wonderlanders made a decision on the spot: to dream a new dream.

This has left some members of the Titans in varying states of comfort, to say the least. There is reason to believe that a better solution can be found to keep Wonderland safe, but that has not been worked out quite yet.

What this required was a good gaming session. Gar and Vic have had a history of figuratively tearing the roof off the place with some epic ones before, but with everything that's been taking place there hasn't been a great time. Sometimes, one must simply /make/ the time.

This is how they've ended up in front of the big TV, one of the top-line consoles turned on as they figure out what to pick first. "So what's it gonna be, tall, dark, and shiny? Fighters? Music? FPS?" The green one pointedly does not bring up Vorpal. Yet. His enthusiasm is on the dry side, forced compared to freely flowing.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic wasn't around for the epic fight that saved Wonderland, and thus wasn't around for Terry's decision to dream its dream along with the Hatter and the Catterpillar. He's not really blaming himself for the outcome, though--what would he have done, really? If Gar and Kian couldn't stop Terry, he couldn't have. He's been pondering solutions, but magic and dreams really aren't his thing. Raven is the expert there, on the Titans, and she's doing... something. Vic's just thinking up backup plans.

    What's really worrying him is the pattern. Caitlin runs off to fight in New York--and Vic isn't sure he blames her for what she did, but she was pushing everyone away. Donna changes, and now she's not talking to people about what happened and why. Kara gets hit by a dart of some new kind of Kryptonite that drives her insane. And it's the last one that has Vic thinking--is there something /behind/ all of this? Does someone have it out for the Titans? Or, heck, is this just some plot by Hekate to /strengthen/ the Titans in some ridiculous kind of way?

    At least Raven's back to her usual self. It's a weird kind of relief.

    But instead of being all paranoid--video games. Vic peers at the consoles, thinking seriously, then says, "Think I want a fighting game today. Punchy punchy, you know? Good for the soul, to punch things."

Gar Logan has posed:
The life of a Titan is sometimes so busy that it feels like there's always something going on. Trouble of some kind. Someone who needs a rescue or help in general. Downtime, when they can get it, is what helps balance it all out.

The trouble is just that when Gar gets in his thoughts, it can be difficult to get him out of them. Other times? It might be wondered if he has ADHD or something. No, he's never been diagnosed one way or another.

"Yeah. I'll start it up, dude. Did you know he came to us in a dream? Terry, I mean. To Kian and I. And it was like..really him in it. He said he can do that every few days or so, something like that. It's not the same, but at least it's better than nothing," he explains out of the blue.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "Oh?" This actually seems to brighten Vic's mood a bit, and while Gar fires up the game he goes to grab some snacks from the kitchen. Can't have an epic gaming session without snacks, after all. "Okay, one--didn't know you could share dreams that easily, that's kinda cool. Nadia and I really ought to go talk to Uffish about this stuff, I bet he knows all kinds of things. Or, umm, that other guy that keeps hanging around, dream guy. The rock star. Nick?"

    He comes back offering carrying bags of chips and other snacky things, and a couple of bottles of soda. "Two: what'd he say? Was he rhyming?"

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan goes through character selection and, predictably, takes one with animalistic traits to it. Clawing and biting attacks, high speed and reflexes, less armor. He glances over at the sight of sodas, popcorn, cookies, and more.

"Uh, I didn't know either. But the Akiar can do, like, shared dreams and that's cool, but Terry showed up and sort of took over and brought us to the forest with a table set for tea. There wasn't any rhyming. He was saying the scepter lets him be in every dream, and the crown lets him see and know every dream. He couldn't leave, but he could bring us there. While dreaming. He said there's a solution but he hasn't found it yet, and he has to dream Wonderland into existing but he can take breaks. In the dreams, I mean. But he can't wake up until we find a way to do it safely."

Kind of a word dump of an explanation, and he shifts his shoulders in an uncomfortable shrug. "We just have to figure it out. You can still talk to Uffish? And I dunno much about the singer. The other guy said he could see fate, and it said this wasn't the way it'd end." Being Jonathan.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "Oh I just meant... I'm curious about this dream stuff. Where it fits in terms of science and magic and all of that. I didn't know there were rules for how dreams work." Vic's put down the snacks, and picks up a controller, fiddling with it while he chooses a character. "Like, how does that even /work/? The scepter and the crown? I'd like to know."

    He settles on a speedster character, this time around. Vic tends to play around with different characters depending on his mood, and not often big burly ones. "But was the tea good? I mean, it's dream tea, right? It'd almost have to be." A grin.

Gar Logan has posed:
"We, uh, didn't get that far," Gar remarks, clearing his throat as he starts to work the controller buttons. What were this character's moves, again? He's having some trouble with blocking and avoiding attacks, even if Vic's aren't exactly unbeatable.

He tends to play one of two ways: rolling with most of the punches, or statuesque and focused, determined. It's the former so far. "I don't really know magic stuff, and..come on, attack already! Gaah!" The first round doesn't go that well for him.

<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <8> + 0 = 8
<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <4> + 0 = 4

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic's still getting back in the swing of it, and distracted, so he doesn't play /well/. But well enough, evidently, to beat Gar. "Hah! Too slow, little man, too slow. You really ought to try out some different characters, you're getting predictable." Oh, /ouch/.

    Getting to the tea or not getting to the tea--he doesn't comment on that. Just adds, "Glad you saw him. It's good he's not... gone, you know? Too much of that going around lately. People seeming gone. It's just..." He makes a growl of frustration, and mashes some buttons in a way that really /shouldn't/ be all that hard to dodge. And yet.

Gar Logan has posed:
"Yeah, yeah. I'm just getting warmed up, fool," Gar retorts. Not that Vic's suggestion isn't valid. When you always play one type, it's easy to resort to the same things. But, the trick is whether or not the other guy can stop it.

Clearing his throat as he works a few combos and blocks, he shakes his head quickly. "Not /gone/ gone, but not /here/ here either. Hey, uh, how are your Roombas doing, anyway?" he wonders, squinting sidelong at the bigger Titan before he pumps a fist. Round two goes his way, meaning one more to decide it. "That's what I'm talkin' about!"

<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <6> + 0 = 6
<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <11> + 0 = 11

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic got a little overconfident, schooling Gar with his admittedly rusty moves, and the blocks and combos get turned into a finishing move--in Gar's favor. "Ugh! Dammit. Okay, Stone, /focus/. You can still win this one." He shakes himself, rolls his shoulders, sits forward a little.

    "The Roombas... have been really quiet lately, which is worrying me, I'll admit. You, uhh..." He glances at Gar. "...How much glitter did you spread around the Tower while you had the Cheshire, anyway?"

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan scoffs. "You can, but the question is will you?" He's settling in now, his character flowing through a chain of attacks and blocks. Vic's playing picks up, but Gar's working it now, the rust scraped off. "Yeah. That's right. How does that feel, buddy? Guess what's comin'? It doesn't matter, 'cause you ain't stoppin' it!" he says, busting out the trash talk along the way.

The question of glitter is one he tries not to think about too much. "Uhh, I dunno. I wasn't in my right mind the whole time. Why?"

Around that moment, he hits with an unstoppable super combo that leads into his finisher, followed by a fist-pump. "Still got it," he peacocks. Literally. "Again, or do you wanna get whupped on Mario Kart next?"

<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <13> + 0 = 13
<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <19> + 0 = 19

Victor Stone has posed:
    "Oh /come on/!" Vic does /not/ throw the controller. Ever since Donna threatened to see they stopped getting replaced if they got broken, he's been reining in his frustrations at gaming. But he glowers at Gar. "/Fine/," he says. "One more match. I'm choosing a different character this time."

    On the character select screen, he explains, "Terry's glitter was causing the Roombas to... not really gain sentience? Not quite? But they were acting weird, killing each other and playing football and stuff. Interacting with some code improvements I made in really odd ways. We adjusted for that, and Terry worked on his glitter not sticking to everything /quite/ as much, but... well... you didn't know how to do that."

    This time, he grabs a burlier character, but he's not doing much better with the moves. Will it be enough to beat Gar, this time?

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan's had that talk before, too. This is serious business! It's been an exercise in self-restraint. Deep breathing exercises. Count to ten. Then twenty.

He's got that look in his eyes now, ready to pounce and claim another victory, and he also decides to mix it up and take a bruiser type. Power on power, and so far, Vic's getting the better of him with higher-quality moves that connect well.

"Ooof. That hurt. And, uh, he never talked to me about any of that with the glitter, soooo I have no idea. But I /did/ blast him point-blank, and he deserved it." Ahh, good times. An illusioned-up rocket launcher with a glitter bomb will do that.

Unfortunately for Vic, the second and third rounds go much like the first time. Gar scrapes out a match-tying win with neither of them getting in a rhythm, then the last round is better for both of them but Gar pulls it out with both of their health getting low. "Booyah!" He steals Vic's line, the thief!

<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <12> + 0 = 12
<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <5> + 0 = 5

<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <5> + 0 = 5
<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <8> + 0 = 8

<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <13> + 0 = 13
<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <15> + 0 = 15

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic might have thought punchy punchy would be good for the soul, but he's getting /schooled/. Every time he seems like he's started to get into the flow, he stumbles (metaphorically) and falters and messed up. Even as he starts to get the flow back in the third match, Gar manages to beat him --and then /steals his line/.

    Cyborg glowers at Beast Boy. "How would you like it if I turned myself green, huh? Don't steal my line, man. That's a low blow." A pause, and then, "Mario Kart. Let's go." He's not going to give up, even if Gar's just roundly trouncing him.

    He reaches over for a bottle of some hideous green soda that probably tastes like morning mist or something, like he's trying to fuel up. "Off my game. Gotta get /on/ my game. In the game. Y'know?"

Gar Logan has posed:
If nothing else, the wins are making Gar look a little more upbeat. It's the adrenaline rush of competition, no matter what it is, and these two have turned just about anything into a competition. You name it, and they've probably found a way. "You, green? You flatter me. Go right ahead," he encourages, likely not the response Vic was expecting.

Once they have their racers selected, Gar chugs a bit of cola, then Vic hits the boost off the starting line for the early lead. Gar keeps up fairly well, but Vic manages to avoid any pitfalls or perils to the point his advantage is never really in danger. Gar slips back to third or fourth for much of it, getting clipped a couple times before getting back into it, but this time around it's Big and Shiny that crosses the finish line first, with a very good time to boot. Gar holds his controller out as if it's betrayed him. "Rematch!" he calls.

"And, you been doing okay, dude? You know, stuff's been kind of crazy lately. Crazier." Can't forget to see how his big bro's been.

<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <16> + 0 = 16
<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <16> + 0 = 16
<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <17> + 0 = 17

<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <12> + 0 = 12
<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <11> + 0 = 11
<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <15> + 0 = 15

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic rolls his eyes at Gar's reply, but maybe it's all enough to push him into gear. Literally! His fingers work the controller with ease and expertise, dodging obstacles and NPC drivers, keeping Gar lap after lap. He's grinning by the end of the match, pumps a first into the hair. "Booyah! Took it back! In your /face/, green man!"

    He's already going for a rematch--he knows Gar will want one, and anyway, you can't have true dominance from /one/ win. "I'm..." A pause. "Enh, I'm not /bad/, but I'm not /good/. Okay, I guess?" He shrugs. "Honestly, I'm kinda..."

    He fiddles with the controller for a moment, then says, "You umm... okay, maybe you'll think I'm paranoid, but I'm kinda... look, you actually met Hekate, right? Do you think... do you think she's got it out for us? The Titans, I mean."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan holds up a finger. "Need I remind you I beat your ass twice, coming back both times, and this just got you on the board." Oh yes, they will argue like an old married couple about all the little details. He turns his hand around and motions for Vic to bring it, ala The Rock or Morpheus, and he selects a different track with more challenges. Rainbow Road time!

Just before the race begins, his brows furrow. "What's that? I mean, I know all about being good but not. Ohhh, Hekate. Man, I don't really know. Everything around that is so weird, I can't even explain it. It wouldn't surprise me if she did, but it also wouldn't surprise me if she was done with us. You might have to ask Donna. Or Raven."

They both hit the boost off the start, and that first lap is tiiiiiight! They pass the starting point side by side and Gar bumps Vic with his racer! No walls on the course means a fall off, and Gar takes a lead into the final lap! "Haha, take that!" The last one isn't the cleanest for either of them, and Vic even closes a little bit, but while Gar doesn't place first, second is the spot he takes while Vic comes in just a little behind for third. This leads to Gar hopping up on the couch to twerk, a sight nobody needs to see. "Still beat you! That's what I'm talking about!"

<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <17> + 0 = 17
<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <9> + 0 = 9
<DICE ROLLER> Victor Stone rolled 1d20 <12> + 0 = 12

<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <17> + 0 = 17
<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <13> + 0 = 13
<DICE ROLLER> Gar Logan rolled 1d20 <11> + 0 = 11

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic's in the /zone/ on the first lap, but so is Gar, and Vic actually starts leaning into the turns as if he's driving a real car. (Actual car racing, is that a thing they've done? That's a thing they should do. Vic in a T-Car vs. Cheetah Gar!)

    Rainbow Road is harder than it looks, though, and Vic never manages to recover falling /right/ off the world. He manages to eke out third place, but he glowers a bit at losing not only to Gar but one of the computer karts. Ugh. "Alright, alright," he says. "You're on the ball today more than I am. I'm just... I dunno, man. I feel like /something/ is after us, you know? Getting paranoid, kinda. I really need to get out more, I'm spending too much time in the lab."

    He considers for a moment, then says, "Rock Band? Let's end this team-up style. And I know /just/ the song." He goes to pick up the bass guitar, and once the game's fired up and the song selection screen is on, he chooses a song in tribute to Terry: Enter Sandman.

    Because, you know. Sandman, dreams, all that kinda thing.

Gar Logan has posed:
To his credit, Gar doesn't rub it in any more than he has already. That's one of the things about him: the trash talk can be good, and it can be biting, but it doesn't overstay its welcome. Usually.

"We definitely gotta get out more and just do some normal stuff, even if we're not. A little vacation, movie night or a team dinner, maybe go-karts. Bowling?" he suggests. Not the first time he's suggested someone go bowling recently.

As he grabs the regular guitar after Vic takes bass, he asks, "Oh, you do, do you? What is it?" As the artists and songs are scrolled through, he tilts his head Vic's way as he remains standing, the better to play with. "Ohhhh, I seeeeee." He leads in with the opening notes after setting up a mic to sing into as well. Gotta go full Hetfield, and he can make that voice work.

"Say your prayers, little one, don't forget, my son
To include everyone
I tuck you in, warm within, keep you free from sin
'Til the Sandman, he comes"

"Sing it with me, dude!" he slips in quickly. This is where they shine: together, as Titans do.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "Oh, man, bowling would be /fun/. Can you imagine Rae in those ridiculous clown shoes?" Vic grins, and then focuses on working the bass guitar. Not a base guitar, this time. Just a normal bass. Well, a controller for a video game.

    Then he's singing along with Gar, doing the harmonies ('cause it needs awesome harmonies.) "Sleeeep with one eye open... gripping your pillow tight~!" /Now/ he's in the zone. He's most in the zone working with his friends, honestly, and it's been too long since he really just hung out with his best friend.

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan has no answer to the visual of Raven in bowling shoes. His excuse is he's too locked in on the song, but he does cast a quick glance over, shaking his head. Yeah, he can't help /but/ imagine it now.

As the song goes on, he hits most of the notes (picking Hard this time, not Expert), and of course when he gets to a certain part he adds to it ('It's just the Beast Boy under your bed').

Anyone coming in on the pair deeply engrossed in the game..well, that wouldn't be the first time, whether teammate or visitor. Some of their older battles are the stuff of legend around the Tower amid the vets of the team.

Just getting back to this..it's good. It's right. It's familiar. Smiles and laughter come easier, and once the song ends and the in-game crowd roars its approval, Gar holds out a fist. "Come on, bro. I know you ain't gonna leave me hangin' here. Let's do a few more songs, then we gotta hit those snacks hard."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic returns the fist bump, with a broad grin. /Now/ he's having fun. Not that he wasn't before, but he's /really/ having fun. "Yeah, you get next pick. Make it good! We gotta blow the roof off this place, let everyone know we're /rocking out/."

    There's nothing the Titans can't handle together, after all. Whether it's paranoia about Greek goddesses or missing members or identity crises. They'll make it through.

Gar Logan has posed:
"Oh, is that what you want? I've got just the thing," Gar grins, rubbing his hands together as the guitar controller remains slung over a shoulder, hanging in place. "Close your eyes. You'll know when you hear it."

This is what made the Titans a family, rather than a group of overpowered people who just got together to save the day. The Titans hung out together, just doing normal things like this. That's why loss hurts more. It's also why the good times aren't just good, but great.

Gar mimics, very well, a particular voice as the song begins with vocals before the music.

"Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landside,
No escape from reality"