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Funny Meeting You Here...
Date of Scene: 13 June 2022
Location: Nice Brownstone - Brooklyn, NY
Synopsis: Introductions are made, business advice is given.. but more importantly, there's cheesecake and Golden Girls!
Cast of Characters: Inez Temple, Steve Rogers, Wade Wilson

Inez Temple has posed:
The building is a small brownstone in Brooklyn, three stories, converted in the 50's to apartments to help with the immigrant explosion. The exterior is much the same that Steve would be used to, squat cement stoop with some stairs, main door, a small between space, then an interior door. THere's clearly been some remodeling going on on the interior. Old linoleum replaced with warm woods, mailboxes refurbished to be shiny and gleaming once more, newly renumbered. A set of stairs at the end of the hall, but the newer addition is the elevator opposite the mailboxes, where the manager's office would normally be.

The first and second floor hold the usual number of apartments, but the third floor seems to belong solely to management/ownership/maintenance. Inez herself is in the third floor apartment, Golden Girls on the tv. One for the Money is the episode, and she's glancing up at the tv, chuckling as she puts the finishing touches on a home pedicure. She's in a cutoff Giants t-shirt and a pair of yoga shorts in a cherry red. Blowing gently on the clear coat applied. she looks up at the tv and chuckles once more....

Steve Rogers has posed:
    There's a knock on the door, and as soon as it's opened what appears is... a man in a black mask and black tactical suit, carrying a very bloody Deadpool over one shoulder.

    "Inez Temple?" There's no mistaking that voice. That voice is in commercials and PSAs and aw-shucks'ing its way through interviews post-charity baseball games. That's Steve Rogers' voice.

    What Steve Rogers is doing with Deadpool over his shoulder is anyone's guess, but... here we are.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade has thankfully slept throught the worst of his internal reforging but even so he's a bit groggy. He looks up from his position and offers a soft wave to his wife. "Heya babe" he says with a grin on his face. "This Steve--AKA Captain America--Steve, my wife Inez."

    Wade's seen better days. His suit from head to about his waist looks like it went through an incinerator with the frayed edges around the waistline blackened and singed to near ash. The blood over his torso had long since dried but from the covering over him--and it is consistently over his entire body--the damage he sustained had to have been pretty extensive.

    All that being said, he's also seen worse days so it's a testament to his fortitude that he's at least conscious at the moment.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez gets up at the knock to her door. It isn't often that Wade knocks, not since he got a key, but there's still a time or two when someone's had to drop him off before.

The someone has never been Captain America, and certainly not dressed like a commando. Inez, all six feet of blonde bombshell of her, blinks at Steve, then to Wade. She clucks her tongue and offers to take him from Cap before motioning him in. "Aw Hell, Wade, I toldja not t' take on them black ops without me... now ya gone done an' dragged Cap'n 'Merica into this?" Still, she holds the battered mercenary with care and tenderness, so clearly there's affection there.

Inez looks to Steve and smile, "Hey, make yerself at home. Grab yerself a slice o' cheesecake if'n ya want. I got th' Girls queued up, there's beer in th' fridge if'n ya want one. Water an' some sweet tea, too." That drawl suggests the sweet tea is probably sweeter than he's going to want. She moves to get Wade into the bathroom and to the shower so he can clean up, laying out clean clothes for him and making sure he gets a kiss somewhere that doesn't hurt, then lets him get cleaned up while she plays hostess.

"Hey, Cap'n, I'm real sorry fer whatever Wade drug ya into. Glad t'meetcha though! Big fan o' yer work wit' th' Avengers an' all." Inez holds a hand out towards Steve, then hooks a thumb back towards where she came from, "Yer welcome t' use th' shower when Wade's done. There's jeans an' shirts that should fit ya.." After a moment, she chuckles, "An' yer privacy's assured. I ain't one t' go lookin' in on people when it ain't invited. My daddy raised me right."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "...Seriously, Wade?" Steve rolls his eyes and, once he's handed Deadpool over to Inez, goes ahead and pulls off his mask. "Yes, well. Ahh... yes. Steve Rogers, although I'm technically not Captain America just now." He offers his hand for her to shake, then blinks as he realizes she's got hold of Wade. Right.

    He sticks the hand back in his pocket, looking sheepish, until she comes back from getting Wade settled, and then offers the hand again. "Always nice to meet a fan. You're Wade's... wife?" He raises his eyebrows. Clearly he had no idea, but then, nobody did, really. Then he adds, "Don't go /too/ hard on him... we were doing a favor for a friend, more than anything else. It just needed to be quiet because... well..." He shrugs, and gestures at himself. "What Steve Rogers does matters, you know? Can't let it get out."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "It was a legit operation this time," Wade calls from the shower. "We eradicated a bunch of gang bangers in Arizona who decided putting a hit on a friend of mine was a good idea." Wade doesn't keep much from Inez it would seem. Which might make Steve realize that he truly cares about his relationship with the blonde woman.

    The humming coming from the shower after his explanation is enough to let them know he's leaving the rest of the tale to Steve or just letting the pair chit-chat. After all, it's not everyday that you bring a celebrity home to your wife--who happens to be a fan of his work.

Inez Temple has posed:
There's strength in her grip, but she keeps it to a normal level, no trying to 'out-grip' Steve Rogers. He's a guest! Still, she chuckles, "Yeah, well, t' a kid out in th' dust bowl o' Texas.. stories o' a man gettin' an' doin' right by 'em... my daddy thought I could use some wholesome t' counter all th' hate an' fear I got from th' others." Inez moves past him to the fridge and grabs up a trio of beers, popping the caps off by hand and tossing all three into the garbage with casual ease. One of the bottles is offered out to Steve while she sets the other two down.

"Hey, no need t' worry. I know when t' keep my mouth shut." Inez flashes a grin at him, then gives a nod, "Yep! Been... married... comin' up on five years now! Mind, most o' that, he'd forgotten we were married, so we been reacquaintin'. But I ain't got no plans t' leave 'im." She looks towards the back of the apartment and grins, "Well Hell, if'n it's legit then prob'ly good I didn't go." She looks back to Steve and chuckles, "I'm a bounty hunter by trade, mostly goin' after th' mutants givin' th' rest o' us a bad name. Haul 'em in, drop 'em off, make some money. But now I'm curious, how'd ya meet Wade?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve takes the bottle from Inez and takes a drink, nodding. "I'm glad to be... I dunno, it's weird to be a 'role model' but I am, so I'm glad it gives people hope." He smiles; clearly he means that genuinely. "Congratulations on working things out after the absence. I'm guessing you're a mutant, like Wade?"

    And then she asks the question. The Question, that has no reasonable answer Steve can give without getting into a long story that is just embarassing all around. But Inez /is/ Wade's wife. So he coughs, and says, "Uhhh... well..." He glances toward the bathroom and then stalls for time a bit by going around to pick up a slice of the offered cheesecake.

    "So," he finally starts, "there was this place on Staten Island--"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Steven Grant Rogers, we don't talk about the Staten Island incident!" Wade calls from the bathroom. "Treat it like, Bruno! But be reasonable about it. Not like the movie, where they talk about it for 4 minutes straight!" His voice comes out a bit louder. Maybe he's turned to face the living room from his position?

    "You swore to me, Rogers! You swore and now you're just going to go and drop it at the first meeting with the woman I love! How could you!" It's hard to tell from the shower whether the man is serious or if he's playacting. Knowing Wade, it could be both at the same time.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez smiles brightly, "Thanks! It's been like bein' newlyweds again, only this time we're doin' more activities t'gether we didn't get a chance t' do last time. Been real nice." Yep! Bloodshed, carnage, general mayhem... real nice! At least there's a little insight into why she rolls so easily with all of Wade's crazy.

Sipping from her own bottle, her brows jump up when Wade cuts him off from The Story, and her eyes shift towards the bathroom, then back to Steve. She lets out a laugh and shakes her head, "Alright, I don't need t' know any weird details. Y'all met outside o' professional boundaries. Got it."

Wheeling back around to his question, she grins, "Yes an' no. Wade got his through medical means. Weapon X program went AWOL and had some pretty crazy shit runnin' fer awhile. He got caught up in it. Me, I'm born wit' it. Still ain't sure which side o' th' family it comes from, but..." She lifts a shrug, "I got th' 'basic bitch' package o' powers.. plus a lil somethin' extra fer m' troubles."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve turns to eye the bathroom and then slowly puts his hands up. "Alright, alright," he says. "We don't talk about Staten Island, got it. I didn't know if... well..." He shrugs, and gives Inez a wry smirk. He's just as glad to have the excuse not to tell the story himself, it seems.

    "I'm sorry to hear people treated you with fear. It... it isn't right. You look like you're doing okay, but... I know you can't always tell." He grins. "But, hey, maybe you can tell me how you two met? Or is that story /also/ offlimits?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade comes out of the bathroom in a pair of grey sweatpants and a green teeshirt with the towel wrapped around his shoulders. "I took a job hunting Black Swan after the Four Winds job with Agent X, Sandi and Inez here. Sandi was a sweet girl," he says half to himself and half to Inez. "She and Tony still doing the dance or... well, anyway..." he waves a hand.

    "I met Inez at a gym I frequented while I was doing my best gym bro impression..." he smirks to the blonde woman. "She flirts with me and I, in my infinite wisdom, blew her off to go to work. Because I had a bad case of the -need monies- at the time. Thank god those days are over." He gives Inez a chance to get in her own version of events or to tell a more recent side of their story.

Inez Temple has posed:
Grinning, Inez murmurs, "He'll tell me when he's comfortable tellin' me. I don't push 'im on stuff, no need. If it were important, he'd let me know." Then she's leaning back against the kitchen island and sipping on her beer. Her smiles brightens at his question, "Nope! Not off-limits at all!"

Then Wade's arriving and launching into the story, leaving Inez to chuckle softly. "Nah, Tony dropped her after she hooked up with Alex that one time. Alex and me stayed together a bit longer, but he drifted off into diff'rent directions." She moves forward to pass Wade a beer, leaning in and kissing him lightly before resting an elbow on his shoulder and smiling at Steve. "After that, I ended up hookin' up with Domino business-wise, so Wade an' me kept gettin' thrown together in diff'rent situations. His drivin' goal became t' see me topless. Can't says I blame 'im, seems t' be th' drivin' goal o' most people that I meet. Least fer awhile. He were persistent, though. But... we got friendly after awhile... then he got my apartment blown up. An' then he got me kicked outta th' halfway house I was in while tryin' t' find a new one." She shrugs and smiles, "I'm a sucker fer 'im, always have been. But.. he made it up t' me."

She glances at Wade and smiles, "That's when we started datin'. Lil while later we got married. Then came th' Florida Incident. Wade completely forgot I existed, an' I ended up huntin' fer 'im fer a few years. Til earlier this year, actually. But... this is th' apartment he got me t' make up fer gettin' mine blown up." She glances around the loft apartment and smiles, "I just recently bought th' buildin' an' refurbished all th' apartments. Gonna open 'em up t' young mutants tryin' t' get started in th' Big Apple. Rent controlled, reasonably priced. Somewhere they c'n be safe."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve listens to the story, sitting back with the cheesecake. How does cheesecake and beer even work? It just does! He smiles as he listens; as unorthodox as the story may be, clearly the super soldier finds it... sweet? Endearing, maybe.

    "Well, I guess it must be True Love, if you found each other again," he says with a grin. "And it sounds like a great plan, really." He considers that for a moment, rubbing at the back of his neck. "This whole thing with Becker's making me think maybe I ought to do... something to deal with my own neighborhood. One of my neighbors gets shot in a gang hit right outside my building?" He shakes his head.

    A glance to Wade. "You doing better? Some of the stunts you pull are... well, crazy," he says bluntly.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Eh," Wade replies. "A little tender in the tender places--read all over--but I'll be alright. Workshop did a number on me" he gestures to his face, "but I come out of most anything just as I arrived." He smiles. "If Sandi is available... might want to call her to help Wease with the books. Keep him honest at least."

    He shrugs. "I do them because someone has to sometimes, Steve. I'd rather it be someone who can survive the stunt, and I can survive.... well, damn near anything. Sometimes my head gets scrambled in the process but" he flicks a finger between himself and Inez, "it all works out in the end with enough raps to the head." He holds up a hand to forestall any direct questions to the validity of his affection to Inez. "Joking... mostly... probably. What's important is that we're back together and happy. I mean, you should know enough about that with your girl. Van Dyne, right?"

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez chuckles and looks sidelong towards Wade, "Don't ya worry, Cap. He's gonna get cuddled an' pampered tonight. We're talkin' bustin' out the Crocs an' Snuggie, curlin' up on th' couch wit' th' Golden Girls... it's a head-on-boobs kinda night." No shame, no embarassment, she's as open about this as she is most everything. She flashes a broad smile towards Steve, "But it's good t'know Wade's got more friends out there. Real friends. He deserves it."

She straightens up and gives a nod, "Been tryin' t' keep things good in this lil corner of Brooklyn. Ran a gang outta th' area a few days back, makin' sure word gets round that shit won't be tolerated round here." Inez smiles, "Even tryin' to work with a couple local agencies about lookin' into some of these other apartments nearby. Some of th' neighbors complain bout bad pipes, bad heat, infestations o' bugs or rats... property managers ain't doin' anythin' bout it. So gonna try an' get 'em th' right kinda help."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "The Golden Girls?" Steve says this in that half-baffled voice he gets sometimes, when he realizes just how much he missed, being stuck in ice for all those decades. "That's... a TV show?" He looks between the two. "Well, hope you have fun with that." That sounds sincere, at least. "I mean, there's 'I can survive this' and then there's /crazy/. It still... /hurts/, right?" He shakes his head.

    "I'm not about to buy out my building, I'm too busy to be a landlord. But maybe I'll nose around at home a bit more. Been spending a lot of time at the mansion or at Janet's, yeah, Janet van Dyne." Which is, yes, /that/ Janet van Dyne, billionaire fashionista. "Just being in the neighborhood might be enough to keep people from wanting to cause trouble. What're you thinking of doing for the locals around here, though?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade blinks. "We hung out for months and I never showed you my favorite show, did I?" he says. He pushes himself to his feet and walks over to a bookshelf that has a number of things that are not books on it. "I don't know what I was thinking at the time... fucking hell." He bends down and pulls out a large case of discs in a collector's edition set.

    "Here..." he says offering the boxed set of the series. "Just get them back to me when you're done. They're streaming nowadays but I don't expect you to have to subscribe to anything you're not going to use."

    That dealt with, he goes to sit next to Inez once more, crossing his legs one over the other at the knee. "I mean, pretty sure setting up a 'Neighborhood Watch Run By Captain America' bsign will do loads to deter minor crime; but it also might get more attention than you're wanting. Us here?" he looks to Inez to let her field her plan.

Inez Temple has posed:
Laughing as she lets Wade handle the Golden Girls introduction, Inez merely winks at Steve, "It sounds weird when ya look at the blurb, but give it a go, damn shoe's got a way of suckin' ya in til suddenly its 3am an' ya can't remember th' last time ya got up to pee." There's a smile for Wade when he rejoins her, and she shifts a little to keep both men in her line of sight.

"Who's Janet van Dyne?" She looks from Steve to Wade, then back again to Steve, "I ain't really up on a lot of celebrities, sorry. But he's right. Puttin' up a few posters sayin' that yer runnin' a neighborhood watch will calm down a lot of th' small stuff. Robbery, B&E, muggin'.. that sorta thing will drop. Ya'd have to get a lil more personally involved t' really have an effect on th' bigger gangs or mafia sorts. An' there's /always/ assholes that are within legal limits even if'n they stretch those laws to th' breakin' point. But it helps. Just knowin' there's some out in th' neighborhood watchin' over people has made a difference here."

Shrugging, she smiles again, "But as fer what I'm workin' on now, it's actually more jus'... helpin' people work th' system fer their own benefit against shitty landlords an' corporate management companies. A lot of Brooklyn's bein' bought up fer gentirification purposes, which means people on fixed incomes, or lower incomes, are strugglin' to be able to afford livin' here. So I'm tryin' to put some of my own funds into helpin' people keep what they got an' tryin' to keep some of th' corporate assholes outta th' neighborhood. Though, Mrs. McGinty says she'll know we're okay when Starbucks hits th' block. So I guess that's a goal t' aim for." Chuckling, she sips from her beer and looks to Wade, "Besides, gotta keep somewhere quiet an' safe fer m'man here. As often as people hunt him down, gotta give 'em a compellin' reason t' not come /here/."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve blinks at Wade for a moment, but then shrugs and takes the boxed set. Why not? Looking it over, he doubts Janet will be all that interested, but it'll be something he can watch himself in some offtime.

    "Janet's, uhh... the Wasp? She's an Avenger. And she runs JVD Fashion. She's pretty great." He's been dating Janet for years, but he still gets a bit of a goofy grin talking about her. "Smart, and funny, and she can knock a guy's block off." Which is clearly part of Steve's qualifications for romantic interest. Always has been, really.

    After a moment to take a drink of beer, he glowers. "Yeah, that... that's bothering me. There's families living around here that /I/ remember, and they're getting priced out. I just don't know what to... do, you know? Not really my area of expertise. Some kind of 'Captain America lives here' or 'Captain America Neighborhood Watch' probably just makes the gentrification /worse/."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade leans back and takes a long pull from his own bottle of beer. "Shell companies" he says. "You're filthy rich... or well, your girl is. I imagine being an Avenger gives you a decent pension as well, but still... have her set up a..." He pauses and realizes that he's got a master at the Game of Houses sitting next to him.

    "You know what..." he says gesturing with a flourish to the blonde at his side. "I'm going to let the Master here tell you how it goes and then we can dig in to some cheesecake and make watch the pilot. Good way to kick it off." He grins and listens to his wife's instruct Captain America about capitalistic property management.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez points to Wade when he says shell companies. Then laughs when he sits back to let her go into it. Her hand drops to his knee, giving a gentle squeeze as she looks towards Steve, "So, he ain't wrong. But. Ya got somethin' goin' fer ya that I ain't ever gonna have. Yer reputation. That shit's /gold/. B'fore ya take off, I'll give ya some numbers. Call 'em. Talk to th' people on th' other end. They're folks that have companies set up, tryin' to save bits of New York from bein' bought out by corporations an' developers. Tryin' to keep folk in their homes. Keep their businesses. Oh, an' one of them's my own developer. Fer full clarity. Ya talk to 'em, get a publicity campaign goin'. Captain America supports Local Businesses. Captain America endorses Brooklyn Heights Co. That sorta thing. Get yer face in papers, on tv, on youtube. On company videos. Ask some of them to come to yer neighborhood, host an event to help. Yer reputation is th' best thing ya got, Cap. With that, ya can move mountains that it takes me mountains o' cash to get rollin'."

She lifts her beer, sipping from it, "BUT. Also what Wade said. Have yer girlfriend put ya in touch with a good real estate lawyer. Invest in openin' a bunch of shell companies, subsidiaaries. Buy up property in yer neighborhood an' set rent rate or mortgage rates yerself. My next step is t' start a community fund, sorta like a... like a charity. Only th' money c'n only be put towards community efforts. Upgradin' a local park, puttin' in new bike racks at all the local businesses, general repairs from shit that happens because it's New York. That sorta thing."

Then she's smiling at Wade and giving a nod, "Sounds like a good plan t' me! Sit tight, I'll grab th' other cheesecake an' some more plates an' forks." Winking, she kisses his cheek before moving to get them all another round of beer, plus more cheesecake!

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve considers that a moment. "Maybe set it up like... I don't know if I'd want to be the owner. Maybe a co-op or something? Give people a share in the building? I'll talk to Janet, see if she's got any ideas." Although Janet's old money; she might not understand the point of such a project. Worth a shot, though.

    He ponders the other suggestion a moment, then shrugs. "Enh, why not? Gotta finish this beer anyway. Golden Girls pilot it is. And thank you, for the cheesecake and the advice. Really." He smiles.