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Latest revision as of 20:31, 29 August 2022

At the Car SHop
Date of Scene: 27 August 2022
Location: Mercy's Garage
Synopsis: Several friends gather at Mercy's to bake and unwind. Sharing in their collective strange pasts.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Gabby Kinney, Cael Becker, Kara Danvers

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy has taken to leaving the garage door open just about 6" from the bottom when she is alone and working in the shop. The sign says close, Sunday isn't normal hours or times for business. Right now Mercy is doing a little bit of work on her project car that is mostly under a tarp as well. In the bay nest to it is a vanagon. One of Mercy's cars that got a little dinged up recently.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Six inches? That's wiggle room. Right? Right. There's a little shuffling, scuffling noise from the garage door. A little warning to sensitive ears before a dark head pops through staring up from the ground. A severed head!?

No it's just Gabby laying on her back outside with her hands lightly resting on her stomach, and her head shoved under the door. Grinning she offers a cheery, "Hi Mercy!" At least she had texted earlier to say she would be stopping by at some point today. It just took her awhile, and there was no sound of the motorcycle she usually drove approaching. Gabby was hoofing it today.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy heard someone coming but the wind helped her know who it was. She looks over, "Hi Gabby. The office door isn't locked." A smile on the mechanic's face some. "I just have the closed sign to keep people from looking for work. If you lay like that you'll make my neighbors wonder."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lays there a moment longer as she considers this with a thoughtful hum. There's really only one question to ask here: "Do you LIKE your neighbors?" Reasonble question. She had no qualms about freaking people out if that was required after all. Given the office door was noted as being unlocked though she moves to wiggle out from beneath the garage door again.

A few moments later she enters normally while trying to work some of the dust out of her hair that her antics had brought about. "How're you doing? Haven't really had a chance to stop by since the whole ew bug thing."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I like my shop and don't want to get a new one," answers Mercy with a grin. She slides out under her care and pats her, "I'll be back later." Telling the car. Standing with a stretch she sees Gabby walking into the place. "I've been more or less okay. Had some excitement downtown. I got to knock out The Rhino in one hit. But my vanagon took some damage. What about you?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Well I suppose if you put it thaat waaay," Gabby drawls out as if it were putting her out so much to ask that she not freak out the neighbors. It's just being a little comically melodramatic though so she quickly drops it as she glances over to the car. Only to double-take back at Mercy. "Wait, Rhino? Geeze. That's pretty good he's a tough one. Thick headed even."

She shifts her weight to her heels rocking back and forth a moment considering how she's been. "Doing all right. Robbie's installing some upgrades to my bike that he got for my birthday, so I'm getting around old-school again. Slower, but good to keep in practice."

Cael Becker has posed:
    The next intrusion under Mercy's garage door is a wet, black nose on the end of a white muzzle, sniffing curiously. It's easy to imagine the wagging tail on the other end of the pup's body - though the nose withdraws abruptly as Cael's voice can be heard saying, "Bear, heel."
    A few moments later, Cael also enters the garage with Bear at her side - the pup wearing his brightly colored service vest. The undercut ot oneside of Cael's head has started to grow out - the feather pattern no longer in evidence, and tired bags color the underside of her eyes.
    "Oh- Gabby. Hey. Am I interrupting anything?" she asks - and without waiting for a reply she asks Mercy, "You got that check I sent, yeah?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Well to be fair, some big gray woman and several others smashed him around first. He was basically down for the count already. I just kept him down when he thought of sitting up." Mercy doesn't like lying, but it was fun to see Gabby's reaction to Mercy's claim.
    "You know I met him. He seemed nice, but how do you not get that feel or smell from his car?" Mercy rubs at one arm with another at the memory. "Nothing wrong with legging it, I do that a fair bit you know." She will start to put a few tools back. She smiles a bit and looks to the door. "Hi Bear," and then louder, "Hi Cael. Office door is open."
    Mercy shakes her head, "Come on in. We're just catching up and if you mean the check a few weeks ago about the meat. I got that. Was there a second one?" Wondering why that would be. She goes to the vanagon and with a tool in hand starts to get a door panel off.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shrugs helplessly at the question regarding the smell. "Oh I do, I'm just kind of used to it. I mean he's posessed by a demon so it's kind of par for the course. Usually the clove cigarettes help hide it a little. Kind of."

Even as she explains the issue with the smells, her attention shifts over her shoulder to flash a grin at Cael and Bear. "Just visiting, no interrupting going here. How are you doing?" A quick once-over is given to Cael taking in her general appearance and potential mood.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "No, that's the one. I just forgot to confirm you got it," Cael replies easily - shoving her hands into her pockets as she finds somewhere to lean back. Bear stops at her side - leaning up against her leg, while wagging his tail cheerfully in greeting, his tongue lolling out to one side.
    "I'm good. Fine," she replies easily. "I mean. Fought a worm monster, so - normal week, right?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy is only semi working right now. She's doing it on her car as she gets out the panel to hammer out some of the dents from the other side. She looks over and nods to Cael, "Got it and deposited. Thanks. I really appreciate it. Same nasty that came here I assume?"
    Mercy shifts her position and says, "I realized I was letting that whole thing pushing out more of my life. So I decided to not let it and focus on some other stuff as well. Course I'm still there to help the JLD and do my part or more. I just wasn't going to let it rule me." Mercy hesitates. "Hope Jon's okay."
    Then looking back to Gabby so she won't feel left out. "So what's getting done to your bike and please tell me you have a helmet at least?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stares at Cael a moment with her lips pursed tighter. "A giant worm? I missed something, didn't I." She knew she shouldn't have gone out celebrating. The timing was just difficult all around to actually get some time off it seemed. Reaching up she pinches the bridge of her nose a single time. "I'd offer a hug, but, well. I know how you are about them." At least Bear could give lovings when needed.

The hand drops away to flash a grin at Mercy. "Of course I have a helmet. It's a Rebel helmet." Got to get some Star Wars in there so Tim can get his geek on. If she had to wear one anyway she might as well have some fun with it. "Getting a new seat installed, some better suspension, looked like a new exhaust too? He had a whole bunch of parts set out."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "More like a mass of tiny worms. ...in a little red dress, so - yes. Same thing," Cael informs Mercy. "We //think// we took care of it, though. Her jaw tightens at Mercy's question about Jon before she adds, "Jon actually was the one who figured out how to handle the thing - and fumigate the entire castle. We should be clean now."
    She shifts her weight on her feet - subtly leaning away from Gabby as she adds, "Full up on hugs - but thanks. And there wasn't much to miss. It's not like it was planned - it just sort of... happened. And it only lasted a few minutes. There's not much planning ahead for something like that."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Be glad you missed it Gabby. Was the thing that wrecked my shop and you helped watch Medae as I cleaned it." Mercy won't say the name now. She's careful about full and real names. She brings her hammer down hard a few times on the door to get the last of the dent out, feeling over it, "Good." If she means the dent's demise or Jon's performance, or the status of the castle that's up to the others to guess. Satisfied with her work she starts to get the door panel back on. She'll grind the paint later and patch it with primer. "Certainly never dull in this city. Always meeting someone or something if you keep your senses about you. Pretty sure I met a gray woman from a sulfur space planet. Maybe. Her scent was intense she was big and gray." Door on Mercy steps back to nod in satisfaction. Looking at the pair, "I like fixing things."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney offers an apologetic smile over toward Cael. "I more meant 'missed on hearing about the situation', really. Though I do feel guilty I was off having a birthday dinner while you guys were fighting apparently." In an effort to remain as un-hug-suspicious as possible she leans back against the wall with both hands behind her butt in the process. Look ma, no arms. No way she could hug Cael or anyone else right now.

"Yeah it would have been a bit overwhelming with the smell. It was pretty bad in here until Sprite stepped in. Glad she did show up though." The memory of that ick alone was not pleasant, but at least she'd gotten away with just kitty sitting duty.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Jon summoned me a flamethrower and I got to burn the place down," Cael remarks - a broad grin appearing on her features for a moment. "It was... rather cathertic, really. I, uhhh... part of me still misses that hellfire sword. Even if it did-" she looks down at the flames tattooed on the back of each of her hands, "burn my hands everytime I used it. It was worth it."
    Towards Mercy she adds, "Sounds like you keep discovering new and exciting smells."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy looks up and over, "You had a birthday? When?!" She will have to try and remember for a note later. "Was it a good one I hope?" She grins a bit at the mention of Sprite, "That trick of hers was a real god send. I just hope she likes all that I've got planned for her car." That being the one under the cover of course.
    She can only shrug in agreement to Cael's accusation of smells. "Live by the nose, survive by the nose. It leads to some intense moments, especially since scent is the strongest tie to memory in the mind. But also saved my ass a lot of times too." She claps a hand then and says, "It's my day off. WE're here to be normal people and talk more normal stuff. Like being weird women of power and not nasty demon things. Or we can talk random trivia facts as well. I'm good at that."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Wait a flamethrower!?" Gabby stares at Cael with a little bounce as she just stands there. Somehow standing, bouncing, and grinning manically all at the same time. "That sound awesome! I mean I'm sure the smell was awful but burning it down, heck yeah! So many times I've wanted to do something like that. I mean. I wouldn't. Unless I *needed* to." Lightly clearing her throat she adds, "But I can see how that would feel great yeah."

Mercy's question earns a sheepish, guilty sort of grin in response. "Er, last Sunday. I'm eighteen now. Just so much has been going on I didn't really do anything much. Went out to dinner a few times with some other friends." The news is left to hang while she considers the pair, looking between them. A little long sniff comes... and she suggests, "Maybe we should go watch some movies, bake some cookies? Chat?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael lets out a laugh at Gabby's reaction - and smirks in amusement. "Should I ask Jon to summon you a flamethrower as a birthday present? I can text them right now," she offers. "I'm sure we can find you //something// to set on fire..."
    "But yeah. It felt great."
    Then belatedly she adds, "Happy 18th, though. Uhh... movies? People still do that?" She gives a shrug of her shoulders then adds, "I make Jon watch some truly terrible Rifftrax with me sometimes. It can be a lot of fun."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy does mental math to get the date and tries to lock it into her memory to not forget next year, even if she just bakes something. "Hell yes they still do that. I was even thinking of suggesting a bad movie night at the Embassy with the girls." She will nod to the area around them. "I could clean and wash up in a few minutes. Then we could bake some snickerdoodles for Cael to take home and something for Gabby if she likes. I /should/ have what I need. Though my milk may need a good sniff check first." She wrinkles her nose. "If you haven't started, use your nose when grocery shopping. Saves you a lot of money on what will last and what is already just about to spoil."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sucks in a deep, deep breath very slowly. Those with good hearing could hear the very high pitched squeal that was building up in her at the very suggestion of getting to play with a flame thrower herself. Yet once she reaches that full lung capacity she catches herself from making it worse. Instead a little squeak of, "Yes please," rushes out. Grinning ear to ear she nods emphatically at the pair. "Yeah! I'm up for that. What's rifftrax?"

"Also..." A curious look cast toward Mercy. "Which Embassy? I don't think I've heard that one mentioned before. And I'm good with whatever! I eat most things. Except oatmeal." There's an entirely emotionless deadpan as she states the lass. Oatmeal was apparently a no-go.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "God. Oatmeal is vile," Cael agrees. "Jon's got me onto scones. I know, I know. The dangers of living with a //Brit.//"
    One of her hands comes out of her pocket to rest on Bear's head as she adds, "Rifftrax is this group that takes //awful// movies and mocks them. It's pretty fun to watch. Sometimes they do shorts - like taking a sex ed video from the 40's and mocking it - that sort of thing. ...you've really never watched a Rifftrax before?" she asks - her eyebrows creasing.
    "You have, right?" she asks Mercy.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "The Themyscirian one. I got to meet Princess Diana when she brought in her Mercedes. I fixed up and we got to talking. I've been working with a Kanga and training there some. Nice ladies, and good to be around women who respect a solid right cross punch. Even if most wouldn't flinch at my strongest punch." Mercy is already closing tool boxes and wiping her hands on a rag to clean up. "Oatmeal is great if done right and mixed with raisins and some brown sugar."
    "Hey. I like tea, and not everything from England is horrible. Just their sense of humor most times," happy to get a dig in now and then. "Rifftrax can be good if the movie is bad. Some are a touch on the slow side. Of course I have, Cael. Even back in the MST3K era with Crow T Robot and such. I had more then a few restless nights with my foster parents and so had to sort of sit locked up inside." Motioning to the office door. "Let me lock up and we'll go upstairs."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"No. Never oatmeal." Never before had Gabby's voice sounded so dead, emotionless, like the will to live itself had been sucked out of her by the very topic. "Oatmeal is what we were given at the labs. Oatmeal and suppliments. No sugar. No fruit. Just. Oatmeal."

A full body shudder runs through her until she shakes her head firmly like a dog trying to get something off of themselves. Ridding herself of that recollection she returns to the here and now with a grin. "Ah that sounds interesting then yeah. No haven't seen it, but I'm game."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "No oatmeal," Cael promises Gabby. She pushes off from the bench she's been leaning from, and starts for the stairs as she offers, "I don't eat cake." Her back is to Mercy and Gabby on this pronouncement, and no further clarification on the matter is offered as she heads towards the office - and the stairs leading up to Mercy's flat.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy pauses in her cleanup and looks at Gabby. "No oatmeal ever. You got it." She will do her best to keep any oatmeal raisin cookies away from Gabby's senses. She follows behind the two women after pausing at the sink to uses some orange scented pumice soap and a stone to go at her hands hard enough she opens up a small bark on her knuckle. She never is fully rid of all the grit in her nails. She'd need lots of time and a manicure for that. She closes the garage, locks the office, and heads up the stairs.
    Mercy makes sure to lightly contact both Cael and Gabby with her shoulder or arms as she passes by them. A brush of contact and nothing more. Her foster father told her that is how wolves can do hugs and it was a way to help others reassure and get bad memories to go away. Gabby may not be a werewolf, but she normally likes hugs. The door open and the women can go in. To be confronted by a sleeping Medae on the kitchen table, half on her back and folded in half in her sleep. "So do you like gingersnaps, Gabby?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney relaxes a bit as both assure her there will be no oatmeal. It was a silly thing, but with all the other issues she had to smile and pretend didn't bother her from her past, it was one thing she could at least outright hate without anyone questioning her on it. In it's own way it was an outlet for her: Hate the oatmeal. Move on from the rest.

The little bump as Mercy passes is accepted without complaint. There was no issue from her with physical touch though she was attempting to be more aware of others feelings about such. "Never had gingersnaps either. Lots of sugar cookies, and chocolate chip. Even white chocolate macadamia nut. I like rootbeer though so ginger should be kind of the same, right?" Okay maybe not, but both were kind of sweetly spicy.

Following upstairs she zooms in on the kitchen table, fingers raised and wiggling to sink immediately into Medea's fur in greeting to the feline overlord.

Cael Becker has posed:
    As they enter Mercy's home, Bear's nose goes down - sniffing out the smell of Medae - but staying near Cael, rather than going in pursuit of the feline. Cael accepts the shoulder-bump without a word, instead remarking on the cookies. "Ginger snaps are nice. They have a sort of... bite to 'em, yeah? Especially if you can get them real crisp, almost like crackers. I mean - most cookies I like soft, but not ginger snaps. It's in the //name,// you know?"
    She pauses near a couch, pointing Bear to sit beside it. "Bear - down. Good boy," she says sweetly as he lies down - before she heads to the kitchen to wash her hands.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Medae in true feline fashion bites at the hand and claws at it in 'fierce' protest at this disturbance to her sleeping, then immediately stretches out to purr loudly and accept her rightful worship. The table even working as a small sounding board for the cat's rumble. "They have a clear taste of ginger and a bit of a zip, but they're harder. Closer to a sugar cookie then a chocolate chip in that regard."
    Mercy has done one change of note to her home. There's a cat/dog door for a medium sized dog in the front door that can lock from the inside. "Just so, Cael. That's how they got their name. That snap or crack of the firmer cookie. But not dry. Least they shouldn't be." She's less twitch about the dog then she was at first. "Let me go change real quick. Feel free to see if you can get something on the TV and I'll see what I can make. I was planning on baking some cookies soon anyway."
    Mercy will head to her bedroom, and only take a minute to change. Those with good ears can tell she mostly just lets the clothes fall to the floor and gets something fresh to pull on and smells (less) of a garage before she returns.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh yes, you claw away you vicious little monster I know you like it," Gabby coos at Medea. Not a flinch or care is given as she's nipped and scratched. It wasn't as if she put a lot of effort into it regardless and that rumbling purr was proof enough that she did, indeed, enjoy the lovins.

Lifting her head she looks around spotting the doggy door with a mild look of amusement. Emergency escape hatch? Likely. Not a bad idea for someone that could change into a coyote after all. "That sounds good to me. I've had crunchy sugar cookies before but I think those were just overcooked or stale. I think I only like soft cookies if they're still warm and gooey. It took me awhile to figure out what I do and don't like, honestly. There was a whole year where I tried everything I could. Still got a lot to catch up on but I at least know some of what I like now." Nodding solemnly she adds, "Well at least about food."

Watching as Cael washes her hands she considers. "Can I help too? Or... I mean I'm not a good cook, really."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael lets out a laugh. "I'm an //awful// cook. Jon is //this close,//" she holds her fingers millimeters apart, "from banning me from the kitchen. I ruined instand biscuits with strawberries last time and they had to come rescue it all for me. I //try// to keep things simple. It's- uhh, Jon doesn't really get full from food anymore? Unless it's made //for// them. You have to be thinking of them as you make it." Life is strange when you live with a demi-God...

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy promises, "I'll mix up a big batch of variety cookies, and give you a score card to use if you want so we can see what your ideal sweet is. Maybe some brownies too." Mercy is wearing a shirt with a certain copywrite character known for chasing a fast desert bird and reading 'Super Genius' across the front, "Of course you can help!"
    Mercy is not some kitchen guardian to not let others in and help. It's a small kitchen so the women will be close to each other. "Don't worry about it Cael. I'm sure I can do that for Jon, I picked snickerdoodles because they said it was their favorite." She gently pats Cael on the arm as she gets things ready. "There's always stuff to do that isn't mixing and cooking anyway. I don't own a mixer so I got to muscle power it. But at least my arms are plenty toned from work." She looks over and says, "If you want Cael. you can draw in the dry mix for their cookies to help add your own 'thoughts' to it." Who is Mercy to question the 'essence of soul food' when it involves the divine?!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yet they trusts you with a flamethrower. That has to count for something," Gabby points out to Cael with a wide grin. "Maybe you're just better at barbecuing? Dad can grill a mean steak but I don't think he's really good at anything else. At least not anything he showed me. Laura is. Uh. Don't ever eat her food." That's really all she could say about that.

A bit more adoration is bestowed upon Medea before reluctantly pulling away so she could also go wash her hands. Just in case. "So we have to think about Jon while we're working on these? I wonder if all three of us doing that would make them extra good for him." While lathering up straight to the elbow she scrubs absently. "Ooh a cookie taste tester? Sold."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...drawing in the flour? What am I - two?" Cael asks - her tone going a bit cool for a moment. Her moods can be a bit tetchy at the best of times. The last few days haven't qualified as that.
    She tries to shove that aside, however, as she focuses on Gabby's comment. "They trust me a fight," she remarks easily. "I'm... not sure if three people thinking of them makes it more filling or not. I guess we'll find out. It's a good experiment, anyways. And - yeah. They love snickerdoodles - with coffee, with tea, on their own - they're not very particular."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Of course, not getting unending petting is worth of being cast from Medae's royal view. She turns her back on Gabby, pointedly looks to see if Gabby see's her ignoring her to lick her paw. She then forgets the whole thing and watches at Bear from the table. Likely an amazingly interesting conversation is happening between the two that nobody else in the room is wise to. "We can always find out," offers Mercy to Gabby's musing question. "I'll work up a list of all cookies, skipping the unnamable one or anything too close to that for you soon." Mercy likes doing things like that.
    Mercy laughs some at Cael. She doesn't mean to laugh at a friend but the clinging to maturity just struck Mercy as highly funny. "You just said how thinking of them makes it more fulling. How is this weirder? I mean people cross themselves for church. We all have little rituals. Trust a woman who is at least part native. Little things like that can have big effects. Besides. How could it hurt?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney metliculously scrubs up to her elbows, her hands, works her nails and underneath. She's covered in suds by the time she's done her soaping up and shifts to run her arms under the rinse of water to get it all off. It's only when she's watching the suds wash down the drain that she realizes... "I probably didn't need to be THAT thorough, huh?" Then again maybe she did. Who knew what she'd been rolling around in. I mean she was on the ground outside not long ago. It's shrugged off as she reaches for a towel to dry herself.

"Could even form them into little letters for Jon's name. J O N. ... Or would that be too much? Probably too much." She does have to nod in agreement though. "I remember Illyana telling me years ago that intention means a lot for magic. Doesn't have to be grand gestures. Drawing designs in flour sounds about right. I can do it though if you're afraid of being childish. I don't mind that."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I don't think //drawing designs in the flour// is necessary. You can just think about Jon while you're stirring in the egg, or milk, or whatever." Cael pauses for a moment then asks uncertainly, "Is there milk in cookies?" she tries to think back to making the snickerdoodles with Agnes but- well. She's not entirely sure.
    "Anyways. Just tell us what to do. I can follow directions it's just- uhh. I don't tend to do well on my own. I always get //something// wrong. Like forgetting to line the tray, or burning the butter, or- whatever." It's always something new and different.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "It's not a bad thing Gabby. I know I can only get my hands so clean. Some of the grit is so ingrained that I'd have to bleed to get it totally clean or wear gloves for a month. I don't have a werewolf's healing unfortunately." Mercy considers the question. "Long as the shapes were mostly uniform in thickness we could do some shapes. Though it may be better to be creative with the dusting on the top and do some designs that way.
    Mercy thinks over Cael's question, "Depends on the cookie. Some have milk, some don't. For the record snickerdoodles do not." With that she starts to get out ingredients. There is eggs, flour, vanilla, sugar, butter, baking soda, salt, and some cream of tartar. "Oh, Cael can you get me the cinnamon if you will. Top shelf over there, should be a few sticks. There's a grater in that drawer there. I think a tablespoon and a half should do."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Supergirl hadn't expected to stop back in this area. But she did want to check up on the girl she saved from the gang, and when looking for her proved that she was in the same garage that was recently in the news...well, what can you do? So she lands on the doorstep, and knocks at the door. Taktaktak.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a swipe or two of the dish towel over her hands and forearms to get the rest of the damp off while Mercy starts to prepare the ingredients. "I can..." she pauses to consider what other chores might need to be done to prepare for baking cookies. "Uh, what temp should the oven be at?" That she knew how to do at least, and she wouldn't get in the way while the ingredients were gathered.

The urge to reach over and scritch Medea is forgone since she just cleaned her hands. Instead she regards the stove squinting at the dials on it to determine if it were gas or electric before she even makes the attempt.

The knock to the door causes her to jolt in place, and turn to head for the door with a quick, "I'll get it!" in an attempt to be helpful. It's there she pauses sniffing audibly. And sniffing again... before glancing over her shoulder at Mercy. "Uh, you... You know any Kryptonians, Mercy?" It doesn't stop her from opening the door though with a cheery, "Hi! We're baking cookies."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Jon prefers sticks. I still think it's a bit weird. They went on about it holding the flavor better, though..." Cael remarks as she gets down the cinnamon sticks. She finds the microplaner, and a little bowl to grate into - getting to work on the task. The knock at the door briefly draws her attention - her brow furrowing at the three knocks. ...Jon?
    But no. Jon's not a Kryptonian.
    She shrugs her shoulders before turning her attention back to her task.
    Bear - still obediently lying by the couch, squirms a little in Gabby's direction as the woman passes - the large white dog's tail thumping and his tongue lolling out. Then the pup seems to remember that he's supposed to be working, as the colorful 'service dog' vest he wears attests - and he rests his head back on the floor. Darn.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy pauses as there is a knock at the door subtly sniffing the air. She blinks in surprise at who it may be and turns toward it. "350 please Gabby," giving the oven temp, "Thanks!" She smiles at the blonde, "I met her briefly yes. Hello Supergirl, you're welcome to come in." She offers to Gabby, "Supergirl saved me on the way to the bank once, helped me out of a bind."
    TO Supergirl she offers, "I'm Mercy in case you don't remember, this is Gabby, the feline is Medae, and this is my other friend Cael." She steps over to greet the blonde in person.
    "I can do sticks if you like, Cael. If that's what Jon prefers we'll make them that way then. Honestly if they're sticks we can easily do letters. It may be fun."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Supergirl blinks in surprise at Gabby's cheerful greeting. "Cookies?" She looks around with the others, and then takes a step inside, cape swishing as she moves. "Mercy, I had just intended to check up on you and make sure that gang hadn't givven you any more trouble. And then I realized you lived in the place that had been on the news." The superheroine looks around, eyes giving the entire place a once-over. "I take it everything is all right, if you're making cookies, though?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins broadly at Supergirl while stepping aside to let her in. She moves back through the apartment, pausing at Bear to give him a little ginger head pat but no full out scritches. He was working. Then she heads on again ignoring MISS KITTYFUR because that would ruin her clean hands.

"Nice to meet you. I don't think I've met you before, but I've met Power Girl, Superman, and I'm teammates with Conner," she explains as she heads back to the stove to turn the oven on to the requested temp. "You guys really should try to visit him on occasion, he'd appreciate it. Even if he's grumpy. I mean I'm not one to talk about grumpy family, most of mine are, but I know he feels alone a lot." Here she pauses to clear her throat awkwardly. "Sorry. We're both clones so I get a little concerned with how he's treated at times."

Lightly clearing her throat she suggests, "Medea is the cat, she loves scritches." Ignore her rambling! Pet the cute thing!

Cael Becker has posed:
    "No, I mean- I have to grate the sticks for Jon too. We always had a thing of powdered cinnamon when I was growing up - but all I knew how to do with it was mix it with sugar. I'd grill tortillas on a gas stove, and rub them with a stick of butter, and sprinkle them with the cinnamon sugar, and roll them up." And that was about the extent of Cael's cooking skills.
    She's already set to work with the grating, as she turns briefly to look towards Supergirl, offering a nod of her head. "I'm Cael," she offers simply. "Don't mind Gabby. We know she's A Lot."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Oh that unpleasantness," says Mercy about the news. "I got looted after some trouble found it's way to my door. Insurance is taking care of it, eventually." She does her best to make the woman feel welcomed in the small and modest apartment over the garage. It isn't messy, but hardly spotless. A blanket on the back of the couch, several paperbacks found around. "You know I met another alien not too long after you saved my tail, Supergirl. Though he was a lot more orange then you are.
    Medae tries to be too aloof but she's a fan of petting and accepts it all. Spying someone new, of course the feline will hop down and move toward Kara and bunts along her shins and red boots. Mercy smiles over at Gabby, "Who's Conner?" IN that tone to suggest she's curious and if Gabby maybe has a little crush. "Do you think he's cute?"
    "Oh! That makes more sense, Cael. Likely tastes better too. I try to get fresh spices if I can afford them." She will move to set a small bowl and sugar with a measuring cup near Cael. "I need this much sugar in that bowl. Mix it up with the cinnamon when done."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    "It's fine." Supergirl answers Cael, in reference to Gabby, with a warm smile. "There's nothing wrong with being energetic. And Gabby, please tell Connor hello from me the next time you see him. He's welcome to visit any time. I don't have a LOT of free time, but I'll certainly try to get out and visit him soon."
    "And we do come in all different colors, Mercy." she says, wryly. She smiles down at the kitty, and will crouch down a bit to give her a scritch. "Connor is sort of my cousin. It gets complicated; cloning, like Gabby said."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"What? Cute?" Gabby pauses to stare at the stove with a look much akin to a deer in the headlights as she's caught with that question and unsure of how to answer it. A look of stern concentration creeps over her as if it were the most important question in the world. Thankfully it's one she doesn't have to immediately answer as Supergirl offers up her own response causing her to grin. "I will, thanks! And yeah it's not really a story for me to tell about him."

There's a pause before she finally blurts out, "And yes he's cute but he thinks of me as a little sister even though I'm older than him." Beneath her breath she mutters, "Darn aged up cloning."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "That's what Jon says. The fresh spices taste better. We have nothing but whole spices in the cupboards - and microplanes, and a spice grinder, and a mortar and pestle... Jon told me if I put coffee in his spice grinder he will make sure I regret it." There's amusement in her tone - as she doubts Jon will follow through on any dire threats. She continues grating as she talks - and eventually dumps the sugar in with her cinnamon, swirling it all around to combine it.
    "There we go. Step one finished."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I didn't meant to offend, Supergirl, if I did." Mercy is all smiles and relaxed though. "Oh now you done it," she says about the cat being petted. "She'll own you forever," as the cat of course demands even more petting and arches her back to the hand. "It's very nice of you to stop by, I want you to know I appreciate it. Also I think it be nice to have family like that. I get complicated. My own is.... odd."
    Gabby's reaction tells Mercy what she needs to know about Gabby and Connor. She is working without checking the recipe having looked it up recently. "I had a similar problem, my foster father was far older then me by an exceptional amount. Yes I get that fathers and siblings are different."
    "No doubt about it with fresh spices. You're going to make me jealous of that set up you have Cael." She takes the things Cael did, "That's the topping and we'll let you put it on." She is working quick on the dough itself. "You want to join us Supergirl?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Supergirl smiles back. "Connor sometimes needs to be hit over the head with the obvious, Gabby. Tell him straight out and you'll be more likely to have better luck. And fresh spices are always best." She gives Cael a nod. "And no, I'm not offended. I don't want to interfere with your activity; I'd just meant to check in on you, not to intrude." She sniffs the air. "It smells very good, though."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds up her hands with a quick shake of her head at Supergirl's remarks. "Oh no no. No. I've *been there*," she assures with a wry grin as her hands drop to her sides again. Just twithing a little bit as she itches to DO something with her hands, but the tasks were pretty much taken up by Cael and Mercy. Likely a good thing given she wasn't much for cooking. "It's okay it was awhile ago. I'm over it."

"I'm coming to realize I have the same luck my dad has with relationshiiip actually no, he probably has more luck but I do not want to think about that."

Smiling ruefully she steps away from the oven with a quick pat to the top of it before glancing at her hand. "Not hot enough to burn me yet. Still got awhile to heat up."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Oh, fuck, Gabby, don't start with that. I got in my first relationship when I was //twenty five// and it was awkward as hell." Cael glances at Mercy, and Kara as she remarks, "I managed to fall for a man... who was already happily married to //another man.// And I assumed 'well, I'm an idiot. He's taken and he probably doesn't even like girls.'" She smirks in amusement - thinking back to those first, very confusing days.
    "...and yet it all worked out. So don't go getting all depressed about it. You know? When it's supposed to work... it'll work."
    With her part of the work done for the moment, she leans back against the counter, turning so she can face the others.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy offers, "Stay. Take your cape off and relax as long as you like. The cookies bake fast. We can enjoy this test batch for us and still have plenty for Jon as I doubled the recipe to make extra for everyone already." Glancing over her shoulder, "it is the least I can do for that time you helped me out."
    Seeing Gabby's fidgeting some she reaches over to say, "Mix that for me. I need it to a smooth even batter, no lumps at all but texture is alright. This is for your ginger snaps." They got two types of cookies to be made. "My oven is old and takes time to get going."
    "I am so not going to tell you all about my first crush or romance." She winces in sympathy for Cael's statement of past romance blunders. "So if we're going to eat cookies later and watch a bad movie, what should we watch?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Supergirl smiles faintly. "I didn't even have the concept of a relationship the way humans do till I got here." She admits. "So I'm sure you all have more experience than I do." She considers. "If the oven's a little lacking, I can quickly bake them for you." she offers, while reaching towards her cape to detatch it from her costume and set it aside.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances back over at Cael with a mild look of surprise at that. "Oh! No no, I meant he has really BAD taste in women. Not that they're bad themselves, just the combo of them together is bad." Pausing she adds, "He says he has had more stable relationships with the guys he's, er. Dated? Apparently he's in a long term relationship of sorts with Hercules."

THANKGOD Mercy hands her a bowl earning a quick nod of agreement as she starts mixing. Her arm wraps around the bowl holding it tight while her other hand starts the stirring with a vengeance. "Besides I did date someone before. I was fifteen, he was nineteen. I helped rescue his soul from help and gave a part of my soul to help free him. He broke up with me because I was 'too good for him.'" Okay that was out.

"Oh! Right we still haven't decided on the movie!" Glancing back to Supergirl she grins at her. "Ah, nah. I don't think *anyone* has any idea about relationships, really. We're all kind of messed up."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "No, I mean- it sounded like you were starting to think you're cursed to be unlucky with love. I'm just saying- you never know when it's going to work out. And when it's //meant// to work out - it will." Cael shifts a bit uncomfortably - this sort of... helplessly romantic sort of talk is very atypical for her.
    "And. ...yeah. We're all pretty messed up in this line of work. I know I am."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "My basis for relationships was not normal for humans either Supergirl. I wasn't raised around humans," Mercy shakes her head some. "I didn't get any experience really until I was heading off to college. Even then it was difficult for me. Not to mention having to learn everything I thought was normal... wasn't." Of course with the cape free, this means Medae must move it and get it positioned just so for her new bed. "That sounds great Supergirl. If you want to help the oven get hotter then it be a big help!"
    Mercy seems to be used to reading body language and being around groups despite being a bit of a loner. She easily moves from person to person. Giving them something to do or to not do as seems best. "My first several dates were such a /wreck/ because I was reading body language and expecting others to be doing the same. I had soooo many mistakes and faux pas it isn't funny."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Supergirl nods. "I've started experimenting with relationships." She walks over to the oven, and opens the door of it. Red light emits from her eyes into the oven, bringing it up to temperature. "There, that should do." She closes the door and straightens up. "Ugh. I made SO MANY faux pas. Human culture is very different."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney continues the mixing of the bowl. She tries not to bang the spoon against the side too much, but does stop to scrape the sides down on occasion. Just to make sure. "Oh, no, not giving up. I'm still young. And anyway I think the situation with Robbie and Rien was way, way worse and more awkward. Uh, don't tell her I mentioned that."

Glancing over to Supergirl she can only nod in apparent agreement. "I grew up in labs. I'm still learning, too. People are very different, and everyone seems to think everyone else can just guess what they're thinking it feels like. Kinda silly."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "My childhood was a mess," Cael says simply - without offering anymore elaboration. It was a complicated mix of living at home, living in foster care, and living in group homes - before she ran away and started couch-surfing with gang members.
    "I'm not particularly good at relationships. Romantic relationships baffle me. And friendships- well. I haven't had very many of them in my life." There's a momentary pause before she adds, "I have a few now." It's kinda weird.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I think I can relate a little Supergirl. I didn't grow up in a different planet. But I was sent away when young to grow up with foster parents in a very secluded community that, if I am honest, was more 'not human' then 'human.'" Mercy normally is not so open but also figures if you can't trust Supergirl then why bother with a secret at all. "Thanks again. We'll let the oven sit a minute and then we'll get things into the oven." She invites Kara closer. "Want to roll and portion some cookies, Supergirl? You can wash your hands if you like and join."
    "I think none of use fit in to the collective view of 'normal' so why bother. Normal can be boring anyway. I like Rien, just don't know her well. I know Robbie even less well. Met him once."
    "I think you're doing fine Cael. You had a lot to deal with from the brief time I've known you. Lots to adjust to. This first batch for Jon should be ready in 15 minutes." Mercy has started to set out some storage containers on her kitchen table, getting some tape and a pen to label. There's a set named Jon, Gabby, SG, and finally Me. "There. Now everyone can take some home when we're done if they want to."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Supergirl smiles. "I'd love to stay longer...but really, I should go." She'll pick up the labeled container. "It was nice to meet all of you! But I have to get back to Metropolis." She gently moves the cat off her cape, and takes it, reattaching it as she heads for the door. "Have fun with the baking!" And then she leaps into the air.