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The Reavers: Seeing the Dark
Date of Scene: 11 August 2022
Location: Alleyways - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Darksight whisks Donald Pierce away from sure death during a raid on an illegal cybernetic chop shop by the X-Men. Darksight learns about why the Reavers are abducting mutants, and just how twisted Pierce is. He also gains some insight into what is under that man's skin.
Cast of Characters: Joshua Foley, Robert Marksman
Tinyplot: The Reavers

Joshua Foley has posed:
Years ago, there had been a Walgreens on the main floor and apartments in the four floors above. Walgreens went when the neighbourhood changed from black to mutant. The building was poorly maintained and eventually just boarded up. That did not keep Evan 'The Bookie' Kroger from starting a speak easy and betting house in the abandoned building. But even that had to give way once renovations started on the building under new ownership. The rooftop of the building is flat and gravelled. Rusting HVAC ducts criss-cross the space and there is a ladder hatch in one corner.

In the cybernetic body shop, the older man Robert found was a picture-perfect American patriarch with perfectly coiffed silver hair, expensive suit, and the supreme confidence of knowing the entire system works in his favour. He looks a little different on the rooftop of what everyone in Bushwick called the Bookie's Building. The man is pale and breathing heavily. His forehead creases in concentration and consternation as he gathers himself. He straightens up, takes a deep breath.

The context was so unusual Robert had not placed the man before, but suddenly it comes to him. Standing in front of him is Donald Pierce, an extremely wealthy and well-connected industrialist, with equally public and strident views on protecting Americans from mutants. The man was a key voice in far-right circles pushing the 'Safety for All' mantra that really meant 'get rid of the mutants'.

"That was... Unpleasant," Pierce says. In his early 60's, he looks considerably older at the moment after his experience of Darksight's teleportation. "But you kept your end of the deal. I will keep mine."

Pierce pauses and checks his watch. "You have about five minutes."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman keeps his black coating over him, as Pierce maybe one of the ones who could recognize the other rich young man. He studies the man a moment surprised that he was not effected more by the trip than he was "What are you doing with the mutants your taking?" He asks. He looms a bit trying to be intimidating but not sure it is going to work if the man can recover so quickly from the teleport.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Pierce straightens his tie. His face suddenly flushes and his eyes focus. He seems a little more settled, but still not confident on his feet to risk moving.

"I am not taking mutants," Pierce says firmly. He seems to be taking the measure of the man with the glowing eyes in front of him. "Though I understand there have been abductions recently. My sources tell me blood samples are being taken and analyzed. To create counter-measures to protect innocent people from mutant attacks."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to him and says "Until tonight the only attacks I have seen are cybernetic people like those back there and in some ways yourself, going after mutants. Not sure who was bringing down the house tonight but I would wager they were upset at the attacks." He is keeping an idea of the time, planning on moving them again if need be.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Pierce brushes imagined dust off one shoulder of his suit jacket and shrugs.

"People in my circles play golf, not vigilante. Though with all the mutant attacks and kidnappings, who would blame them if they did?" he says, his emphasis on kidnapping is pointed. "I wonder how many people are terrified, traumatized or out of work at that company and the ones nearby after what your type did tonight."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to her, and says "Well, I am sure they will be looked after and you know when you put illegal works in the middle of civilians you are the one putting them in danger knowing something will come for them

Joshua Foley has posed:
Pierce looks vaguely amused. "I was looking into the theft of some very valuable technology," Pierce says smoothly.

"But that is an interesting philosophy you have. So if some mutants attack humans or hide afterwards with other mutants around, its' the mutants fault if everyone in the area dies," Pierce muses. He looks around and nods slowly. "I suppose it would be your fault then for bringing me to Bushwick if my associates level this building and the one next door when they get here. Which they just might if I am not easy to find."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to him, and says "Thats why we won't stay here." And with that a portal opens under them dropping them again and this time onto a walkway of a billboard a bit outside of NYC proper. "Mutant or human, if one attacks the other for no reason then they should be held accountable for it, and you were not there looking for lost tech. You know I can't prove why you were there or I would have dropped you off at the police station already."

Joshua Foley has posed:
This time when they arrive, Pierce drops to one knee breathing heavily and eyes closed. Sweat beads on his forehead though this time his colour stays. The skin at the edges of his eyes twitches involuntarily. It takes a full-minute before Pierce is able to take a smooth, steady breath, get up to his feet, and draw himself up again.

"That was unwise," he says finally. "They know I was back there. They will be very... thorough."

Pierce clears his throat. He looks at his watch. "You have two more minutes, our deal ends at that point. Regardless of where you move me. Though I find the insights into the mutant very interesting. Who do you think would be incarcerated if you went to NYPD after breaking into a business, abducting a prominent citizen, and subjecting him to torture?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over and says "Vigilantism is against the law yes, but to protect folks sometimes it is needed. And kidnapping? I saved you from those attacking the building did I not?"

Joshua Foley has posed:
"That likely depends on your association with the mutants who murdered people in the building and your behaviour after the 'rescue'. And what I tell them," Pierce opines. "But perhaps they will be deeply grateful that you arbitrarily flaunt the laws voted into place by the people to protect them from predators and their own government. I am certain we are all very comfortable with unaccountable amateurs flaunting their powers and leaving a trail of collateral damage and broken lives behind them."

Pierce consults his watch again. "One minute. Despite how awful your type of travel is, I suggest you return me to the rooftop. That is you have any integrity and your thoughts on collateral damage were not empty words."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to the man frowning a bit but will open a portal to the doorway to the building, and says to him "If you continue to hurt mutants, you will be making more enemies and while you think you are untouchable, I am sure some people would disagree." And with that he looks him over again getting a read on all his cybernetics before stepping through a portal of his own and away to another roof where he can watch when the man's people show up.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Pierce has some kind of metal mesh across the surface of his brain that ties into most of his endocrine system. The connections are strongest across the amygdala and hypothalamus. Probably the source of his ability to recover so quickly from portal travel. But the toll it must take on anyone, much less someone past their prime years. The only other cybernetics are a pacemaker and two small implanted chips, one in his right thigh and the other in left shoulder. Likely how his people were tracking him.

"You are a master of irony," Pierce replies, amused. He straightens his suit jacket and steps through the portal.

In Bushwick, a blackhawk is flying dark and fast towards the rooftop. It flares to bleed speed. Lines are dropped over the side and a team of six in black military uniforms with PI Security badges and semi-automatic rifles drop to the deck. They are coordinated, and well-trained, certainly ex-military even if the beards and the team leader's belly are not military standard.

At that moment, Pierce steps through the portal and collapses to his hands and knees. The security team reacts immediately. Two-sling their rifles and run over to collect their charge. The ropes from the helicopter drop to the roof and the helicopter descends, ramp down and inclined to the rear, to put the ramp on the roof while the helicopter itself hovers off the edge of the roof, perilously close to other buildings. Pierce is carred under the shoulders into the helicopter. The other four members of the cover them, then retreat to the helicopter. They take the time to drag the ropes back into the helicopter. Then the machine lifts off, climbs and streaks westward. A mile out, its navigation lights come on.