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Latest revision as of 15:27, 2 August 2022

Blondes and Business
Date of Scene: 01 August 2022
Location: Frost Enterprises
Synopsis: Emma Frost have lunch and talk over a game of chess.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Susan Richards

Emma Frost has posed:
The two had been occasionally meeting informally since the ascent of one to a position of great power. Now was one of those informal meetings over in a side conference room in Frost Enterprises. Admittedly of a more casual nature. Two Queens playing..
    Chess, of all things while conversing casually. Emma sipping a spiced, sweet drink.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan's not dressed for her day job, fantastic heroine and face of one of the most cutting edge tech companies on the planet, nor for her other... job that Emma's perhaps the most uniquely suited woman on Earth to know the ins and outs of. No, she's dressed in a light blue sundress and strapped sandals with a slight heel, the very image of sunny, summer disposition.
    Or she'd be sunny if she weren't frowning oh so thoughtfully at the chess table, teeth worrying her lower lip before she makes a move... not terribly daring, nor even very creative. Like the game's not really meant to be won. "So, come now Emma, /surely/ you've been up to some interesting things as of late? My own life has been terribly busy but horribly predictable, no shocking events at all... which is always a little worrying. Since it means eventually they'll be /very/ shocking."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse over then while she would go to slide a peice over across the board, slowly moving to advance down the center of it, trying to maintain a slow advance of grinding to seize the center. "Well, do you want the business end of things or the.. Business end of thigns?" She would muse, taking her hand over to her side. "And would you care for something to drink?" She would offer.
    "And the most invigorating thing has been dealing with a psionic eldritch abomination that was consuming souls. Which we were too slow in stopping before it ha dtaken in too many. On the busienss end.. Well, I do try and maintain a healthy portfolio."

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan snorts softly and grins lopsidedly, "Oh, I think the /business/ side of things, I've had enough spreadsheets and memos about space exploration and the spaceport over the past three months to make me regret ever /going/ to space."

She snickers softly and makes her own move on the board, a little more aggressive this next turn, eyebrows perking up as she hums out, "My my, that sounds /entirely/ too dangerous! Though given that I haven't heard about it on the news, I suppose it was handled discreetly enough." She grins crookedly and perks an eyebrow, "I do hope you've been socializing /without/ having to fight eldritch abominations, other than these little games with me."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would lean back over and go to curl over, "Why, I didn't think you cared, Mrs. Richards." She would tease. "And unfortunately not all of us have a line of work where eldritch abominations are so commonplace and unimpressive. Your reputation wel precedes you." She would go to watch Susan's counter-move.
    "SHIELD does a good job when needed keeping things quiet. And one of far too many dangers."

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan snickers softly and grins, "Oh, I haven't had to deal with an eldritch abomination in... quite awhile! Why, I haven't even seen my husband disappear into another dimension in at least three months!" She shakes her head slowly and sighs out, "At least our daughter is proving far more responsible than us."

She bobs her head and grins a touch wider, "SHIELD is, if anything, a little /too/ good at covering things up. If you're not paying attention you can completely miss out on an alien invasion, and then the next time you talk to someone in a costume you have to pretend to know what they're talking about."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to take a moment to look over the board, making another move. "I must say, whomever coined the curse 'may you live in interesting times' decided that your family got more than their fair share, Mrs. Richards." She would lean back. "And your daughter seems to have, by her reputation, at least, gotten quite.. Proactive in her pursuits." Emma would note while she would look over the board.

"And SHIELD is quite capable. It presents a united, and more importantly well coordinated front."

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue heaves out a long, low breath and grins crookedly, "Yes, well, I suppose living in uninteresting times has its own downfalls." She makes another move, but it's fairly clear as pieces leave the board that she'll be lucky to wrangle a draw from her fellow blonde.

Susan laughs softly and bobs her head, "And yes, Val's... certainly been growing into her own, and finding her adventurous spirit. But if she /has/ gotten herself trapped in another dimension or something doing it, she's gotten back without me noticing, so..." She narrows her eyes, "Well, she's got to get away with /some/ things even if I know about them."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to keep on the attack. She's trying to probe in multiple areas as the pieces would fly over hte board, "You don't have to settle for being nice with me dear. The game is a metaphor after all. So you can go as you see fit best to play." Emma sees the game as useful at least for discussion and distraction.
    "I'm rather glad to not have a family, with how you go on about it." She would muse over "And yes, children learn better from their own failures often than they do from instruction. And childish explorations and indiscretions are.. The same, though I suppose sneaking out to break curfew is different from sneaking a shrinking submarine to go to the Negative Zone."

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan laughs and shrugs lightly, eyes narrowing as she slinks back in her seat, "Oh, come now Ms. Frost, if you /do/ ever want a family, you'd have plenty of time anyhow. After all, it's not like I didn't wait some time to have Franklin and Valeria." She chews her lower lip, certainly she's not throwing the game, but it seems like her instincts in chess tend towards the more defensive. Maybe because she so often uses forcefields in /not/ chess.

Sue murmurs thoughtfully and snickers, "Well, I mean, one could argue sneaking out to go clubbing in New York is /more/ dangerous than going into the Negative Zone. Well, counting dangers by number of dangers per area... so much more trouble per square mile in the city."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod and look at the board, "Well, I suppose so. I'm very glad that you have the sanity and tempermanet to maintain it. I'm definitely one that is not suited to such things." Emma would opine quite confidently in that concusion. As the game geos on, Emma ponders. She moves tos tart to shift her attack voer to one side of the board, adding pressure. The other woman is defensive, so see how fast she could shift around.
    "I'll have to trust your judgement on New York then."