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Revision as of 10:06, 5 August 2022

Delores Klein (Scenesys ID: 4288)
Name: Victoria Angel

Rose Schmidt Dorothy Hunter Delores Klein

Superalias: Alchemancer

The Alchemist The Artificer

Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Klein's Bottles (Owner)

Organic Co-Op (Seller) Folk Medicine (Herbalist) Back-Alley Sawbones (Healer) Loan Shark (...what?)

Citizenship: United Kingdom

United States of America

Residence: NYC
Education: Red Maids' School

Alchemist Amelia Molina Self-experimentation PhD's in Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry from Cambridge University

Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 250 Actual Age: 250
Date of Birth 11 Nov 1771 Played By Betty White
Height: 5'5" Weight: 121 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Malfunction" - Steam Powered Giraffe


Character Info


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Delores is old. Okay, yes, technically, the person calling herself Delores is over a quarter-millenia old, but even the persona of Delores Klein is old, having been started not long after World War II. When one clings to one's youth, one is on a treadmill of ever-changing trends and ideals. Delores deals with that by mostly ignoring it and pouring herself into personal projects. These projects can be shady, but she's a nice person...mostly...we assume.


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* 1771, February: Concieved out of wedlock to a homeless, late-teens orphan.
* 1771, March: The orphan was kidnapped by alchemist Neville Pierce. Using artifice of his own design, Neville tried to steal her intelligence to add to his own. Because he did not expect a pregnant test subject, the device malfunctioned, and Neville became a drooling invalid. The unborn child would develop an instinctive intuition of his areas of study from his absorbed intelligence, though not his memories.
* 1771, November: Born Victoria Angel in Bristol, England. She was left at an orphanage.
* 1777: Age 7, was approached by Amelia Molina, former pupil of Neville Pierce. Amelia secretly taught Victoria herbalism and potions and the rudaments of alchemy.
* 1785: Age 14, Victoria had learned all Amelia could teach her and had discovered quite a bit on her own. Amelia finally told Victoria of Neville's demise and the reason Victoria found certain intellectual pursuits so effortless. Amelia began assisting Victoria.
* 1791: Discovered a tumor growing in her chest, near her heart. Began experimenting on herself with various concoctions of her own design in private to combat it.
* 1796: Because of the intensity of study of the tumor in her chest, which so far Victoria had managed to encase in alchemically grown bone, she developed a method to craft a philosopher's stone. The only caveat was that it must remain a part of her. Imbibing and injecting a complex concoction of complex alchemical ingredients, Victoria's tumor became what alchemists have always sought and also cured her disease.
* 1810: Discovered how to transfer a tumor via artifice into herself. Developed breast cancer as a result. She began experimenting on that to attempt to create a second philosopher's stone.
* 1812: After becoming proficient at consistently and selectively transferring diseased tissue between persons and even similar-enough animals, Victoria accidentally miscalculated when experimenting with the transfer of youth or age, becoming a teenager again. She disguised her regained youth, not willing to give it up.
* 1820: Despite Victoria having taken numerous defects and illnesses from her assistant, Amelia Moline died of a fever.
* 1835: Completed the Substance Scrutinization Engine which allowed her to discern what alchemical components made something up and in what arrangement. However, her mind was unable to grasp the seemingly infinite fine-ness necessary for replication.
* 1852: Was accused of being a witch for both her unusual intelligence and her looking 21 instead of 81, even through a disguise. Was forced to flee as people destroyed all her chemicals, herbs, potions, and artifice.

* 1853: After changing her appearance, Victoria rebuilt in Germany under the name Rose Schmidt. She miniaturized and optimized the scrutinization engine to something one might use on a desk. She no longer worked in any jobs among the public, instead only working on her own private experiments and let herself age, at least a little bit.
* 1868: Completed the Transubstantiation Mechanism which allowed her to replace elements in a mass with something else. While this often meant fires and explosions, it also allowed her to refine elemental substances to absolute purity.
* 1871: Celebrated the end of her first century privately.
* 1910: Succeded in combining her Transubstantiation Mechanism and her Substance Scrutinization Engine, allowing her to (comparatively) quickly find and remove impurities.
* 1914: Had her artifice shop bombed off the face of the planet by allied forces in The Great War, thinking it to be an experimental weapons facility.

* 1918: After The Great War, and with the venerable 'Rose Schmidt' dead, she refreshed her youth and started over yet again under the name Dorothy Hunter in Scotland.
* 1939: After many attempts, Dorothy accepted an invitation to visit Germany secretly in order to both assess and if necessary undermine Germany's secret research into genetic purification through alchemically produced race-specific toxins.
* 1945: After the end of World War II, given Dorothy's work against the Nazis and even HYDRA, even though a race-specific toxin is impossible no matter how you alchemically slice it, she was allowed to work with a number of rescuees from concentration camps, healing them in ways the US troops couldn't fathom.
* 1948: Her work in Germany helping clean up done, at least to her satisfaction, the red-haired, green-eyed, 50+ year old Dorothy Hunter disappeared.

* 1949: Six months after Dorothy Hunter disappeared, the brown-haired, blue-eyed Delores Klein arrived in New York City, a 21 year old who had lost everything in the war, conveniently along with all records of her existence.
* 1950: Unwilling to work with anything large enough that it could not be moved quickly, Delores created her magnum opus, the Alchemy Engine, a piece of artifice. Tied to the Philosopher's Stone within her, it gave her the ability to do modifications at a chemical level. It had the modularity to be changed in the future, and all within a floating sphere the size of a basketball.
* 1961: While Delores had been going back and forth from England, she stopped making such trips after construction of the Berlin Wall started, fearing another large-scale conflict.
* 1971: With so many immortals and super-powered individuals becoming publicly known, Delores decided that, at 200 years old, her youth was worth retaining. She still didn't broadcast her immortality. Refreshing her youth, she continued to do so, accepting small amounts as payment for cures for terminal illnesses.
* 1990: In a secret facility, Delores saved a SHIELD senior agent from a terminal disease in exchange for occasional scrubbing of her records. Only those with Level 8 or higher clearance would be able to access her files.
* 2000: Watched the third new century arrive and the first new millenium in her lifetime. Decided to begin participating in life again, rather than living so secretively and isolated. Opened a garden greenhouse in upstate New York.
* 2001: Closed her business and retreated deep into isolation after 9-11.
* 2007: Packages began to be delivered from 'The Alchemist' with no return address to those in the New York City greater metropolitan area. They were delivered to those with certain specific medical problems that doctors claimed could not be cured. The packages would contain bottles and instructions. The package recipients, if examined again, would show no trace of their illnesses.
* 2008: A fringe web site titled "WHO IS THE ALCHEMIST?" was started filled with strange conspiracy theories. The much more public figure of Superman arriving shortly thereafter kept The Alchemist from getting much more attention. The website's hosting expired in 2009. It is unavailable in any internet archive.
* 2010: A brief YouTube spike in searches for The Alchemist and footage from someone calling themselves The Artificer rose briefly. Footage of The Artificer on every network-connected device was quickly deleted.
* 2012: A Gotham murder cult's hideout was raided by the GPD on the 'end of the world' Mayan calendar date. GPD managed to rescue several hostages the cult had planned to kill in a murder-suicide at the end of the world. Testamony from those rescued were nearly unanimous: Everyone lost consciousness within a few seconds of each other. When they woke up, the cultists were gone. A single mutant without the need to breathe was found at the site in a coma.
* 2013: The mutant that had been taken by the end of the world death cult awoke at Gotham General Hospital. He had watched a robed, masked person enter, followed by a floating, bronze sphere. When he took a breath to call out, he lost consciousness, the same as everyone else. He was only revived when a message in a bottle came to the hospital. Addressed simply from 'The Alchemancer', it gave instructions to have him hooked up to an apparatus that would force him to breathe for an hour.
* 2015: Delores successfully transferred a metahuman's ability from the 2012 invasion Gene Bomb. Her body immediately began to reject it. When she transferred it back, the metahuman she was experimenting with died, and she required months of alchemical treatments to get back to normal.
* 2020: Delores Klein moved back to NYC officially, opening a business called Klein's Bottles. She also set up one-hundred apartments for displaced mutants from Genosha, paying their rent in full the first month, then ten percent less each month after, offering the

IC Journal

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Delores is a short, sweet, British-American woman with a heart of gold and a beautiful smile. She's cheerful and charming, witty and pleasant. She couldn't possibly hurt anyone, honest!

Let's face it, the world is a mess. It may or may not be more of a mess than it was in the late 18th century, but it's a mess right now. There are aliens and monsters and supervillains and collateral damage from superheroes and a spaceport. However, Delores has lived through two world wars and multiple witch hunts directed at her specifically. No matter what happens to everyone else around her, she's pretty confident that she'll be just fine! If the world burns, she'll just greet the Vault Dwellers and Supermutants and whatever else comes after the ash settles.

Witty and charming, Delores is simply fun to be around. It's easy to ignore the fact that this driven self-starter and business owner has a heart for helping people, no matter how anonymously she tends to do that. Very anonymously, it turns out. Are we sure it's her?

Character Sheet


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Philosopher's Stone:
Delores's philosopher's stone is the same kind of impossible object as the rest of them. It is her power source she taps into for artifice, her catalist for impossible potions, and hypothetically is capable of doing more than she can yet imagine. The stone is part of her, however, and her blood flows through it. Her bodily fluids contain immense alchemical potential when compared to those of a baseline human.


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Delores isn't just an alchemist. Delores is The Alchemist. While a lot of what she can do involves more artifice than it does the bastard half-sibling of chemistry and witchcraft, she can quickly concoct potions, elixirs, mutagens, and poisons to do many impressive things. Unfortunately, a lot of alchemy requires distilation, combination, calcination, and a lot of other things that end in 'ation' that mean lab equipment.

Delores has an instinctive knowledge of artifice. Artifice is to engineering as alchemy is to chemistry. As with alchemy, the woman's artifice largely requires a lot of time in her workshop, rather than something she can do in a pinch when there are bad guys around. With few exceptions, her artifice has been eclipsed by the capabilities of modern consumer electronics.

Okay, so to ignore the actual scientific advances that ran parallel to alchemical discovery would be folly. Delores went back to school and got doctorates in chemistry and nuclear chemistry. Officially, she only took them to further her alchemical knowledge, but she actually knows quite a bit about the way molecules work according to only physics, without any of that pesky alchemical interaction involved.

Delores has lived a long time in several countries, though most of her linguistic accument comes from learning languages to study alchemical texts. Just like books on the supernatural, most of it was useless fabrication, but the languages remain useful.

Delores is fluent in:

Delores is verbally conversational in and can fluently read and write:

Delores can fluently read and write:
Old English
Middle English
Old High German
Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Greek

She has studied a smattering of dozens of other languages. When a language that's related to something above comes up, she can usually make out what it says well enough to get the gist. She's likely to continue learning new languages to better understand alchemical texts from scholars throughout antiquity. When you start learning languages, learning new languages gets easier, after all.


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There's a lot that can be done with Alchemy. Given time in her lab, Delores can create potions to duplicate the effects of almost all pharmaceuticals, bombs, a panacea to virtually any disease, mutagens, and alchemical tools that would be useful if she didn't have access to items that can do the same stuff at the dollar store. She can also create Orichalcum, an alloy of gold whose properties have been largely overshadowed by modern scientific progress. She can usually produce a vial of something useful from a pocket, but larger scale or rarer effects require her to return to her lab to concoct something specific.

In the 19th century, goggles that could magnify the distant and a foil that, when spoken through, altered one's voice would be considered amazing and magical marvels! Now, modern technology has surpassed most of what Delores's orichalcum inventions can accomplish. There are two notable exceptions: The Alchemy Sphere and the Transmogrifier.

Artifice: Alchemy Sphere:
This device is the culmination of centuries of experimentation, miniaturization, and research. A floating sphere of orichalcum the size of a basketball, there are twelve circles laid out in a dodecahedral orientation. It is as much part of Delores as her hands and eyes. It has three functions:

Record: It can turn one of its faces toward an object and take a scan of it down to the subatomic level. It can display a projection of what it has scanned, though there is no computerized 'search' function, so unless something is macroscopic, it might take a lifetime for Delores to find manually.

Reproduce: Given the right atoms, an atomic pattern, and enough time, the Alchemy Sphere can build an item like a 3D printer. Atoms are, however, very small, and even the fastest Delores has managed to get the device would take hours or days to even make something very small. Living things are out of the question, no matter how small they are. They simply require too much to be constantly in motion, to say nothing of all the components that, if left half-finished, even for an instant, would simply catch fire.

Destroy: Delores's Alchemy Sphere can let loose a destructive blast that looses atomic bonds of surface atoms with no intention of controlling the output. Even working with a few surface atoms is enough to cause fires, but it's a weak weapon.

Artifice: Transmogrifier:
This device uses Delores's Philosopher's Stone for more than just power. It is unknowable in construction by anyone who might disassemble it because it works from that stone. This is the device that Delores uses to transfer youth, body aspects, tumors, and other devices to or from herself. She must always be one of the subjects.

The targeted transferrence takes too much time to be done in the heat of the moment, usually taking hours to set up. If Delores has a prior scan of someone, she can set up something to be done in mere moments, but it does not work arbitrarily.

The Transmogrifier cannot transfer or delete memories, and Delores can't use it to hurt anyone without equivalently harming herself. Much as one cannot stand on a chair and pick it up, the Transmogrifier cannot transfer or harm the Philosopher's Stone, even accidentally. Delores is stuck with it.

These are not mooks who will run in to blindly fight supers at her command. These are people working regular jobs who will cover for Delores in the mundane stuff like manning her store and bringing the newspaper into her apartment so it's not obvious she's on vacation. Normal human stuff, but still very important to anyone leading a double life.

Shield Scrub:
Delores is not in SHIELD. Most of the agents of SHIELD don't know she exists. However, she's got a long-standing deal with the organization that they'll keep her record clean, which means more the more ubiquitous digital surveillance becomes. Only those with Level 8 or higher clearance can access Delores's actual files, but those agents have had cause to gather information on her entire 250 year history. Her files, to those who can access them, are thorough.


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Child of the 1770's:
Delores was born in an era before cell phones, computers, television, photography, radio, or automobiles. Delores has learned to drive, but she still prefers horses to cars, and she enjoys riding a train. Radio and photography have been around long enough that she's gotten as used to them as she feels is necessary. She has never owned a television, though she can usually figure out how to operate them, given how prominent they are. Computers and cell phones have been a blur of ever-changing 'norms' and paradigm shifts.

Delores attempted to follow the flow of computers. She bought a Commodore 64 and even taught herself BASIC. She eventually bought an Amiga. While she knows how to use Amiga-like computers, she refused to keep running on the treadmill of learning computer after computer.

Delores resisted getting a cell phone for a long time. She eventually got a flip phone out of necessity, but she doesn't text or even make outgoing calls unless she absolutely has to. Despite the somewhat ludicrous expense, she still has a landline telephone connected to an old push-button corded phone.

There's an archaic cash register with no electronic components in her store. It's viewed as a novelty by most people, but the truth is, Delores is being left behind by the ever increasing pace of technology.

Equivalent Exchange:
Nothing comes from nothing. If you want gold from lead, either those protons and neutrons or an equivalent amount of energy in photons has to go somewhere. If you want blue eyes, you have to find someone with blue eyes who's willing to trade eye colors with you. If you want a diamond, you have to use carbon and the right pattern. Things like pure gold are easy to make if you have enough impure gold and somewhere to put the dross. Even with a philosopher's stone, Delores cannot create something from nothing.

Delores Klein is a human. Hey, there's nothing wrong with humans, but given the attention she may get in her normal social circles, she may quickly end up the squishiest, most fragile being in the room, even without factoring in Kryptonians!

The main limiting factor of being a human, however--even one with a philospher's stone--is that, as of now, transferring abilities, organs, or powers that require one to have an alien biology or the X-Gene seems like it may always be fatal if not reversed immediately. She could hypothetically trade eyes with a tiger, but she could not trade eyes with the mutant Cyclops.

Philosopher's Blood:
The philosopher's stone in Delores's chest has altered her biochemistry, including her blood. It is not useful for blood transfusions, anymore, but it is useful for alchemy, rituals, and magical rites, being more 'full of life' than most blood. It is also incredibly nourishing to vampires, which is a fact significantly hampered by how disgusting it tastes and even smells to them. Equivalent exchange, leeches!

Philosopher's Tumor:
The heart of all the amazing things Delores can do--both in her artifice and with her alchemy--lies near to her own heart, quite literally. Her philosopher's stone was made from a crystalized tumor in her chest next to her heart. It would lose all power if it was removed from her, but that doesn't mean it isn't an enticing target to anyone who knows it's there. Thankfully, that list is incredibly small.

It is possible for Delores to transfer traits to and from animals similar enough to human biology. However, that comes with some significant dangers, as her behavior and even humanity may be compromised. Her metabolism will usually normalize her behavior eventually, but even so, damage can be done in the meantime.

Another problem is that there is a spiritual 'memory' items have to tasks. Gold used to make coins will 'remember' being coins, blade steel will remember being a blade. A murder weapon will carry a psychic impression of murder. These things can all be cleansed, but not alchemically, and not using Delores's current artifice. They need to be destroyed and re-made the old-fashioned way.



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Delores Klein has 19 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Deliveries February 13th, 2023 Ariah delivers the gold and receives new burdens.
Rooftop Rendezvous Meets Materials Handling February 8th, 2023 Ariah converses with Delores about weapon plans over tea. The price of the task comes with discussion of the expected equivalent exchange, however.
Round About Questioning January 23rd, 2023 Detective Chimp comes to grill Delores Klein about The Artificer.
The Artificer and the Witch January 8th, 2023 Ariah meets The Artificer and preliminary plans are made to get the small witch sorted out with some new kit. Foundation building!
Bad Book January 1st, 2023 People are breaking into a used bookstore for a bad book. It gets stolen! By one of them.
Chimps bring the most interesting things. October 24th, 2022 Experiments are planned and dinner is made
Pigless Iron August 25th, 2022 Donovan comes into Klein's Bottles looking for help after someone powdered his apartment floor with iron. Luckly, Detective Chimp was there to take the case!
Urban Legends: East Village Godmother August 24th, 2022 In chasing down the East Village, NYC 'Fairy Godmother' who left DeMarcus Winston full of cancerous tumors incongruous with life, Phoebe Beacon finds a familiar face. Delores Klein finds that vigilante investigators don't like signing paperwork, and Donovan Roawland meets acquaintence of one of the occultists out of the Curio in Gotham City.

Phoebe still is very suspicious of *any* fae dealings.

The Wrong Supplement August 20th, 2022 Delores makes Donovan a potion to help him with his migraines. He drinks too much at once and gets knocked out for a fortnight. Oops?
Sorry D. Chimpanzee August 18th, 2022 Detective Chimp brings Delores something to say he's sorry. Turns out it's incredibly valuable to her. He also has a request.
Not Monkeybusiness August 16th, 2022 Detective Chimp comes upon The Curio, and while investigating its menu makes an aquaintence of one of the regulars -- Idu, the canine companion of Phoebe Beacon.
Measure of a Monkey August 12th, 2022 Delores Klein examines Detective Chimp...from out of the room? Secrets are kept. Probably more secrets than either of them individually realize.
Sleepless Moonchild August 9th, 2022 Donovan comes into Klein's Bottles hoping for an herbal remedy. He finds two!
Chimps Need Healing, Too August 8th, 2022 Detective Chimp comes into Klein's Bottles looking for a few special herbs. He and Delores have a private talk about supernatural things in the staff breakroom.
Commissioner Gordon Live And In Person August 7th, 2022 Commissioner Gordon is a guest speaker at Gotham University.
Al's Chemists August 6th, 2022 Delores seeks out a source of magical energy and finds a graffiti artist named Hex. Delores observes her, then bounces.
Unexpected Rooftop Visitors August 5th, 2022 No description
That's not a thief, its...! August 4th, 2022 June does all the heavy-lifting breaking into a vault to snag some glowing, green rock for a client. Meanwhile, the Artificer slips in on her coattails and LOOKS AT THE ROCK! What nerve!
Misshapen Identities August 3rd, 2022 Delores gets three steaks! Then Thomas and Michael take them from her (to be fair, they did order them). The men are upset about the quality of the writers on their show. Delores is thoroughly bamboosled. Also:


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Delores Klein has 19 finished logs.

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Delores Klein has been credited in 0 shows.

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Delores Klein has been credited in 0 albums.

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Delores Klein has authored 0 books.

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