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(Alison and Mike discuss dazzling costume ideas over pizza. Alison figures out the one way she can beat Mike at a race. CHEATING.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 23:37, 5 August 2022

Fashion With A Side Of Grease
Date of Scene: 05 August 2022
Location: Shaw Studios - Beach Retreat
Synopsis: Alison and Mike discuss dazzling costume ideas over pizza. Alison figures out the one way she can beat Mike at a race. CHEATING.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Alison Blaire

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Unlike the last time Mike stayed here, the Shaw Studios Beach Retreat is not as empty. But being that it is also a residential recording facility, most of the occupants are in the basement. One must record when inspiration hits after all.

Mike is NOT part of the current recording session and instead is situated in the back area of the property. Taking up one of the beach chairs facing the waterfront. Between his seat and another seat is a small square table, currently acting as the support for an open box of pizza.

Set at the base of his chair, a sketchpad lies, closed with a pack of pencils resting atop. Neglected for the moment as Mike chews. "Mmmph. Lv pzha."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Pizza is pizza. Even bad pizza is good pizza," Alison observes, almost zen-like in the throes of savoring her own slice. The beach always puts her in a calm, contemplative mood. Which is how she deals with some of the things that life tends to throw at her.

For example: Her upcoming tryout with the Avengers. "So I am definitely thinking that something without a cape is the way to go, don't you think? Those seem to only work for people who are invulnerable and have no fear of jumping off a ledge and getting strangled by their own capes."

She crosses her feet at the ankles, leaning back on her chair, "But should it really be that different from some of my concert-wear? I mean, it's not like I'm hiding who I am... what do you think?" she glances over at Nick, to see if he has come down to Earth after the most recent slice.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's shoulders shake in response to Alison's comments regarding the disregard for a particular heroic accessory. But, with the presence of food in his mouth, he has to give a fervent nod in agreement. That is, until he swallows. Upon his regaining the ability to speak once more, he gives a grin. "Metaman, express elevator!" He responds, managing to adjust his cadence to a more brusk commentary, "Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex!" The free hand points over to Alison dramatically, "NO CAPES!"

Delivery complete, the rocker leans back in his seat, chuckling. "...Yeah I get it. Why give people something else to grab on to?" The added question does get more of a pause as he considers it. "Well. If you're already trying for the Avengers, you've pretty much gone with the idea of being a public figure. And wasn't one of the reasons you considered this to bring more visibility to your actions? Seems you'd want to build off of the public figure you've already got in place."

He turns his head, looking towards the ocean. "Besides, if they associate the heroics with Dazzler, that might make things easier when you're off duty as Alison. That bit of separation's important."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison laughs, "No capes. And sensible footwear- the high heels on the boots are all well and good for concert, but I don't think they'd do me any favors if I have to fight someone." She scratches her chin thoughtfully. "I'm really doing this. My agent is having kittens because he thinks it could be a disaster. But I think it's definitely the right thing to do."

She peers at Nick out of the corner of her eye and smirks, "Okay, let's do a bit of role-switching here. If you had to invest in a costume for yourself as Nick Drago, Superhero and Rock Star, what would be the first thing you would look for in a costume, knowing that's what people will associate with you the moment you step out?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Also it would really be bad for PR if you accidentally stabbed someone when you kicked them." Mike notes, "High amount of pressure concentrated to small surface areas can cause for quiiiiite a bit of damage."

Mike takes another bite of the pizza, slowly chewing away as he considers Alison's thought experiment. Or perhaps stalling. The chewing drags on for a few minutes before he eventually swallows. Eyes look over to Alison before he brings the pizza up to his mouth once more. There's a slight twist to the lips before he lowers the pizza, instead opting to speak. "I'd take a basic outfit one would see a jogger wearing in Central park and then add modifications to cover up all exposed parts of the body. Face included." He pauses to look over to Alison, "Assuming I actually had enough of a heads up to even be wearing such a thing when it was go time."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Dazzler smirks, "And then change my codename to what- The Running Woman?" She thinks about this for as second, "Actually, file that away for if they ever do a remake of Runing Man and want a female in the lead, I'll audition for that."

She shrugs, "But I was thinking of something a little more on the flashy side without being too impractical. I do want to have a little bit of the 'wow' factor, the last thing I want to do is look frumpy standing next to The Wasp and Captain America."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Hey, You asked what I'd wear." Mike responds with a grin, "Let Wasp faint at my comfortable, easily affordable, and easily replaceable attire. And honestly I don't think Cap would even notice." The musician glances back to the scenery. "Seriously though, unless you're only going to do the Avengers stuff when you're clocked in or something, an outfit you don't mind wearing a lot is key. I don't know of many villain types who do advance reservations when it comes to their criminal exploits."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Fair point. But I think there should be some sort of uniform when I'm 'clocked in', so to speak. It's just part of common practice, y'know?" She reaches for another slice of pizza, and narrows her eyes as she looks into the horizon. "Okay, how about a bodysuit? Makes movemet easy, can add some padding. We'd go with... gold piping, slight, and some metallic touches here and there. Want something that alludes to my powers..."

She holds up a hand, and a spark of light dances between her fingers. "Hmm. Could have a starbust on the chest made of reflective fabric? Or is that too much?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike tilts his head back, looking to the clouds in thought. "Gold on white?" He wonders aloud, "Or Gold on black? If you're going for flash, might as well go for the contrast. Do you think the reflective fabric might end up distracting your teammates?"

Alison Blaire has posed:
"My god, Nick, it'll be just a little iridescent, I'm not hanging a mirror from my boobs! Who do you think I am? Power Girl?" she chuckles.

And then, a quiet "I /wish/!"

"White and gold might work, too. No mask, obviously, none is needed. Gloves for gripping and climbing in case I /need/ too... am I leaving anything else out?" She glances over at Nick with a smirk, "And no, no leg warmers. No matter what I said fifteen minutes ago, I was /joking/ about that."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
But imagine the looks on the opponents face when you flash dance them into submission." Mike points out, managing to make a whine of protest to get the illusion of being serious on the matter. "What. A. Feeling...that would be."

He lifts up the remainder of the slice in hand, "Ok so no boob mirrors, but yes on the reflective material. Just- No on the glitter." He pops the remnant of the slice into his mouth, giving the look of a squirrel who has foraged until it could forage no more, leaving the puffed cheeks as evidence of its success.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"I have a better idea- have you ever looked at a flashbang head on?" She says in mock threat, her fingers sparkling for a second before the lights go out, and she laughs, "And you have anunusual hatred of glitter, for someone who wears it often. I've seen you with remnants here and there," she points to Nick's hair, "Sometimes. Who's she? Are you secretly going out with a cheerleader?" The teasing is definitely a revenge for the Flashdance reference.

"Okay, I'm actually liking the black and gold idea, I think I'm going to go with that one," she says, taking another bite from her slice. "And chew your food, you're going to choke and I am sure as hell not going to answer people when they ask me how you went!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Alas, Mike is at a disadvantage. The greedy bite has silenced him so he is unable to defend himself as Alison spins her theories for the origins of the glitter. The closed lips form a tight smile that is occasionally marred by the downturn of the lower jaw that is dealing with the food hidden within.

But who says he can't have fun with this? The head tilts to the side as he gives a slow shrug to her question regarding the cheerleader. The hand lifts, allowing for the thumb to stick upwards in response to Alison siding with the black and gold pairing.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"That's settled, then," Alison says, mischief sparkling in her blue eyes as she gets up, "I'm thinking we should go for a bit of a jog. The one who lags behind pays for dinner," she quickly starts moving towards the beach, looking over her shoulder.

"No complaints? Alright then, let's go, Drago, or that pizza is going to make you sluggish." And she begins, kicking sand behind as she starts jogging beachwards, letting out a laugh.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Alison gets an unfair head start in the declared foot race. Mike swallows what is left of his food. "WAITAMI-" The lid to the pizza box is slapped shut before Mike pushes himself on to his feet to give pursuit. "YOU CHEATER!"