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Latest revision as of 12:43, 15 July 2022

A Family Meeting
Date of Scene: 15 July 2022
Location: Batcave
Synopsis: Some of the Batfamily have a talk about current events. There's coffee and cookies and now Batman has to go punch Bane.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Wayne, Bette Kane, Jason Todd, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Phoebe Beacon, Zatanna Zatara

Bruce Wayne has posed:
It's late in the evening. Very late. So late that the sun will start crawing upwards from the horizon in about an hour. A patrol was done around Gotham (Twice), and beyond some petty muggings and attempted auto thefts, it was a very quiet evening. At least for the Batman.

Earlier in the evening, over the Family Communications, Bruce sent out a notice about a family meeting of sorts. He wants to get the kids and any other allied folks together in the cave and run down current events.

Thusly, Bruce, cowl still up, is sipping coffee from a Batburger souvenir mug. It has a chibi-style Batman on it saying 'I'll punch your hunger!' On a nearby folding table is one of those church style coffee vats, assorted mugs (some plain, some with weird logos and slogans (those are Tim's fault) and a platter of assorted Alfred cookies. Where's Alfred? Probably asleep because he is not an absolute maniac.

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette Kane was on time, in military fashion, that meant she was the oddball and fifteen minutes early. Already having herself a cup of coffee, enough cream to cool the heat out of it, ironic for the Flamebird. She is in her relatively bright garnet and burnt orange suit, but the goggle mask is pulled up to her forehead.
Flamebird grabs a cookie, checking her watch under the cuff of her glove, and the moves tighter in, ready for.. Not formation. Ordered gaggle.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd had not been to the Cave in a while. Hell, he hadn't actually spoken with Bruce in a longer while. At the invite, he considered not showing at all. Or showing up entirely too late just to needle Bruce. Part of him liked that idea the best, but he pushed that urge a little deper.

Rolling in on his bike, Red Hood cut the engine and got off, pulling his helmet and setting it on the bike. After a quick glance, he made his way toward the coffee and cookies.

He spares a look finally toward Batman. A moment after clenching his teeth he finally spoke up, "Hey."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Thank god for summer break so it isn't a school day.

    I mean Babs still may have words about later today when Charlie is absolutely dragging having already been out on her own patrol earlier in the night. Still as far as Charlie is concerned this is what sugary cereal and caffiene was made for right.


    She doesn't bother to change though, stepping off a rooftop in the narrows and vanishing with a splash of pink and purple smoke. Appearing a moment later in the Batcave with a similar slash of smoke >pinkurple>. Also yes it is such a distinct shade it totes deserves it's own pantone name. Pinkurple.

    "Ooo A-Cookies!" she chirps and heads that direction absolutely immediately, pushing her goggles up with one gloved hand.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It'd been a quiet evening for Phoebe -- but then again most evenings were quiet for her at the moment. She had picked up a coffee mug with a polar bear and 'Chill Out!' on it, and having filled it with hot, black coffee was sitting cross-legged on a nearby flat surface. She had been in 'mage mode' for the evening, and thus was wearing a knife-resistant kevlar weave hoodie, with the hood pulled over her face casting it in shadow, black tac pants and her regular knee-high boots. She gives a nod to Bette -- who she's not met yet, and a 'sup' upward tilt of her head to Jason, and just signed 'Good evening Batman' to Bruce. Because the sign for Batman is hilarious in her mind.

    Charlie gets a small grin, and an offer of a fistpump in passing.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The maniacs unite. Were it not for Alfred having overseen the refreshments, Zee wouldn't touch coffee out of the huge vat. The magician pulls herself a cup in one of china mugs provided for the crew, again, thanks to Alfred. Does Batman really do styrofoam? Then, turns to Charlie and Phoebe with a questioning hike of her eyebrows. "Coffee?"

After snagging a cookie, she seats herself, long legs crossed and focuses on Bruce.

If there were any expectations for her to attend in stage regalia, they would be sorely dashed and stamped upon. Fishnets and top hats are for the stage. Zee prefers Shinjuku designers these days and wears a boxy black linen jacket over an oversized gauzy silk shirt worn untucked over wide-legged pants. True, her clothes are black and white, but it is her only concession to the Brand Zatara.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
People begin to arrive, and Bruce gives each of them a look dead in the eyes as they do. He knows these people, they're his flock. Well, except Zatanna, but she's welcome here 98% of the time. That other two percent, well, she knows when it's not good to just pop in.

Phoebe gets another once over, his impassive mask almost slipping for a second. Sometimes it's very difficult for him to maintain the persona. He does care about these people he's welcomed into his life, and Phoebe's had a hard time of it lately.

Then there's Jason. His greatest failure. His biggest regret. He extended the invitation to the Red Hood, but wasn't sure he'd show. He did, and that mask does crack a little, just the slightest, you wouldn't know it unless you were looking for it, upturn of his lips. Which he attempts to hide with taking a sip of coffee. It's also why he leaves the cowl on. When it comes off, it's harder to have that ironclad control. To be Batman.

"Thank you for coming. I know we're all tired from our busy nights, but I just wanted to touch base. See what issues and problems might need some more ... Focused attention."

Bette Kane has posed:
Flamebird made her way over a little closer to the side. There were folks she didn't quite know, and they seemed the magical variety. Zatana's apprentices? Had that been a missed thing? Bummer. She gives a two finger salute to Jason, afterall, if he doesn't deserve a scout salute, who does? She cannot help but glance from Redhood to the Robin Memorial, and back. That must be ackward.

Everybody is given a smile though, Zatanna, the wizarding world unknowns, J.T., and cousin Bruce. He is Batman now though, to Bette, very different. A bit of stiffening, more tight military posture as opposed to casual heiress.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie's entrance was unusual, but she has been a known quantity for a good while now. She lives with Barbara as her ward really and is also yes one of Zee's apprentices to boot. Still she definitely knows how to appreciate Alfred cookies.

    There is a gleam in her eye as she selects a couple of her favorites and then careful to not drop the cookies gets some coffee too.

    There is also about as much stiffness as she has all the time, which is to say none. Just a big smile as she coffee cup salutes everyone and then stuffs a cookie in her mouth. Eyes darting between everyone when Batman asks what issues mmay need focusing on.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd probably did not see that almost, not really here smile. He was already looking to the coffee after grabbing a mug. The mug proclaims, <<Sorry I'm late. I go here as soon as I wanted to.>>

He fills it then adds in far too much creamer and.. oh hey Al even put out the Splenda. He remembered. Because if here was someone really worried about his health, it wasn't Jason. He pours too much of the sweetner in as well, stirring before taking a sip. Perfect. "Syrup of the gods" he confirms.

Seeing Phoebe, he blinks. "Oh, shit! I forgot. Hey Phoebe." That wasn't what he forgot however. He returned to his bike, pulling a plastic container from one of the hard sided case. Bringing it back over, he pulls the lid off.

It is full of cubed, perfectly ripe and juicy pineapple.

He decidedly does not look at Phoebe. Instead he goes for cookies.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna doesn't need telepathy to read the momentary slip of Bruce's impassive stare. Her sapphire blue eyes track his gaze following Phoebe. She smiles faintly to herself, swinging a crossed leg, mug gripped in one hand. Behind the smile, real contentment for where Phoebe has landed after so much drama.

Turning her focus on others in the room, she nods deeply to Bette and returns the smile. Charlie's demeanor, child of chaos, deepens the smile, as does Phoebe. Her eyebrows contact in a quizzical frown at Jason's behavior, she will ask Phoebe later.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks in odd puzzlement at the pineapple, and she shakes the container a moment. It is perfectly cubed, and smells perfectly ripe. Her head tilts, and she opens her mouth, then closes it, looks to Jason in questioning and then just signs <... what?>

    Her lips purse a moment, and she looks to Zee and Charlie, and then, reclosing the container of pineapple she draws up her hands and signs out.

    <Need to talk about B A N E>

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce frowns slightly at Phoebe's signing. Fantastic. He'd heard tale that Bane was showing his head again, but he had as of yet to cross him in person.

What a shame.

"What about Bane? I've heard he has surfaced again. I haven't run across him yet, or he'd be back in Arkham where he belongs."

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette studied sign language, for a couple of weeks, one time. There was a thing at an orphanage, but that was years ago. 'What' 'need' 'talk' and the letter 'B' and the Letter 'A.' Four letters starts with B.. Crosswords, dangit, she preferred Sadoku.

And the pineapple? Was she or Jason a fan of 'Psych?'

She glances to the other two women. Then The Batman, of course solves that puzzle for her. A swallow, Bane, Killer Croc, and Grundy were not on her direct conflict list. Purely distract and get back-up.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie gives Pheebs a concerned look, not because of the pinapple but more because her friend is hurt. At least she is soldiering on but it looks like it would be really rough.

    She glances at the signing and then at the Batman and back. When Bruce clarifies it is about Bane her eyes widen. "Oh not good." understatement Charlie. She stuffs the second cookie in her mouth and chews away. Eyes still flicking between people as she has nothing to add to the whole Bane thing.

    Maybe she should pick up sign language.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd just smiles at Phoebe before biting into half a cookie. It was gone in an instant. Then he leans against another table where he can see everyone reasonbly well. He slurps at his coffee. Maybe right about the time Batman speaks. Maybe right as he speaks. If it was intentional, he doesn't show satisfaction. He's too busy eating cookies to show satisfacion.

It was totally intentional.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Bane. Zatanna sighs quietly and narrows her eyes at the news. Of course, Phoebe would hear the latest current of rumor on the streets. She watches Bruce, and the reactions of the other people in the room.

Even knowing that it is taxing for her to sign, the magician asks, "What did you hear, Phoebe? Is he on the rampage again?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks over to Zatanna -- it's taxing to sign, but more taxing for everyone to have to put up with translation, and even more taxing on her to use the crystal necklace to broadcast. So she tilts her head back a moment, and then pulls back her hood, dark eyes blinking in the light as she sets the container of pineapple on the table where it belongs (selfish not to share, after all), and she shifts her weight, and she reaches into her bag and pulls out a tablet. She switches text-to-speech on, and quickly begins to type.

    <<Bane is operating a bloodsport arena supported by Tezcatlipoca a god of war and night. I had reported it to the JLD, but in my absence it does not appear that anyone has investigated. Tezcatlipoca has now encountered me in the arena twice; third time might be Bad News. Bane was agitated during my recon. Catwoman was able to get to his office, may know more. Had to get out. Bane requested Batman personally instead of any of the underlings.>> she types, a robotic female voice announcing her words.

    <<Two Ghost Riders had offered their aid before I left on unannouncned sabatical.>>

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce listens to the text to speech, face unreadable. A bloodsport arena in Gotham, dedicated to the god of war and the night. His frown intensifies.

"Well then," he says with great displeasure. "I suppose I should give Bane what he wants." A pause. "Though I don't think I will go alone. After all, if I'm busy handling Bane, I need my team to handle his goons."

Bette Kane has posed:
Tezcatlipoca? There is a faint sigh as Bette has to force out the sudden accordian playing mariachi music out of her head. Bane teamed up with a God, yeah, sounds like JLD to her. Not a Flamebird mission. Flamebird missions are by nature defined as against mortals, not Gods. Dunk cookie, eat cookie, drink coffee.

Again her focus slips over Zatanna, she will obviously have this well in hand, Magic was her game. But, that also causes her to switch back to Jason, afterall, if there was someone here that would probably look forward to fighting Bane, it would likely be him. Maybe that was the reason Damien wasn't here?

Oh, goons, yeah, goons are her speed, not Gods, but goons, that she can help with. She finishes her coffee off. Returning the cup to the table. Maybe she can even ride in the Batmobile, seeing as Jason has his bike and the magic types don't really seem to need mundane transport. Oh, or Zee could teleport her there, that might be fun, or horrifying.. Still Bucket List worthy.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna casts a glance at Phoebe and nods, then catches Charlie's attention before saying, "I can only speak for myself, though I imagine Charlie and Phoebe will be at your side. As I will be."

She adds without enthusiasm, thinking of both Phoebe and Charlie risking their lives. "The God of War wields a dark, bloody magic and we may be able to help."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Aztec god of war and night. What could go wrong." she says it with a quirk of a grin though. She is using humor, not jinxing everyone I swear.

    "Always happy to punch goons and keep them tied up, and then ziptied for the authorities." she eyes the cookies. Does some math. It doesn't look like any of the Robins are popping in, so she could probably have a couple more. She inches back over and swipes a third cookie. Alfred baking. So deadly.

    "I do got my demon punching gloves worked out, I bet it would work against other stuff okay." to Zee's point about helping out.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a nod and signs <Count me in. I can reach out to two or three of my old allies to see if they want to come to make it easier. There's got to be some way that the god is tethered to the arena. BReaking that might break his control or lessen his power locally.>

    And she rubs her hands a moment, wrinkling her nose, and gives a breath out.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd stops with the antics after the two loud slurps. Instead he finishes the cookiee, takes a quiet sip of coffee and then eyes the pineapple. Waste not. He uses one of the wooden stir sticks from the coffee to skewer two cubes. Popping the first in his mouth he chews while he listens. It really was a damned fine pineapple.

As everyone speaks up, he realizes he's still eating and hasn't said anything. He glances around during a pregnant pause.

"Beating down goons? I'm in." Phrasing is everything.