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Latest revision as of 16:50, 18 August 2022

Doubting the Danger
Date of Scene: 17 August 2022
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Tabby facing off against the freeze for training.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Tabitha Smith

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a randomized scenario for some members of the team. It's taken some random villain archetypes, scrambled them together over and selected a pair dynamic at random. So, for the X-Men arriving in to it, it's showcasing a bog standard bank robbery as the group settles in.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It's Tabitha's first training session back after well. A lot of surgery and Injuries in the whole line of hero work thing. She's still bruised and beat up at least visibly as far as her face is concerned. Circe did a big number there but at least now after some time in and out of the medbar, the blonde can work out and fight without popping important stitches. Though you wouldn't exactly see them in the full body X-Suit in black and yellow.

"Soo, we starting inside as hostages or we gonna land outside like cops and stuff. I swear armed robbery is so never working. Burgle yo!" she says with a grin.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
As the thing goes to start, what phases over is someone that's wearing a large.. Eskimo styled outfit. "Come on! Time to bring you over.. To CHILL OUT!" Going to make two boulder sized snowballs over in his hands, going to launch them at Tabby!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The scenario starts and there's a guy in a big furhooded coat and snowbballs being lobbed. "Gah, machine learned puns." she curses with the dismay of having to banter with ice jokes.

The snowballs get dodhed and Tabby rolls about with a wince. Healed doesn't always mean full srength. Them knees. A few orbs of her own ignite and with a chuckle. "To bad you face the power of THAW!" she says and looks up in what should be the direction of tghe control booth.

At least she has an audience that can groan at the pun-ishing back and forth.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's no one over in the control booth - or at least whomever is there isn't responding over to her query, intended or not. As Tabitha goes to make her own bouncy balls pop into existence, her adversary goes to gesture even as several large ice blocks go to pop up in the air, goign to fall on her Mario platformer style!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The booms aren't the only thing that bounces as Tabby's uniform can attest but she doesn't let things like physics get in her way.

The plasma bombs fly. About the size of softwballs and one heads towards her Captain Cold looking kinda dude, the other aimingfor the falling iceblock to melt it well before it can crush anyone or the explosion shatters frosty shrapnel. Not cool!

Though Tabby does stay moving to mmake sure it's not her.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The ice does melt! "All right, let's see how you handle.. THE ICE CAPADES!" Her opponent goes ot make the entire area over into frost! Even as Tabitha goes to drop her own bomb ombs about, she's put over in a slip and slide!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Traction, it is not the blonde's friend as she skids and slips about at first. The room freezes over and once Tabitha has some footing she maybe lets a stream of plasma out. This one seaking out the villain directly. More can follow soon with a point of her fingers like she's firing a gun.

A second blast at shorter range gets her some movement and after a few moments Tabby seems to get the hang of it. She's not skating, no blades on her feet but she can at least change directions. "

Monet St. Croix has posed:
As Tabitha goes to do a short of spin and whirl over, and ends up using her plasmoids to rocket hereslf along, her adversary goes to then call out, "Try to survive the DEEP FREEZE!" Even as he goes to start trying to fling slushballs over at her head! It's like facing off with a version of Bobby that has even worse puns than usual!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Since Boom-Boom is the designated pyro for this session, she's clearly obligated to make fire and heat puns. "Please my flames will leave you licked!" she calls out and shakes her head. Even she knows her jokes suck. She's putting it down to the broken nose and cheakbones having been fixed but still sore.

"Slushballs are met with Boom Balls and directed at them psionically. The whole while Tabby blast pushes her along the slippery ice surfaces to start getting closer to the villain. "I'll leave you steaming in defeat!" she taunts.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Tabitha almost be enjoying herself here as the bad jokes go on, as does the slush! The boom balls go hard, then the ice-scapades end over as her opponent would be flung back over by the bangs! "All right, time to see what a little tender frozen care can do!" He would move to make a huge icepick and go to try and swing it through the air at her like a giant club!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Ice weapons. Tabby hmms. What she can do though is maybe a little less solid. "I been saving this one in case I get a mission with Psylocke." she states and grins.

The sum concentrated totality of her psionic abilities. Or at least Tabby's version as she slides into a kind of Dab, vampire cough pose. Her hands however ignite with a short and concentrating stream of plasma. Like giant plasma blowtorches.

Pushing off she moves and takes a counter swing with her energy blast that's totally not a lightsabre towards the club whileusing the other torchblade to threaten a haymaker at the frosty bad guy's head.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Soon, Tabitha shall be using the sum totality of her explosive powers! But until then, she doesn't quite have the ability to pose like she has a slinky for a spine like everyone's favorite english ninja/what body am I in this week guest star!

Her blast flies out, and she goes to make her energy act like a huge torch! She goes to cut through the ice, even as the evil eskimo gives her a 'really' look on his face!
    Then he's hit by the torch and flung away!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The native villain is blown back at Tabby slides just enough to get close and charge up more plasma, combining the torches into a single glowing and sparking orb in her palms

"I think you wanna stay down. Your jokes aren't cool. And all I got for you is sick burns!" she threatens and makes the Tabithadoken brewing flare and pulses like she's ready to launch it.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
As Tabby goes to do her Dragonball Z chargeup, her opponent goes to try and flick up his fingers, cackling, "No, not when I'm going to add you to the display.. As a popsicle!" Trying to cover her from head to toe over in one giant ice cube!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby can feel the ice building up. If it was Bobby he could probably even snuff the plasma but Tabby just grins while she finds herself developing the ability to cut glass.


She lets the blast hit, practically point blank. Enough heat to maybe fight back against her own freezing body and to hammer down on the cryokinetic. Like before it's a short range concentrated stream. Just larger. And with a wall on the other size that the man is between.

"I know I'm a sweet treat bbbbuuuttt you ccccan't have a taste! I'm also toooo spicy." she says with chattering teeth. You'd think a mountain girl would actally be okay with the cold.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
the evil Eskimo goes up and over to call out, "Well, then it looks liek we need to turn down the heat some!" But still, even as Tabitha goes to force him backwardsup against hte wall, eh goes for one last desperate trick! Namely make huge ice block up in the air quietly, then let huge ice block fall down in wild attempt to make ehr go pancake!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
While Tabby can control the plasma, hence how she's not currently being blown back across the room. The taunt and the looking up gets her eeping and a quick on the fly shift of power combined with the icy frozen floors allows her to rocket backwards.

The ice drops and gets between her and her opponent but it's probably also heavy enough it can be blasted back into his own face on the newtonian physics alone as they make Boom-Boom hurtle backwards.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
WHAM! Apparently physics do work that way!
    ... Today, at least! So sh goes to send the ice slamming forwards over to hammer into him even as there's a loud 'KO' ding over announcing her victory in the training siM!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby hears the KO and has just enough time to pivot and set off one last counter blast to stop her before she hits a wall herself. There's a little scrambling of feet but Tabby lets out a loud "WOO! Chchchcherry bomb!" in victory.

There's a yell out to anyone listening. "Someone know how to turn of the ice but leave the cold on. I need tractions so I can gloat!"