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Latest revision as of 01:54, 4 April 2020

Date of Scene: 01 April 2020
Location: Upper West Side
Synopsis: Spidey meets up with the techno-ninja Owari, and they do a little networking. In more ways than one.
Cast of Characters: Chizue Nakamura, Peter Parker

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Night had come and well, New York was having a decidedly leisurely evening as far as the criminal side of things went. No small part of that was surely the fact that the world of illicit banking was currently losing it's god damned mind. Not that anyone's talking, but just about everyone was stalled as folks tried to figure out exactly what the hell was going on.

    That'd be why our favorite Ninja had popped open the service panel on a celltower, and clipped herself in. That familiar polygonal mask sweeping back and fourth over invisible digital overlays, sorting through data as she pulled a tiny little keyboard out from under her cloak and plopped it down in her lap. "Aye-yah, Shikata gai ni..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man was currently dealing with some normal crime stuff. He had chased two guys up to the roof of a parking garage, where they have pulled a baseball bat and a tire iron.

It's like they didn't know him at ALL.

Sixty seconds later, Spider-Man was positioning the webbed-up holdup men to the air exchanger, the duffel of money webbed to the wall just under them. He stepped back, and admired his handiwork.

"Yessir, I'm the next..."

Then he spotted the cell tower, and someone working on it who was DEFINITELY not from Verizon. "...Banksy?" He shook his head. He glanced to the crooks, then fingerpointed with both hands and said, "...Don't go away."

A couple of seconds later, a red-and-blue Homo Sapiens Arachnae landed on the top of the cell tower, looking down at Chizue.

"Well, well, well, it's the Techno-Ninja. What's the haps?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Oh hey, good to see you around. Ripping open the cellular network, tearing apart the Yakuza financial system. Usual ninja shit, for me anyway."She doesn't so much as look over towards our favorite neighborhood spiderman, for the moment atleast. "I've got a AR environment spooled up, I can jack you in if you've got a rig in that mask of yours?"

    And well she pauses to dig about under that cloak for a moment, before flipping a treat up towards Spiderman. In it's factory fresh Japanese wrapper, a green tea red bean cake! "Ran into your understudy the other day incidentally, he's quite earnest. You might want to slow him down a little, he nearly picked a fight with me."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man caught the bean cake, eyeing it. "It's a nice idea, but this suit was built on a near non-existent budget. It's what happened when you're a bargain-basement superhero." He tugs lightly at the mask without removing it. "All cloth and wool." He paused. "You're doing a number on the Yakuza? They tend to get trigger-happy when someone messes with their cash flow. You sure this isn't going to result in some boss telling his foot-soldiers to start putting holes in their enemies with heavy collateral damage?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Yakuza captains are pretty clever most of the time, they don't make big moves without knowing what they're doing. Right now they think it was an inside job, which is what I want. Everyone is getting on their cellphones to politic, shed blame and shift suspicion. Thing is, everyone's embezzling a little bit."She pauses, plucking free that little computer doohickey on her forearm before reaching up to offer it to Spiderman. "Be gentle with that one, just hold it up to the side of your head length wise. Just above the ear, and press it against your skull. It'll synch up with your skull, let you see what I see."

    "I'd rather not get into a thing with another Hero, I'm starting to understand you folks have just no idea what I'm up to. Thats my fault for not appreciating that nobody around here would fight like a Ninja, your friend seemed to think I'm a bank robber."And a glance upwards towards Spidey. "If you want, I could teach you how to build a basic AR rig. You can run it off a jail broken smart phone in a pinch, you'll need way more than that to run anything fancy but the basics aren't all that complicated."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiles wryly. "Let's talk tech AFTER we get off this cell tower. Okay, hang on."

He looks at the doohickey, then carefully places it against the side of his skull as directed. He wasn't getting any warning bells from the Spider-Sense, so he's willing to give the TechNinja a little leeway.

Adjusting the angle a little...okay. He looks to Chizue, as if to say, "Now What?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    It takes a few moments, before Kanji flashes out in three dimensional space. Then the Augmented Reality flips on, and the whole world explodes with brilliant vibrant color. Brightly colored strings surging from the cellular tower out through space to every single cellphone networked to it in a beautiful tangle of individual connections. Wifi networks appear as glowing spheres, and across the city it's plain to see exactly which networks she's already cracked open and laid the devices networked within all bare. Colorful kites stream from more than a dozen individual phones distributed out across the city.

    Owari herself is a brilliant flash of bright gold gear, every single digit of her gloves to different layered ID tags for socks and those sneakers all showing up with little kanji boxes. Every grenade, every Shuriken, all of it tagged and integrated into some sort of ninja network. A single white rabbit upon her shoulder seems to be going through it's own data sorting, incidentally.

    Gently she plucks cellular "Strings" one after the other, sorting through the mess until she snags one she likes and with a tug the line is illuminated. The cellular phone it's attached to dumping it's metadata in real time for her to plainly examine. Ninja hacking yo.

    "Here we go, Yakuza Captain. I'm not too worried about the Yakuza really, but they're financing a cell of Ninja here in the city. I need for somebody to reach out to the clan, and then I'll trace that back to their lair. Once I've got my target, I'll skim off the juicy bits and dump it to a media contact of mine."And a pause as she lifts that mask for a moment. "Unless you got a grudge with these guys and want first crack at them, that is."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey is truly impressed. He's also reminded that this probably cost a ton of cash to set up.

He can appreciate it. It is a giant web, connecting everything to everything. Owari is the spider here. This is her web, and she can navigate it as well as any spider in their own web. It is a little humbling. This is the Big Leagues, here. This is what he's up against with his Goodwill gear.

He takes a deep breath, fighting off discouragement.

Spider-Man shakes his head. "No...I don't go after grudges. Just criminals. And I feel a little better about your non-violent approach."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Well I'm still gonna kill a bunch of Ninja, theres a war on here. I'm just not violent without reason, being a Ninja is about being pragmatic and always trying to use the best tool for the job."She gives a shrug at that. "I fought as a full on costumed Hero for four years, starting when I was twelve. Part of the whole Ninja upbringing, but they don't tell you how violent you should be. They just watch, and if you're some sort of crazy murderer then thats where your career as a true Ninja ends."

    And casually from that one cellphone she starts stripping the contact list down before adding a tracker (visualized as a kite). Then it's on to examining those strings one at a time. "I don't usually go after criminals to begin with, thats not part of the job. My enemies just happen to hide behind them, and I'm not terribly eager to use any more force than I need to. That'd just show my hand, let them know exactly what I knew. So I dump the info I come across on the media and the authorities, because I don't like bad guys any more than you do."

    "Your gear impresses me though, It's very cool. I googled you after we first met, and as far as I can tell you're the first spider man."Pausing finally to lean back and tug free a bean cake for herself. "So I gather you've been on your own since the start, yeah? No like hero school, or formal fight training?"

Peter Parker has posed:
The 'killing a bunch of ninja' part bothers him. It's not a fairytale world he lives in. But he has seen what she is up against. Sometimes, they don't give you much of a choice in the matter.

But he himself cannot cross that line. Not if he can help it.

"Well, yes. The most training I've had are self-defense classes, and some boxing lessons I got from my uncle. But the rest is...instinct, when I'm in the thick of some donnybrook. I've read about how to control the battlefield when dealing with multiple opponents, forensics...maybe ten or eleven other skills...but I had books, and the Internet, my own lab. In fact..." He sighs. "...my only real obstacle to getting the gear I need is the funds to build it. I'd like to see your designs, but I'd also like to show you mine, as well. I'm a fairly smart guy."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I'm an excellent hacker, and I know my way around a soldiering iron. I'm no Engineer though, you've probably got me beat on that front. I know some simple stuff, because I'm supposed to be able to adapt in the field. Basic AR rigs, modifying my swords and my gear. The design work though, we have actual engineers for that. Takes a hundred people to equip me, to put me on some sort've parity with you."She pauses, tugging another string and setting another flag as she goes.

    "You're pretty spectacular Spider man, self made is no small thing. Your the first hero I've met in the US that I can say I fully respect, even if you are a sloppy fighter."She pauses, watching as another data point comes in. "If you want I can help you, but funding wise is going to be tricky. It's tradition to take a small percentage of the cash you take off of bad guys back in Japan, like two or maybe five percent yeah? Americans do not seem to do this, which I have to say is truly bizarre. Money is an extremely dangerous weapon, it's not some sacred concept. You're not taking your dog, just their arms."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looked at her, then shakes his head, looking down. "No. I can't. I can't get ahead on blood money. No matter who had it first, I can't accept what is stolen from someone else. I appreciate the thought...but I can't accept that kind of help. I'll figure something out, some other way."

He looks back up to her, smiling thoughtfully. "I can accept other forms of assistance. Maybe we can share information? I've got info about five different criminal organizations. You probably hall all the Yakuza stuff I have and then some, but would the rest interest you?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I get that I'm a different kind of hero, but you don't need to trade with me. If you want my help, you get my help with no strings attached. If you want somebody to teach you how to actually fight, you've got it. You need help, and you don't want me putting people in the ground? Just ask, I'm not going to place conditions on it."Theres a little shrug there as she leans back, watching the data scroll past passively.

    "You want me to help you build things, then we can do that. You're allowed to ask for help on your own terms, it's not a big problem for me. As long as it doesn't get in the way of my mission, I'm happy to help."She reaches up to give that Bunny a pet, before it bursts into polygons and vanishes.

    "Spiderman, just tell me what I can help you with."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks at her for a long moment.
Sometimes, it's getting what you want...and then getting what you NEED.

"All right. Here is what I want to ask of you. I want to ask that if there is any way to complete your mission with the minimum of force necessary, that you choose that route. You seem very smart, very skilled. I choose to believe that you are insightful enough to find non-lethal methods to attain the same goal."

Another deep breath. "As for information, I'm asking to share, not trade. Anything I have in terms of info about these organizations, I'll give you. No strings attached. Anything you wish to share, I'll accept. I won't even require quid pro quo. If I get one page of info and you get fifty, I'm happy with that."

Another breath. A few moments of thought.

"I'm good, but instinct and quick can only take you so far. If there is something you are willing to teach me that fits my fighting abilities, I am willing to be a steadfast pupil."

Has he asked for enough? Maybe one more thing.

"One last thing. If you know of any legitimate technical freelance jobs, once that don't benefit criminal operations, I would like to get a chance to do them. That kind of money, properly earned for services rendered, I have no problem accepting. And if you'd like me to create something for you...with the proper funding...then I'll do my level best."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Minimum force, I can only promise I will continue to use the minimum force necessary outside of my primary mission objectives."Which, is about as far as she can likely take that one before Tokyo starts getting grumpy really. Not that she seems irritated by the request, quite the opposite in fact. "All I need information on is the Ninja operating in New York, because if they aren't me they're outlaws. The rest, I don't care about. I'll go back to fighting crime when I finish this task, but for now I'm Owari and Owari is a Ninja. Any intelligence outside my primary objective, you can have freely no problem."

    "I'm gonna have to teach you more than like, one random Ninja trick. In my professional opinion however, you're a god damned mess if Youtube is any indication. Like you don't even know how to breathe right, you're all reaction."She pauses for a moment. "I want you to go home and read the "Book of five rings", since you're a real reader. Examine the words carefully, and then we will begin to train. We need to fix your head before you get yourself killed."

    "As for work, look man I'm a temp here. I'm a nobody working in a cubicle, my boss can't even remember my fucking name. I'm "Japanese girl", guy treats me like I'm a fucking intern. I'm happy to ask around, but I'm nobody outside of the costume. Hell thats the disguise if anything, this is closer to the real me."And a wobble of that mask. "If you want to use my shop, I don't mind that. I just need your strict secrecy there, nobody knows you even know it exists much less where yes? Ninja tool making goes back a thousand years, you endanger those secrets and you're gonna have way heavier hitters than me coming down on you from all angles. Remember I'm a rookie."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey tilts his head. A salarygirl? Well, she IS right, it never would have occurred to him.

"I appreciate the offer of your shop, but I think my lab will be sufficient for my needs. Or yours, really. And if you need something fixed, or even upgraded, you can come to me. It seems the least I can do, considering what you are doing as a courtesy to me. So your shop remains your own. I will not intrude." He chuckles. "I might have better tools, anyway."

He moves a little closer, letting Chizue see the webshooter under his wrist. "So, if you ever needed a grapple gun with a biodegradable line, and can supply the resources...I could build something for you."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "The stealth rig I'm running isn't mine to share, but all the code that runs the AR rig is mine. So I'll build you a basic AR rig myself, using stuff you can repair easily enough. I'll help you figure out how to use it, and let you build on it from there. In return, a grapple gun would indeed come in very handy. So you supply the designs and I'll fiddle with it myself, as integrating that into my suit will touch on some sensitive aspects of how that works."

    She lets those threads slip through her fingers finally, seemingly satisifed with her work for the moment. "In the mean time you need to start breathing right, and you need to work on it all day every day until it just becomes automatic. Inhale for three seconds, hold for three seconds, exhale for three seconds, hold for three seconds and repeat. When you start fighting, you'll make conscious adjustments to the timing to keep yourself mindful of exactly what you're doing. It also makes you much less likely to have the air knocked out of you, once you learn how to work the system. If you're going to become my Ninjutsu Disciple, you must always remain mindful."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods as he pulls out a notepad (paper and pencil, honestly) and begins writing in it.He has that look of a student. Quiet, attentive, without backtalk or attitude. Someone smart enough to be willing to learn.

"I sorta have something already for the AR side. It's called Spider-Comm. Communications net, database with access from all members, V/R reactive interface, and GPS system. I have the code...I just need the hardware to make it a reality."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Then that's easy, I've got spares laying around already. Just don't ramp it up too fast, it's one thing to have cranked up at idle like now. Give me a day or two to get together a little kit for you to experiment with, as you're going to end up using yours very differently I expect. Oh and start watching pawn shops, old cellphones are usually only a few dollars each and they're a primo source for parts and sub assemblies. Like that last generation of digital camcorders are good too, but generally speaking if you see anything techy just snag it and break it down for components. A lot of the stuff is tracable if bought on the open market, good way to get snapped yeah?"

    She gives her wrist a -snap- and produces a little square ceramic tile, no bigger than a poker chip. Kanji on one side, and a circle with three diamonds on the other. This she tosses over to Spidey. "Keep that handy for awhile, in Ninja terms it means your cool. If I end up getting killed, whomever replaces me is probably going to be very concerned with you running around with some AR gear like mine. Show them that, and it'll stop things from getting out of control. Same goes for any -other- Japanese Ninja who happen to be passing through, just don't show it to any of the outlaws or they're gonna try and kill you."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, looking at it for a moment before slipping it into his backpack. "All right, you have my word that I won't be flipping this at any Japanese who give me the stink-eye." He smiles wryly at Chizue's suggestions. "I actually do a lot of dumpster-diving at Engineer's Row near ESU. The dumpsters along the parking lot behind the Science Wing is also used by the three nearby 'brain' fraternities. I know when the good stuff is being brought over." He smiles thoughtfully. "I just need the funds to buy what won't be thrown away or pawned. Stuff like titanium alloy. I'm getting there, but it's slow going."

He paused for a moment, then asked, "When I do get it up and running...would you like me to connect you in? You're smart as Hell and it might be productive if we worked together, and this way I could reach out to you without breaking whatever security protocols you might have."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "And why do you think I take cash off my enemies, I'm not in this for profit but just keeping my gear in good order isn't cheap. She reaches down to snag that shortsword sheathed at her side, before offering the hilt up to Spiderman. "Sure would be nice if we were all born multi billionaires, right? Shit If I had a loose Million, I'd have built myself a full electromagnetic visual rig by now. Jack me in that shit though for sure, I can't let you onto my network but that's not my call."

    Incidentally that short sword weighs nothing, like absolutely nothing. Theres a bead of some sort of glittery substance on the edge, backed by a laminated section or two different metals, before it vanishes into the bulk of the blade which is some sort of exotic carbon to carbon composite with visible titanium hardware keeping the metallic blade in place. Even the handle is decidedly minimalist, and somehow sort've sticky and grippy all by itself. The guard is a simple section of seemingly titanium perhaps, extending just barely long enough to be a functional guard. A perfect example of a very simple tool, made with bleeding edge engineering behind it. God only knows how much just the materials are worth. "You have any idea how hard it is to keep these up to snuff when I'm cutting bullets and shit out've the air? Don't even get me started on how god damned brutal it is to make a transparent gun that works like it ought to, nevermind keeping it clean."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles, examining the sword before handing it back to Chizue. No checking the sharpness of the blade or anything else dumb like that.

"I suppose it can be pretty difficult. Very nicely designed, though." He looks around, then takes out a small red object the size of a matchbox, placing it on a nearby surface. "Gear up," he tells it. Yeah, he talks to it.

And it answers, unfolding to reveal four tiny rotors. It lifts off, then hovers in place. "GPS link, cell connection to be controlled from anywhere in the city. And a 12-megapixel camera with a 512 MB memory card."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Neat! Other Ninja are big fans of drones, but I've never seen one that small that folds."And a pause as she leans in to peer and well who knows what her own sensors are pulling in that she isn't sharing over the network. "I've used them before to sniff for unsecured devices, big off the shelf ones? Too much of a profile for me though, the radio network is enough to set off RF detectors in some secure locations."

    She accepts that shortsword back all the same, sheathing the thing with an apparently absent minded little flourish. "I'll have to see if Flock ever comes over to the states, or you ever get to Japan? You should for sure look the guy up, he's crazy in a good way. Runs a flock of about a hundred different drones around Tokyo, all of them totally different and unique."Theres a snap of the head, as an enormous arrow erupts in the distance off to the west."Drat, thats my cue. Another time yeah, friend?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, picking the drone out of the air as it folds up again. "All right. I'll stay in touch, and I'll do that breathing technique you told me about."

It's been another interesting night, but it looks like some good might come out of it

...and that's never bad.