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Latest revision as of 01:52, 29 July 2022

Embassy Invite
Date of Scene: 27 July 2022
Location: Diana's Office: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Diana welcomes Mercy to the Themysciran Embassy for some chatting, and a tour, and maybe some Kithotaur cooking afterward.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Diana Prince

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy feels so out of her depth. Having called ahead to try and make an appointment, she was shocked to get one somewhat easily. She's cleaned up well and has on some of her nicer clothes, meaning the jeans with no stains and a newer button up blouse as well. She has a small little case with her and several folders inside of it. She was patient through security on the way in, if there was any, and not growl at anyone during the process.
    Mercy's nerves do show as she waits to be shown to Diana's office. She is passing back and forth trying to work off the nervous energy, all the new scents and the feel of this place is very different to Mercy. She feels like she's on someone's territory and not yet figured how to adapt to it fully.

Diana Prince has posed:
The Themysciran Embassy is a large old New York City home that was once the home of the Mayor themselves. Now, it's been converted in to a bastion of Themysciran culture, with a well manicured front lawn, as well as an emaculate interior lobby that has a split staircase that leads up to the second floor, a hanging crystaline chandelier that provides elegant illumination to the first room one enters upon arrival.

Mercy is only made to wait in the sitting room adjacent to the lobby for just a moment before a woman in her 30s arrives to escort her to the Princess' office. She introduces herself as 'Greta Candy', and has a lovely British accent to her voice. She leads Mercy between the split staircases that curve up the foyer walls toward the second floor landing. The two pass under this in to the main hallway of the first floor, where they walk toward the courtyard that is visible through twin glass paned doors up ahead. Walking around the courtyared, large windows look out upon it on Mercy's left as the two move together, and eventually come to another hallway where Greta leads Mercy through another set of doors until they arrive at Diana's office. Her office door is open, and the Princess is behind the desk. She's wearing a black sleevless top, with white slacks and black heeled shoes. Her hair is in a braided bun on the crown of her head, and she's wearing a pair of black framed glasses that are only really worn for style. She looks up from her laptop when Greta and Mercy arrive, and she casts them both a wide smile on her red hued lips.

"Welcome, come in." Diana says in her smoky voice. She rises up from her desk, and walks toward the doorway, offering a hand to Mercy. "I am glad to see you again, and yes, the car is running wonderfully." She adds that last part with a hint of a grin, before Greta excuses herself.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    The short wait is a help for Mercy as she looks over when the woman shows to meet her. She follows Greta up and to the second floor. She can't help but look around at all the decorations around her. She is especially interested in the courtyard that they pace. She loves getting those windows of green and nature in the city. She steps into the office when bid to do so and looks around. Eyes falling upon the armor on display with the lasso and then the room at larger. Giving off a nervous laugh, "I'm almost scared to sit down." She smile to Diana and takes the hand with a light shake with her calloused hands. "I'm very glad to hear that. It was nice to get to work on that. I'm also glad I got it in and out of the shop fast and quick."

Diana Prince has posed:
The tall Amazon Princess just shakes the other's hand, then draws hers back to lace her fingers together in front of her lap. She smiles warmly to Mercy before laughing softly. She motions to the sitting area with leather furniture. "I am sure you will be just fine." She says back. "Would you like something to drink? Tea? Water? Coffee even?" She inquires next as she steps toward the small kitchenette area just within the office.

"I wish I could have picked up the car myself, but I had to be in Montreal for a public event. I did drive it to see a friend just last night though, so I made sure to listen very closely." She states with a grin. "Oh, and the brownies were divine. They went well with our homemade ice cream here."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy gives a small nod of her head in thanks as she settles in to sit on the leather seats. "I think I'm fine, thank you. That's kind of you, but I hate to nervously dribble from a glass in here." The talking about the food makes her smile, "Glad you liked them! I always make more then I should eat on my own. I can only go on so many all night runs in the wild to burn calories."
    Getting to talk about more normal things helps Mercy relax a bit as she offers honestly, "Your office is amazing. It's taking all I can to not go glare at the pictures and things you have here. I like history," as her eyes flick to the picture of the 'Wonder Men' and then to the armor that is on display. "You probably spend a fair bit of time in here I am guessing," asks Mercy?

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana diverts her walking away from the drinks area then as she joins Mercy at the seating. She sits down on the edge of one of the dark leather chairs, her back straight, as her hands rest atop her lap then. Her eyes give a quick look around the office before she looks back to the other woman. "Quite a lot of times, yes." She says calmly in that rather soothing tone of hers.

"Thankfully I rather like it in here though, as I've managed to put quite a lot of personal trinkets within it to help immerse me in my years away from home." She states then, before motioning to the shelves to her right. "Feel free to look at anything you'd like. Most like to see the armor while it is on display here." She adds with a playful grin.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy takes in a slow even breath at a five count before she speaks again. Settling herself down and smoothing her hands on her thighs. "If I had know, I could have saved the bent tire rod for you, though not sure it belongs here." Motioning to some of the items all around. "If you let me go and look at your stuff I'll be here for another hours and be asking questions the whole time." But that doesn't stop Merch from standing, eyes going first to the book to start leaning in at it. "You got this well protected." Eyes also looking at the picture nearby. "So I was wondering if it be alright that I possibly ask you some private things, Diana?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had learned enough about Mercy in their two meetings to know that there was more to the woman than just being a local mechanic. She watches her stand up and move over toward the shelves to eye some of the items on display, but when the question comes, she wipes away the smile from the mention of the car part, and just dips her head in a single nod.

"Of course." She responds from her perch on the edge of that leather chair.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I have an opportunity for my business," begins Mercy. Forcing herself to turn from the displays and face the tall woman. "A woman has asked me to make her a custom car. To really push myself and I've picked using an Opel GT as the frame. But she wants the classic car with a lot of modern touches." She motions to Diana, "and I remember you talking about your um.... co-worker. I think you said her name was Lanis?" Mercy hates to use a new client like this but it really seems the best way for her to try and get some help.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana remains there in her chair with her back straight, her eyes to the right upon Mercy when she turns around to look at her again. After a moment, she speaks back. "Lanis is the Artificial Intelligence system that inhabits the technology that powers my Jet, yes." She states. "Are you looking for some assistance in developing the schematics for a custom vehicle?" She then asks back of the other, as such a thing wouldn't be out of the Jet's abilities.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy shakes her head, "No. I admit I have zero experience with AI, and don't know how to reach out to her, or them, except through you. What I was hoping to do was ask for help, or sub-contract Lanis out for help on the electronics. Here," she will go to her papers she left in her belongs by the seat and pull it out. "There's a new kind of auto paint called, Luminor that lights up when a current goes through it. Also," Mercy hesitates here. "I think my client is a bit lonely and that maybe having a car with a voice will help ease that for her." Mercy hopes she's explaining this at least somewhat clearly.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana gently raises her chin up, and then lowers it again a second later in a light nod. "Oh, I see." She quietly replies, before a little smile shows on her visage. "Lanis certainly has not designed an AI system for another vehicle before. I could propose it, but I could also equally suggest the names of people I know who are actively working in that field itself. I have quite a few contacts, as I'm sure you could imagine... One of them, herself, is a living AI that has obtained her own body, and is a leading research scientist. So there are many options at-play here, if it's what you'd like to explore." She tilts her head very slightly to the right then. "And that paint sounds rather interesting. Perhaps I could get a vehicle with such a scheme upon it... a nice glowing red car could be quite fun."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy tries to be quick, "Oh I don't think I need an AI. Not sure if that is even possible. I was just looking for an interface. You know like on the phone and someone to handle the coding and electronics side of things. I can handle that some, but not as much as this project may take. I got the budget to sub this out some." Mercy ducks her head a bit and smiles, "Truth be told. It also gave me an excuse to call you, see how happy you were with the work, and to do something I never would normal even think of trying." She will pull out a picture and show it where it is the same care with what looks like two different paint jobs, "This is it. I'm going to be almost gutting the car, doing an engine swap and a lot more." Mercy scoots closer to Diana to lean in. "But if you are interested in a glowing car, this is the stuff you want." Mercy can't help but get more relaxed and animated when talking about a project like this.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana was about to rise up to take a glance at the provided photo until Mercy sat down near her and offered it. She tilts her head to the left to get a good look at the image, and nods once. "Interesting...." She says. "This is quite a project you've gotten yourself in to." She notes then as she looks back over to the woman to show another light smile. "I will certainly ask Lanis to see if it is something they would be interested in. We try to consider them to be their own person, as the Jet itself is often helping us in ways that any other ... alien to our world who has sworn loyalty would." She says that last part before laughing lightly and shortly.

"But yes, your work was fantastic, and I've already mentioned your name to several people."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy smiles as Diana gets closer and will show some of what she has sketched, somewhat crudely to show the project. "It is. But it's not often someone gives you an expense account as big as this and offers to pay the rates she is. Plus it will be a challenge. This can put me into the black for this year already." She nods her head in thanks to relay the information, "Thank you Diana. I am just wanting to hire someone that I'm sure will do a good job. I'm seeing this as if I went to a specialist painter and hired them out for that part. Same idea. I'll offer them fair pay, or maybe if there's a trade they want instead that can be arranged." She is glad to hear about the business as well, "also. Since we're here as well and I have your ear. I feel I owe you an explanation if I made you curious or uncomfortable for any behavior on your last visit."

Diana Prince has posed:
Another look is given to the photo by Diana before she listens to what Mercy says, and looks back to her on her right side. "That is an exciting job opportunity then. I would be more than happy to help see it come to fruition precisely as you envision it." She replies before the last comment there has her smiling, and then laughing. Her head shakes side to side. "You did not do anything that made me feel such ways. Believe me, I've experienced it all. I expected your shop to have some... I do not know.... stereotypical mechanic man inside it, who might be less than thrilling to work with..." She smirks at this image. But then she shakes her head gently once more.

"You were nothing but gracious and kind. Which is one of the primary reasons I was eager to share your name out there with others in my various circles. Many often complain about the help they get with their own vehicles, especially here in the city."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Even the guy who taught me and I bought the shop from wouldn't been that stereotype. Though if it helps I could show my butt and scratch it when you're around next." Clearly not serious and just making a joke as she shares a smile with Diana.
R    "Well I'm happy to do my best if you ever need my help again. Especially with cars in my proverbial wheelhouse." She nods to the armor and then looks to Diana. "I just wanted to be sure there were no uneasy feelings or doubts." She looks over and says, "Best to be careful when you aren't exactly human after all."

Diana Prince has posed:
The joke has Diana cracking another wide smile, before she shakes her head gently side to side. "Some may ask for such a service, but I assure you, I am not one of them." She jests back at the other woman before her eyes look over to the armor also, it polished, clean, and glinting quite nicely beneath those little lights within its alcove along the bookshelves. She looks back to Mercy then, and tilts her head again just a little, curiously.

"I have suspecdted such. Your keen senses, somewhat gave that away. Something I share myself. But, we live in a world where more and more... unique individuals... are appearing every day. I did not really wish to ask about it, as it might be something you wish to mostly keep to yourself."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I can blend in easier, but also most don't know what to pay attention to. Least not like you may yourself know." Mercy shakes her head and smiles to say, "I thank you for your understanding. I don't like lies, even ones of omission. So if you ever feel you need to know, I'm giving you permission to ask." She looks back to the folder as Mercy looks at her future project. She glances to the armor and then back. Inspiration strikes her, "OH!" She starts to draw some lines off the top of car as she grins, "wings! I should have thought of it sooner. Gull-wings." Looking over at Diana, "Thanks! I know it may not been intentional but that really will help this." Sadly Mercy doesn't even think that Diana may not know what she's talking about.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana follows her gaze toward the armor again, before she looks back to the woman beside her. "Oh, I cannot say I'm not interested." She replies before a short pause. Her eyes watch what the woman takes down, and the mention of wings have her grinning faintly for a second. "I do understand the desire to keep things private though also. I spent almost one hundred years exactly... before I finally decided it was time to take myself public. I thought it would be best served if I did what I could from a distance... away from any spotlights that might make it harder. But, when things got very dire..." She trails off then as she shifts her weight a little on the edge of the chair, then crosses her legs at the knees. ""Well... I changed my mind."

"I do not regret it either. It was the right choice to make, ultimately."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I just keep it private out of habit and survival," says Mercy. She finishes her sketch and turns to face Diana directly again. "I'm a Walker, and not a skinwalker but many will not see a difference. Positive I get it from my father's side of the family." It may be a little test to see if Diana knows what that is, or how much she may wish to ask. "I can't do what you do, I mostly can terrorize rabbits, maybe a deer."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana just rests her hands atop her thigh as she regards the other beside her. She watches her finish that sketch, then look up to explain a bit more. This makes the dark haired Amazon nod her head once in return. "You can take the shape of animals, and do so to hunt, and experience a primal side?" She asks then, perhaps getting some of the details wrong there. "There exist many tails of such things, all across the globe. When I lived in Europe, I heard many similar stories, though most were rooted in fear and horror. Such as with Werewolves, or even subvariants known as Lycans."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Not exactly. There isn't a primal side or 'other' me if you will. It's all just me." Mercy motions to herself and then to Diana, "I was born as I am. Mother found a coyote cub in her crib when I was three months old. I'm not ruled by the moon I'm just, not human." She shrugs a bit with that as she doesn't have an answer so much. "I was raised by werewolves, but I can handle silver. I can change when I want to, and get to be a bit stronger then faster then normal people." Mercy grins showing lots of teeth, "great for when there's really stubborn bolts on the engines."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana silently says 'Ah' at this revelation about the finer points of Mercy's abilities. "I see..." She notes softly back before tilting her head again. "That must've frightened your mother quite a bit, at the time." She adds before showing a light smile again. "But you have learned how to control this side of you?" She inquires next.

"Or is it somehow, random... or is triggered by outside influences? In a city such as this, I hope it is a matter of control, less you be subject to any number of dangers while in the form of a Coyote."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "She took it in stride honestly. But it was why I had foster parents and a werewolf pack to help raise and protect me when I was young. She got a new husband, my biological father died before he knew mother was pregnant. She has a new husband and I have step-siblings. But I am not quiet 'part' of that family. Nobody makes me feel excluded but I'm not fully part of it either." Mercy is a bit surprised she's sharing THIS much but smiles to the tall woman.
    "I was mostly born with control, much to my foster family's chagrin at times. I can't bite people and spread it. I'm not like that at all. But it is why I know all the good wild spots all about this area. From days of going on a bit of a run and to shake some of the city off me." Mercy shrugs as if it makes sense to her and is natural, but has learned that isn't the case for most.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana just gently nods her head two small times to these further details. "I have been forced to fight Werewolves, in the past... Not here in the United States, but elsewhere around the world. Some are capable of turning back in to humans, while others are... not. Those tend to be far more feral, and far more likely to cause issues amongst locals."

"I am glad that your parents were understanding, and accepting, of this. Even if you have a distance in your relationship with them. That can always change though, with effort, and time." She adds a little smile after those words.

"I do hope you're careful while in your other form though. As I said, many can be less than understanding about seeing a coyote in a place they feel it doesn't belong. Though, I imagine you keep to the forested parts of Central Park, or somewhere outside the city itself."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I've been in a few fights with them myself," confesses Mercy. She smiles some at Diana's encouraging words. "Maybe you are right. I'm just pretty happy with how things are in my life right now." Fingers tapping on her papers to include her point.
    "Besides if I was closer to my biological family I wouldn't meet interesting and kind people like yourself, Diana." She motions to her hip then and says, "Oh I learned that lesson the painful way. About being careful. I was having some fun when younger and a famer filled my butt with buckshot thinking I was a wild coyote near his livestock. And I know all the good small brush and game trails in the park." Mercy winks and says, "Maybe one day we'll go on a trip to the wild and play a game of hide and seek. Give you some 'safe' hunting tools and see how long I can evade. Good training for us both."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes glance down to where Mercy motions, then she looks back up to the other's eyes when she hears the rest of that little tail of learning. It causes her to wince ever so softly before she just shakes her head. "A difficult lesson to learn, I am sure." She responds before the latter bit of what the mechanic tells her, suggests even, has her showing a more pleasant expression. "That could be quite fun, though I warn you... I grew up hunting the forests of my island home... I am quite capable, you see." She says with a sly grin before shaking it away with a motion of her head.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" She asks then. "I believe our Head Chef is making something delicious, but I failed to check in with him this morning, so I am not exactly sure what it is." She chases those words a light laugh.

"You could speak with Lanis, before or after, to pitch your ideas to her as well." The Princess glances toward her desk, then back to Mercy beside her.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I grew up running in the wilds without out a city in range of my nose," offering in kind. "Though I can only imagine what your island must be like." Mercy smiles at the offer and says, "Well sounds like I be an idiot to turn down that kind offer. I'm not that picky of an eater fortunately."
    Mercy will nod her head about Lanis, "Long as it would be alright. You've used neutral and feminine pronouns for Lanis. Do they, or she, have a preference?" Diana said to treat the AI as a person right?! "I just hope you don't feel I was taking advantage over having met you. That's not my intent."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana reaches out her right hand to place it over Mercy's left shoulder. "I know you were not doing such a thing, do not worry." She says back with a warm smile. Then, the Princess is moving to stand up from the chair. "And Lanis does enjoy the feminine persona that she's taken on. I just get used to speaking vaguely some times, for most people in fact." She says as she starts around her desk again to reach for her phone that lays there upon it. "I will just send a message to our Kitchen staff to let them know..." She adds while taking a seat on the edge of her wooden office chair now, gathering up the smart phone to quickly tap out a message to the Embassy chat group.

"Our head Chef is a Kithotaur.... which I would not expect you to know what that is..." She says with her eyes down on the device, before raising them up to smile toward Mercy. "But he is the kindest soul, and I think you will learn just how much by the dinner's end."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    There's a happy smile as Diana touches her shoulder, and the smaller woman can't hep but turn her head a bit and get a better scent of Diana. Mercy does her best to not listen in on Diana's phone conversation. The mention of a Kithotaur has her consider, "I am assuming some form of kin to a Minotaur. Mayhaps the head of an animal other then a bull?" She is very eager to see what this meal will taste like, "Thank you for the invitation to the meal." Laughing she jokes, "long as he doesn't want to eat coyote."

Diana Prince has posed:
Once the message is sent, and a response comes back quickly, Diana sets her phone down and just looks up to the other woman. She laughs again, a melodic sound, soft and short. "Essentially the same as a Minotaur, yes... though he does not appreciate that comparison. Fair warning." She shoots a grin over to Mercy before she stands up thhen and walks back around her desk. "Seems dinner is a little ways off still. I can offer you a tour of the Embassy if you'd like to see it? The courtyard here could be a safe place for you to take your Coyote form too, some time, should you need such a place to relax."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I'll do my best to remember that. I don't like being called a skinwalker so I understand how names can be important." She will stand up at the offer of a tour and nods her head, "If you're curious to see my other shape I can show you wherever. The only risk is getting a bit of fur in your very clean office. I'm always 'me' no matter the form," assures Mercy. She will carry her stuff with her as they get ready to tour, "my clothes don't shift with me. So I either have to strip first or give you a comedy show of what a coyote looks in human clothes before I get free."

Diana Prince has posed:
These words have the Princess smiling once more before she shakes her head. "I wouldn't ask you to do such a thing, and I promise not ever to refer to you as a Skin Walker. It is a less than appealing title, I'd say." She notes with a positive air to her persona in that moment. "I am glad to hear you have control over it. I have known many shape shifting people who lack that kind of minute control over their shifting... It weighs on them heavily."

Diana motions toward the office exit and will then walk with Mercy toward itt with her heeled shoes quietly tapping on the floor.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Wouldn't be the first, nor the last time I had to do so Diana." Mercy seems amused at how polite Diana is being. "I'm your mechanic remember. You met me covered in grease and oil almost. I'm not that delicate or easily offended." Mercy nods her head about others, "I've been helping someone who was afflicted with a strain of lycanthrope to learn control and cope with everything." The younger shorter woman follows Diana out of the office, not walking near as graceful as Diana.

Diana Prince has posed:
Once they are back out in the halls of the Embassy, Diana just smiles as she laces her fingers together in front of her stomach. "I have no doubt that you are far from a delicate flower." She replies to the other to her left, her eyes going over to look at her. "I feel that I generally get a good sense about people, and I can tell that you're a fighter, and likely been in many scraps indeed." She shows Mercy a quick smile after saying that while they walk down the hallway lined with art displayed on the left hand side, the right hand side having those windows that look out in to the courtyard.

"And that is a very noble thing to do for your friend. I hope they are able to cope with that kind of life... It's something I can only imagine the ins and outs of."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I'm more a run away-er," jokes Mercy. "I fight when I have to or if I have to protect what matters. Being the little coyote in the big wolf fight teaches you to be smart and clever and not rely on power." Mercy knows it will sound silly but she does add, "I am a purple belt in my martial arts class and make sure I know how to help keep myself a bit safer."
    Mercy glances to the courtyard but on the way in she missed some of the displayed art so makes sure to not repeat that error. "They're doing better and learning they're not just a monster and cursed to die. But it takes time to adjust to something this big."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana isn't really pointing out any of the art either, just walking at a casual pace with the other woman aside her. The Princess nods once to the part about the martial art studying. "You would be welcome at the Themysciran Arts Center, just across the park from here. We practice Amazon combat skills every day there, sometimes even for the public. I believe I mentioned some about that the last time we spoke." She states as they reach the end of the hallway and Diana leads her on a turn to the left down another, this one with doors on either side.

"I wish I could help your friend with that as well, and if you think there are ways I could, please just let me know." She says of the Lycan-transition.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I'm sure that would be a great learning experience and I'm always up to learn new ways to not get my butt kicked," laughs Mercy. She continues to walk along with Diana, following the turns with her. Mercy turns her head to look up at Diana and says, "Pretty sure you do more then enough in helping others. The sentiment is appreciated though. She's in good hands and we're making sure to keep her and others safe. She's not my first werewolf after all." Mercy lightly leans over to pump the hostess with her shoulder. "So what kind of red car were you thinking of having?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is quite sturdy, even when shoulder bumped while wearing heels. She laughs lightly at that last comment. "Oh, you know... crimson red. All very.... opposite of the 'Invisible' Jet." She fires back playfully, with a smile sent over to the mechanic. "I had not heard of this new kind of paint scheme. I'm impressed with what they are developing these days, but, now I'mm quite curious to see what you come up for with this 'one of a kind' vehicle for your new employer."

She leads them past a set of double doors that has a large dining table within it, that one person is setting some dinnerware out around, clearly where the dining is to take place tonight. But, she leads her past it to the end of the hall where there is a staircase that goes up to the next level. It looks like an employee access staircase. "In fact, the Jet is hovering above the building, if you'd like to venture up there and speak with Lanis about all of that..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "With gold electronic lighting to make a wing design or something," suggest Mercy as to the car's eye grabbing look. "If you like, I can try to make sure you see it. Long as the owner doesn't mind. She wants to get attention and she will at the least allow me to take some videos. I got some fun ideas for the headlights as well."
    When they step into the dining room she can't help but breath in to get a pre-taste of the food that is likely to come. She's a curious soul, "If that isn't too much trouble, I won't mind it. I'm not sure if she's busy or if she gets bored." But so far Mercy only saw Lanis briefly in a parking lot.

Diana Prince has posed:
Of course the scent from the kitchen is heavenly of the food being prepared, but as they reach that staircase, Diana has them ascending up toward the roof above. "Lanis is connected to the Justice League systems, from the various watch points around the globe to the Watchtower itself, based on the Moon. Because of this, the Jet is ever connected to what is going on around the planet, is always eager to inform us about the various developing stories that we could attend to, should attend to, or must attend to." She states while walking up the stairs with her right hand on the polished wooden railing.

"If she ever got bored, I am sure she'd express it to me." She says toward Mercy with a sly grin crossing over her red hued lips.

Once they're on the roof, they step out a set of glass doors that take them on to the patio-like surface of it, where Diana motions toward the courtyard from above. "There she is." She says of the empty sky above the yard below.

Two shakes later, and the air is shimmering, the Jet comes in to view, its cloaking system coming offline, as the cloud-hued Vehicle is now fully visible. It has a artistic design to its surface, with smooth edges, and a long, dagger-like shape to its overall structure. It looks truly like something from another world, like it could just glide in to the clouds, and fit right in. Sizable as well, the Jet is large enough to fit many within its structure, and at the aft there's an open rampway that is reaching down toward the edge of the roof where a walkway is designed clearly to lead right up in to its interior.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Wow she must be busy then," says Mercy impressed by what all Lanis helps the Justice League do. She's glad she went against the idea of wearing her Sunday Church dress as they start to go up the stairs, the mechanic walking smoothly and softly. "Suppose she's done every combination of solitaire by now."
    She tries to scent the air to see if she can pick up the scent of metal or fuel or something. Not sure where exactly 'here' is for Lanis. The decloak gets a laugh and small clap from Mercy, "I appreciate a good entrance." She glances to Diana not sure if there's a preferred standing spot or place to look for talking to the plane. "Hello Lanis, I'm Mercy. Nice to meet you."

Diana Prince has posed:
Once the two step up within the Jet, Mercy will be able to see the interior of the craft in all its glory. It's like a yacht, though it is mostly all one color, a soft cloud shade, with luxurious furnishings that seem to be attached to the interior of the ship itself. The control cabin of the Jet rests to the far fore of its interior, and Diana leads Mercy through the sitting area toward it, she smiles over at the mechanic... her senses likely not quite sure what to make of the scents here. They are clean, very clean, the air is clearly being cycled through some kind of filtration system, or generated fresh entirely on its own...

"Greetings, Miss Thompson." A very pleasant female voice says, almost sounding like Diana's own, though a bit younger in pitch, like that of a Teenaged version of the Princess.

"How can I be of service to you?"