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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2022/08/21 |Location=Mi Taco Su Taco, Gotham City |Synopsis=A Taco Oath Fufilled |Cast of Characters=690,626,570 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''...")
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Latest revision as of 03:53, 21 August 2022

Date of Scene: 21 August 2022
Location: Mi Taco Su Taco, Gotham City
Synopsis: A Taco Oath Fufilled
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Rose Wilson, Bart Allen

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    After a very ungraceful fall, Phoebe had been informed by one Rose Wilson that she was owed a food item of classic Mexican-centric street fare, and Phoebe is never one to overlook her debts. Especially since now she has a credit card with the last name Wayne attached.

    So a meeting invite had gone out to the Outsiders in general, asking them to meet at their leisure to fufil a promise, an oath, to feed Rose Wilson tacos.

    Phoebe was already there, occupying one of those big tables in the corner, her legs drawn up and a sketchpad on her knees as she works on something.

    There is a pitcher of cola in front of her, with a crazy straw in it. There's waffle chips with queso sauce (because obviously that is ALSO common Mexican Street Fare) and a couple of potato-filled empanada (definitely not the right thing, they're closer to Samosas in flavor, she decided), and a stack of menus.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson parked her motorcycle a couple of blocks away. She wears sunglasses today, eschewing the eyepatch just because she doesn't want the attention it occasionally draws. Of course, if she takes off the sunglasses, she does havea lovely gaping eye socket to show anybody who gives her trouble, so that's a side benefit. She's wearing a Wu Tang jersey and a pair of blue jeans with holes in the knees, along with steel-toed boots with low heels.

She finishes her cigarette outside, mashing it under her boot, and heads indoors after a few glares from sensitive onlookers resentful of her pollution. Rose clearly could care less. "Pheebs," she says in greeting as she slides into a seat.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen had to work an odd shift so he is just getting off work when he gets the message. He did stop to get a shower, before he comes over, but is wearing a Gotham Zoo T-shirt with a collection of cheetah cubs on it, but each of the cubs are wearing superhero t-shirts. This one though has been changed from the one where they are wearing the justice league symbols, to one wearing Robin's colors, one wearing Balm's and her signature mask, one wish Arsenal's outfit, the other three a hero named Haunt, one with Superboy symbol, Ok superman's but he has a black shirt on, and the last with the look of the Phantom. Bart looks about as he comes in and heads over to where the ladies are and says "Someone said food?" He jokes as he will move to have a seat.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe raises her chin to Rose as she joins in, with a 'sup' motion, and motions to a menu for the white-haired assassin who clearly, by her affiliation, is not only for the children, but nothin' to mess with.

    She looks up to Bart as he comes in, she pauses. She tilts her head a moment and takes a breath, and she gives a smile, pointing to his shirt, and then points to herself. She wants one too! And not just because OMG Cheetahs but *one of them is wearing her outfit*. No higher honor.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson raises her eyebrows at Bart's outfit, "Blatant kissassery," she says but the tone of her voice shows amusement rather than any harsh emotion. "I should get a symbol of some sort. I'd make it an eye patch, but the old man would just claim it for himself," she grumbles. Well, she was in a good mood for a whole minute anyway.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "What, the zoo, did a thing for when these cubs were saved when someone tried to kidnap them. They did not know who all helped with it, so they did the Justice league on them, I just got ahold or the program and made a few modifications." He offers a smile and nods to Phoebe and says "I can probably print some more up, how many ya think I should do?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe considers, and she flips a page of her sketchbook as she listens to Rose, and she looks up to Bart with a big grin, and she points to herself, and holds up her hand. She'd take five shirts, and then signs -Better make some for the whole team. And prepare for Tim to be adorable about it- she smiles, and then, picking her pencil back up. -Whatever you want. On me.- she signs with one hand, reaching for the pitcher of cola with the straw in it, and she looks to either side of her, at Rose and Bart.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson makes a grunting noise, "Oh great, just what the team needs, more adorable. You're going to make me go fight in a fuzzy animal costume at the rate we're going," she says.

She flips open the menu, scanning it quickly.

"So, I told you to pick the best place - what's good here? Fish tacos? Carne asada?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over the menu as well, but he is already trying some of the food that is on the table "While that might be interesting to see, I don't think it would be good for the job." He offers in return, and says "I work at the zoo, thought I might be able to borrow the mascot outfit."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    -I would love to see you fight in a red panda costume, specifically while death metal is playing.- Phoebe signs, and then gives a smile as she leans back, and motions to the menu. Everything looked equally good to her.

    She sketches a little bit more. Sketch, sketch, sketch.

    -Everything is good; been tempted to try the asada tacos once or twice. But Vegetarian. No meat for me. You get my share.-

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson may have her eye hidden behind the sunglasses, but it isn't hard to read the long deadpan look she gives Phoebe at the Red Panda suggestion, "I approve of the music, at least," she says at last.

"I don't think i could do vegetarian. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind vegetables, but every kind of meat is better than all the vegetables put together. By a lot," she says. She gets the carne asada and requests the extra hot salsa and picante options, along with extra sour cream. She likes the contrast. "I've thought about getting a normie job and then realized I'd rather be dead."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and orders a decent amount of food, enough the waitress may look at him a bit odd, but takes the order. He makes sure to get lots of different things. "I was told it was part of being an adult, and having a life on this side of things." He says after the waitress is out of hearing range. "Plus I enjoy working with the animals."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    -I grew up vegetarian. My adopted mom was crunchy granola.- Phoebe explains via sign language, and she writes down what she wants, turning her order over to the waiter with a smile.

    As he leaves, she turns her sketchbook back around, and switches to her mental communication spell.

    <I used to work in a coffee shop at a mall. And then I was a barback. Illegally. That was an education.> she considers a moment, and then she turns her sketchbook to Rose.

    It's a climbing rose vine, made into a hangman's rope. She raises her eyebrows with amusement.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson shakes her head at Bart, "You know what being an adult is? Being over 18. Everything else is just bullshit somebody made up. Mostly old dead assholes who made rules specifically so they could be rich and powerful and lord it over everybody else. Fuck them and their dead powdered wig asses," she says.

"I've done some merc jobs for money. No assassinations," she says before she hears any objections. "Bodyguarding, extractions, that sort of stuff. As clean a job as you can get carrying a sword and a an assault weapon."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well, the people who told me it might be old but it is old people I respect." He tells her. He looks over and says "And besides if I was not going to college I would not have met Emiko, and that has been a great thing. Well I might have met her, we did meet again the day after we met.""

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Even at eighteen I still don't feel fully adult. There's times I want an adultier adult around. One of the reasons I really do respect Zatanna, and the work she's doing with Misfit. And she's not trying to be--> she pauses a moment, reaches over, and grabs some of those waffle fries and queso. She wrinkles her nose a moment as she stretches her fingers.

    <I've had to be extracted out of way too many situations to be comfy doing that.> she adds, dipping into the spicy queso.

    <It's weird to not have any sort of idea where you're going.>

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson shakes her head at Bart, "Respecting adults. It's good you're grown up now, you're terrible at being a teenager."

"I had enough of other people trying to decide my direction for me. If it takes me a little while to figure it out for myself, so be it. That applies to you, too, sweet cheeks," she says to Phoebe. "Drift a little. Try shit. Figure it out. Find what you like and what you want."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smirks a bit at this and remembers when he was the most immature one of the bunch. Luckily he has super speed, so the momentary frown as he remembers it was Rose's dad who changed him from that happy go lucky kid, is hidden. "Well I have some teenager to me still, just trying to be responsible as well as have fun."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe makes a face, and holds up a chip with queso. Her nose wrinkles <Not remotely the same. If I drift, and suddenly there's all these questions like 'why is the library suddenly full of incorpreal goldfish' or 'Hey Pheeb, why are we all eight years old again?'> she asks, rhetorically, and then points the cheese-covered waffle fry at Rose. <And the only reason you're allowed to call me sweet cheeks is because mine busted your ribs.> she points out, and she leans her head back.

    <Besides. I was such a goody two-shoes that the first thing I did upon learning I could heal people was travel homeless camps and fix tooth abcesses and make sure my friends never had sprained ankles for more than a day or two.>

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson nods to Bart, "I think the teenager in you is Emiko, last I checked. Well, if you're into that sort of thing<" she taunts.

"And that's just basic decency. Lots of heroes could do a better example. I don't cause I don't givve a fuck, but I'm a bad person and I own it. I'm just a bad person who tries to do good things. Sometimes."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head a bit to Rose, and munches a bit more of the food, and says "Thats just wrong." He does chuckle softly, and says "Oh Phoebe, remind me to show you the pics of Emiko and my trip to the animal preserve." He offers but lets the two ladies hold most of the conversation.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe makes *a face* at Rose.

    <There is no spell for mind's eye bleach.> she replies cryptically.

    <You'll have to show me them, Bart.> Phoebe thinks over to him and gives a smile. <I don't think you're a bad person, Rose. Then again... my experience is skewed.>

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson shakes her head, "Nothing wrong with it. Plenty of people into that stuff. More than you'd think," she says. "Not that I have personal experience, but that's mostly because I'm a radioactive dumpster fire when it comes to relationships," she says.

"Maybe not. But I have a lot of bad instincts and impulses. That killing machine stuff doesn't shake off easy."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and hmms a bit to this and will say "As you say you can find your own path, you are finding your own now."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe just keeps her face at a :| at Rose.

    <If you *only* knew.> Phoebe replies quizically, and then shakes her head.

    <Well, yeah, impulsive behaviors that are ingrained into us by either parents or other mentors that may not be the healthiest are hard to break. Our minds don't like letting go of some stuff. Like the impulse when someone hands you a kid to drop it -- they're called Intrusive Thoughts. Luckily the only 'Impulse' I really pay a whole lot attention to is *going to get me a Cheetah shirt with the Balm and Red Robin outfits*.>

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson nods, "Yeah, but a lot of that stuff is just accidental, cause and effect shit. My programming's deliberate, intentional. Makes it even tougher. Plus, it's all tied in with my skills and my training and I...don't want to lose that stuff. So I accept not being a saint. It's okay. I think I'd have been bad at it anyway," she says.

"Plus, the team needs a few more hard-headed psychos to balance out all the scouts."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "You know I do think our stealth team is one you really really don't want to mess with." He admits. He looks around and when no one is looking he is off in a blur to be back in just seconds later "Ok they are printing."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Even more impressive is you got the computer to work as fast as you do!> Phoebe grins to Bart. <And no; between the group we have? I wouldn't want to mess with it.> Phoebe gives a small, sad smile.

    <There's not a person on our team who under the right circumstances, would refuse to take a life if it had to be done. And none of us are saints. Except maybe Bart, who not only is the kindest one, but has the biggest heart.> she toasts the speedster, lifting her JUG O'COLA, and then slips from it, looking up as the food makes its way over, on a whole lot of platters.

    <I know I'm no saint, but they're useful to invoke in Exorcisms.>

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson gets the carne asada and digs in, holding up a hand, "Awright, awright, I concede," she says, taking a big bite and feeling the spice hit the back of her throat, "Consider your debt paid. These things are fucking great," she says, moving to focus more fully on the act of devouring a lot of tacos in a row.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen blushes a bit and says "I don't know about all that." He grins and says "Well, it was basicly just setting it up and pushing print, I printed mine earlier today." He admits.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Still... thanks. I appreciate it. I needed a reminder of the Good Stuff today.> Phoebe smiles over to bart, and she begins to dig into her portabella mushroom tacos. Mmm. Mushroomy.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and nods. He will pull out his phone to show off some of the pictures, from the trip, Rhinos, Giraffes wild dogs, even a honey badge with a snake in it's mouth.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe leans over, monching on tacos and smelling of roses and red pepper, and makes happy-sounding gasps when going over the pictures, one by one, enjoying the honey badger and signing 'It's Gabby!'.

    All in all, good taco trip.