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Latest revision as of 20:30, 29 August 2022

Collectable distribution sucks.
Date of Scene: 29 August 2022
Location: Big Belly Burger Smallville Kansas
Synopsis: And Smallville is the place where all the rare finds are from.
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Irie West, Jon Kent

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has been collecting the current video game figures that are part of the new Big Belly Burger Kiddie meal. The Sonic the hedgehog is the rare one and he has tried dozens of spots, and has not gotten one. After hearing rumors of a couple out of Smallville, he is heading there. He has not got to spend time with Irie or Wally lately so he stops by and offers Irie a ride in the Impuleshaw is she wants to ride out with him, he figures between the two of them they can put down enough Kiddie Meals they should get at least one of the Sonics.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie is more than happy to accompany her cousin to a Big Belly Burger, regardless of it's location. If she wasn't on a Speed Force restricted diet, she'd have raced him there, but as it stands she seems content to ride around in the impulseshaw. "At least we're not taking the slow way," she said. "I miss this."

    When they get there she turns to Bart, "You know, I've never been to Smallville before. Weird, right? With my dad in the Justice League we should have gone to it at least once, you think?"

Jon Kent has posed:
Who doesn't love Big Belly Burger, right? It's one of those staple places that you can't simply pass up. Even when you have it as good as Ma Kent's cooking, you occasionally get the craving for fast food. Jon has spent his summer up here in Smallville, trying to milk as much time on the Kent ranch as possible since he may be going to school in the city come Fall.

By 'city', of course, we mean Metropolis. Or close enough. Not that Jon can't simply come and visit whenever since, after all, he /is/ half Kryptonian and can fly... but it's also the change that comes along with everything, of not being on the Ranch as much. Of missing his grands.

It's silly, when you think about it, because distance is no object to Superboy.

But he's still a boy, and he's had a lot of adjusting to do, being untethered in time. He clings to some things- for their familiarity and safety, even if they are only familiar as objects of his memory, many of them having come to pass before he was born, or when he was very little.

And so, sometimes he wants Ma Kent's cooking, and sometimes he wants Big Belly Burger, as if trying to perpetuate the ephemeral former by tying it to the omnipresence of the later. By the time he was booted from his timeline, Big Belly Burger was still around.

Ma Kent wasn't.

But it isn't Superboy who walks towards the entrance of the fast food place, but meek and mild Jon Kent. Not terribly difficult to spot him, though, since Bart and Irie have seen him in his public persona as well as his private one.

At the moment, he is a little preoccupied to notice anything, answering a text from Lois before deciding on what he will have for lunch. And, well... hoping he can nab a Sonic. He's heard they have one over here, after all.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen parks the shaw in an alleyway and says to Irie, speaking of getting you back to running, your dad and I come up with another idea, when he was teaching me a new trick, we want to try soon. He will step behind a dumpster to change, normally fast change is enough but in front of other speedsters, specially his girl cousin not so much. As he moves to step out of the alley he looks to Irie "Hey is that who I think it is?"

Irie West has posed:
    "Oh?" Irie says, her curiosity piqued by Bart's idea. "What is it?" When Bart steps behind a dumpster, she politely turns away, letting him change in peace. It's this turning around that lets her see Jon and she nods. "Yeah, I think so. HEY JON!" she shouts, waving a hand furiously to catch his attention. "It's me and Bart!"

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon looks up from his phone, just a few feet away from the door, and turns around in the direction of the sound. Normally people who are being hailed from a distance to this little 'hey, where is that coming from?' dance, craning their necks and moving their heads this way and that to triangulate the point of origin. Jonathan Kent doesn't have to do that, he zones in on it instantly, and his face breaks into an easy grin.

"Hey! Irie and Bart!" he waves, slipping his phone into his hoodie pocket. "You goin'-" he tilts his head towards Big Belly Burger's door. It doesn't take Batman's detective skills to figure out where two speedsters were likely to go- in Smallville of all places.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and leads Irie over towards the burger joint "Hey man." He says as he gets in talking distance, "Have you heard if anyone has gotten the sonic toy here recently" Yup Bart has priorities at time. He does smile and adds "How you doing, planned on getting a few dozen kiddie meals want to join us?" He will ask,

Irie West has posed:
    "Yup! We're gonna eat them out of house and home!" Irie replies. "Bart's hoping to get a Sonic toy, but I'll be happy with an Amy Rose. I mean, who doesn't like a cute girl who has a mallet bigger than her?"

    She joins Bart and Jon and leads them into the store. "I'm gonna start small," she says, walking up to the counter and ordering five kiddie meals.

Jon Kent has posed:
"I dunno- Isn't that the description of Harley Quinn?" Jon playfully responds to Irie, "Huh. Just goes to show you how a basic description can sure make two people /sound/ alike but in reality..."

Following the speedsters in, he puts his hands in his hoodie pockets and shrugs, "D'no, actually, I haven't heard if anyone's gotten it. Was hoping to check it out too and chow down a burger or two... sure I'll join ya, but I can't treat," he grins, "I don't think I can deliver enough newspapers to cover that tab."

Why, yes. He has a paper route.

He puts in a single order for himself, for now, in the hopes that maybe his will be the favored meal. He gives Bart and Irie a smile and says, "May the odds be ever in your favor. So, what've you two been up to this Summer?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and will put in an order for six for a starter as well. He looks over to Jon and says "No Biggie, I actually have a job, plus I do some recycling to help pay for things. I can cover all of us. Plus I have an emergency credit card Rob gave me if I need it." He tells them and will tell the people to let them know when they are done and they will come up to the counter to pick them up.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie shrugs. "I've just been hanging out and working with GIRL about this aging problem I have. So far we've got a couple of promising theories but... that's all we have. Theories." She pokes a thumb at her cousin, "Bart, here, has another idea to try out. Last one didn't work, but you never know. I'm hopeful."

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon got himself a helping of soda, which he now sips idly as he listens to the two speedsters. He nods politely as Irie speaks about her aging up, and the Kent boy turns to look at Bart with inquisitive blue eyes. He sets down his cup and leans a little forward.

"What's your theory, B? Is it anything I can help with?" A quick scan of their surroundings, and he lowers his voice just a little. "'cause I'd love to help. If it requires speed, y'know, you just have to know I'm not as fast as my dad is..." so far. Will he be in the future? Hard to tell, with his hybrid physiology. He's still a work in progress.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "It is a way of manipulating the speedforce, her Dad is teaching me to be able to control speed outside of myself. We are thinking we might be able to control the speed in Irie and realign it, but I need to get better at it before we try.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie leans over and gives Jon a consoling pat on the arm. "Give it time," she says. "Give it time." She looks over at Bart as he explains what he is wanting to attempt and gives him a thoughtful look. "Hunh. Maybe at the very least you'll be able to sense what is wrong with me."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Do you think," Jon says, after a few quiet moments of contemplation, keeping his voice low. Fortunately, attendance at this joint is low at this time of day. But it helps to be cautious. "That it might not be something tied to the... uh, Speedforce? Or maybe not directly?"

He glances at one speedster, then the other, after glancing at the workers putting their meals together, "I mean, traveling through time could also have something to do with it. I'm not an expert in this, like, exactly. The Phantom Zone spat me out here instead of my proper time, so my way was... different. But maybe it's some sort of combination of traveling through time and the speedforce interacting? Do we know anyone who's, like, an expert with temporal stuff?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "It is possibly, but I had an ageing problem before I came back here, thats why grandma actually brought me back for Wally to fix it." As the number for the food comes up he will get up to get it for everyone. He comes back with the food, and says "But then again, I am from the farthest away," He says quietly once he has sit back down.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie, already stuffing fries into her mouth, digs through the box to see what toy it is that she got. "Bleh. Eggman." She sets the toy aside and shakes her head at Jon. "Pretty sure it's the Speedforce acting up. Me and my twin brother was having this problem when we were born. We were babies for, like, a month before we aged up into toddlers. We were also gestated in the Speedforce so mom was only pregnant for, like, a couple of minutes."

    "Also the last time I aged up was when I overexerted myself saving the GIRL's spaceship from some sentient alien black hole. The time before that was when Wonderland shrunk me." She shrugs, "And the times before that were kind of random when they happened. Keep in mind that chronologically, I'm only six years old." She nearly able to stuff the whole cheeseburger into her mouth. "So I guess in a way, buying these kids meals is appropriate."

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon begins unwrapping his meal toy as he hears what Irie and Bart relay to him, and he frowns. "Gee, that's... tough," he does have a way of seeing what's inside his toy wrapper. Such as a figure with a mallet larger than her. But that'd be cheating, right? Well, that depends what you use it for. "But I'm sure Bart and the rest will find a way to sort all of this out. My dad always talks about how awesome the Family is-" he tilts his head and looks over Irie's shoulder, at the window, "Hey, is that Robin out there?"

It isn't, and this is tricky, considering who he is with, but if Irie looks over her shoulder, he will try and test his super-speed by deftly changing his Amy toy for Irie's Eggman, and then feign complete and total innocence. It should work- He's a Kent, that's what Kents do. They're good at it.


Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will zoom through some of the food, resisting the urge to go through the toys first. He makes sure he is not seen zooming through them, and then he pulls them out and starts opening them first he gets a knuckles and then a Amy of his own, He considers swapping the toy, but he will just give it to her after he figures. He then finds he has a Sonic, and gives out a "Yes woot woot." He smiles and sets him down to open the next one and says "Hey I got a 1 tailed tails" He looks at it then opening the last one he says "Woot, a second sonic, knew coming out here was a good idea."

Irie West has posed:
    Irie tries to pace herself. Honest to God she does. She fails, however, and just stuffs her face full of food. For a girl who looks to be in her mid thirties she looks rather inelegant. Jon's swaperoo isn't entirely missed by her. If she wasn't so closely connected to the Speedforce she would have missed it entirely and just gives Jon a smile for his efforts.

    "Uggh. Another Eggman," she groans when opening up the next toy. The next gets a little squeal of surprise. "Amy!" She holds it up triumphantly and then walks it around the table and bonks Sonic on the head with her giant mallet. "BONK!" The next gets a "Yay!" when it's revealed to be a Knuckles. "Either of you want an echidna?" The last one gets another squeal of delight despite having an idea of what it is. After all Jon is the kind of guy who would give her her toy of choice. "Twinsies!" she says putting the two Amys together. "So cool. Still hungry, though."