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More About Genosha
Date of Scene: 24 March 2020
Location: Charles' Office (Xavier's School)
Synopsis: Lorna brings back interesting news from Genosha. And someone called Emma Frost
Cast of Characters: Scott Summers, Lorna Dane, Jean Grey

Scott Summers has posed:
Xavier's office is a nicer, livelier place than the war room in the sublevels, and that is perhaps why Scott and Jean have chosen the place to meet with the just returned Lorna. There is no need of charts or holograms this time, they have read the reports on damages and casualties (memorized them in Scott's case). They still have many questions, but computers are not going to give them any without more data.

So instead they are meeting around a low table, with coffee having just been made from Xavier's classy expresso machine. All very pleasant, except the matter of the conversation. Genosha is never far from their minds lately.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna came with a tablet today, and at least she looked more herself as of late. A few more good days to bad days in the entire outlook. It helped that Wanda and Pietro had been about more and more often too. She seemed more inclined to laugh and do things when either of her siblings was around. She pursed her lips briefly as she entered, wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

"I have a few things to add to our original reports. Including the fact that people are reporting some kind of a 'green' energy beam shot the palace. We can't confirm that it was done by the Sentinels and our scans show that whatever weapons we found on the Sentinels doesn't match the destruction.. I also have reports that various observation satellites went dark when Genosha was hit." She pushed the tablet over to Scott.

"I've been working with a few different groups that have arrived on Genosha on and off. We've seen Wakanda, the Latverians with Doom, SHIELD, and there are rumors of people going about and picking at the bodies. At least that's what survivors were saying." She glanced at Scott and settled in the nearest available chair. Was she getting straight to the point? Yeah, but it was because for all her work.. she still had limited answers.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean sits next to Lorna, wearing a comfortable Xavier's Institute hoodie along with jeans. She hrms at that report, "So it seems that the initial attack was from something... suborbital? Space-based?" She frowns a little, looking over the notes, "We might want to send some people in, just to make sure that Genosha isn't looted. If that's alright with you, Lorna?" She passes a look to Scott, but well... technically even the X-Men would be guests of hers there.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott is wearing business casual, like he usually does when he has classes to impart. It is comfortable enough, and also formal enough so most kids take him seriously. (Or do HE thinks).

So light brown slacks, button up shirt, matching shoes and a sport jacket. But no tie. He really looks like a schoolteacher, but for the red futuristic sunglasses.

The report makes him raise an eyebrow. Because it is genuinely new, and completely unexpected. "So perhaps that is how they achieved surprise. They deployed some kind of orbital weapon. It couldn't have been a ECM pulse, though. You would have felt it, and Magneto could have deflected it."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shook her head, "We have no proof of anything being attacked, everything came back on after. It might be entirely technologically based here in the US, or anywhere around the world. Just think of all the techies out there that likely have the ability...?" She arched a brow as she waved a hand.

"I mean, I could knock them out, but there'd be evidence and a whole of of stuff raining down from the sky. But beyond hacking? I have no idea or maybe a virus? It's not my thing." She exhaled a breath, crossing her arms.

"And we have nothing beyond the //lack// of evidence to go off of.." She sighed and reached up, pushing her hair back from her face and grimacing. "I'm worried about all the people showing up to Genosha. I have no means to keep them out of the island, or stop them from picking apart the dead. The survivors have been telling me that there's been a few groups doing just that. What am I supposed to do? I can't patrol Hammer Bay, much less the whole island.. And then there's the Hellfire Club... Miss Frost, she's telepath.." Lorna paused and looked at Jean. "One that skims my thoughts, and Alex's. Apparently she and Alex have gone on a few dates and she's connected him to the X-men and who knows what else."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean frowns a little, "Well, as they say, send a telepath to catch a telepath." She narrows her eyes, "I think I'm going to pay Miss Frost a visit, and just see what this Hellfire Club is all about." She pauses, and hmms, "Time to do a little bit of research. Though I don't think there's a need to worry Alex just yet." She passes a look over towards Scott again, since... well, it isn't //her// brother that they're talking about.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott frowns. A computer virus delivered in some form of energy form sounds a good theory, and a dangerous one. They need to get the School shielded from an attack of that kind.

But that is going to be on Xavier and Hank's table. He is no scientist.

There is something he can do about the corpse thieves. He expected scavengers, after all. "You can't do everything, Lorna. But you have a team backing you. I will ask for volunteers and send a group to Genosha to both protect the survivors and drive away thieves and looters. If you want, we can establish a safehouse and stay there a few months, until the survivors can organize."

And... it doesn't seem to have much to do, but an unknown telepath poking at the minds of the X-Men is a security risk. But looks like Jean is on it. "Yes, please. I think Betsy or you should approach this Frost woman, Jean, and see what she wants. The Hellfire Club, hmm? They are a social club for the super-rich, aren't they?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once regarding what had happened to the satilites. She had no idea, and nor did SHIELD or anyone else she had talked to. So that limited the number of possible suspects. The fact that no one had hunted down a Trask facility to see when or how the Sentinels might have been made or who for was another issue. But she bit her lower lip, one thing at a time. As Scott mentioned bringing in a team to Genosha she smiled, and flashed a look of relief.

"Please. But be warned... my father's followers.. the Brotherhood. A few of them have taken up residence in Genosha.. And for the moment, I'm allowing it." She shifted in her chair and reached out to grab her tablet again.

"Jean, I could try to bring you in there as my plus one, but I dunno where my standing is at the moment. I barely was aware of this place until I was invited. My father apparently was involved.." She arched a brow and looked between Jean and Scott again.

"To what extent I don't know. But these people have money. A lot of it. And they're offering to help Genosha with clean up. I'm willing to work with them for that much at least. We need to treat lightly."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Well, sounds like a date to me." She grins wryly, "I can also keep this Frost woman out of your head too, should it come to that. So really I should be with whoever we send to check out the Hellfire Club."

She pauses, "Much like some of these other groups offering to 'help' Genosha... we need to be careful what strings are attached. Wakanda, I'm not too worried about, I've spoken with T'Challa and that seems fine. But Latveria and now this Hellfire Club... I understand you can't turn down the aid, Lorna, but the price concerns me."

Scott Summers has posed:
"Agreed, if you need founds it might be better to ask Warren or Roberto DaCosta," suggests Scott. "Or even Tony Stark, who is usually our ally." Of course there is also the problem of the Brotherhood. But if Lorna has the Brotherhood maybe they can protect the Genoshans? He is not sure. Depends on whose Brotherhood members are available. Some he wouldn't trust to protect their own wallets.

"Well, it is going to be your decision, Lorna," decides Scott. "We stand ready to help."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna pursed her lips together. "I've seen Roberto there, at the club. Pietro and I went there the other day and he was chatting it up with Miss Frost. So." She shrugged lightly, unsure and hesitant on what to make of the whole scenario.

"I'm willing to take their money because I've got to Scott, beyond the fact that Genosha is destroyed, we need money to rebuild... I have people I have to care for. And they're offering. Genosha never had any investors before, or at least none there openly. No one wanted to because of my father.." She bit her lower lip and sighed.

"I'm aware there are strings attached Jean.. but again.. I can't rely on Stark. He's running for President. Do you think he'll want to be seen helping a foreign power before the election?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "True, open assistance would be politically risky at best, and... well, I think I need to have a conversation with this Miss Frost. See what exactly their angle is." She glances over at Lorna, "If nothing else we can make sure you're not going in blind for this."

Scott Summers has posed:
"The school secrets re also a major concern in this case," points out Scott. He might be somewhat concerned about Alex, too. "Stark will do whatever he wants, public opinion has never been a concern. In fact I don't think he really listens to anyone else's opinion."

He thinks for a minute, "if you manage to talk with him, perhaps mention the green light event? That kind of high tech attack might spark his interest. Particularly if he is serious about improving the US security. Whatever hit Genosha will no doubt work on any major American city."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged, and inclined her head. "I wouldn't mind having you there Jean, it would mean at least some defense. Well, beyond thinking //really// hard about physics laws.." She laughed but it was strained and her expression was pinched slightly as she thought about everything that had been going on.

"Doom I think is worried about the same, he was scanning the area, made nice to me when I showed up, and SHIELD.. but I think he was concerned about the same happening to Latveria too.." She mused and exhaled a breath.

"My concern was security too. If Alex is going on dates and getting drunk around Miss Frost.. who has already shown me she has few qualms with scanning people's minds... we're going to have to have a sit down about security.."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean hmms, "I can teach Alex a few of the defense techniques that the Professor taught us, since he hasn't had a chance to learn them yet. That should help. But yes, we need to make sure the safety of the school is paramount, at least as far as what we really do here, anyway."

She looks mildly amused at the thought of Doom caring about his homeland, but then shrugs, "Alright Lorna, when you go meet with these people, I'll go with you. Maybe I can even make friendly with Miss Frost while I'm there." She smiles faintly, "You can, of course, catch more flies with honey than vinegar."

Scott Summers has posed:
Urge to yell at Alex: Rising.

Alex should know better than getting drunk around a telepath. Well, getting drunk. Period. He can control his powers better than Scott, but hardly perfectly.

"Doom is unlikely to be genuinely helpful," mentions Scott. "But I can believe he was looking for the same thing we are looking: how could someone destroy Genosha so quickly. You brought in some clues, Lorna. And more questions."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded, eyeing Scott, she seemed to notice the subtle way he went quiet. "Just so you, amd Jean know, Miss Frost isn't out publicly as a mutant. It's something she told me, so I would rather us be subtle about how we handle this. Bringing Jean in and teaching Alex some discreet ways to watch himself is a good idea. It's useful regardless." She smiled weakly, and inclined her head toward Scott again.

"I think I'm getting more questions than answers, but the lack of answers is almost one in its own way at this point.."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean arches a brow, as she doesn't need to be a telepath to know where Scott's thoughts are going, "Yelling at him isn't going to help, Scott. I'll talk to him, but he's not like one of the other students. We can't treat him like that either."

She then smiles a bit at the news that Emma isn't out as a mutant, "So she wants to keep things a bit close to the vest? That's good... helps us at least keep things a secret. She won't expose //us// if there's a risk that she's revealed in the fallout from that. And with a situation like this, I'll take every advantage I can get."

Scott Summers has posed:
"Sometimes he is worse than a first-year student," mutters Scott. "Still, yes... I am not going to deal with my little brother yet. We have more pressing concerns. And if Frost is a powerful enough telepath, it really doesn't matter if Alex was reckless or not."

And definitely someone Jean is better equipped to deal with.

"So, Lorna. Which Brotherhood members survived?" He asks the green-haired princess. "Do you think we could work with them, if only for Genosha?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sat back in her seat, clicking the tablet off and setting it aside fully now. "Well, I've seen Toad but he's avoided me. Mystique however.. She must have broken out of whatever hole she was in. She's decided to 'work with me' for the time being. She wants me acting as Genosha's queen and doing something for the mutants there. Thus far that means she's working with me.. But yeah, I'm not overly fond of working with her..." She muttered. Working with the blue skinned woman was like walking on eggshells. She knew she was going to mess up at some point and that would be that.

"It was either work with her, or she'd start pretending to be me and run around with my face doing who knows what.."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean chuckles softly, "The phrase, 'keep your enemies closer,' was crafted with //that one// in mind. Sounds like you made the right call there. And hey, she is resourceful, and we can use all the help we can get right now."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott uh huhs. Toad is an incompetent, but mostly harmless. But Mystique is not incompetent, and rather treacherous. To be honest he would prefer to deal with Blob than with either of those two. "But watch your back around Mystique. She will have her own plans and you are but a tool for her."

Definitely Lorna needs a bodyguard or three when in Genosha. "When are you returning to the island?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged, "Likely in the next few days. It's exhausting, but I have to keep checking there and Wakanda. People want to see me and make sure that something is happening. I dunno what else to do at this point." She mused and propped up her chin with both of her hands.

"I'll likely have to visit the Club sometime too. They want me to be there with my siblings as honored guests for a charity gala they're going to host. I can bring Jean with me whenever you've got time.." She murmured, nodding to the redhead.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Well, it seems like you're doing all that you can, Lorna. I mean, you are effectively the heir so this is where you need to be." She shrugs a little bit, "We'll be there to support you in this, don't worry about that. Though, I think I might do a little bit of advance snooping around this Hellfire Club. Still have that dress from T'Challa, so that'll come in handy." Hey, she has at least //one// nice outfit, anyway...