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Diana Does Not Know Cars
Date of Scene: 20 July 2022
Location: Mercy's Garage
Synopsis: Diana has a bit of car trouble, and finds a nice garage to get it looked at! Mercy even offers brownies!
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Diana Prince

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Wednesdays can be kind of busy for Mercy at her shop. She has a few projects to deal with at all. Fortunately almost all her early morning work was easier and quick stuff. She is just finishing up replacing the breaks on an older '78 Bug, sliding out from under it to get ready to head to her office. She's wiping her hands clean of grease, wearing her coveralls like she often does at work, her hair held back with a basic hair tie.
    Mercy is actually glad when she dials the phone for the owner to get an answering machine. "Mr. Ricker. I finished your breaks and have the price at the estimate I gave you. She's free to pick up any time before 8. If not we'll have her ready for you tomorrow and in the lot." Mercy hangs up the phone and settles in for the least favorite part of the job to close out the work order. Paperwork. Oh how evil you are paperwork. Mercy scowling some at the screen as she makes sure everything is filled in and ready for printing.

Diana Prince has posed:
Outside the garage an engine can be heard pulling up as a silver Mercedes parks in the drive up to the three car garage. It takes a moment for the driver to open up the door, but when it does, a tall woman steps out. With her dark hair tied back in to a loose ponytail, Diana Prince emerges from her vehicle. She has a pair of dark sunglasses on covering her eyes in the moment, which drop down to her phone where she sends a quick message off before she looks to the mechanic shop itself. Dressed in a white tanktop and black slacks, Diana looks around the front facade of the building before she starts to walk on heeled shoes toward the door. The heels of her shoes making her stand 2 inches over six feet in height, the Princess carries a small leather clutch at her side, her phone stuffed inside it... She can see the woman inside the shop, and offers a soft smile to her, as she reaches up to her sunglasses to push them up on to the top of her head...

"Hello." Diana says in her smoky hued voice. "I... uh, seem to be having some issues with my car, and I've driven past your place here many times, so I thought I would stop in and see if it was something you could address... I hope I am not interupting." She states, her voice laced with a thick foreign accent.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy has been at her job long enough to start knowing some engines by sounds. Especially from any of her regulars. She's pretty sure the make of the engine before she even lifts her head from the computer to start printing the paperwork for Mr. Ricker to sign later. She's looking over just as the door opens. Who steps out is not what Mercy expected. A tall woman that could make super models feel ugly leaves Mercy blinking in surprise. She's polite and waits for Diana to show up into the office and offers her friendliest work smile, "Good afternoon. Welcome to my shop, I'm Mercy."
    Mercy lets her nose work as best it can in the garage and has to admit this woman even SMELLS beautiful. That's not something she's used to. There's a definite air to the woman and the mechanic can't quiet figure out what it is. She moves to step around the counter and says, "What's the trouble that it is giving you, and what year is your Mercedes?" She waves off the idea of interruptions, "I'd offer my hand in greeting but I haven't done a proper scrub up after finishing my last job."

Diana Prince has posed:
The tall woman just smiles lightly at the other, lowering her hand then after she hears the explanation. "Oh, yes, of course." She says with a edge of amusement lacing her tone, and expression. Her eyes go back to her vehicle parked outside, then she looks back upon Mercy. "It is a 2020. Feels like it was just yesterday, but... that is how time goes, I suppose." She says in a warm tone then before she dips her slim pointed chin as she looks to the mechanic.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mercy. I am Diana Prince, and..." She steps over to the counter as she rests her free hand upon its edge as she looks to both Mercy, and then to the car again. "Making a noise. Whenever I turn left..." She says with no shortage of a lack of confidence in what she's saying. In fact, she laughs softly right after saying that, and shakes her head side to side once. "I'm sorry, I know very little about cars. I'm guessing it is the tire... alignment? Or brakes? But... for all I know, it could be the whole thing falling apart." She adds with another small laugh and a bright smile upon her visage then.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Much newer then my usual fair," admits Mercy. "I should have the computers to work on it though since you have a Mercedes." Mercy wonders if there is a warranty she should ask about or not, then realizes she needs all the work she can get. Her mind is in work mode so she almost misses the name. Almost
    Turning her head she looks over at Diana and then up and down her body and then back to the car. The dots clearly connecting. To her credit, Mercy is very proud her mouth didn't drop open. "Well there's a few easy ways to start figuring out what it may be, Miss Prince." Be professional she tells herself. "Can you describe the kind of sound and location. OR if you like. I can clean up, we do a quick circle around the block and I can listen. I got a good ear, and knowing what it is means I can more easily give you an idea of what were getting into, and not make you wait while I go through the list one by one." She can't help but smile with the woman's laugh. "You're driving a two year old Mercedes. We last longer then that as a rule." Punning off her own name.

Diana Prince has posed:
"Oh, please do call me Diana." The Princess tells the other woman quickly after hearing the formalities, prefering a more casual interaction by her very nature. "And if you are up for driving it around a bit, I assume that would make the whole process a bit quicker. I certainly don't want to take up more of your time than is necessary... I imagine you are kept quite busy around here." Diana notes as she glances to that vehicle that Mercy had just called the owner of to report on.

She looks back to the other woman then, and shows another light smile, a breath is drawn in and she nods her head once softly. "I do not drive it very often... I purchased it as a replacement for my last which was... crushed, unfortunately so..." Her voice dropping to a bit grimmer of a state upon saying that, and her crimson hued lips pursing together then for a few seconds before she laughs very softly again.

"In my line of work, two years for a vehicle is pretty good, I would say..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy is already unzipping her coveralls and says, "Let me wash up and get out of these. I don't want to get anything on your interior." Mercy steps just inside the garage area to hang up the coveralls and goes to a sink to begin scrubbing at her hands up to her elbows and checks in the mirror before giving her face a rinse. Dried off and in just a tee shirt and jeans she comes back around with a bunch of keys. Sharp eyes may notice one of the keys is blue and more old timey looking.
    "Shame to hear you lost your other car. Hopeful some parts went on to give others life." No Mercy did not miss the way the car was said to die, just trying to be polite and not gawk at the poor woman who likely gets that all the time. "It be best if you do the driving, so I can see how you turn and handle it. I'm a totally boring and safe driver. Never speed, or turn sharp. If you do that it'll make the noise in question." She gets ready to lock her door and flips a sign she keeps around for the front office door to read 'back in ten!' to show forward. "My guess if it only happens when you turn one way it's the tire rods, cv joints, or maybe the suspension. Leaf springs and the like can crack."

Diana Prince has posed:
While Mercy gets cleaned up, Diana just remains near to the front desk. She does let her eyes roam around the interior of the shop, before she looks back to the woman upon her arrival. "You have a lovely place here. Seems like it would be a good location too." She idly comments before listening sharply, and nodding to what the other woman says. "Yes, of course." She notes as they start to make their way toward the silver painted Mercedes Cabriolet coupe.

Diana bubbles out another soft, short, laugh as she opens up the doors with a click of the lock release. "I have a few young people who live with me, and one of them has been asking to drive this lately... That might be the culprit." She states with a grin across to Mercy.

Once they're inside the vehicle, it's a nice and cozy affair, of course, with a custom designed dash board that is actually featuring information on its display screens linked directly to the Justice League's computer systems, and in the back? Mercy might notice a large sword and shield tucked comfortably in to place, with the strands of a particular golden lasso peaking out as well...

Diana pulls her sunglasses back down over her eyes, then gets the car started up. "I thank you for coming along to check this out for me... I was expecting to get told to come back in a week or something." She says with a sidelong grin for the other woman.

And soon they're pulling out and turning on to the city street, headed toward a more busy one,a nd their first left hand turn...

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Diana's compliment hits home as it makes Mercy smile wider, more honest then the one she greeted the Amazon with. "Thanks. She's not a lot, but she's mine. Well technically the banks, but still mine." She's very careful about getting into the car, not slamming the door and sitting forward on the seat even as she buckles up.
    Mercy grins and says, "Easy way to tell is the seats. Unless you got memory programmed positions. I imagine most younger then you have to adjust the seat to drive it and don't think to put it back when done. That's how my faster father knew when I snuck off with his car."
    Mercy takes a long slow breath once in the car, seeing if it will tell her more about the woman and the vehicle itself. She feels before then sees the sword and shield. But it is the lasso her eyes lock on for a bit. Mercy rubs her hands over her arms as she becomes aware of the power in that. Almost feels like her teeth are buzzing some. Mercy stays sitting forward on the seat and head tilted to try and listen to it carefully.
    "I'm a small operation Diana. I have to take every customer I think I can fit and then some. Even if it costs me a Saturday or two. Besides I like my job too. I won't be able to fix your car tonight. But if it isn't too much a problem I can get it done by tomorrow. Seems the least I can do for someone who puts others so often ahead of themselves."
    Mercy gives a small nervous laugh as she admits, "I actually had a small run in with a co-worker of yours the other day. Scared off some jerks that were looking to get my night deposit bags. Stupid of me to go to out so late." Mercy admits, "I can handle a thug, maybe two. But five to one was a bit outside my weight class."

Diana Prince has posed:
New York traffic is what it is, so the trip to the street corner is a little prolonged. It gives Diana time to listen to Mercy's words though, and she looks over to her here and there while doing so. A smile was given when the talk of the father was mentioned. "I think they might be crafty enough to put the seat back where they found it..." She says with a glimmering grin sent back over to Mercy beside her.

At the talk of the run-in with another of her ilk, Diana winces softly at the 5 on 1 bit. "I am glad that someone came to your assistance. It seems so many people are willing to do illegal acts, just to get a little ahead in this world. I will make sure to leave my contact info with you, as well, incase you ever need my help with such things. I am not that far away, just at the Embassy on the Upper East Side." She notes before the silver vehicle makes it to the corner, and soon its taking that left hand turn. Diana's brow furrows a little as she listens, waits, while the vehicle makes it half way through the turn with no noise...

"Oh come on..." She whispers softly, somewhat annoyed. "How could it possibly know that you are in the car waiting to hear it..."

The Princess pulls the Cabriolet on to the next street of the block without any noise to backup her claim of a issue, and it results in her sighing and slumping a little back in her seat...

She glances over to Mercy and smirks. "I am not crazy, I promise."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy will lean forward and closes her eyes when the car makes the turns. It's clear she's concentrating as she listens. Using those ears of hers, which granted would be better in her other form. Most people don't just take a coyote in the front seat well however. "Think it's a tire rod. Maybe one of your friends kissed the curb with the wheel and it knocked the alignment out." She opens her eyes to sit back and smiles over at Diana. "Also I'd bet you $20 you got a valve sticking on your third cylinder. It's closing late I can hear the faint click." Mercy laughs at Diana's reaction some though, "Intermittent sounds are always hardest. Especially because so much can affect a car people don't think off. How hot it is, the road temperature. Not only how sharp the turn is, but how long it lasts.
    Having been focused on her work for the moment, Mercy returns the pleasantries. "I'll happily take your card, Diana. I'd be dumb not to accept a kind offer. I'm independent, not stupid. Okay I'm not usually stupid, more just reckless sometimes." Mercy tries to reassure the dark haired Amazon, "Nobody is going to think you are crazy. Least I won't. Just stop to think how many parts go into making a car." Mercy is looking a little more relaxed, though she does glance back to the back seat a few times toward the lasso once or twice.

Diana Prince has posed:
Of course Diana has very keen hearing herself, but what she doesn't have is a understanding of the inner workings of vehicles. If there are other underlying unusual noises within the vehicle, she didn't seem to pick up on them herself. She does look to Mercy, when the other woman does note the possibility of it. "Impressive ears." Diana says with a soft smile before her sunglasses-covered eyes go forward again.

"It is hard not to be at least a little reckless in this city, either." She notes as they move down the busier street now, toward another stop light up ahead.

"Have you been living within New York your whole life?" Diana asks of the other. "I have only called it home myself, since 2017... Prior to that I was in Metropolis, and then Washington before that."

Diana's phone buzzes beside her, and it feeds in to her dashboard instantly. IT's a message from the Embassy, asking if all was well, and when to expect her home. "Lanis." Diana speaks in to the car. "Please let them know I'll be back in just a bit, I'm having the car looked at."

A computerized female voice speaks back then. "Yes, ma'am." And a message is automatically written and sent back.

Diana smirks softly to Mercy as she is glancing back at the lasso. "Lanis is an AI assistant, coming in from the Jet, which is just above our heads now." The Invisible Jet? It's above them?

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "It helps to know what to listen for, but thank you." Mercy normally doesn't respond with so wide a smile at compliments like this. She has mad respect for any woman that steps up to live on her own terms and does it on her own and not with a guy to define her always. Mercy shakes her head at the question as she looks around. "Not even close. I grew up out in wide wide open country in Montana with my foster parents. You can't even find the place on Google it is so out of the way and into the back country. I left when I was sixteen. Went to collage, got a degree and was going to be History teacher." Mercy laughs, "I pride myself on NOT having asked you any 'real history' questions so far. Never got the teaching job, shot my mouth off in the interview. But that's how I found working for cars and my real love of it."
    She's quiet for the phone call, none of it is her business. Though her attempted at courtesy seems moot. Naturally being told there's an invisible jet over them has Mercy leaning over to look. Her hand is reaching to open the window but she stops herself. "I'd be terrified to work on anything with an AI in it that wasn't just using it as an attachment. I'd be worried I hurt it or something. Not to mention hearing me curse when I have to get a rusted bolt loose in the shop or something." Mercy goes on to say, "sorry if the test drive made you late for something. Also sorry the sound wasn't more forthcoming with the," she winces as a few lanes over a cabby in a hurry cuts off someone and there's an exchange of horns. Mercy rubs at her right ear with a soft, "ow." She still had her ears dialed up to try and listen for the jet.

Diana Prince has posed:
The Jet is, of course, not visible when Mercy dares a look up. Though it can be assumed that it is up above the buildings and not directly above the vehicle, probably!

"Montana is beautiful." Diana simply replies to the bit of backstory that the other provides. "I have been there a few times, and I would not mind owning a property there. A nice place to escape the..."

As they pass by the shouting outside, the Princess motions to it, then looks over to Mercy with a sweet smile. She notes the horns were loud enough to be heard within the car, but also cause some discomfort for Mercy's hearing. Very good hearing...

"Well, if you are ever looking to get another shot at teaching, I am quite connected to many schools, I could happily put a good word in for you." She offers next as they come to the next corner, and wait for the turn signal.

"Though, you seem to have a good routine going for yourself now, and as you said... you enjoy it. Which is what matters the most in life."

When it's their turn, Diana takes them to the left again, and THIS time the sound happens. "Ah hah!" The Princess exclaims, vindication! She tries to stay quiet though, so the thudding noise can explain itself to the Mechanic, but once they are through the turn again, Diana smiles over at her. "And worry not, I am free tonight. They just want to know if they can eat all the ice cream in the fridge, or be forced to save any for me."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy is still rubbing at her right ear some but says, "I appreciate that offer, Dianna. It's very kind of you to suggest going out of your way. However I love my job, and having my own business. While I like history, I don't think I was cut out to be a teacher in classrooms."
    She hears the sound herself, even if not as good as she might have a bit ago. "There it is," sharing Diana's vindication. "Pretty sure that's the tire rod though. more sure then I was before." Mercy can't help but offer, "You could go for ice cream, but I just baked up fresh brownies and wouldn't mind sharing one or two if you like."
    Glancing back one last time she motions to the items behind them. "So is the xiphos and shield your favored style of armed combat?"

Diana Prince has posed:
"Oh, that sounds delightful." Diana replies about the brownies before the sword and shield are refered to. This gets a glance up in to the mirror to spy them behind them in the small back bench of the car. "Ah, yes. Well. I would say it is what I am most comfortable with, though I've trained in many different combinations. I actually enjoy Archery arguably more, but it is not quite as useful in most scenarios that I find myself in. Javelin is even more useful than the xiphos, but..." She glances over to Mercy then, and shows another playful grin. "Does not fit quite so easily within a coupe."

This street is not nearly as busy and soon they're making another turn. Indeed again the noise happens, which has Diana just pursing her lips and listening. "I yield to your diagnosis, Car Doctor." She says to Mercy there-after, and shakes her head softly. "The Jet repairs itself, when it is damaged, which... thankfully has not happened very often. It is a technology that I acquired from an alien race, which ended up in peril on our planet. After assisting their monarch in avoiding... some rather nasty assassins, they were gracious enough to bestow upon me the technology that they use to travel the stars, which I have put to use to... well, I imagine you have heard some of it." She explains some more about the Jet, her 'other vehicle, and shows another quick smile to Mercy beside her. "I imagine whatever you drive is kept in great shape."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy share in the grin that Diana offers her. "I doubt I have your throwing arm, so tended to stick with guns." Besides she needs the silver sometimes, and that doesn't hold an edge so well. "Where's a modern woman to keep her armory handy, right?" She will keep her hands in her lap just in case things are not absolutely clean. "I"m happy to fix that sound when you turn. That should be easy. The value that is sticking I may be able to fix. If the car is under warranty still I can really make sure to do it right at low cost to you. Or if you rather have those that specialize in the more modern cars or worry about the warranty, I'd see the dealer for the valve. I can get you an estimate probably tomorrow as I see about getting the part and confirm my suspicions as to the problem. Obvious I don't charge for work I don't do. The inspection fee is only going to set you back $40," she quotes a slightly discounted price. Mostly cuz she is pretty sure this will be an easy fix, and may lead to more repeat business. "I warn though, if I go get the brownies my cat may try to accost your shins."

Diana Prince has posed:
They are making the final turn and headed back to the Garage in short order, and Diana is casting another grin over to the woman after she speaks of the cat. "I have faced many frightening beasts in my time. But a guardian of the brownies, fuzzy, and tiny, sounds as though it might be the most harrowing confrontation facing me yet..." She quips back before turning in to the drive again. "And I do not mind the cost, plus I would rather you get the money then anything that the Dealership might ask for. They are nice there, but... yes, I'd much prefer to help a local business out as much as I can."

Once back in the drive, Diana reaches up to push her sunglasses up, then she motions toward the garage. "Would you like me to pull it inside?" She asks next.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Sure thing," agrees Mercy as she reaches to get her keys and out of the car. "Go for the bay on the far right. The middle one is full and I got a new project on the left." Mercy will open the garage for Diana and then points at the office, "I'll meet you there. I'll just pop upstairs to get the brownies."
    Mercy does a quick little jog off to the side and up the exterior stairs to her home above the office to do as she said. She can get a small paper plate and some plastic wrap for four brownies she baked last night, and a few paper towel napkins in case Diana wants to have any now. Lastly she grabs one of her bigger hiking bags she uses sometimes, freshly wash to have no dead animal smell inside it.
    Right on Mercy's heels is a stubby tailed manx cat as she will head back down to the office. Tray of treats in one hand, big bag in the other, and a cat in tow.

Diana Prince has posed:
The Mercedes is parked in to the right bay with precision and ease, as Diana may not know much about cars, but she's still a great driver. When Mercy bounds up to retrieve the sweets, Diana waits at the office, her eyes once more roaming over the interior after sending off a few text messages.

She's seated on the edge of a chair when Mercy, and the cat, return. The stub tailed cat garners a big grin from the Princess who watches him closely. "Ah, the infamous creature arrives." She chides him teasingly before smiling up to Mercy.

"Thank you again for the kind service, I will make sure to recommend you to anyone that I can think of for your great service." She says with a lingering smile whilst she moves to stand up again, her sunglasses resting atop her head now again.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Careful. She's friendly and will try to shed in your lap," warns Mercy with affection for the creature. The mechanic holds up a bag. "I assume you may want stuff out of your car and didn't see a big enough bag. If you want to borrow this you may." The bag in question is set down near the tall amazon. "These are yours, and if you don't want to eat them go for it. I won't be offended."
    WIth the customer part of customer service mostly handled Mercy will go and grab a clear bag she can keep the keys in. "I have a safe on site and lock the keys. Plus I sleep over the place and have security cameras in case you have any concerns about safety for your vehicle."
    The offer to word of mouth relieves a bit of tension in Mercy, "Thank you. I appreciate all the business I can get. I mostly do German cars, VW, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, and Audi but I do my best to take in any business I can."

Diana Prince has posed:
The tall Princess crouches down to offer a hand toward the feline friend. She just lets it sniff at her knuckles before she'd try to offer the cat a soft head rub before the bag is set down. Diana looks over to it, and starts to rise up again, holding the bag. She accepts the brownies with another light smile for the woman. "You are wonderful." She tells her happily as she holds the brownies up to her nose to smell them through the plastic quickly. "I will most assuredly enjoy these." She tells her as she steps back over to her car. The driver door is still open, and Diana sets the bag in the seat before she places the brownies beside it. She leans over to get the shield and sword out of the back which she leans against the side of the vehicle, the two items just gleaming brightly in the light of the garage.

"I will definitely make sure to recommend this place to my sisters, and their friends... I could see them needing your keen help quite a lot, with as much trouble they get themselves in." She notes before showing a faint grin, then leaning in again to gather up her jacket, and her lasso.

The lasso is wrapped up again, and slipped in to the bag before her jacket is put in atop it.

Outside another engine can be heard, but this time it is one Mercy likely can't identify. Sitting in the drive now is a very strange looking motorcycle... It is all white, with streamlined edges. It looks like something out of some kind of angelic sci-fi film.

When Diana closes the door to her car, she's holding the bag over a shoulder, and the brownies in her right hand. She glances outside, and then back to Mercy. "The Jet." She explains. "It can take many forms..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy can't help but grin, "wonderful am I? Thought that was your adjective." While Diana gathers her things Mercy does some of the basic paperwork getting the consent to work form as she prints it off and sets it upon the counter.
    "I'm always glad to have a problem of too much business instead of not enough. Truth be told I make most of my money by restoring old junk cars and selling them." She nods to the car in bay three that she has right now. She will look out as the cycle pulls up and tips her head. So going to save today's security tape. "Hand type of transport to have. Just a little bit of paperwork to do Diana so I can make sure insurance covers both our tails." Though if Diana walks back with the bag Mercy can't help but glance at it as if she can SEE the lasso inside. "If she ever wants some parts, not that I know what that may need being alien tech. I can always try to order them for you even if I can't install anything." Mercy figures she may as well cover all the bases she can, reasonably.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes go to the vehicle being restored in bay three's spot. She smiles at the sight of it, as she's been away from her island since just around the time that the first cars were becoming common place in the world. She's thusly seen all the cars throughout the past 100 years as they've advanced in technology. 'Classics' to her have a different kind of meaning... a meaning that comes with direct memories of that era.

She sets the wrapped brownies down beside the paper work, and then grabs a pen. She starts to fill it out while she listens to Mercy. When she finishes with her elegant pen strokes, she caps it again, and then shoots an"You certainly seem to keep busy then." She comments, as she pulls her credit card out of her clutch, and then offers it to the woman. "For the cost of the inspection, and the treats." She notes with a gentle hand touch to the chocolate treats beside her, her weakness for sweets making them ever-present on her mind now.

"And the Jet has a nano-like technology that feeds off of the energy of the world around it. Sunlight, water, even oxygen itself... all fuel the Jet's power which replicates the materials that make up the matter of it itself. In it's natural form, it is just a ... large egg or 'football'." She motions with her hands to the shape of such, before she just shakes her head softly. "I explain it like a buffoon." She then says before lyrically laughing at herself for a second or two.
other smile up to the mechanic across from her.

"My sisters say that it's part of being 'old'." She then adds with a smirk chasing those words.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy's current project car is an old BMW and while not quiet as old as the start of cars, Mercy has no problems working on a 60 year old one. Looking to the project car, "I got someone who is wondering if I can help restore an Opel GT for them. Looks like a baby corvette if you don't know it."
    Her attention return down to the paper when Diana has finished to review it. "Looks like that's everything. You have very neat handwriting," she compliments. The card is waved off, "I don't need to run your card now. I haven't even done the actual inspection yet, and the treats are a thank you for the offer to tell others about me and putting up with a weird mechanic girl who shares a name with your car."
    "Maybe one day I'll tell you about my other not foster foster father, Diana. I'm sure he and you could share some stories. Maybe not as old as your sisters if the news has any details right." Mercy can't help herself but grin, "if you ever want a few hiking recommendations in Montana or closer. I'm happy to share some. I like getting away from people to where it's just me and nature." She washed her hands now so will offer it over. "It was a real pleasure to meet you, Diana. Thank you for the business as well." Mercy is trying to tell herself to stop babbling.

Diana Prince has posed:
The credit card is slipped back away, and a smile is shown at the compliment of her handwriting, as she quietly says 'Thank you.' for it. She then slips her leather clutch in to the bag on her shoulder, and reaches her hand out to shake Mercy's finally. "It is a good name." She notes of 'Mercedes' before nodding her head decisively once.

"I am a big fan of getting out in to nature and hiking, exploring, and just... avoiding the bustling troubles of city life. So I very well might take you up on that."

She hooks a thumb under the shoulder strap of the bag, gathers up the brownies again, and gives another warm smile with her red hued lips.

"I look forward to any stories you are willing to share too." She adds before she turns toward the door and starts to make her way toward it.

"I left my card there beside the paper work also." She indicates with a quick point of her finger before she waves to Mercy lightly, then to the tail-less kitty as she sees where it has found a place to lounge.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Have a good day, Diana. Thanks for giving me a chance." She will wave to the woman leaving and watch her get onto the bike. She wants to see and hear how that thing takes off. Course there's a furred beast twining between her legs. "Okay you little addict. I'll get you some food and we'll close up early. I can get to work on all this after dinner." She scoops up her cat to give it some petting. Hell of a day to say the least.