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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2022/07/22 |Location=Dyker Beach Park, Brooklyn NY |Synopsis=Phoebe and Angelo hang out in a Brooklyn park, talk swords |Cast of Characters=690,503...")
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Latest revision as of 23:34, 22 July 2022

Date of Scene: 22 July 2022
Location: Dyker Beach Park, Brooklyn NY
Synopsis: Phoebe and Angelo hang out in a Brooklyn park, talk swords
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Achilles

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Dyker Beach Park in Brooklyn is a big green space; has some batting cages and a baseball diamond and a pond and playground.

    The area closest to Gravesend Bay and the cold gray water of the Atlantic Ocean is where Phoebe is currently hanging out. She's wearing a tank top with all the occult scarring and tattoo work on her left arm revealed (as people don't tend to put much stock in it in NYC -- the place is weird enough), and a bandana acting as a sweat band around her head as she practices . The Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge looms distantly, hazy and gray in the summer heat.

    There are a couple of people jogging, more lounging by the water, and some have camp chairs set up in the shade. Nearby there is a bright blue blanket where a white and red sighthound is lounging in the shade, guarding a backpack.

Achilles has posed:
    It's a park. It's Brooklyn. Angelo lives -in- Brooklyn, and he enjoys visiting the food trucks near the cart. Today, he has visited an Indian food truck, and has a hot and spicy Curry dish in hand as he sits at a picnic table in the general area.

    Most importantly, he has a large bottle of water to drink nearby. But seeing Phoebe in the area, he lifts a brow and then a hand as well. Trying to get her attention, he gestures to a seat beside him as he lifts both eyebrows.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe draws down from where she was practicing, and her lips purse, spotting Angelo waving to her. She gives a small grin, and looks to the side where the sighthound was guarding the blanket and backpack, and goes to retrieve the trio of items -- dog, blanket, and pack, and she makes her way over to Angelo, pulling a pair of orange sunglasses from the pack as she lifts a hand in greeting, pulling her own water bottle from her backpack as she sits down.

Achilles has posed:
    "Can I get you anything to eat?" asks Angelo before he takes a bite of the curry. He chews and swallows before saying, "This is quite spicy." and of course, he grabs his bottle and takes a gulp.

    But then he inclines his head and adds, "You know. I like those sunglasses on you." he adds as he reaches a hand out towards the dog, "And hi there you." he adds with a grin. He does love dogs... and -most- dogs can tell a dog lover every time.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Most dogs can tell a dog lover every time. The red and white hound is a little wary, and snuffs on Angelo's hand a moment before accepting his hand by just putting his head on it and expecting chin scritches, his ears flopping backwards.

    Phoebe gives a shake of her head, and she pulls out her own lunch. Packed professionally. She unlatches the lid and snacks on some vegetable slices.

    And she spells out, in sign, the dog's name.



    Idu's tail curls up over the back, and he wags it.

Achilles has posed:
    "Idu?" asks Angelo with a smile. "Well Idu, you certainly are a good dog." he says as his hand turns over until the palm is upwards. And then chin-scritches do indeed ensue. Angelo grins then and leans closer as his hand comes around and over to the side of the neck. "You are beautiful Idu."

    And then he just shakes his head, "Sorry. Didn't mean to ignore you. Just.." he gestures to the dog with a chuckle. "Well, I do hope you enjoy your own lunch." he states as his other hand reaches for a bite of curry.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    'He is a good dog, thank you about the sunglasses' Phoebe signs, a carrot stick in her hand and she motions down to the lunch 'packed for me' she adds, monching a moment on the carrot stuck and then she signs to Angelo 'Enjoying the weather'?

    Her eyebrows go up, lips pursed a moment before she pulls out a collapsable dog bowl from the backpack, and pours some water into the dish for Idu.

Achilles has posed:
    "I've always loved parks when the weather is good. Peoplewatching has been a hobby of mine for..." Angelo pauses and inclines his head before he smirks, "Well, a long time. It is amazing what a person can learn by watching others."

    And then he says softly, "I have been learning to draw on the divine ichor in my blood. It's difficult, exhausting and painful but... I have managed to... once so far... to be able to share some of my ability to heal with another. I know that you are cursed, but.. do you think anything I can do might help?" Yeah. He managed to successfully call upon that power -once-, so now he thinks he can save the world, huh?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <I Heal. That is what I do. What my family had done since you were young.> she signs with amusement evident in her expression; it's not often she gets to flex on a legend. So she gives a small shrug. <It is healing, slowly. Every time I use magic on it, it goes back to Day 1.> she explains, and she gives a small shrug of her shoulders, and snaps into another carrot stick. Idu is happily (and noisily) lapping up water, and then spluts out on the blue blanket, in the shade of the picnic table.

Achilles has posed:
    Another free scritch is given to Idu, and Angelo chuckles, "Okay then. If that is the case, perhaps I could speak to my mother. She might know something about your family... Do you think?" he asks.

    But another bite of lunch is taken. "So what you are saying however is that the curse is empowered by attempts to heal it. Well, then we really need to break that curse, don't we?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <I'm not sure if I want to be in debt to a Titaness. No offense. I already have run-ins with a literal child of Gaea and she scares me.> Phoebe answers back, her face one of blank earnestness before she exhales. <I have thousands of years worth of books, scrolls papyrii, the sum of my family's knowledge. I don't know if she'd even have encountered one of my ancestors.> Phoebe signs back, this time flicking a little hummus behind her from a slice of red pepper. She frowns a moment, and she tries to think about how to explain the curse.

    <I fornicated around, and now I'm finding out.>

Achilles has posed:
    "She is a Nereid. Not a Titan. But yeah, that might be bad. She has never exactly been known for her ability to empathize with people. She does what she wants to do and tries to make others do as they wish."

    Angelo shrugs and keeps eating. "I have not spoken to her in over a thousand years as a matter of fact. But if you think it might help, I'd be willing to try."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <My bad. This is what I get between trying to memorize the minor Kami in a prefecture and delving to see if the Spirit of Gotham has a name or if it just goes by Batman.> Phoebe apologizes with a small smile, and then she shrugs her shoulders. <Maybe try to establish a repetoire with your mom before you go asking for favors on the behalf of friends?>

    <About the only member of any Greek group I was able to empathize with was E-R-A-T-O, gave my girlfriend perfect understanding of language for about forty-five seconds.>

Achilles has posed:
    Chuckling, Angelo shrugs, "Let's just move forward instead of looking back. But also, I think that it is important to -not- focus eternally on the one thing that is the worst situation you are in. Sometimes, it is worth it to just live in the day and try to enjoy what you have. So... let's enjoy lunch."

    That said, he reaches one hand to take a bite of his curry, and the other reaches for Idu's flank to give a little finger-curl scritch.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <I don't know -- those forty-five seconds were pretty great. She thought I was brilliant and I was pretty impressed with myself.> Phoebe jokes, and she smiles, and stirs her hummus with another carrot stick. <Destroyed my earbuds in the process though. Sacrifice.>

Achilles has posed:
    "Yes. Sacrifice is a part of life. Sometimes the real question is whether the price is too high to pay to get what is desired." A pause, "Okay. Most times that is how it works. There are odd times when that is not the case, but that is the exception, not the rule."

    The last bite of curry is taken, and Angelo washes it down with the last of his water. Then he turns to sit sideways, facing Phoebe straight on. "So, Erato eh?" he asks. "Not one I've ever met."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Never met her, but invoked her for the spellwork. Didn't think it would work, sacrificed my fifteen-dollar earbuds and got a few moments where she understood me perfectly.> Phoebe gives a wry smile, and she shrugs. <One of the first rules of magic I formally learned was that there is always a cost. For all magic, and life.> Phoebe remarks wryly, <Someone sacrificed fifteen minutes to pack me a lunch this morning. And when I return to the house tonight I'll wash the dishes and dry them in thanks.>

Achilles has posed:
    "Okay then." Angelo nods, "There is a cost to all things. I am happy to help however I Can. But right now, I just want to relax and pet your dog. Maybe watch more people wandering about."

    He turns fully backwards on the picnic table seat and rests his back against the tabletop. "I am sure your meal was more healthy than mind. But... I was willing to sacrifice money to help the owner of that truck."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a wry smile, and then reaches down to scritch on Idu's head, and the dog lets out a pleased grumbling noise. His tail wags happily, and Phoebe just leans forward, closing up her lunch box and sliding it back into her bag.

    She people watches. People skating along the paved path. A couple of people riding bikes and jogging. Others lounging in the shade (much like Idu and his improvised shelter).
    She sits her elbows on the table as she turns as well, looking out over the world beyond them.

Achilles has posed:
    Of course, Angelo was just taking a moment to look at the crowds. Then he stands and picks up his trash. He saunters over to a trash can and deposits it there before returning and saying, "So, I can't help with the magic parts of things. The best I Can do is the physical. So is there anything I can do to assist you in matters like that? I could share my knowledge, teach you some things if you wanted. I could also loan you one of my weapons if you think that might be of use to you."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Be good to Zee.> Phoebe signs without hesitation, <She deserves Good People. I'm not.>

    She appears thoughtful a moment, and then signs: <Could always use a sparring partner. I want to learn how to fight with a sword. No legendary staff weapons unless you like dealing with monkey kings.>

Achilles has posed:
    "Nobody is all good or bad, but ever since my... moment of clarity so long ago, I have done my best to make up for the bad man I once was. But I would not dream of doing anything that would hurt her." Aside from letting her cut herself so he can practice healing others. What? Long story.

    "As for swords, I have.. an extensive set of skills with many many different types of swords. I am always amused however, at how everyone assumes the sword is the best weapon. A spear is far more capable of dominating a fight."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a soft snort. <I prefer fireballs and staves. But no one's perfect.> she has a wry expression. <But all the magical power weapons tend to be swords. Fancy. Probably the amount of metal it takes to make them. Never had much practice with spears... or archery.> she wrinkles her nose.

Achilles has posed:
    Chuckling, Angelo shakes his head, "I believe it was the romantic notions of the medieval period. When I was young, spears -were- the weapon of the battlefield. And a sword was only drawn when one's spear was broken, or unusuable to being too close or cramped. But if you could keep your enemy at the range of a spear head... trust me, it is worth it. But I can teach any weapon you wish to learn."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Unfortunately my enemies don't stay at such range and also like fireballs.> Phoebe replies, and she breathes out. <I mean, unless you find Leonaidis's spearhead I don't think there's as many magic spears unaccompanied by magic helmets...> she narrows her eyes, making her own joke, and she stretches her hands and she shrugs. <I'm typically close combat anyway.>

Achilles has posed:
    "Then you would do well to use a smaller sword or a larger knife. Something easy to control in point blank work. A xiphos would be perfect for you I think." offers Angelo. He inclines his head and adds, "I'd show you, but.. we -are- in public so.." he shrugs, "I always carry such a blade on me."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <The one you summoned on the subway?> Phoebe questioned, and she glances to the side, then around herself, and she breathes out, closes her eyes, and then with a bit of slight-of-hand magic she produces a throwing knife with an eight inch blade.

    She holds it up, her eyebrows rising up, and she gives a grim sort of smile, and then she brings her hands together, draws them around the blade, and the knife disappears. So fancy.

Achilles has posed:
    "Yes, the one I summoned on the subway. I have had that sword since the Trojan War actually. Well, all of my gear acvtually. Sword, spear, bow, armor... shield. It was all forged by Hephaestus for me after.." He goes silent for a moment, a memory making him flinch. "After my old armor was stolen by my ... friend... to pretend that he was me."

    "But the only magic involved in them is in their ability to be stored within my bracers... and for the Celestial Bronze to act as if it was a material that is whatever a target might be vulnerable to. Against werewolves it behaves like silver. Against fae, cold iron... for example."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Handy.> Phoebe replies, and she listens to Angelo speak. It was odd to consider that he was so... aged and experienced.

    And she pulls at one of the necklaces she wears. THere is copper wire wrapped around a bit of metal.

    <I have a small amount of o-r-i-c-h-u-l-u-m, to be worked into a weapon. A gift from a brother-in-arms.> she considers a moment, and then drops the carefully guarded item down behind the fabric of her shirt, where an equally important silver locket lay close to her heart.

    <Mine's just slight of hand. I have knives hidden in my boots.>

Achilles has posed:
    Whistling softly, Angelo looks more closely. "Celestial Bronze is exactly that.. Orichalcum, but only after it'd been worked by the god of the forge." A grin and Angelo leans back and looks to Phoebe. "I am no smith however. I think that you might do well to work that into the blade of a short sword. Perhaps a single edged kopis, or a xiphos."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <I don't know any sword smiths off the top of my head. Is that something you can Google?> Phoebe questions, looking thoughtful, and she just gives a shrug. <I'll ask Zee. She may know of someone. So might Red. Or Red. I need to stop meeting so many Reds.> she signs, and she looks playfully peturbed.

Achilles has posed:
    Chuckling, Angelo shakes his head, "I have not needed a smith in years." He shrugs and looks about the park before he simply holds his right hand out. His Xiphos sword is just.. there. Also coppery and bronze-ish all at once. How? MAAAAGIC.

    Then he holds it out, "Perhaps you could test the weight for your own use?" he asks.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    A knife in NYC doesn't draw too much attention, but the Xiphos appearing turns a couple of heads -- but they decide he's not loud, she's not screaming, it probably doesn't concern them.

    Phoebe is understandably a little wary of accepting weapons from ancient beings, and she looks at Angelo's weapon for a moment before she holds out her hands, and gives a little nod.

Achilles has posed:
    Handing it over, Angelo smiles. "It is merely a well balanced blade. It will affect a target as if it were the right material to cause the target harm. That is the blessing of Hephaestus. Feel the balance... it is not some arming sword like people playing roleplaying games seem to want. It is a short blade meant for thrusting in close."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe hops to her feet, testing the balance of the short sword. Idu looks up from where he was splutted out, his head tilting.

    With a little more room to work with, Phoebe tries a few slices through the air with the sword. She's got passing familiarity, but all swords have their own uses, they all extend the weilder differently.

Achilles has posed:
    "One thing a -lot- of people fail to understand.... when it comes to close combat no matter the weapon, footwork is the most important part. The center of gravity and balance of the fighter is more important than the weapon itself. The most dangerous weapon in the world is a person, not a blade." suggests Angelo.

    He stands up then, nice and slow. Walking over to Idu, he reaches down and ruffles the dog's head as he speaks.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a wry smile, and gives a nod. She draws up, and moves through some short-sword friendly kata forms, moving smoothly from one form to the next, turning, and minding the area she's working in. And then she smiles over to Angelo, and offers him his sword back.

    Idu tailwags, his tail thumping against the table.

Achilles has posed:
    Taking the blade back, Angelo turns and lets his body hide the weapon from any bystanders around. By the time he turns back, it's gone. He crouches down by Idu and smiles. "She's good, isn't she?" he asks Idu. "And you're such a good dog, aren't you?" he asks as he turns to allow himself to be licked if Idu wished to do so.

    But then he stands back up and says, "You do have some knowledge of how to fight. But if you want me to, I can help... I can at the very least provide you with a sparring partner who can't die."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a wry grin, and she signs back to Angelo <I have been trained in martial arts for most of my life. I should know a little.> she laughs, silently, but it's clear she's actually laughing.

    Idu is, indeed, a Good Boy.

Achilles has posed:
    "Fair point. But whenever you need to practice, feel free to reach out. Or... you are welcome to just show up at my house -any- time you like." Angelo says. "In fact, I would be happy to give you a key... you could even use my spare bedroom if you wanted at times."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a small smile, and she rubs the back of her neck.

    <I would accept a key, but bad things tend to happen to people who I get too close to... just...> she signs a moment, her hands pausing. <Remember that.>

Achilles has posed:
    "I've been through more bad things than most people have been through... things." offers Angelo.

    He shakes his head then and shrugs, "It's totally fine for you to show up. Bring bad things if you need to." That said, he reaches into a pocket and pulls out a keychain. He has a spare key at home, hidden in the back yard. So he pulls the housekey off of his ring and holds it out. Then he rattles off an address. "Any time." he adds.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Just Show Up is a bad thing to tell anyone supernatural.> Phoebs signs, and she accepts the key, and from her backpack pulls out a big key ring. There are so many keys on that thing. Car keys. House keys. Motorcycle key. Skeleton Key. Decoder Ring. One key that is Very Obviously Magical.

    <I know where you live, Angelo. I've been there.>

Achilles has posed:
    "Sure. Just making sure you have the address." replies Angelo. He reaches to ruffle Idu once more. Who can resist the puppy affection of the cute doggo?

    "And yet... I did tell you to just show up any time. Because you are my friend."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Who can resist the puppy affection of a cute doggo? No one. Idu is too cute.

     His butt wiggles and he happily accepts the affection that his owner would certainly reject, because the whole touch thing. Phoebe gives a wry smile to Angelo, and then a shrug.