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Something About Summer
Date of Scene: 29 June 2022
Location: 5C - Conner's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: Conner and MJ go to a concert and nothing explodes. Conner still doesn't know she is a secret agent, tsk.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Mary Jane Watson

Conner Kent has posed:
Yes. Summer has arrived to New York. What does that mean? Sunny days (too hot, would some say, but not those with Kryptonian blood). And finals are over, so Conner suddenly finds he has time for other things than studying, in-campus stuff and super-heroing.

Like, for instance, asking Mary Jean if she is interested in something more than just going to the cafe around the corner. Maybe a movie? Or a concert? Anything works, really.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's a concert going around by a group that mostly does anime riff music playing somewhere in the city. Currently the group is doing a revue of 'Ghost in the Shell' and Mary Jane has let Conner take her to there. Though she's insisted on paying for her own ticket over to it and not letting him treat her.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is more a heavy metal kind of guy (and karaoke pro) but he won't say no to any kind of music if the company is good. In consideration to the summer, he left his leather jacket home. It would look odd given the current weather. Jeans and a t-shirt with an obscure band logo today. He manages to arrive on time and even find Mary Jean before she finds him. "Hey Red, how are you today?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "I'm doing good. Thank you, I haven't been to a performance in ages, it's nice to get out." She would amend, "Well a performance that didn't involve a supervillain mind controlling people to a song and dancenumber ot murder."

Conner Kent has posed:
"And I was wondering if you were going into the covers of some magazine soon..." instead mind-controlling villains making people dance. "Wait, what?" That sounds the kind of Tuesday trouble he would get in, not a totally normal girl like Mary Jean. "Missed that one? What happened?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Hardly. I'm not remotely that good or well known. I think I got used a couple of times for mockups in high school but that's about it. I called them practice, the art teacher called them practice. And.. Well, it's just normal. Supervillain wiht a mind control gimmick robs bank, song and dance number. You don't have any of those?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"You know what? I'd love to say 'hell, no' but I will stop at 'maybe'" admits Conner with a lopsided grin. "Anyway. Lets get in and see this show. I have never heard live this kind of music, I am curious. Have you?" He really should, he lived in Hawaii for a while and he has been in Japan. Just when he did he was Superboy 24/7. He rarely did normal things.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Well, it's a group that does pop music based off anime. They havea little more broad market appeal. There's a lot o fgrous that do this sort of thing. Some ar esmall, some are bigger. There's rochestras dedicated to it. You ever seen the one it's based off? Ghost in the Shell?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner shakes his head. Makes a mental note to look for it next Outsider Movie Night meeting. "Is it sci-fi? I don't watch much anime lately. I am still trying to catch-up on all the good noir movies of the last century. Thrillers too. I have some friends that are quite experts," he smiles again. "Do you like movies?" His second choice for a date, but today it feels more a concert day than a movie day.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Yeah, it's sci-fi. It's cyberpunk, which is a genre that's fascinating. It's about taking urban landscapes and putting them in an exhausted, broken down setting. There's a lot of variation in it, but a lot of it focuses on crime, failures of society, corruption, and loss. where the future hasn't turned out so brightly."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smiel, "I haven't been to that many in the last year. But I love going."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Oh, I know cyberpunk," admits Conner. "It is... yeah, small stories of personal struggle in the backdrop of a broken society. Bit depressing, but I like that kind of theme. It feels more real than space wizards and inhuman godlings."

There is some irony about him saying that, but Conner missed a normal childhood and like most everyone, he is fascinated by what he never had. "Movie next week? Lets hear the music, hmm?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would twitch her lips upwards, "I see. So are we speaking from personal experience then? I really like cyberpunk music. Not tha tit's really a genre. But it's eighties heavy metal, pop.. You can get a lot of the resonance from it. They use a lot of unique insturments and tones you won't hear anywhere else to try and make things stand out in a techno-urban landscape."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Hah, sure. Sci-fi and fantasy movies get too many things wrong or weird," laughs Conner. "Boring. Unless they are comedies," he stops talking for a bit to listen to the music. "Yeah, eighties music is great. Best decade of the last century, hmm? I am still catching up with it."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would grin, "I wouldn't know, I wasn't around for it. I'm not that old." The girl who looked like at most she was in her early twenties would admit. "Some things don't look like they've aged as well from that era. Particularly children's media."

Conner Kent has posed:
"What? You didn't grow up listening to good music?" Conner looks in disbelief. "I was in a clone pod, what is your excuse?" He demands, teasingly. "I wouldn't know, really. I rather focus in the good parts of the eighties. Can't waste my time with the boring ones," he grins. "Neither should you."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "I was born in two thousand two. THe best cartoons were over by the time I was old enough toe njoy them. Just sort of the sad era of my birth. I moved around a lot with my parents so I didn't have a lotof time to settle in and watch ones."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Parents with bad taste, an American plague," declares Conner with a smirk. Seriously? First world problem number one. Half of his friends' parents were jerks. Most of the rest are dead.

"We should go to places with good music often, then," he decides. "Often. Dancing music too." He is not sure this cyberpunk music is good for dancing, to be honest.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is listening to the music and relaxing, "Hey, not everything is about moving! Sometimes you just want to listen. And sure, I'm definitely up for exploring other genres. I'm the one that doesn't get out that much after all." The redhead would allow after a few moments of appreciation.

"Next time, your choice."

Conner Kent has posed:
"What? Why don't get out much?" Conner seems genuinely surprised a that. MJ doesn't seem shy and she is certainly pretty, and an actress/model aspirant. "No way. You definitely need to get out more. I will help," he offers, grinning again.

Okay, he can also try to listen to the music and relax. No... easily, moving is important to him. But he can learn.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Just busy. Have a lot of things going on with life and the jobs that I'm working on to hold me over until I get my 'make it big' time. Well, that'll probably hold true for about the next decade."

Conner Kent has posed:
Right. She has already told Conner she was focused in her career. "Ah, right. But... hmm, I hope you have a little free time. I mean, I am also balancing studies and you-know-what. But I also want to live a little."

And MJ looks too young. Of course, he has heard successful actresses or models need to devote a lot of time to their careers, and moreso when they start. But they are not going to be 20 again. (Or whatever passes for 20 in clone years in his case).

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Yeah, I'm sure you have it way worse than I do." She would laugh. "Saving the world and everything, living up to the reputation of Big Blue." She would get an idea from reading his face. "It takes years to get yourself established. It's building a reputation, building contacts, making enough to live on." She would continue.

"It means doing every litlte thing you can that gets you forwards. Plays, theatre, being extras in commercials, television.." She would count on her fingers.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner hehs. "Actually, it was when I finally meet him that I really wanted to be more like him. I used to be this... well, kind of bad boy among the superhero crowd. I didn't care enough for the important things, and too much for my image and money." He frowns, and then sighs. "I lost everything important I had built in Hawaii. That was most of the reason I came to the East Coast. It is closer to my friends, too."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would chuckle, "Well, he's inspiring. I've only been in the same area as him before. He's an inspiration to everyone. Uh.. I'm sorry, you probably hear that all the time. And I'm glad you got your own fresh start and to be with friends. Me.. I was a brat growing up. Spent all my time partying and wanting to be the 'It' girl."

Conner Kent has posed:
"I guess I was the same," replies Conner. "Parties and being the center of attention, hmm? Superman vanished a few days before I escaped, and he didn't return until a couple years ago. So, for three years, I was on my own, and damn, if I didn't make all the mistakes I could have made..."

He wavels a hand. "Anyway, now we are serious adults, aren't we?" He grins, pointing to the band on the stage. "Hopefully not too serious. I still have some spare time and I want to make the most out of it."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "It must have been hard figuring out all of those things. And.. Yeah, all these superhero things are chaotic and weird. No offense." She would tease. "It makes life interesting, with everything going on. It makes everything on tv look dull." She would smile.

"And never. What's the point in life if we go to somewhere playing music from cartoons if after it we go home, do budgeting, and file tax returns?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner shrugs, "there is also a good deal of routine investigation, training and patrolling. Interrupted by moments of excitement, panic and pain. But I'd lie if I said I don't like it." He grins, "but I also like being a college student. And... not so much budgeting and taxes, but what can we do, hmm? If that is what is waiting for you at home, I will endeavour to keep you busy all the afternoon and evening."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smirk, "Well, that's what being an adult is. Making sure you pay your rent, get healthy things to eat, budget.. All thsoe sorts of things. The sorts of sacrifices we have to make in the name of being mature. And htanks. It's nice to spend time with someone."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Very much so," agrees Conner. "And forget about adult problems for a few hours, hmm? We could go have some food after this concert. And maybe then find a movie. Or go to a club." How much free time did Mary Jean plan to spend today? Looks like Conner managed to clear up his schedule. Unless he gets called for an emergency. It usually happens halfway his free time.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would grin, "Sounds lovely to me. Can we try and find one of those clubs that's not going to be interrupted by something? The last time I went out to a club the guy playing music tried to mind control everyone with disco."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner blinks and tries to figure out if MJ is serious about it. "Well, maybe if we go to a club in Canada? I mean, this is New York. Some days we can't go for a sandwich without aliens from another dimension attacking the city."

He takes MJ's hand. "So, want a sandwich? I am half-alien, so maybe I qualify for normal weirdness in this city. And if someone attempts mind-control, I promise I will punch them in the face."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would pff, "It's going to be too cold for me up there, even in the summer. I mean, it can get to negative thirty Farenheit pretty simply there. I'll pass on anywhere I need to wear a winter coat to in the summer." She would laugh. "And since you specified aliens it's going to be what.. That guy from Gotham that wears the giant salt shaker on him?"

She would offer her hand over to let Conner lead her along. "And a sandwich sounds great."