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Latest revision as of 14:41, 16 July 2022

Junkyards are great spots to meet new and exciting people
Date of Scene: 16 July 2022
Location: Queens
Synopsis: Fender tossing stories bonds two heroes.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Peter Parker

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Sometimes life gets you so busy, you loose track of time. Mercy has a lot going on and that's why she drove her little VW Cabriolet out to Queen to see about an auto parts slash junkyard place out here. She is had find parking a fair bit away and is walking up to see a nice orange and black sign on the front door reading 'Closed' next to the 'open 8am Monday.' Letting out a heavy sigh the woman mutters, "Crap." Well she can at least look through their fence to see what kind of place it is. Sure it may not be the best way, and may look suspicious but she's up against the fence to the area, leaning face first to it as she looks through trying to see just what they have dead or dying in the scrap lot.

Peter Parker has posed:
For his part, Spider-man is just taking a casual swing through the neighborhood, airing out his head amidst of sea of troubles. He always finds himself able to think clearer when he is swinging from building to building - not just the detachment from the troubles of Peter Parker, but the wind blowing against him, the cool breeze flowing through his suit. The soft caress of air and the exhilaration of something vaguely like flight. Or as close to flight as he is likely to get.

As he swings past the junk yard, he feels his spider-sense tingle. It's unfortunate that the feeling is not anything more than a minor buzz that generally alerts him to 'something', because whether it is Doc Ock hurling a manhole cover at his head or someone walking in on him changing or someone near by who is just slightly off the usual, the feeling is the same. Thus, he glances around after feeling that buzz to spot Mercy pressed up against the fency. Is she up to no good, or is she just interesting enough to end up on his Spider-radar? With that being unclear, Spider-man swings to a building overlooking the junkyard and flattens himself against the wall, keeping an eye on her to see if she is a supervillain about to animate the junkyard and lead a host of animated automobiles as an army against America, or just hop the fence to do some extra-curricular shopping.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    At first Mercy is not aware of anything odd about the day. Besides her driving out to a closed shop maybe. She lives by her nose though and once Spider-man has traveled past her it will only take a moment for her scenes to say somebody just traveled 'over' her. That's enough to get her to subtly sniff and start looking up. To him she may have spotted him a bit too fast, as she follows the scent to where he clings to the wall. Well.... that's not something she sees everyday. Mercy lifts a tattooed arm and waves to him in a little salute. Then she turns to look in the yard again for a glance. However a man in red and blue on the wall is a bit more interesting so she keeps glancing back to see if he's still there. Questions and curiosity starting to fill her mind. Why is he there? Is there some danger around she should know? Does he know where she can get lunch for the cheap? Important life affecting questions to be sure.

Peter Parker has posed:
The fact that no cars have launched up onto their wheels to start an inexorable march towards city hall leads Spider-man to believe that there is no insidious intent here. That, and the wave. Villains don't generally offer a polite greeting and then turn back to what they were doing. But now that he has been caught staring, at the very least he feels he ought to make a proper introduction.

Spider-man pushes off the wall into a leap, firing out a strand of webbing towards the tall crane in the center of the junkyard to get of height and swings up, doing a flip before landing dramatically a few feet away from Mercy. Ok, maybe doing two flips in the air and a twist into the landing is showing off _just_ a little bit. But you have to have some fun with it, right?

"I tell you, these places today, they just don't know how to cater to their business customers. If I had a nickel for every time _I_ woke up with a need for a fender and it was just _the wrong time_..." He pauses to scratch the side of his head. "Surprisingly, I'd actually have about fifteen cents."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Naturally the acrobatics are watched and followed by Mercy. Not every day you see a guy doing that stuff. When he lands she can't help but smile and say, "I'd give you a 9.5 if I knew anything about gymnastics," she can't help but comment on his landing. Not wanting to seem tense or on edge she leans against the fence some, letting her eyes go over the young man and subtly taking in his scent. "Use a lot of fenders in your line of work, Spider-man?" Mercy decides she likes the kid. Even if he smells a little off somehow. "I was curious about a new project car and wondering if they'd have parts for an Opel GT." She motions to herself, "I'm Mercy."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-man grabs his heart and staggers back a few steps. "What, are you the East German judge?" He sounds mortally wounded by the score.

He laughs at the question. "There are often fenders involved, yes, but usually they are being thrown at me." A pause. "With or without the rest of the car attached." His mask twists for a moment - likely a grin underneath. "Little tip that the villains don't seem to realize - it's actually _easier_ to dodge the whole car than a fender. Something about the trajectory and the physics make them more predictable, while a fender on its own, hoo wee, you just never know where those are going to hit!"

He adopts a similar pose to Mercy, leaning, except against the air instead of the fence. The benefit of sticky feet. "Yeah, unfortunately, the guys here aren't around on weekends. But they're a friendly bunch, and I swing by every once in a while. We all met up the usual way - the Green Goblin was dragging me on his glider and hurled me into their tire pile in the middle. After I took care of ol' Gobby, they offered me some donuts as a thanks for show, and so I stop by every once in a while." He flexes his muscles. "Sometimes they need some things moved that aren't magnetic, you know, and the good ol' Spidey muscles come in handy. So if you want to check it out and see if they've got the Opel so you don't waste ANOTHER trip out here to be disappointed, I don't think they'd mind if I hopped you over their fence to poke around to confirm if it's here and worth a return visit."

He makes a deep bow, arm crossing over his midsection. "I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-man, at your service!" He straightens. "Pleased to meet you Mercy. Want me to help you with a little E?" A pause. "That sounded weird, sorry - I meant the B&E without the B, but..." He chuckles. "Nevermind. You want in?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy's mouth quirks up in a grin, "No. But I work on German cars. Maybe that's why you got the points off." She gives his statement on fenders a thought and has to admit, "yeah. I can see your point. Not that I throw cars or fenders much. Usually if I throw a fender it's cuz I am mad at it, not a person."
    She considers the offer to jumping the fence and then shakes her head against it. "That's really tempting. But it can take a while to pick through things. You can't inventory junked cars like you can spare parts. I was mostly browsing as much as part shopping. I rather not get in trouble either. Jails are really not a nice place." She finds herself laughing again as he continues and shakes her head. "Pretty sure I could clear the fence if I had to." Less known fact, coyotes can walk up fence as easy as people do ladders. "So was it my 'loitering' that caught your attention? Why do I merit special interest from Spider-man. If it's to ask me out, I'm going to have to turn you down. I got a strict no-mask policy for that stuff." Her tone doesn't suggest she has an inflated ego about her look, which aren't all that special, and is instead just sharing in the good natured style of the conversation.

Peter Parker has posed:
Laughing softly, Spider-man shakes his head. "Yeah, see, most normal people don't even throw fenders when they are mad at them." He pauses, and quickly corrects. "Not that I'm calling you abnormal, but..."

He glances over at the junkyard, and then back to Mercy, nodding. "Got it. Yeah, I'm not really much of a junker, so I wasn't sure if that would help or not. But the guys here are friendly, and despite the rather haphazard looking way everything is out there, they've got a pretty good handle on what they have and don't have. Except for Tom - I swear, Tom is just here to flirt with the ladies that come through looking for exotic parts. If you get him when you call, just hang up and call back in like, 20 minutes, and he'll have wandered off to be lazy somewhere." Spider-man shakes his head, muttering. "And somehow Tom _always_ gets the Boston creme before I can..."

His attention returns to Mercy, and once again, it is a hand clutching his heart, staggering. "I've been turned down before I've even said anything. WOW, that is a new low, Spidey." He glances down at his abdomen and pats his stomach. "I must have really been putting on the pounds, or something." Then he looks up at her and laughs. "No, it's not to ask you out. As friendly as you are, I'm just kind of coming off a thing, and you know, that thing was coming off ANOTHER thing, and it's like, I'm just trying out some me time, y'know? Get to know the real Spider-man. A journey of self-discovery..." He places his palms together in front of his chest and bows his head.

"No, honestly, I just wanted to make sure you weren't looking to cause trouble for the boys. Not that I thought you were, but hey, you never know, right." He glances at the fence, and then back at her. "Clear the fence, huh?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy says, "I'm a mechanic. So I get more cause then most to be cross with inanimate car parts. Sometimes it takes a special type of anger to break free a rusted bolt." She makes a mental note about what she's told about Tom, "Thanks for that information. I really don't need another wanna be Alpha trying to macho at me."
    "Oh like you probably don't burn enough calories doing your thing," she motions to the webbing on the crane, "to out eat the whole offensive line of a football team." She pushes off the fence to regard it and nods. "I'm more athletic then I look. I go hiking a lot also." She puts out a heavy sigh. "Oh well. We'll always have the junkyard spider-man. But it wasn't meant to be." She fake fans her face as if she's near tears. "That said though. I may as well grab lunch since I am out in Queens. Got a place to recommend so I don't waste the trip?"

Peter Parker has posed:
"Ah, that makes a bit more sense," replies Spider-man, although he still seems skeptical about the fender tossing comment.

"Yeah, I do tend to eat a bit - perils of the job, I suppose!" He does, perhaps reflexively, check out her form as she mentions her athletic nature. It might contrast with the nonchalant attitude about the date thing, but really who can blame him? "One of these days I'll do that, but you know, unless I'm hiking in the redwoods, uh...I tend to like things high." He fires off a strand of webbing to a nearby building as if to emphasize that point. "Yes, you will remain always in my heart as my would-be star-crossed if-only-the-timing-was-right one-that-got-away junkyard lady." He bows his head for a moment in reverence, before yanking a bit on the strand as he jumps to swing away.

"Delmar's! Best sandwich in Queens!" he calls back at her as he heads away. "Nice meeting you, Mercy!" And then, just like that, he is swinging down the street away.