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Latest revision as of 20:30, 29 August 2022

Killer Queen
Date of Scene: 28 August 2022
Location: Genoshan Embassy
Synopsis: Lorna and Tom catch up with the events of the day. Talk of the issue with the Friends of Humanity, kidnapping, and mutant growth hormone drugs.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Tom McCarthy

Lorna Dane has posed:
The embassy was abuzz tonight. Phones were ringing off the hook, there were reporters gathered outside wanting in to question, and the guards were on full if polite alert to keep things to a minimum. Not tonight. No official statements about anything, they assured, though the reporters linger in the hopes of catching sight of Lorna or another of the royal family no doubt.

Lorna for her part is ensconced safely inside tucked behind her desk just out of sight. Nursing a cup of coffee while she appears to be relaxing in her chair. There was no rigidity to her currently -- She was tired. There was a sort of quiet concensus among those here to give her space as well as gaze admiringly at her at times. Thankfully quietly.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Of course he had seen the footage. There was quite a bit of concern from Tom as the story unfolded - but he was also confident in her abilities. He'd never seen them really put to the test, but he had faith in her. Of course, as the information broke and the results were shown by the Bugle, he was more than impressed. He was of course, happy that she'd not been injured and that she'd done everything so eloquently.

It wasn't long after at all that he was heading to the Embassy - figuring she'd likely be up to her eyeballs in meetings over the whole situation. Making his way through the security checks, he politely asked that dinner be arranged for her - whatever her favorite was. He suspected she was exhausted from the whole ordeal, after all. Once given the clear to enter, he stepped into her office. "Hey there, Lorna." He offered, moving closer at a slower pace. "How are you feeling after all that?" He wonders.

Lorna Dane has posed:
There were a few people that were cleared to go through without question. Pietro was one. Clarice another (Not that anyone could stop her if she really wanted) and Tom was the final one. And her father, though she doubted he would make an appearance.

As Tom approaches she lifts her mug in silent greeting toward him with an emerging smile. "Tired. A bit satisfied. Disgusted at the same time," she admits with a slip of her smile as she recalls it all. "I really don't enjoy violence, you know. Not like some others may. I'm just *capable* of it when pushed."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
The man nods in response, pulling up a chair to sit with her at the desk. "I am sorry you had to see that side of humanity." He says, honestly. "I wish we didn't have that level of hate in our world, you know?" Tom murmurs, not knowing how to address the failings of man. "You handled everything perfectly, Lorna. You really did. And you showed mercy and compassion, where those other people would not. You took the higher road."

"I don't ever think I've thought of you as incapable, Lorna." The man grins. "But having an enjoyment for violence is not an admirable quality. Having the understanding of how terrible it is, is what the world needs. Too many apathetic people allow for attrocities." A shake of his head. He leans into her a bit. "I ordered you dinner."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane leans to the side in against Tom as well. The cup of coffee is set on the desk so that she can avoid accidentally spilling it while she leans on him. "I know. It isn't admirable, that's precisely why I had to do it. If it were one of the others they would have done much worse and I can't say as I would have blamed them."

Lifting a hand she runs it over her face a few times before dropping it back to her lap. "Dinner sounds good. I should eat. I avoided doing so before this in case it was worse than what I found." It was still pretty bad. Still, she does allow herself a smile. "I thought the bodycam would be a good way to prove I wasn't the antagonist."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom's arm slides around her. "You were very admirable. You defended those who needed the help, and showed mercy when to those who would have never considered offering it to you." He assures, a slight smile on his face. "I wouldn't have blamed them at all. I can't say I would have had the restraint you did."

"Eat, then shower and relax. Let the water soak out all the tension, yeah?" He suggests. "Then into a comfortable bed, and sleep until you feel like waking up." A sage nod. Morale triage was a thing, too. "The body cam was fantastic work. It took away any leg they had to stand on."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"How they even got fucking *tanks* is beyond me. And missile launchers? GRENADES?" Lorna's voice rises a moment as she gestures with one free arm that wasn't caught up in Tom's embrace. Just a moment, before she reaches down to grip his arm around her with a squeeze and a sigh. "Yes, you're right. Thank you." Glancing toward him she leans in to press a kiss warmly to his cheek. "You are wonderful you know that, right?"

Tom McCarthy has posed:
He listens, knowing all too well how military grade things find their way into the wrong hands. A nod to her, sighing. "Apathy and immorality. A lack of concern for their fellow men and women. And above all, greed." A shrug from Tom. "It's gone like this throughout time, if you read up on it. We just tend to gloss over some things, or paint it in a different light."

He chuckles, kissing her cheek in response. "I do all right. Wonderful might be a bit much, but thank you none the less. You are pretty epic yourself, Lorna." He winks to her. The dinner is brought in, more specifically for her - but enough to share should she need to. "How did you find out about these captured people?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I know, I know. It's just... It's frustrating seeing how apparently EASY it is to get such things." Lorna knew though. It was hardly the first time a militant or terrorist group had gotten ahold of such items. Nor would it likely be the last. At least she was hoping she'd hit them with enough of a blow that their local militia would be feeling it in the pocketbooks for awhile. None of what she'd attacked personally was salvagable by any means--She'd made sure of it.

"There'd been rumors going around for awhile about the kidnappings. A few disapearances off the streets. The Embassy's been aware of it for awhile but it was actually the authorities who approached us with more details of it. Apparently someone brought in for drunken and disorderly conduct had been bragging about it... And about how it was a great victory for the Friends of Humanity."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
He's there for support - and he will do that. Touch, food - comfort. It's what he can offer her tonight. "Agreed. I've seen too many innocents hurt from it, I really have. It can bottom out your faith in the world, no doubt." Tom mentions. "But then people like you come along and prove that there /are/ good people around, who will fight for the right things. Not publicity, not fame - but for the good of the world."

"I am sure that guy is going to have a terrible time in prison. It does make me wonder if he shouldn't be sent to a supermax, where he belongs." A shake of his head. "Maybe they'll get more information from them on that organization, so a more focused removal of them can be done"

Lorna Dane has posed:
"It's worse than that, really, Tom. They were making mutant growth hormone to give themselves powers." Lorna pauses in eating to stab her fork into a bit of shnitzel. It was a shnitzel kind of day. "They make that drug by bleeding mutants dry. Torturing them. Sometimes killing them. I'm lucky I got there in time to rescue them before it was any worse."

A long sigh is let out. "That's part of why I was the one that went. Time was of the essence and we really couldn't waste any more. At least I have footage of them trying to use the drug on camera, too. That will be good evidence against them."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
"I hadn't really heard of that. I'd heard of super soldier syrum and stuff like that... but..." Tom shakes his head. "You stopped them. Saved lives, and minds." He says, quietly. "And I am sure the world is more focused on that now - you've gotten a lot of support, I am sure."

A nudge to her. "If you ever need backup, you know I will help." He assures. "Any way I can." He watches as she stabs at the schnitzel. "Eat it. Don't puncture it." He teases.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smile, ruefully, at mention of not having heard of it. "It's a 'drug'," you can practically hear the quotation marks as she speaks, "That pops up every few years it seems. I imagine it doesn't get much press outside of mutant circles. No one really wants to admit to having it or how to get it. Though there was an incident several years ago with a bunch of rich kids getting some and going on a tear through New York."

The nudge earns a smile from her, and she nudges back gently. "I know. Thank you. Aaand... I'm going to eat I swear," she assures while plucking up her knife to cut a proper bit off of it. "Do you want some? There's plenty and my appetite isn't huge tonight."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
There's a "Huh" from Tom at the mention of the drugs and rich kids. "Kids are always going to dig into something that is bad for them. I suppose it's what growing up is all about. Learning from our mistakes." A chuckle. "I can try to dig some stuff up on it, potentially. I don't know if there are records with any of the standard authorities."

"I'll have some, if you eat most of it. You will need it. I don't know how mutant powers work, but I imagine they take a good intake of calories to sustain." A wink. "Just... eat what you can, yeah?" He asks, as he collects up a fork for himself.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles at that particular remark. The bite is taken though to be followed by a swig of her coffee to wash it down. "Mm. It differs per individual and power type. I can use mine relatively without issue given it's more a... a mentally initiated power. For some that causes headaches though. Exhaustion from exertion. I *am* tired, but it's mostly just emotionally and physically. The ones that usually require eating a lot I've found are those with mutant healing factors or energy manipulation." There's a pause before she allows herself to chuckle.

"In all honesty, I have no idea if there's a set list of things or not. I haven't really studied our powers. Just personal experience."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
A wink. "I should probably talk to Dr. McCoy if I wanted a better understanding of the physiology of mutantkind - if there's a baseline, or what not." Tom admits. "Someday, I might ask you more on your powers. I've not really ... poked at you about that. I don't want to be rude or be invasive." He murmurs. "Regardless, as a medic - you need to eat. Don't overstuff yourself, but get a little bit in you for my sake, yeah?"

"So what are your plans for tomorrow? Feel like company? Can I interest you in a well-meaning boyfriend?" He teases.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"He would be delighted to speak to you at length about that no doubt," Lorna assures with a warm laugh. Maybe best not to be laughing at a time like this but it was a good sign that she was relaxing after such a trying day. "I know, and I am eating," she assures while picking up another bite on her fork. She had been eating better since he was around to remind her on occasion.

"Tomorrow? I imagine I'll have to give an official statement of some kind, speak with the authorities. After that?" Grinning she leans in to give him a light kiss. It's breif, given they were in public, but she assures, "That sounds wonderful."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Seeing her mood shift a bit, was a good sign. "Hopefully I can keep up with his explanations. I don't think I have quite the pedigree he does in terms of educational merits." A smirk. He nods as she mentions she's eating, sneaking in a bite of his own to help.

"The brief kiss earns a smile from Tom - he'd be hard-pressed to hide that. "I can be patient. I'll be about when you're done with your conversations, yeah? I can have ice cream ready, too."