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That time Thor went to Queens.
Date of Scene: 01 August 2022
Location: The Forge
Synopsis: Thor comes to recruit Colborn and gets assaulted by his sister. In the end, Mother Box separates them and shop repairs begin.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Colborn, Aldrif Odinsdottir

Thor has posed:
    It is no secret to the worthies of Asgard what Thor is working on. For he is not a man who holds back in most things. There are likely rumors and questions hurled back and forth now and again and slowly. Perhaps too slowly. The grand mechanism of Asgard's focus turns upon Midgard as more and more gods find their curiousity piqued.
    This manifests to Thor in several ways. For one he is often fielding questions. Some asked politely, some not so politely. Another he is often given advice. Some given politely, some not so politely. Yet when he is delivered a thing akin to prophecy from Frigga moments before he had departed back to Midgard... he paid attention.
    Which is what he did.
    "Be you on the path to peace then it is best to prepare with blade and thunder. For it is in the land of New York where royalty reigns, on the road near twin rivers split in twain. There you shall find what shall divide yet unify. Seek it on the mid day of the morrow. Do this and fare thee well."
    Words for one to heed well, and they served their purpose. For on that morrow in the middle of the day the Bifrost would /CRASH!/ to life, a cascading fall of rainbow energy that slashes the insignia of Asgard into the asphalt on the side of the street. Luckily little traffic passed to be so casually disrupted. Yet it brought forth the Asgardian known as Thor even as it drew eyes from the nearby crowd as well as some ire.

Colborn has posed:
    The Forge is that niche shop in Queens. It is nestled between a bakery and a vacant lot which has a rare book store on the other side of it. Colborn has been working on his personal project for some time now. Years actually. But the work he put into a custom order for someone else led him to new ideas of how to work on his personal one.

    Sjarnbrandr is the name of that project, and he's been working energy transmission filaments into the metal he's been manipulating for special properties. The project isn't even a blade yet. He's been working on it for two years, and it's not even a blade yet. Talk about slow, patient work.

    But he's been using bare hands and fingers to basically massage those filaments into the metal. But... he needed a break, and the bakery was about to get their lunch rush. So he set the project aside and decided to step out, without removing his heavy leather apron. The tee shirt he wears under it is white with bright red text on it. It reads: It's Hammer Time, with the T in Time looking like a forge-hammer.

    The wormhole makes a lot of people jump and flee or whatnot. Colborn himself just lifts a brow, "Motherbox, that is not a Boom Tube, but it looks similar... can you analyze it?" And yes, while some are moving away from the suddenly appeared Prince of Asgard, Colborn is just staring brazenly.

Thor has posed:
    It being Queens there are, of course, a handful of individuals who take exception. One of whom shouts, "You gonna pay for that, fella!"
    "Hey, don't mind me, I'm just walkin' heah!"
    Though there are also a few that are taking pictures and filming, one who doesn't look up as she takes video and calls out, "Whoo, Thor!"
    Though it does cause the Thunderer to turn and raise a hand, "Good day." He glances at the burnt in sigil and offers, "My apologies." Which doesn't seem to mollify too many people. Then one person shoves another. Yet it escalates no further beyond that. A small kerfluffle though not too out of the ordinary for Queens.
    For now, however, Thor pays that little mind. Dressed as he is he at the least isn't too jarringly out of place on Midgard today. No armor nor weapon. Just brown work boots, blue jeans, and a black t-shirt covered in part by a grey hoodie. His hair is short and his beard is coming in at the least finally. Under one arm he has an umbrella tucked in as he turns and considers his surroundings.
    For a time he considers that bakery, though it could be simply that it's lunch time and he has not eaten. Though likely would he find aid there? Perhaps not. A smith?
    Now that gets the man's brow to rise as his attention lingers, then shifts to the man near who meets his gaze easily. "Good day to you."
    A few words given as he starts to walk toward, noting the t-shirt perhaps then putting the hints there together with the workplace before hi. "Is this your place of business, shopkeep?"

Colborn has posed:
    Head nodding slowly, Colborn waits for an extra couple of seconds before there is an audible *PING* from his smartwatch. He glances at the display and shakes his head. "Okay. Not a boom tube then." He looks beyond the Thunderer at the ground and studies the sigil now carved into it.

    Then his gaze returns to the blonde man and he smirks a bit, "Yes." he says. "Given you are dressed so casually, I presume the goal was to -not- draw attention. I recommend next time not using a wormhole that carves a sigil out of the old sagas into the ground where you almost magically appear. I have heard of this thing they have here called a subway." he says, that last part -almost- a stage whisper.

    But then he merely offers a well muscles arm for a hand-clasp. "I am Colborn Gustafson, master of The Forge. How can I be of service?"

Thor has posed:
    For a time Thor watches the man's features as he speaks and nods a little as the words seem to drift around him until finally his eyebrows rise then he smiles, "Ah!"
    Then he adds with a smile, "You are being clever. Excellent." Their arms are clasped and he gives a good hearty handshake like the warriors of old accompanied by a thump on the shoulder. "Excellent."
    Over his shoulder he tilts his head, then back as he smiles easily. "As to that. It was the best way to make sure I was here at mid day for the prophecy..." Then his gaze distances slightly, "Well, perhaps not prophecy. Perhaps fortune, or tale foretold." His smile widens, "In any case! Shall we adjourn to your place of business?" And with that he starts toward the smithy even as he untucks his umbrella and walks along with a casual stride.

Colborn has posed:
    "... give me a moment please." says Colborn. He turns and heads to the bakery. Fortunately, he has a standing order for a mid-day bagel. He steps in, places a few dollars on the counter, picks up the bag and walks back out. I mean, a bagel with bacon and cheese is hard to pass up. Especially with the right kind of cream cheese. It -is- a New York Bagel after all.

    But then he heads back towards his shop. The irony.. the clock on the bank sign across the street clicks to 12 Noon -precisely- when he opens the door to The Forge and gestures inside.

    "After you potential customer." he says.

Thor has posed:
    It is pleasant that Midgard does have that abundance of time pieces and clocks so in evidence. Even /less/ reason to carry around one of those cellular devices. A thought that has the Asgardian nodding to himself in reflection as he stands beside the door, passing that small amount of time until Colborn returns.
    The door opens and he follows the other man in, pausing to check over his shoulder in case others might be wishing to enter though there are none. Then he lets it swing shut as the bell in the doorway jangles. He walks along toward several of the displays and peruses them for a time nodding to himself.
    "You seem to have a gift, lovely to find something so close to one's soul and be able to spend their life upon the perfection of it." Turning he advances on the man. "Colborn." The name said with some solemnity, "I am come with a request, it may well weigh upon your time. You will, of course, be compensated."

Colborn has posed:
    "A wise man once said.. when you do what you love, you never work a day in your life." And that said, Colborn sets his bag down on his countertop. "That wise man was full of shit. Work is work. This is just work that I find enjoyable. You might call it my obsession."

    But then he glances back towards the big man. "I wonder. I highly doubt you are here for some cosmetically beautiful, but impractical weapon. You strike me as a man more interested in function than form."

    He folds his arms over his chest. He's well muscled, but lean. Not made for bulk like some. "I should inform you, I -do- have a custom order I am currently working on. So any other orders will need to wait until I finish that one. But, I am -always- happy to hear what a person desires. And if it is special, then you likely have already asked others who were unable to help you. I -assure- you, there is no design that I cannot forge. Please speak your request."

Thor has posed:
    "Right now..." Thor says as he leans on the counter and sets the umbrella down upon it, a soft 'whom' heard from it as it settles. He looks across the room, thoughtful as he considers then he looks back.
    "Colborn, I have taken up a task and have gathered heroes to aid me. Some have come to my doorstep, others I have sought. My own mother spoke words that led me here and here I am come and find you." A hand uncurls as he gestures to the side, "It is no small task that we have undertaken. For I am sure you know these past years how times have changed for Midgard. More and more breaches occur between worlds and beings from others pass through. Some peaceful, some less so."
    He gives a small half-smile, "So I am seeking to prevent further loss of life and so it has become a quest of sorts. An enchantment is to be made and to complete it we shall require artifacts from across the Nine Realms."
    That smile slips a little rueful as he adds, "I feel you may play a part in it, and so I would have your aid should I call if such is suitable to you. For all I know it may be naught. For all I know your part may be crucial. Yet I am here, you are here, and this is what is set before me. And perhaps us."

Colborn has posed:
    Well, this is leaving the realm of the mundane, and entering the ways of power. Colborn studies the larger man for long moments.... almost a bit too long. Then he lifts one dark brow, "So, you do not want me to make you some sort of special weapon then." he intones. "Perhaps a helmet to protect you on your quest?"

    "You are not of New Genesis, -or- Titanos. Your umbrella seems to have properties unusual for what it's evident purpose is.

    Indeed, when he heard the *whom* he reached out with his power to manipulate metal. He was basically checking to see if the aluminum frame was more than it appeared. Uru is not 'precisely' metal, but he cannot get a read on what the item really is.

    "May I see what it -really- is?" he asks simply. "Show me that, and I will give you an answer about such a quest."

Thor has posed:
    "Oh, of course," At that he gestures to the side and it's a lightning fast flicker of silvery fire that washes over the umbrella from both ends meeting in the middle as it brings forth the mighty hammer Mjolnir settled on its side with leather wrap resting along the counter. "This is Mjolnir."
    His eyebrows rise, "Ah, and forgive me I have been rude. I am Thor, Son of Odin. And I seek your aid."
    That said he gives an easy-going smile even as he looks past Colborn briefly then back. "I do hope we will be of use to each other."

Colborn has posed:
    Watching the glamour fade, Colborn smirks a bit. "I see." is all he says, and then he offers one more hand-clasp of greeting. "I am Colborn of Titanos, Eternal by blood. Gustafson is a convenient fiction to provide me with citizenship and ownership within the great city of New York."

    That said, he doesn't even -try- to touch Mjolnir. He may not be a student of a lot of myths, but he spent a -ton- of his time in the Northlands. He knows the tales of the great hammer. He moves over to a shelf where he reaches to open a case. From within, he draws an old Norse Seax knife. He studies it for a moment while he gathers his thoughts.

    Then he turns and says, "If the worthy wielder of Mjolnir is asking -me- for aid, how can I refuse?" A pause and he adds, "I can use my weapons, but making them is my greatest skill."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "THOR!" The angry shout comes after the door of the workshop comes blasting off it's hinges with a furious Angela flying straight towards the Asgardian fist first. "MANGY CUR! ODIOUS OAF! SON OF NOTHING!" Each insult is punctuated by a deft swing of the fists aimed at Thor's face. It says something that she hasn't drawn her weapons yet. She's not here to kill the Avenger. Just maybe beat him up a little.

Thor has posed:
    The second hand clasp is taken as Thor smiles and gives a hearty shake. Yet he then awaits the time that Colborn needs to consider the ancient weapon before him. Perhaps knowing it will be of aid to the man as he considers. Only then at the end does he nod when the man gives his answer, smiling warmly. "Excellent. I shall be in touch. There is a trip planned to..."
    Which is the moment when Angela /explodes/ through the door with those hurled words, the first of which is his name. Shards and splinters crash across the distance as the Asgardian quickly raises his arm to shield his face instinctively only to be set upon by the rampaging warrior woman.
    _CRACK!_ A fist smashes hard into the man's raised arm serving to knock it out of the way in time for that haymaker to crash hard into the side of his head which sends him /hurtling/ across the distance...
    Into the display case of Colborn's work, glass shattering, wood smashed, and the weaponry scattered as the Prince is hurled into the wall where his outline leaves a fine crater.
    Sharply he shakes his head once, "Woman I know you not, but you choose an ill time to test my patience." Even as he /spits/ a wad of blood onto the debris next to him. Which is when he starts to rise.

Colborn has posed:
    Now, for the most part, Colborn is emotionally on an even keel. He doesn't show much emotion, even when he is feeling it. But this is different. This is an afront. An attack on someone whom he invited into his place of business -and- home.

    As Thor goes flying, he gestures. Half a dozen of the weapons in the shop leap into the air. They are pointed at Angela. His eyes flare with golden light, and his hands begin to glow as well. "ENOUGH!" he calls out, "You dare assault my home and attack my guest?! Stand down before I lose my temper!"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "YOU KNEW!" Angela bellows in rage. "COWARDLY DOG! YOU KNEW YOU HAD A SISTER AND YET YOU DID NOT COME FOR HER!" If she heard Colburn's warning, she shows no sign of it, continue to rain blows down upon the Asgardian Prince. "I AM ASHAMED TO HAVE ASGARDIAN BLOOD RUN THROUGH MY VEINS!"

Thor has posed:
    Rising to his feet, Thor's features are an afflicted mix of utter confusion, ire, and rage. His bright blue eyes are wide as he /glares/ across the distance at the armored (such as it is) woman. One hand gestures to the side as he replies with quite a good measure of vigor.
    "If Asgardian you be, I know not you rage-filled harpy." It's at that moment that the Uru hammer leaps from the counter, slicing across the distance with a /whum/ of sound to slap into the palm of his hand as he draws it back and low. Not quite threatening, but ready and at hand.
    "And who are you to come to me with such claims that you would have battle before word or reason?" He lifts a forearm to slide it over the corner of his mouth, smearing some of his blood on the sleeve of his hoodie.

Colborn has posed:
    Ignoring the host. That's not the wisest of choices. "Okay. Fine." says Colborn. "Mother Box. If she moves towards our guest once more, boom tube her to Iceland." he states as he steps to his right, placing himself -effectively- shoulder to shoulder... not -really-, but close enough for combat, with Thor. "And give me a blade." he adds.

    He's only doing that to demonstrate the fact that he is not lying about having access to boom tubes. And a tiny one opens up, complete with the audible sound effect that gives boom tubes their names. His hand reaches in and he pulls out something like a totally plain, undecorated Longsword... and when I say Longsword, I mean the historical one designed for two handed use. The metal of this one is far superior to any steel forged by man. It's no Uru, but it is way up there in the quality department. "Now. Cease fighting in my home. You -will- repair the damage you have caused, but first, you will stop fighting and start talking... It's that, or a boom tube. Your choice."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Still ignoring Colburn, Angela lunges towards Thor, grabbing him by the lapels of his shirt. "I am your sister ," she spits, as if uttering the word leaves a bad taste in her mouth. "Your mendacious father gave me to Heaven before he sundered the tenth realm from the tree, Ygdrassil. I-" She doesn't get a chance to finish her sentence as there's a rather loud BOOM and then Angela is there no more.

Thor has posed:
    Most folks only get one. To be fair.
    And in that moment as Angela moves toward Thor, attempting to grab his lapels the response is no longer diplomatic from the Thunderer. For there is a sudden roil and crackle as the flicker of lightning slashes over the surface of the mighty hammer as it arcs up cleanly as soon as Angela rushes in...
    And the hammer strikes out with an upper cut aimed likely to put the matter to rest in one sudden blow. A roiling smash of the weapon that should it impact there will be a dance of blasting lightning flickering across the poor shop and likely doing even more damage to good Colborn's livelihood...
    Only for an abrupt /BOOM!/ to be heard from behind him as well, perhaps even accompanied by a sound of exasperation which takes the Asgardian out of contention and sends him far off and away...
    Though he can hardly blame the man.

Colborn has posed:
    And... after all of that, Colborn just mutters under his breath and puts the sword back into its extradimensional scabbard. Then he heads towards the back to fetch some wood to use to repair his shop.

    "Stupid Asgardians." he mutters as he shakes his head.