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Latest revision as of 03:06, 24 July 2022

Je suis a la maison, bebe!
Date of Scene: 22 July 2022
Location: Rogue's Room
Synopsis: Remy and Rogue reunite again! Rogue is a proper adult now!
Cast of Characters: Remy LeBeau, Rogue

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"'ey, cher," comes a muffled voice from behind the door to Rogue's room a moment before it's nudged open with the toe of a boot, "'old on t' your culotte!"

When the door swings open, Remy is standing there in a thin, sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Black and red eyes peer over the top of his darkly-tinted glasses and a cigarette smoulders between his lips despite being told multiple times there is no smoking in the mansion.

"Dere she is!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is seated on the edge of one of the high backed chairs in front of the fireplace. She's leaned down and is tying her boots, specifically the left one. She's wearing blue jeans and a green tshirt and her hair is freshly brushed. She's got a black choker collar around her neck, and a black wrist band around her right wrist, with a dark green smart watch worn on her wrist as well. She finishes tying her boot just as Remy shoves the door open.

"Oh, look who it is." She says to the man with the cigarette. "Is that lit? You're gonna get mind phreaked by the Telepaths if they see ya doin' that." She notes. A second later and Jeepers comes bounding out of the bathroom doorway and wagging his tail as he rushes toward Remy to happy-dog at him!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"I ain't afraid of de brain police," Remy says with a laugh, tapping his temple with two fingers, "Dey just get static. Maybe I don't t'ink enough, eh?"

Remy nevertheless licks his fingers and pinches the end of the half-smoked, hand-rolled cigarette and tucks it behind his ears. He crouches in time to meet Jeepers, kissing between his ears and roughing up in that playful way dogs seem to love. As he does, he looks towards Rogue.

"You strappin' on d'ose boots to kick my ass for leavin' you wit' a cold bed?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue pulls her jeans cuffs over her boots after she gets them on, and then smirks at Remy down by the dog. "Nope." She replies to him as she moves to stand up then, her low-rise jeans cinched around her waist by a black leather belt with a silver X-buckle over the jeans clasp. She puts her fingers in to the top of her tiny pockets on the denim pants, and then shrugs her shoulders. "Any bed I'm in is a hot bed anyway." She quips back at him in that smokey voice of hers, her white bangs framing her face on either sides.

Jeepers does the happy turning around motions before he snuffs his way over to a dog toy to pick up and anxiously chew on.

"How many beds you been keepin' warm lately?" She quips at him, ever the assured that Remy is out there flirting it up with lots of ladies.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Sleepin' in de car," Remy admits, "Back seat powerful comfy once you get used to it."

He rises back to his feet once Jeepers wanders off to his toy, stepping towards Rogue and reaching out with both hands to slap his palms against the outside of her thighs.

"Don't t'ink wrongly a' me, cher. What I got, I got jus' for you ... though I ain't de jealous type and neither is you."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just remains dstanding there with her fingers pushed barely in to those mostly fake pockets. She eyes the taller man as he approaches her, and looks up at him when he draws in closer, smelling his usual masculin scents. She just gives him a even smirk, since he knows she doesn't like it when he vanishes like he does. But! It happens so often, she's kind of used to it.

"Don't get any ideas in that head'a yours. This ain't a gas station, and I ain't the fuel pump." She notes before she takes her right hand out of her pocket and reaches down to the chair to pick up Jeepers dog leash that was draped over the arm of it. The yellow lab sees this and anxiously starts to walk around them both, his tail thwapping against their legs as he makes his rounds with his squeaky edition of the Daily News.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Non, cher," Remy shakes his head solemnly, "I'm de fuel pump."

He gives her a salacious wink over the top of the glasses before he pushes them up to rest in his auburn hair, happy to leave his eyes visible in a place where that's far from the weirdest looking thing wandering around. He steps back as he watches Rogue fetch the leash, looking from her to Jeepers and back again.

"Don't you worry, doe. Diff'rent dis time. I'm stickin' 'round an' I got us de lucre to make it a good time."

He pulls a billfold from his jeans pocket, a thick wad of cash held in place by it which he waggles under his paramour's nose for a moment.

"We book a fancy 'otel room, we trash de place ... you ain't got drunk til you got drunk on Veuve Clicquot, cher. It's like throwin' up rose petals ... "

Rogue has posed:
Rogue affords him a big smirk at his response to her words. "Nice one." She says softly as she leans down to clip the leash on to Jeepers at the first chance she can wrangle the excited dog up. When she straightens up again is when she sees the wad of cash, and then hears his suggestion. this makes her smirk at him as she tips her head to the left a little causing her white bangs on that side to wave gently in the air.

"You wanna go smash up a hotel room?" She asks him. "When did you join a rock band?" She then asks as she stands there now with the faithful furry friend beside her just squeaking his toy.

"What hotel room? Where at?" She then asks him.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"I dunno, wherever you like, cher. We can afford it."

"We a rock band, cher. You, me an' de Jeepers boy. Sounds like more fun than 'anging out 'ere and readin' books and doing math or whatever it is dey do. C'mon ... lessgo. Fun time."

Rogue has posed:
This has Jeepers understanding Remy's words pretty quickly, or he's just eager for his walk, either way he is going to the end of his leash toward the doorway. rogue, however, doesn't budge, and the dog isn't able to fight her one bit. So he just spits out his toy and looks back at them, getting ready to bark...

The Belle just eyes Remy and then smirks at him. "Ya been gone since like... the middle'a June, ya kjnow?" She says back at him. "I'm gonna be a bonified teacher in less than a month here. Jean an' I have been workin' out the details... So this borin' ol' place is gonna be my career too, it seems." She tells him in a soft tone of voice.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy never felt truly welcome at the School. They let him stay here, of course, but he kind of drifted in on bad terms and has never been able to stay comfortable with it all. When Rogue starts talking about careers and the importance of the place he becomes visibly uncomfortable, a hand raising up to rub the back of his neck as he takes a sudden interest in the floor between the toes of his boots.

"Look ... I'm just playing, cher. You ... you don't gotta go nowhere if you don't want. You take de Jeepers Boy for a walk, you get your teaching ducks all in a row like you say."

He clears his throat, plucking the unlit cigarette from behind his ear and placing it between his lips.

"'otels aren't going no place, hein?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue straightens her stare out at him then as she smirks ever so softly. "Don't get your panties in a bunch." She says back at him. "Come on, come with us on a walk. We'll talk about options for whatever it is ya got goin' on 'up there'. She says then as she reaches up with a black gloved hand to tap his forehead before she gives his shoulder a squeeze.

With that she starts toward the doorway, looking back over her shoulder at him. "I'm gonna do Poetry teachin'. Gonna pick my favorite from America, Europe, and everywhere else, see if I can't get my students t'expand their minds a bit in to places that they're not bein' exposed to anymore. Ya know... some deep thinkin', rather than just worryin' about social media cred." She states with a grin as she goes for the door with the happy retriever wagging his tail and leading the way out in to the hall.