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Mankind Can be Monsters
Date of Scene: 27 August 2022
Location: MGH Production Center
Synopsis: Lorna Dane stops the Friends of Humanity from experimenting on missing children to make Mutant Growth Hormone and uses a minimum amount of force.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Lorna Dane

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Even in Bushwick, for many mutants it can be a hard life. Many of them are used to being on the streets, or too paranoid to want to stay somewhere for long. There can always be those that despite the best efforts slip through the cracks. That the aid agencies can only do so much to try and track down and help.
    But when several turn up missing in short order, it's too blatant to just be random. Some of said aid agencies have put in a desperate request for aid to the Genoshan Embassy.

    And the Queen of Genosha has come to handle it personally. Outside of New York, in the Adirondack foothills is an abandoned railway silo to which the missing mutatns have been tracked. And one of the more extremist elements of the Friends of Humanity that's been the one doing it.

Lorna Dane has posed:
This was not the sort of thing that Lorna Dane should be doing. Yet when the request had come across her desk it was at a time when she was feeling a bit emotional. Enough so that hearing this news ontop of everything else had put her into a cool burning rage. While she would normally contact the Brotherhood over some matter such as this there was the small issue of a few of those missing mutants being ones that had recently applied for residency on Genosha.

That meant they were her people, too.

With Mystique and others current occupied elsewhere and knowing time was of the essence, the green-haired Queen dons her rarely used uniform. It had been modified at least enough to add a hood to her attire so that she could presume some semblance of protecting her identity, but most knew that Polaris and the Queen of Genosha were one and the same regardless.

With the location in hand she finds herself soon enough where she needed to be: Approaching the railway silo with the bold steps of someone confident enough to walk through a minefield untouched.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Lorna can hear yelling. She can sense vehicles moving. Dozens and dozens of men rushingout wearing heavy armor, wielding heavy, military grade weapons. Several old Russian tanks and APC's are coming out of the silo and numerous men.
    "Mutie scum!" Various chants going through them as they go to get out and get ready to face Lorna. THey're going into firing lines, the tanks bearing down on her with their weapons raised high and pointing over at her.
    Thinking they just have a perfect crossfire setup to catch her amongst the massive amount of firepower akin to an army batallion.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane hadn't come alone. Not entirely. While the Brotherhood's main operatives might be gone she still had resources at her disposal. Including a satellite which she had asked be trained on her position the entire time.

The arrangement of forces coming out, as well as the shouting, is recorded either via the satellite or the bodycam she'd clipped to herself. Her bases were covered.

"It's been determined by both the United States Government, and Genosha security forces, that unwillingly, and unlawfully, imprisoned mutants here. Including several Genoshan nationals, and CHILDREN."

Lorna lifts her head surveying the approach of hostilities yet not showing any force. Not yet. Even that magnetic aura that Magneto himself was so fond of flying around in wasn't present. As far as all could tell she hadn't even lifted one finger or power against them. Yet.

"I'm giving you three minutes to release them and back down."

Did she need to add 'or else?'

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The men aren't particularly bright. On top of being fanatics. This doesn't even phase them in the slightest. There's no taunts back, no insults, no orders.
    Actually there are quite a few, but they're all buried behind the sounds of the firepower being sent towards her.
    "Wipe the mutie off the face of the Earth!" They likely know who she is. This just makes it all the better for them to get to deal it on some high end scum.
    Machine guns. Tanks. Rockets. Bullets of every kind imaginable. Grenades. Gatling guns. Missiles. They're blasting over at her with enough firepower to level a small town and not holding back at all. Men who have been given toys and only know how to use them.
    Intent on leaving her a bloody smear on the earth as a testament as to how dangerous they think themselves.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"So be it."

The urge to smile is repressed though even if she did it wouldn't show up on any camera anywhere. Not at the angle she was at versus them. H&D manned the satellite feeds from the safety of the asteroid and she trusted the twins to get the best possible shots while the feed from her own bodycam was fed into the virtual cloud and backed up to reinforce her stance. She'd given them a chance. She hadn't attacked first.

As bullets, missiles, tanks fire upon her the trajectory of all the weapons fire suddenly alters. Instead of going straight they zoom around her only to continue on their path back toward those firing. Bullets hit weapons. Munitions tanks. Grenades bounce back into the ranks. Nothing hits her as she starts across the field simply walking with her hood sliding back in the breeze created by the firepower to reveal her green crown--And the steel and hematite crown she'd worn upon her brow. Modest yet obvious as to who she was and who she was representing while here.

Lifting a hand she crunches the turrets of the tanks before they can fire again. The gatling guns scrunch like so much tinfoil. If more are brought out that only adds to the torrent that is assailing them.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Bullets go to fly off her, ricocheting and going back into guns. Weapons are sent flying, tanks disabled, rockets turning back over on their shooters. It's sending dozens of men flying, two tanks disabled, and most of the APC's with treads burnt off and gatling guns shorn fully away. THe men are swearing over as several are injured and sent spiraling away.
    Several of them are trying to get up and over, crawling towards her.. Or away from her for those that have broken.
    Some of the men coming running out of the silo they had setup shop in. One of them goes to taunt at her, "We're BETTER now than you, mutie scum." He goes to jab a needle into his arm.. Filled with if Lorna can recognize it or not Mutant Growth Hormone. HIs eyes would flash green and then yellow, even as his body starts to turn over to raw blue plasma energy.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Exploiting and abusing people does not make you superior in ANY way. A war has already been fought over this, remember?"

Not that it matters--He wouldn't listen. She doubted any of them would. It was for the cameras, for herself, for her heritage. Not just her mutant heritage either.

When it becomes apparent they're shooting up with the drugs obtained only by bleeding a mutant dry she... well she reacts. The needles that are in their arms suddenly wedge in further, down to the bone, down until their tips bend and twist making any further delivery of drug impossible as well as causing a significant amount of pain.

It's then she rises up into the air feeling the magnetic energies flow around her and using them to loft her higher, away from any imminent danger on the ground. And the crumpled damaged tanks take to the air to converge in one large screech of metal on metal slamming into the man changing into some plasmid form.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She doesn't need to wave her hands. She doesn't need to smile. Her powers are a part of her and hse just has to think. It doesn't mean that she can't do it for her own indulgence or enjoyment, however. The men in the last rank are injecting themselves with drugs torn from mutants.
    Mutants that are often vivisected, always tortured, and frequently killed in the end to draw genetic materal from to make the cocktail slushy that gives powers.
    What the men aren't expecting is how she freezes the drug going down the needles. For the men going to slam them into their bodies, there's confusion. Why aren't they working? They spasm and fall over in pain. Tanks are hurled into them. That leave bloody smears behind as Lorna showcases her abilities.
    MEn scream. Men are crippled. Men die. As the blasts of fire at her become more and mor einfrequent as men are crippled and break.

Lorna Dane has posed:
It had been too long since she unloaded her powers in any significant way outside of helping to rebuild Genosha. So much work had gone into it. So much devestation. The fact that they'd found a mass grave left over by the Peacekeepers that ran Genosha before was certainly enough to make her livid.

This was catharsis.

Lifting a hand she gestures to the side. "If you wish to stop fighting, go over there and you'll be safe. I will call in medical aid for you. Now, I WILL be taking my people back."

In whatever shape they were in. Hopefully alive. The metallic walls to the silo start to peel away. Bolts pop, nails fly out, and whatever is within is revealed bit by bit. Until either people escape or she find what she's looking for.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Few of the men are smart enough to surrender. For those that are about to raise thier hands up in the air and drop thier weapons.. One of the more fanatical leaders just goes to fire a shot into the head of one, "Fight to the death to kill the muties!"
    The fanaticism does not appear to be universal; or at least some of the men seem to have enough self preservation to see it through.
    Inside as she goes to tear the facility apart she finds roughly twenty mutants that are still alive, hooked up to medical eqiupment that looks like it came out of a horror movie in varying states of unconsciuosness. There are techniciansa nd doctors that are cowering and hiding behind anything they can get behind.
    The mutants do not seem to be dead. She's arrived in time.

Lorna Dane has posed:
The scene of the man firing at his own person is caught on the bodycam Lorna wears before she can stop the bullet from firing. The man goes down as she lets out a curse beneath her breath. That man becomes the first that Lorna herself outright kills as the bullet fired launches back at the man square between the eyes.

Then she looks away to resume her search. Finding the mutants alive was all she needed. A single deep breath is taken as she looks over those here. A slow scan of the area is taken in as her expression turns to one of sheer, unadulterated rage. If she were her father they would all be dead. All of them, without a second thought.

Instead she records it all.

"H&D, contact the authorities and send them to these coordinates. Set up med-evac for the kidnapees. And see to it that medical services are provided to those who surrendered as well."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She tried. She's on camera as trying to save the men that are so crazed they execute their own. She's tried to keep as many alive as possible and even for those that have been hurt she's trying to ensure they don't die. SHe's acted in self defense and has saved lives. Mutant and human. She's given mercy where in turn none would have been given.

Something to be proud of, perhaps. But that will look good upon Genosha no matter what. Aid comes in from the authorities, from those giving aid.. And it counts as a win.