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Latest revision as of 03:51, 20 July 2022

So. What now
Date of Scene: 20 July 2022
Location: A coffee shop in Manhattan
Synopsis: Glorianna and Patience meet for coffee and to discuss how to address the differences between themselves and their Artifacts. The beginning of a plan is formed.
Cast of Characters: Patience Alperen, Glorianna Silver

Patience Alperen has posed:
It had been a long week for Patience. A lot of thinking. A lot of, well, it wasn't exactly regret. But. It wasn't entirely pride-filled reflection. Much of it was hazy. Being drunk tends to leae a lot of less-than-good decisions a bit blurred in hindsight.

Then Glorianna texted. Patience had almost decided to avoid her completely and pretend nothing had happened. Like that would work.

A coffee shop was the settled upon neutral ground to meet. Public. It would hopefully keep both artifacts on, well, better behavior.

Sitting in a booth near the back, Patience had a cup of coffee already and sat waiting as her knee bounced with nervous anticipation.

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver hasn't really fared a lot better than Patience over the past week. True enough, she doesn't have Patience's tremendous background with guilt, but the executive has been questioning and second-guessing for a few days.

She sent the text. Some things need to be discussed in person.

Walking into the coffee shop, the redhead is dressed neatly in high-end casual... jeans and a silk blouse, plus pumps. She smiles at the sight of Patience already there, and pauses.

Glorianna leans down to offer a light kiss on the cheek, then she steps over to slide into her seat. "It's good to see you again. Thank you."

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen looked up as Glori arrived. She smiled to the redhead, but it as as much a nervous smile as it was a welcoming smile. Where did things stand? They were about to find out.

Returning the cheek kiss she nods. "You too, Glori. You're welcome. Of course, thank you for texting. I, mmm, don't know if I would have. Not for a while longer anyway." She smiles weakly.

"So.. it's been a long week? For me anyway.." Her brown eyes glance away then back to Glori. "I.. won't say I am ashamed of, or hated, that night - or you. I'm just.. conflicted I guess? Worried? It's a lot to process" admits with a heavy sigh.

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver settles and gets comfortable. "I know you wouldn't have." she declares. Giving a passing waitress a wave, she points to your coffee and holds up 2 fingers.

"No regrets for me, Patience. But it certainly complicates things." Her head tilts a little and she offers a little smile of her own. "Please don't tell me that you're having second thoughts about anything. I really enjoyed that evening, and I'm not chalking it all up to the booze and the parade."

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen laughs. "I'm that transparent and predictable? I'll have to work on that" she comments lightly.

She sits back to look at Glori. "The conservative Catholic Girl inside me is absolutely /horrified/. But she's learning that life is always more complicated and branching than the Church would have us believe." She sips her coffee. "What happeend? It wasn't somethink I regret. No. But I'm cautious. I think for good reason?" She'd meet Glori's eyes, "I may have the wrong idea about you. But you seem to be more of a, well, an open relationship sort of woman. Are you telling me you'd consider somethink more serious?"

It's all a bit fast in her mind. The same think that almost hapened to her not long before meeting Glori. She needed to be less caught in the moment and think more objectively.

"I would like to get to know you more. Yes. That we have, mm, our jewelry in common? It seems like a good idea? And maybe an extremely bad one. But it's one I am willing to try and work through. With you. If that's what you're asking. If not, this is going to get really awkward in a moment."

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver laughs, her expression settling into a wry smile. "Darling, you're Catholic." she replies, as if that is enough on the 'transparent and predictable' front.

"And yes, I also believe that we have more in common than our taste in jewelry. The Ember Stone has stopped screaming into my mind for death and destruction, because I've made it realize that sometimes there is more benefit in working together."

Glori's coffee arrives, then. She takes it black.

"As for your assessment of me, I'm afraid you have it absolutely right." A pause, then a wink. "Am I that transparent and predictable?"

"I am very open-minded and opportunistic, but I also know when I like something. Or someone, in your case. Let's just say that I'm willing to walk with you a while and see where things lead. Does that answer your question?"

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen laughs. "Okay. Fair. But I'll have you know that I am more of an independent contractor now" she jokes.

She smiles, "Darling, you're a tart" she fires back. "But I think I could come to like that. Maybe not so much the entirely open aspect. But progress is never made without first establishing common ground." She looks to Glori thoughtfully. "I think we both have a similar perspective. I think the Glacier stone has come to understand at least in part, the same thing. I'd say it is a work in progress? All we can do is try."

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver laughs as well. "There are less-kind words you could use, and I'm afraid that most would probably apply." She lifts her coffee cup, then. "Here is to the journey and the work in progress."

Glori takes a small sip, then puts her cup down. "The thing is, there is more at stake than two stones who want to destroy each other. I suggest that we begin with that, unless you have other ideas."

"Perhaps we should talk in more detail somewhere else." Glori lifts a brow, adding a wry smile. "Over breakfast, perhaps?"

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen smiles "It's okay. Jesus of Nazareth associated with harlots. And tax collectors." The worst of the worst. "I think I can forgo any righteous indignation for the sake of friendship - at the very least. It is in my lineage after all."

She nods. "There is a lot in motion, I agree. I think that if we can find a way to keep differences aside, we will both be better suited to weather or address those things together than we would be separately." A smile and she lifts her cup. "To the journey. I think it will be memorable."
She sips at her cup then nods to agree, "Yes. Anything more should handled elsewhere." She laughs. "Breakfast... sounds good?" Her eyes sparkle with impish mirth.