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Latest revision as of 20:30, 29 August 2022

The Chryss Opens
Date of Scene: 28 August 2022
Location: Mercy's Garage
Synopsis: Sprite's custom car built by Mercy is delivered and it's a pair made for each other!
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Diana Prince, Sprite

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Sunday! Never a work day and Mercy has been putting a lot of extra hours. But after some help, a lot of hours of work she is finally ready. That means of course getting the customer to show up. Mercy called Sprite ahead of time and asked if it was okay if Diana was there as she helped make the car possible and expressed interest in seeing the final result. She asked them to show up late afternoon, when the light should be ideal, to show what the car in her glory.
    Mercy cleaned up as best she could, and wore the good dark jeans with a blue shiny top. She is trying to not pace, and wait patiently for the others to show up. "Trust me, you'll be awesome! They'll love it." Seemingly talking to herself as she goes back and forth in front of the open garage door. The car in that bay is covered up in a clean cloth made for this car showing of her sleek small shape off at least.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana wasn't looking to draw attention, but she was here on a semi-official capacity, the Jet being the 'star' so to speak in this outing though. But, all the same, the Princess just appears out of the sky, above Mercy's garage.

Wearing a dark navy blue cloak she descends out of the air, and lands about 10 feet away from where Mercy is pacing. The woman stands over six feet in height, her armored boots showing under the hem of her long dark blue robe. She shows a smile toward Mercy as she starts to walk toward her, the glimpses of her armored form visible beneath the robe she's wearing that is slitted up the front.

"Hello..." Diana announces herself, her eyes going to the car beneath the cloth, as she looks back to Mercy, and shows off a smile toward her. "You look nervous...." The Princess softly says in her naturally husky accented English.

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite arrives, not long afterwards, walking up towards the garage. She starts up closer, towards the open garage door. Her pace slows, and stops, as she sees Diana from behind. Cloaks and robes aren't exactly commonplace attire.

    The ginger teen moves closer after her moment of pause, giving a call as she approaches the door. "Hey, Mercy! I'm here!!" She stops a distance back behind Diana, as she waits, to not ruin Mercy's reveal.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy is so in her head she barely noticed the Jet or woman in the sky till Wonder Woman was practically right in front of her, "Diana! Hello," smiling wide at the impressive woman. "I never done this kind of work before. I mean I restored cars but this is very different." Mercy rubs at her nose and shakes her body to try and loosen it. "I hope Lanis doesn't feel I wasted her help either."
    It won't be long before Sprite is there as Diana is getting offered some water and a cookie to kill the time. "Sprite! Great!!" She calls out and motions the woman over. "Come in come in. Sprite this is Diana. Diana this is Sprite my customer that ordered that car I've been working on since I met you basically."
     Motioning into the garage she steps back. "So I worked hard and wanted to give you something modern and eye catching. And I needed help with the electronics, and Diana was willing to help with that." She puts her hand onto the cover. "Ready?" Not sure if she's asking the car, the women, or herself.

Diana Prince has posed:
After making that initial greeting, Diana steps in to the garage door so she's not making a scene out on the street. She is eye catching, especially in a odd cloak! Once inside the garage though, she accepts the offered drink, and cookie with a smile, and a soft "Thank you."

Her eyes raise up to watch Sprite's arrival, and she raises up her cookie-holding-hand to give a little wiggle of it. "Hello, and welcome." The Princess says, looking rather out of place in the garage, dressed as she is, but she doesnt' seem to pay it any mind herself as she just samples the cookie. "Mmm. I am being spoiled every time that I come here." She says, chasing those words with a light laugh as her eyes dart over to the vehicle under the cover. "Lanis has expressed how happy she was to get to help with this project too."

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite walks closer, but gives a smile once Diana turns. It's not as if Diana isn't an internationally recognized face. She smiles and gives her a nod, and in Ancient Greek, says <<It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Diana. I hope things are going well for you and your people.>>

    Back to English, as she looks over to Mercy. "Well, there's certainly a lot of antici......pation. Really looking forward to seeing what's behind curtain #1."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Okay. So Sprite this is your car. I got her licensed and registered, the paperwork is in the glove box." She will see about getting ready and using her abilities to sweep the cover back in one big sweep. "Meet Chryss."
    Under the cover is a very custom and modernized '72 Opel GT. The car's body looks like a smaller sister to the American Chevy Corvette. She is a dark green emerald color, but she is done in a special paint so when an electrical current is turned on glowing tight curved lines to give a pattern of dots appear along the body of the car accenting her shape. With the cover removed the lights of the paint click on to show off all she can do.
    The two door sports car has the license plate of Chrysdid the rims are a well polished chrome to better reflect the hidden wheel well green lights, and small LED lights that will flash gold and orange to add a sparkle effect when in motion. The doors are hinged at the top in the butterfly wing style, but done at an angle to make the wings hinge slightly forward to give a more aggressive forward angle to them when raising up.
    The front running lights are slanted circles to enhance the feminine appearance of femme fatale. The main headlights appear from the panels near the nose by twisting, the edge of the lights lined in shimmering lights that rapidly blink to give the impression of glitter as they open and close.
    Mercy steps back so the women can see the car as she sits there after the headlights flip themselves on and a sassy woman's voice comes from the car. "I know. I'm awesome."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana focuses her eyes upon Sprite when the switch to a very familiar language is made. She listens, smiles, and bows her head ever so slightly in response to the kind words offered. "Thank you very much." She says back in English. "You are quite kind." She softly adds before just stepping back to let Mercy do her show of the car.

When the cloth is removed, and the car revealed, Diana's eyes begin to roam over its sleek design. She looks to the winged doors, and to the headlights, as well as peaking inside the cab.

The sassy voice gets a grin to cross the Princess' lips then, as she raises an eyebrow at it for a moment before looking to the other two women, staying quiet for the time being...

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite looks over in admiration of the car, her eyes sweeping over it, until suddenly..."Wait. The car talks??" She blinks with surprise, and addresses her next statement to the car. "You talk?"

    And then, equally incredulously, she looks to Diana. "Your people have moved all the way to AI? The Amazons have moved an awfully long way since the last time I dealt with them."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Looking inside Diana gets a look at what Mercy has done to the Opel. The dash is all polished wood set around several digital panels that light up and respond to the user's touch, the gear shift between the two seats, and a charging/docking station for a cellphone is found after that closer to the hip. The seats are a lush black and deep dark green leather that is stitched with burnt gold threading in a dot light pattern along the center and back and seat area.
    "The car has a VI in it. That's what Diana helped me with. Well Lanis who works with Diana," answers Mercy. "She's not a full AI but I worked with Lanis to give her some real personality and attitude. I used Tinker Bell and a Wasp of sorts as inspirations." The mechanic is looking on the char with pride as Sprite and Chryss get to meet each other.
    The engine turns on and rumbles to life. Her engine is finally tuned up and clearly as upgraded as the rest of the car as 3.4 liters of six cylinders roar to life giving the small light car more horsepower then she needs and a surprising amount of torque. The trunk has been reduced in size, the space taken up by the large electronics suite to support the computers, modern auto park sensors, rear view camera, and all the high end stereo equipment. Chryss says, "Yeah I talk. So your Sprite. Mercy's talked about you." The engine turns off smooth as silk. "So who say's your good enough for me huh?" That's when Mercy hands over a key fop to Sprite and winks.

Diana Prince has posed:
The vehicle rumbles to life, and then soon shuts down again. This causes the Princess to grin before she looks toward Sprite once more at the questioned posed. "The Themyscirans do not create AI. But... a little over a decade and a half ago, I helped an alien race out of a bad situation, and as a gift they granted me a piece of their technology. This is what I use as my 'Invisible Jet'. It can take on the form of many things that I ask it too, and its AI is sworn to aid me in my endeavors." Diana explains then. "As a bit of fun, we asked Lanis to aid Mercy with this project."

The Princess was walking around the perimeter of the car while speaking, and is now by the driver's side door. "I would say it has gone quite well. This is a beautiful vehicle..." She notes, with another smile given to Mercy this time.

Sprite has posed:
    "I am Sprite." Sprite confirms to the car, and grins. "And it doesn't get better than me. You're the luckiest car out there." She moves over, looking through the interior of the car, and then turns back to Mercy. "You did a hell of a job, Mercy. I'll have to contract you for some more cars. How much do I owe you?"

    "I don't disagree!" she replies to Diana's compliment about the car's beauty. "And what can I do to thank YOU for your assistance, Princess? This is above and beyond what I contracted Mercy before."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy's dark skin doesn't show blush easily but it does darken at the compliment. "Thank you Diana. I put a lot of work into her. I thought you and Lanis deserved to see the end result of everything. I gave her a test drive. She works perfectly but isn't a car for an armature driver. She has enough torque to make the front end lift, and if you accelerate into turns so hard you'll be spinning out in no time. BUT the VI should help with that. I hope," admits Mercy as she keeps letting her eyes roam over the shape of Sprite's new car.
    She has been watching Sprite intently the whole time. "I got a year subscription to a service in Chryss' name with the account. Loaded a LOT of music and audio books into her and for you to enjoy." She waves off the talk of money. "The expense account you set up will cover it and then some. I'm sending you a bill and if you approve of the number I'll pull it out of that account and you'll be paid in full." The relief and smile on Mercy could not be greater. She reaches out to touch the side of the car. "I never did a job like this. I normally just restore, sometimes update, old cars and give them new life. Never had anything this creative before. It was a fun change. The fact YOU are happy, Sprite is what matters most." Chryss says, "and me! Sprite will do. Least as long as she can handle me." The car's lights 'open' and close as they twist and roll back to sparkle and a sort of sparkle sound of bells mixes with the zip of insect wings.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana continues to mvoe around the vehicle, ending up at the front of it to watch the headlights do their little display. It continues to cause a smile to reside on the Amazon woman's red hued lips. Her eyes dart up to the two as Mercy responds to Sprite, and Diana just grins ever so softly.

"You owe me nothing, nor Lanis. We both just were happy to do something a little out of our normal." She replies, her eyes going once more to the car as she slowly ends up back where she started. "Though I would love to hear your past experiences with my people that you spoke of. But, that can be another time, of course... I imagine you would be eager to get inside your lovely new chariot here..."

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite smiles, and moves to get inside. As she does, where she was standing, the image of Pan appears, and gives an elaborate bow. "Princess." Pan says.

    Sprite settles in, checking the...fit of the car. She'll reach over and buckle up, still experimentally. "Give me some good music, Chryss. Low volume, good beat." she says.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy says, "if you two want to go for a ride together. I know how she drives. I'm glad I got the help. She wouldn't have worked and come together without the help I got. Especially on Chryss." The driver seat was already up pretty close and is soft and well crafted. Mercy is watching two women who have more decades then she has years. Maybe even more centuries then she has years. Mercy knows Sprite likes club music and so 'Do It to It' by ACRAZE starts to play and go. This displays the custom sound system, why some trunk space is lost. Large base speakers back there that are right behind the seats to help the beat pound through the seat. There are several smaller speakers help wrap around the river. The beat is more felt then heard at the lower volume. "So I owe you both a lot of gratitude," says Mercy. She can't quiet say 'thank you' to Sprite so easily. "This was a real pleasure and challenge. I think I learned a lot. The car is currently listed for insurance at a value of just about $130 thousand. What with all the custom works and parts. She's a light car so takes off fast and stops on a dime and gives you nine cents in change." By now Mercy is rocking on her heels and toes in excitement as the two women stay close to her car.

Diana Prince has posed:
When the visage appears, Diana levels her chin then as she watches, then nods a single time. "Well, hello." She tells them before her gaze goes back to the vehicle in time to see Sprite settling in to it. She shows a quick smile to this before her eyes go back to Mercy.

Diana reaches her right hand out then to offer the woman's arm a soft pat. "You have done a remarkable job with this. Be careful though, or you might have a whole line of people looking to fancy up their vehicles in similar fashions." She states with a playful grin before stepping aside to sip her water once more before setting it down on the table not too far away from the vehicle on display.

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite lets the vision of Pan fade, and she grins. "Well, ladies...I'm THRILLED beyond words. And while I'd love to sit around and hang out more...I wouldn't love it as much as taking Chryss for a ride." She gives a wink, pulling out some sunglasses and putting them on. "See you ladies around!!" She's got enough mischevious behavior that the important part here is playing with her new toy!

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy gives a nervous laugh at Diana's word. "This job pays my bills for the year. Especially as I wait on insurance and had that small robbery earlier. I could do two of these, maybe three a year tops I think. That's if I want to loose my social life. I got lucky in finding a mostly refurbished Opel here in the city and just had to do the custom work."
    Mercy steps back as she sees Sprite shut the car down. This lets Mercy and Di see the edge of the door light up and twinkle to try and do the 'pixie dust' effect as it closes. Chryss is ready to go and the garage is open. So if Sprite puts her foot down, that Opel is going to zip out of thee with a swell of engine noise. Mercy can't help but jog to the garage door and watch the car driving off. "Good," she says to Diana there and Lanis above. "They liked each other." Looking with pride even as Sprite gets out of sight for the Mechanic.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana joins Mercy at the mouth of the garage, as the fancy vehicle ends up out on the road with a kick in its step. A quick glance is sent up toward the sky, before Diana looks back down again to the mechanic beside her. "Well. You've done great. I might have you do something similar for Cassie some day. Or perhaps a young Amazon with us now from the island named Kora... Though she's likely still intimidated by regular cars, let alone ones that have been ... modified quite like this." She states with a soft grin for the other.

"That was fun though, and Lanis is pleased too." She says of her very Invisible jet hovering above the street outside, just seemingly minding its own business, as it monitors the area around the garage.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Oh I tried to make the car fit the driver. I got to know Sprite and some of her secrets. That's why she got Chryss. Some would hate that sort of car. She was fun to drive though." She looks up at they sky and smiles. "She is?! Good. I'm glad and know she did a lot of coding that is so above me it isn't even funny." Mercy looks over at Diana, "I'd offer to do one for you but think that offend Lanis in some way. But if you ever want my services you know where to find me. That and I visit the embassy often enough. By the way, we should totally do a pizza and bad movie night there sometime. Be fun to hang out."