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Latest revision as of 17:52, 25 July 2022

Redhead and Ag
Date of Scene: 23 July 2022
Location: Swordfish Bar (SHIELD)
Synopsis: Two redheads, a bird, and a silvered woman talk in a bar.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Silver Sablinova, Michael Erickson

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The Swordfish is somewhere that SHIELD agents go when off-duty. It's not purely for such agents, and occasionally those on good terms with the organization can come in or be invited. Mary Jane is currently sittign over at a table, humming to the music playing wearing off-duty fatigues with a set of large hoop earrings dangling from her ears.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
The door opened to allow in a rather non descript man wearing a suit that was definitely off-the-rack. He was talking to a figure who was the opposite. She tended to draw the eye. Silver Sablinova wore all white. It was a signature thing. Today she wasn't in the full bodysuit she usually preferred, instead in a pair of slacks and a button up shirt underneath. Over all of this was a trenchcoat, in the same color as the rest. Which all tied in nicely with her hair which was a platinum blond so pale as to be white as well. Her hair was down, falling to about shoulder blade level. No weapons were visible on her. To assume she had none would be silly.

Upon entering, she took a good look around. Her blue eyes scanned and picked up details. "Are you certain it is alright I am here?" she asked her companion.

"Of course. You're with me," the man replied. Then he reached into a pocket as a rendition of Bad to the Bone blared from his pocket. He answered and gave her a give-me-a-minute gesture before he wandered back outside to take the call with some privacy.

Leaving Silver to find a table and settle in, albeit sitting very stiffly and on the edge of her seat.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The Symkarian noblewoman entering does catch most of the agents by surprise as she enters. There's some curious glances given her way, moreso from people that don't know who she is or where she's from. Mary Jane would go to watch as Silver Sable would etner in, and then go to chime up and over..
    "It's fine. This place usually has policies about riff-raff but they let the agents in anyways.."
    A familiar joke by the sounds of some quiet, alcohol induced guffaws going around. "So feel free. Ah.. I hope you're not goign to have any tarnishing issues." A joke that Silver had probably heard many, many times. Her ending up next to Mary Jane for the purposes of convenience. The redhead gazing at her rather curiously.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
The reassurance from the redhead at the next table had Silver turning her head that direction. She gave a tight smile to Mary Jane at the joke and watched as some of the agents around relaxed a bit. Well handled, in truth. Something Silver could appreciate.

Until the tarnish joke and then she was rethinking things.

"I take it my reputation precedes me?" she returned, though the smile stayed in place.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would glance over at Silver and then shrug< "Well, if you want I could lie diplomatically. But no. I think they've heard of you.." She would gesture at some of the others. "Me.. Well, I don't get out much." She would quip. Or at least try to.
    "Nice to meet you and your.. Associate?" She would offer to the man with Silver.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Agent Koswalski. He was speaking to be about a person of interest that my company is seeking. Seems he is assigned to the same case so he thought we should confer," Silver explained. Which was more information than she might need to give but it was nothing shocking or unexpected. After all, a big part of her business was hunting for people with bounties on their heads.

She considered Mary Jane a moment. "You seem familiar though I am unsure why. I am sure we have not met though."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Well, that makes sense. You're an independent operator?" Her presuming by 'independent' that it was 'outside contractor' rather than from another intelligence or defense agency. She would give a nod. "Best of luck wtih taking out your target."

She would frown, "I'm pretty sure we haven't either. I did some minor modeling before.." She would gesture in a general indication of 'joined the agency'.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Perhaps that is it. Maybe I saw images of you at some point." Silver considers a moment longer then looks up as a server approaches. She orders a glass of white wine and the server rushes off to continue their work, leaving the women to their conversation.

"Indedependent, yes. The agent and my operatives crossed paths in the performance on their search. Which brought me in to speak with the agent. Though he has not contracted us in any way." She shrugged. "Not something I would be adverse to but I am not sure his agency would agree with our methods at times. Historically, they have not approached us for consultation either."

She scanned the crowd again curiously, picking up on some little details about various occupants. "You said you used to model. No longer?" she asked, looking back to her conversational companion.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod over at Silver Sable thoughtfully and move to sit back, considering. The redhead didn't look like she was much older than twenty, even if that. Hoop earrings jangling some Mary Jane would smile. "I never made it big or anything. I think I got to be ane xtra in a couple of commercials that were filmed and I had a walkon 'girl in the background gasping in horror' spots on a tv show." She would qiup.

Mary Jane would nod, "It's called.. Advertising, I believe. Show them that you can handle the job and it greases the wheels for things in the future. And.. It involves a lot of time. A lot of time spent chasing roles, auditioning, preparing.. I do it when I can I just don't have enough to do them as often anymore. I still go in for bit roles but nothing quite beyond 'Shakespeare in the Park' and a Society for Creative Anachromism display."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
Oddly, that was one obscure reference Silver understood. They liked old weapons. Mutual interest. She knew a few people who were members. "It must be difficult. It never was something that interested me." Her path was set when she was five years old. She'd never wanted to be anything other than what she had become.

"It is good you do so when it fits your life. Though what do you do currently? Are you an agent, consultant,...?" She let her voice fade off, leaving the question open ended.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Well, never really got into it. I've just been hired a couple of times. So spent a few hours there learning how to properly hold a padded sword while I would be one of the.. I suppose just call it what it was and just say one of the wenches on display." She would quip over.

"I'm an agent with the New York field office. I'm a junior agent, I only was promoted to full active status a year ago after a year of training."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Congratulations. I understand one must go through much to be accepted by SHIELD." Silver honestly had only the vaguest idea about their training but presumed it was like some of her lower level operatives. Higher ranks in SHIELD would be about equal to Alpha Squad members in the Wild Pack.

"Do you find the work rewarding? And do you get to work in the field or more an office situation?" Not that an office situation was bad. Silver had plenty of people who dealt with the world of computers who were skilled in their own ways.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
She might not be able to read Silver Sable's mind, but she could tell it was roughly meant as a compliment. "Thank you, I'm still very new to all of this. I've only been on a few field operations so I'm barely more than a trainee. They give me all the unimportant things. But you have to start at the bottom and work your way up by learning the basics. Guess that's true for most jobs."

Mary Jane would smile, "And the field. I spent enough time waiting in lines for auditions, callbacks, and on the backstage of places waiting for my go at things. Here I get to do things. And spend even more time proportionally behind a desk, reading reports, training, and reading more reports."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
That earns another smile from Silver. "Paperwork. Even though we are in this age of computers, it seems that it simply has taken a different form but it does not change that it is paperwork."

Her wine was delivered and she glanced toward the door. There was a Kowalski outside walking on the sidewalk and still on the telephone. Silver turned back to Mary Jane. "Do you find it rewarding?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would chuckle, "Oh, I'm not that old but I'm pretty sure that there's more paperwork now in the electronic era than thwere was beforehand. Now they can actually make sure that you've submitted all the forms properly. And.. Yes. At the end of the day I know that I'm helping people and hopefully making the world a litlte bit safer."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"That is what it's all about. Helping to make the world safer."

Though, that wasn't just what Silver's goals were. Certainly the Wild Pack started that way and security was their business but they had branched out into other things. Profit was also important.

"You mentioned the Society for Creative Anachronism. I know a few members, though none in New York yet. I enjoy collecting historical weapons and they have proven helpful in that endeavor. Are you a member or simply helped them with their display in your role as an actress and model?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Yes, and it's a weird enough world out there that gives us all issues. So every little bit helps." She would fold her figners together while trying to get an idea of the other woman's body language.

"I was just employed for a couple of events by them. I spent a few afternoons when I was getting ready for a Shakespeare festival in Central Park trying to get an idea of quickly how to stage joust. I worked at a coule of the refreshments stands." She would elaborate with amusement. "So yes, it was fun. Just not something I had a lot of experience with. I do enjoy performing. I just never have done much successfully. There's a lot of peopel who love the same and it's a competitive world out there."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"I see." Meaning that they didn't have the same interest there and moving onward. Outwardly, Silver seemed curious but maintained that rather formal position. Most people slumped or leaned back comfortably. Silver seemed to prefer to sit slightly angled on her chair and more forward, as though ready to move in an instant. She held herself straight with shoulders back. It would make a parent proud at least, since not a bit of slouching to be seen.

But her expressions gave away little. Just curiosity and politeness. Though a scan of her by a practiced eye probably would note that Silver does have concealed weapons, though they are very well hidden so it depended on MJ's skill level.

"If I find myself in need of an actress or model, I will be certain to keep you in mind," she did offer. Though S.S.I. generally was a word-of-mouth sort of place, things sometimes changed. "I suppose I must ask the question that seems to happen to every agent," she said with a hint of a smile. "What was your most difficult case as an agent of SHIELD?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would glance over at Silver for a moment, "You really like fencing I take it? Or you tend to go for something else? Any preferred styles if so?" She would inquire, "Broadswords, Samurai style.. Or you just like going around with an epee?" She would fold her hands together over and smile.

"I never said I didn't have any sword experience. Just not from SCA." Her having picked up at least -something- over in the other woman's psoture to get a bit of a read. Which might actually amuse Silver or annoy her.

"I'm not necessarily sure that I'd be let freelance. Assigned on a field operation, perhaps. But that's a bit above my pay grade." She would smile over. "And well.. Sometime recently something nasty happened up in the Scottish Highlands. A group of undead Asgardians were raised by.. Some sort of necromancy. Thor went in with some of the other Avengers and SHIELD agents and we all had to deal with them. It was.. Nasty.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
Quite the contrary. Having someone pick up on those little tells, the calluses on her hands that might betray her practice with swords, was impressive. It ticked up the pro column for MJ in Silver's mind. She always had a list going when she met people. Pro. Con. Details falling into each. It just was something that went with her line of work.

At the tale of the adventure, Silver's head tilted slightly and she shook her head. "It sound extremely...nasty. Necromancy. Magic." She said those words with a hint of distaste. "They are things best left alone." Then to explain herself a bit she added, "I prefer structure. Magic is chaos, unpredictable and not following the rules of the world we live in."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would wince, "Pretty much. You have something at least ten times as strong as a regular human, on top of that it can shrug off anything short of an anti-tank round. And good luck hauling one of thsoe around when you're in a bog fighting. I was really glad I was just in one of the support elements and not on eo fhte direct teams."

She would shrug, "Magic's a fact of life. Just as one enjoys structure doesn't mean that one should expect the adversary to cooperate ot your preferences."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
That earned a small laugh from Silver. "Valid. But they could at least make enough sense for us to plan for contingencies." Which is literally impossible in a situation where magic was involved, at least in her experience. Though, in the past, they had been allied strongly with Latveria and that country's leadership had far more experience when dealing with magic. It had worked out for both parties.

"It sounds as though it was quite the adventure though. Battling the undead. Makes one wonder if those zombie movies are training films."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson woulds hrug, "Hey, magic has laws and procedures it follows. Ritual begets purpose. It's just our fault as measly mortlas that we don't know them and so can't react to hem. And not every plan survives abra-cadabra from the enemy." She would note from experience.

Not her experience, but of the other settling inside of her skull. "There's ways to counter magic, just like everything else they're not fun. And zombie movies aren't training. -Fun- now.."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
That had Silver looking at her curiously again. "You speak as though you have dealt with magic often. Is that the case? Or perhaps that is one of your many skills, the ability to wield magic?"

It wasn't something Silver had ever dabbled in or wanted to. She had enough on her plate. "And though your Asgardian zombies were bullet proof, how can you be sure that a bullet to the head isn't the resolution in other circumstances?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shake her head, "No, it's New York. you see magic all the time here. I mean.. Last year Manhattan was invaded by angels. At least I think that was what they said." S he would go over. "And generally dismemberment works with most of them. Evne if it does.. Go for mobility kills. Joints, limbs, necks. If you hit it in the right spot even if they are invulnerable you can slow them down."

She would chuckle. "But most movie zombies go down a lot easier than real ones."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"I see," Silver says, still a bit amused in her tone of voice. She had no idea that she would run into someone familiar with zombies. Though she did take mental notes of everything said because...well, one never knew! "I will keep your tips on mind."

Which made her realize she had sort of ignored a question asked earlier. Not on purpose, simply the conversation had moved away. "Since as you summised, I do like to use a sword, it is helpful. Though I have trained in many styles, admittedly I am most fond of Japan's traditions. Katana being my favored blade. Though an epee or a sabre would be be equally enjoyed. I have someone on my staff who I spar with often. To keep up practice."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Zombies were a reoccuring fact of life. One had to learn how to deal with them. Or be eaten by them. OR in the case of a great many New Yorkers, they could say in their defense they didn't have brains to eat.

"All right. I'd ask why you deal with epee then. Is it traditional or ritualized? It's just nothing at all like real fighting so I guess beyond the ritual it's kind of useless at training you how to fight. I've only seen a few people wield a katana. I've only used a couple of wooden ones in training."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Epee is more the gentleman's weapon. Obviously designed for stabbing, as opposed to slashing. Perfect for duels. It is not something I would recommend going into the field of battle with but there is an art to wielding it. It is all about precision and speed." Silver gives a little shrug. "Sabre is more exciting for most when watching fencing. But Epee is art."

She considered MJ as she took a sip of her white wine. Then she asked, "Are you interested in learning? It can be arranged? As a favor to an agent, I could allow you access to Rodrigo, see if he can set you up?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Fair enough. If you're going for a duel I suppose something a little firmer than 'first blood' is good. So you're a girl of the traditional ways then?" She would ask. "I suppose you're right, it is a form of art." She would consider.

"I would be interested in learning. It would be something a bit different. I don't have a lot to offer you in return though.."

In her headspace Sonja is ranting about wasted time spent on nobility and doing thigns to be pretyt rather than killing.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"No need to worry about that. You can owe me a favor in the future."

Better than money. Silver knew that contacts were important. Sometimes just a little bit of information in a prime moment would help finish up a contract. So better to always have those options.

She pulled a card of of her jacket, passing it over by holding it between index and middle finger. It was a black card with silver script. "Give my office a call. We will arrange for you and Rodrigo to meet. He can expand your training. See what you would be interested in learning. If you do not wish to learn epee, there are many other things. He knows more styles than I can dream." Not true. She actually was better than Rodrigo. But he was damn good and could at least help her stay on the top of her game. "I am sure you can find something which will appeal."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Lovely, I'll definitely take youup on that sometime. It would give me an excuse to get out of the Triskelion a bit. So thank you. I'll get in touch over on arranging things from my end. And I owe you for it." That was the way these sorts of unofficial things went. A favor called in later for a fair exchange.

"I'm not exactly sure who around locally with SHIELD is a good sparring partner. They range from the archer guy and a lot of real scary ladies who went through the Red Room.."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
The Red Room. Silver was familiar with it by reputation. Formidable opponents to say the very least. The archer guy certainly was a telling name. Though she wondered who that might be. Perhaps the archer who worked with the Avengers? Known former associated of former Red Room operative Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow. The little files in her head were helpful at times.

"Honestly, I would think any of those would be helpful to train with. Though I do not know their prowess with swords, certainly they have other things to teach. I do not know the inner workings of SHIELD to know if it is common for them to work with others or if they keep you to your teams though. In S.S.I., we tend to try to train in each Squad but people are able to specialize and focus in areas they find most interesting. Rodrigo is swords. Frenchy likes knives. And so forth."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Well, if you're looking for someone good with swords, keep an eye out for a.. Really tall girl. Red hair. really tall. Hair trails behind her like it's ribbons and spikes. She tends to wear very little so she's easy to recognize when she's off duty or hanging around. She enjoys a good spar."

"Her name's Angela, and just tell her you got recommended for it by Sonja and I'm sure if she's available she'd love to try it." She would offer. "And good to knwo specialties. No one is good at everything." Unless they're Agent May.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Sonja?" That caught Silver's attention. She didn't respond to the everyone can't be good at everything. As that was exactly what Silver aspired to be. But Silver realized she had not caught the name of the woman she was talking to yet and thus finally she had a name to go with the face. "A pleasure to meet you, Sonja."

She gave a little nod. "I will keep an eye out for this Angela if I feel the need to branch out a bit. And if you know anyone looking for a position that might fit the needs of mine, do refer them over. Though we are extremely picky, even if they are not hired, we make take them on as consultants."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's a shift over in her posture over as Red Sonja takes over from Mary Jane. The girl's body language completely shifts. where she had been bantering and casual, poised over in a relaxed posture like someone her age would.. S uddenly she's tense, defensive, and looking around the room like a cat patrolling for any signs of itnruder's in it's territory. Her facial expression changes over to just a bit of a haughty sneer.

"Yes. Do enjoy your playfighting. If you're looking for something -real- to try then I suggest you look for something more engaging than flailing about with a stick."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
That was troubling. As MJ suddenly changed into this other person. There was no missing it, even if someone was blind Silver was sure they would be able to sense it. But Silver was careful to stay as she had been. No change in posture. No tensing because that would potentially set something off. Instead she watched Sonja closely.

"Playfighting." Interesting phrasing. Apparently someone didn't approve of her. "Interesting turn of phrase. Though I do appreciate the advice, I will continue to train as I wish. Though I am curious who I am speaking to? Where did Sonja go?" Or wait, was this Sonja?

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Sonja would laguh, "You speak to Sonja now. The -girl- was Mary Jane. We.. Share." The body? At least htat seemed to be by her tone of voice. Posture. Whiel Mary Jane was friendly and reserved, Sonja was brash anda ggressive. "And she thought it would be easier to explain this way. And nobles played at fighting. That has not changed. If it brings you comfort then by all means.."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
That explained a lot. So Sonja didn't have a lot of respect for Mary Jane. Which was interesting. She was kind of curious why but there was so much more at play here. That was only one question on a list of hundreds.

"You do not think much of nobles, it seems. Though I understand. Many of the aristocracy of Europe played at being warriors. They never actually were. Though some historically but not most. The warriors were of the people, not born with blue blood."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would pff, "Warriors the nine of them. They lived, grew fat on the backs of their peasants and played at war. They grew soft and weak and inbred and were usurpeda fter too long." Sonja goes to speak this over more casually.

"A noble is a man just like any other. They merely have muchc more than most other men to offer and to take." The barbarian goes to smile.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
Now that sounds ominous. Perhaps Sonja wasn't as law abiding as Mary Jane, agent of SHIELD. She seemed very much someone of another era. With her view of nobles and the like. That wasn't something fitting here. Throw in the idea of fighting with 'real' swords. It was interesting.

"How didd you and Mary Jane come to sharing a form?" she asked curiously.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would grumble, "About two years since I came into this era." She would grouse, "It lacks many things. But it also has many things. I am.." She would muse. "I was from an era of pain and harshness. Brutality and barbarism."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"It would explain a lot of her experience with magic," Silver mused as she considered Sonja. "Do you share memories and thoughts? A more merged psyche or is it more that you are aware of each other? I am guessing you share some thing since you knew of our talk about swords. Prior to your arrival."

She considered the redhead. "You came from a time where it was required you fight for survival?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There would be another shift of posture from Sonja as she would fade, Mary Jane going to take over and slide to her seat. "She can be that way and I figured that with.. All the grousing she was doing it was easier to just let her get it on rather than yell at me for the rest of the night. And we've been sharing the same headspace for about two years. I touched something magic that she.. Resided in and she was in turn given to my consciousness. And.."

Mary Jane's face contorts with pain. "She's from the Hyborean era. From Hyrakia." Her drpoping those names like they had any meaning.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Welcome back, Mary Jane," Silver said as she shifted, posture and everything changing to the extreme. It was fascinating to witness. She was not one to have dealt with people with disassociative personalities. And this wasn't even that! It was literally two people in the same body? Or was the Sonja something that MJ had made up? Difficult to know for sure. Though mention of magic sort of made her think it might be a real second person in there.

"I know that was ages ago but not really familiar with it," she admits. "Have you found a working balance with her?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would sigh, "Well, it's tricky. Mostly it's my body. She's still annoyed that I won't let her dismember people as much as she wants to. We have a sort of detente. She.. Admits that where she's from and what she did is nothing to be proud over an dit's for the better that humanity has.. Gotten softer."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Though I doubt she will believe it, you can express to her that there are still some warriors here. Who focus on skill. Though admittedly, we do not have to fight daily to merely continue living, as I'm sure she had to."

Silver sips her wine again as she thinks. "I am admittedly curious. You say you touched and object and found her within your mind? I presume you have had this object looked at, to attempt to understand?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "She's aware. She finds some of them interesting. Others fascinating. A few terrifying thoughs he won't specify who." Mary Jane would go to sit back in the booth the two shared.

"Was a sword in an exhibit at a museum. She was apparently a hundred if not a thousand times great aunt down the line so when we touched it something clicked. Whatever fragment of her is now in my head. The sword? The sword was completely normal. As far as Sonja's said it wasn't evne one hse particularly liked or had use dthat long."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
That earns a little smile from Silver. "You realize this conversation will simply add to my distaste for magic." Because to think one could end up with their head occupied by a whole second person simply because they touched a sword.

And for someone like her who collected historic weapons? That was a valid threat to have to consider now. Good news, she had not had any of her weapons do strange things. So far.

"Obviously the blade had been touched by others through the centuries. I presume it had something to do with being of her bloodline."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Believe me, no matter how much you hate magic, you can never remotely come to the burning hatred that Sonja has for it nor the loathing she has for almos tanyone that can do it, even if they're on her side."

Mary Jane would shrug, "Well, given age and distance at that point there's no real connection anymore. I'm sure that in the ages past it had to have been touched by other people that had more affinity for it or were closer relatives. We've never had an idea of what the trigger was. Nothing imemdaitely catastrophic happened right around then, no vague portents of doom and destiny.."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Magic swords and split-up souls, and ladies name of Silver - this is sort of de rigeur for a SHIELD bar, isn't it? Not that Michael's heard that conversation, of course. At some point he's shouldered his way through the door after tapping in the keypad - still smirking, faintly, at the keyword to get in. And to the bar he goes, nodding to a background player or wo as he heads for the alcoholic's altar. Bird needs beer. Beer needs bird. It's the circle of life.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
As the new agent enters, Silver glances that direction. More a casual glance but nothing with her was really casual. She was always monitoring, probably like half the people in this place. A brief look over Michael and then she glanced back to Mary Jane.

"Point. It is rather fascinating. Though after two year, you have found a balance?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Well, she's not annoyed with me all the time for not letting her dismember people. She had a lot of fun with the zombies for just that reason. And.. Well.. We kind of have to sharing the same body." She would point over at herself. "Hey Michael!" She would wave over at the Shi'Ar over with SWORD.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Looks like a dude, acts like a dude, has bird genes all in his DNA - Michael is, to all appearances, /just this guy/. Blandly handsome, background eye candy in films and whatever. The main character's entourage. Bellying up to the bar he props it up with a lean, nodding to the bald man behind the bar; he makes a quiet request for libation before turning in the direction of that voice what's called for him.

    Ahh, the lady with the mystically-imposed case of MPD.

    Mary Jane gets a loose wave from Mike in response to her hail, friendly enough, though with the arms-length manners of a man who does not know that pretty redhead who's saying hi. "Agent," he calls back in response, rich baritone voice rough around the edges from exhaust. "Nice to see you again." Silver gets a nod as well, being his fellow agent's conversation-mate. New woman, though. Sharp blue eyes narrow slightly, Silver's features etching themselves into his brain. Clinical. Cold. For the moment.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would give a nod over at Michael, "Good to see you about. Hadn't run into you in awhile. Wasn't sure if I just had bad timing or you'd been transferred . Or just if we're working differetn things lately." Well, zombie Asgardians rampaging about in Scotland had been what she had been saddled with last time. She would go to sigh voer. "And I hope that everything's going well with you, assignments and everything else."
    She would go over, "And this is.." S he would look at her conversational companion and then go to let SIlver introduce herself. "Someone who seems to get along with Sonja."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Silver Sablinova," she offered in that eastern European accent. "Of Silver Sable International." Which was a well known security company, known to hire retired agents, military and law enforcement into their ranks from time to time. "A pleasure to meet you." She was dressed in a white trenchcoat over a white button-up blouse and slacks of the same color. It went well with the hair. There were no visible weapons but she most certainly had a few hidden on her person.

"Sonja and I both have a healthy respect for a strong sword and the ability to wield it," she said dismissively, as though that was normal.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    "I would hope that anyone would, Miss Sablinova," Michael offers in reply, his own accent just as bland as the rest of him - a local one, probably from right there in Manhattan. "Better a skilled hand waving the pointy end about than the alternative. Fewer people get hurt." He looks past from Silver to MJ, then, and nods. "I've been rare. Lots of work to do, just not at the office. Good to see you're getting along with your better half, all things considered."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would glance, "Sonja prefers to wield it through people and have the bits of them flying in every direction. That's part of the.." She would make a face over in a way that Michael would probably pick up in amusement. "Well, so long as it's productive and they're getting you back here with most of the attached bits. I'd ask about how they went but I think it's above my clearance level."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Not all would though. Some find the sword old-fashioned." Which is why one made sure they were up-to-date on all the firearms too. It was a busy life for one in her line of work.

Silver glanced between them. "Though I only have just met Mary Jane and Sonja, I do admit they seem to balance each other out well. A Yin Yang situation in some ways." And at mention of clearance, she has to give a tight smile. "No doubt it is far beyond mine as I am not in the employ of your agency. Nor even a consultant. However, I can let you two speak more privately if you wish. If Agent Kowalski does not finish up his call, I fear we'll have to meet another night." She had a tight schedule.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    "Yeah, well, some people are idiots." Michael waves this off as he nods to the bartender as he delivers a tall mug of pale ale for him - the agent picks up his beer and toastes the ladies. "Nothing to write home about, don't worry. I'm sure you've been up to more interesting things anyway." A nod, then to Silver. "Don't let me break things up, Miss Sablinova. Just here to wet my whistle and see who's lost limbs, nothing more."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug, "Hey, I'm just a junior agent and SOnja is.. Used to mostly independent business pursuits." Of slaughter, looter, plunder, and the occasoinal wenching with stories that -still- made Mary Jane blanche at them. "And we're just talking, you're not really interrupting. I admit I don't know a lot about the international.. Troubleshooter's market that tend to be unafilliated."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"International troubleshooters." Silver had to grin a little at that phrasing. "I may have to add that to my list of phrases. I promise to give you full credit," she added.

Her gaze went back to Michael and she raised her own white wine in a return toast to him. He wasn't far away, allowing them to talk easily enough. Though he was by the bar while they were sharing a table. Though they hadn't started that way, originally having been at table's next to each other.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    "Miss Sablinova's the manager of a real team of triple-A talent, Agent," Michael explains to MJ; he gets off his stool and moves to sit unbidden, flipping it around to sit like a proper douchebag. "Pro athletes in the Face-Shooting League." He toasts the woman in question lightly with his mug before looking back to the red-headed agent. "You let her come out to play yet? Chat with the locals?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug, "Well, just take that against the charge of what I'm going to owe you for the.. I'm sorry, Sonja really does keep laughing each time I even think of fencing." She would make an amused face. "Yes, I'm aware. So does that mean that they play baseball with out of towners like us?"

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"It is only the fencing you are thinking of in your mind if that is what you choose to learn. Though I am certain what Sonja practiced was highly effective, I also believe it was more life-and-death and less artistic. Both have their places, though I'm certain she disagrees." Silver shrugs. "I chose to learn both. Admittedly, I don't carry an epee on missions."

She looked at Michael again. "I would not consider as face-shooting. Unless absolutely necessary. Bounties have a choice in their situations. They will be brought in but they can choose in what state. Though I appreciate your compliment to my company. We do endeavor to be consummate professionals in our field."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    "My team only played exhibition games by comparison," Michael offers, taking the first pull from the mug in his hand now that the head of foam's receded slightly. He considers the two women from over the rim of the mug as he drinks, draining it entirely before setting it down on the table with a soft 'ahhh' of refreshment. "Don't mind me, Miss Sablinova," he finally says, smirking slightly. "I'm an American. And a New Yorker. And thus predisposed to being an asshole." Winks at MJ. "Though your tablemate here is much better behaved."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would look over at Michael, "It's okay, you can just tell her you're from Texas, I'm sure that they'd get the point." The girl, who hadn't taken any alcohol since she got here would shake her head. "And no, I think she's more just.. Practical. Violence isn't an art form. It's something to be done efficiently. It can be enjoyed sure. She just doesn't get the point of art performance in a way that doesn't end in dismemberment to having a lot of a point."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"That is good information to have." That he was an asshole. Although Silver usually made that decision on her own, didn't have people just say they were fitting of the title.

At that moment, Kowalski stepped in and waved her his direction. "It seems he finally got off the telephone." She threw some cash on the table to pay for her glass of wine then looked to the pair of agents. "It was a pleasure to meet the three of you." Sonja gets acknowledged! "If you will excuse me."

And with that, Silver headed to the door, falling into conversation with the agent and nodding before they headed out on the new lead.