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Latest revision as of 13:08, 31 August 2022

Rooftops and Relaxation
Date of Scene: 30 August 2022
Location: Roof - Renovated Theatre - The Roost
Synopsis: Some rest and relaxation on the rooftop
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Bart Allen, Emiko Queen

Phoebe Beacon has posed:

    In spite of the rather dull description of the room, there is in fact gardening up on the rooftop of the roost. Tim Drake's residence has the whole 'Green' thing going, with vegetables and herbs, flowering bushes, and a grass pad for those who like to roll around in some turf. Like Yap. Plenty of room to stretch out, and the gardener had it on good authority that the bioship liked to look at the flowers.

    She never really questioned M'Gann on that one.

    Among the benches and the boxes, there's an extra-large blanket spread out over the grass. A little braizer is going, the warm tones of sandalwood and spice that make up nag champa helping to cover the normal smells of the city around them, the smoke winding its way upwards and carried on the breeze on the rooftops.

    The air has had the chance to cool down, though there's the ever-present threat of rain that Gotham seems to be known for, along with the sweet smell of cocoa and sugar.

    Oreos always remind Phoebe of her Outsiders.

    Idu is busy inspecting the boxes and planters and pawing at the turf, and his owner is laying back on the blanket, a lantern by her side and a leather-bound book over her face.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has brought Emiko along with him, as he came out to see what's going on at the Roost. Emiko is riding in the Impulseshaw as she has a decent sized cloth container with them, with screen sides so the occupants can see inside, and right now it is occupied, two eyes look out at the world but oddly they seem rather far apart, but as you get a chance to see inside it more you see it is two one eyes black cats. They are somewhere in the middle of growth not full grown but not quite kittens any more either. Bart has a stack of containers on the back of the shaw with his friend's pets name on them. Spotting Phoebe and Idu, he sill smile and says "Hey there, how you doing?" He does offer Emiko help with the cats and getting out of the shaw.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko hands the carrier off to Bart while she hops from the 'shaw, taking out a pair of leashes to go with the vests each cat wears. "We're still training them to stay close outside, so for now, vests and leashes." She flashes a quick smile towards Phoebe before attaching a leash to each vest, then releasing the cats from their carrier. Letting them sniff around and explore the rooftop at their own pace. She hands one of the leashes to Bart with a kiss to his cheek before moving along with Muninn as he sniffs about. "What book is that?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Bart is a familiar friend to the desher-hound, and his long ears prick up, blue eyes settling on Bart before he gives his yodeling little not-quite-a-bark, and then stops short.


    Multiple Cats! The small predators known for the destruction of songbirds and small creatures, beloved of the ancients and, let's face it, still worshiped in the form of websites named for interesting patterns of speech.

    Idu sniffs a moment, ears pricking forward as instinct battles intellect.

    But Phoebe brings the book up, blinking dazedly as if she had just woken up, and gives a sharp whistle to the sight hound. Who sits. And Looks. At the CATS.

    Phoebe draws up to a cross-legged position, the book set in her lap as she stretches her shoulders and gives a yawn before she signs:

    -An account of meeting angry spirits at Khartoum, eleven hundred B C E- she stretches her fingers again, looking both to Emiko and Bart, and giving a tired smile and a wave.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen takes the leash and says "Hey, meet Huginn and Muninn, " He says of the cats, and he has been working on them to be social well as best you can work with a cat. Luckily Bart knows one thing, unlike most pet owners, he is faster than his pets, and if things start to go south he can handle it. He kisses Emiko back on the cheek, and says "Figured the boys could use some outside time, and here would have a chance of running into you guys, Yap or Mr MurderMittens, so they would be getting some socializing too." He moves to find a place to stand that gives the cat a bit of room to roam, but not to much just yet, as he watches Huginn is sniffing about too, but is also keeping his eye occasionally on Idu.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko chuckles and gives a nod, "They get to be around Bart's pets with supervision, but they need to learn to be around other animals that aren't... well, prey." She can tell exactly when Muninn has spotted Idu, the cat's tail fluffing out as it hops in surprise and lets out a squeak. As the fur settles, the cat starts to cautiously creep towards the dog, scenting the air. Emi watches Muninn with a smile and glances towards Huginn to see what he's up to before looking back to Phoebe with a nod, "So just a little light reading then." Letting out a chuckle, she nods to Bart, "Also lets us get out a bit."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Idu gives a huff, and then draws down, head between his paws as he watches Muninn intently, his curled-over tail wagging slowly as he watches. Huginn is ignored, for the moment by the canine, though Phoebe wiggles her sock-clad toes to try and catch the feline's attention.

    -Studying. Instruction.- she signs, and shrugs her shoulders.

    -Spent day cleaning new work space and registerring for classes. Feels good to be outside in the air.-

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will translate if Emiko does not speak sign. He smiles a bit and Huginn does see the toes after exploring some of the plants, and will start stalking them, sneaking up on them so the toes do not see him coming. Bart will chuckle a bit and says "New Work space? And classes, what you taking?" He will ask her. "If any of my books from last year are ones ya need let me know."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko watches as Muninn creeps in closer, sighted in on the dog, whiskers and ears forward, tailtip flicking. She chuckles softly, "Uh oh, kitties on the prowl." Looking back to Phoebe, she gives a nod, "We both have books from last year, so depending on what your major is, we might be able to save you the hassle of going to get them." Then to Bart, "What's your class load like this fall?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    -Books delivered yesterday. Biology for pre-med. Special permission to remain at home instead of in the dorms due to trauma.- Phoebe signs again. And she gives a nod to Bart. -CURIO moved. Reclaimed old spaces. Including one he worked in.-

    She shrugs, and Idu stays very... very still as the Muninn creeps nearer, his tail wagging harder as he watches the cat make his approach.

    Phoebe doesn't see Huginn in the plants, sneaking up on those defenseless toes!

    She does lean back though, bringing her hands up so they can be seen. -Biochem I. Philosophy. Ethics. Arabic for language class. Cheating with that one a little.-

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Well if you need anything let me know I got some of the biology books, starter classes at least, and my books not been read much." He offers. He looks over to Emiko and says "Medium, I got a couple online classes this semester since handled everything pretty well according to the professors last semester." He offers in explanation. And about then Huginn will pounce on said toes, but he seems to know this is more play then pray as the claws are there a little bit, and nips a bit but not full fledge biting the toes.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko grins, "I can help with the Ethics. That's actually a big part of my major." She nods to Bart, "Most of my classes are online this semester, but I still have three on campus. A lot of the professors have been choosing to work from home now that it's an option, and I have to say... it's been nice." Muninn gets close enough to snif at Idu's paws, very much aware of his brother's presence and the toes he attacks. But Muninn's curiosity is stronger than the temptation of play (for now), and this new creature is being studied quite carefully.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's toes give another wriggle as Huginn pounces! How dangerous! She reaches over with one hand to wriggle her fingers against the cat's side with a little smile, drawing her gaze up to Bart and Emiko, and she shrugs her shoulders a moment.

    -Thankfully a lot of my courses offer a test-out option. Credit and free time. Since I can't get credit for Superhero Healing.-

    Idu's nose wiggles as Muninn comes closs enough to sniff at the hound's paws, and his head slides forward just a little bit -- and then he attacks! WITH HIS TONGUE! The forty pound canine unleashing the tongue and just licking once at Muninn!

    He almost seems to laugh.

    Phoebe looks over to the canine.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen watches as Huginn leans into those fingers, seeming to like the attention, rolling onto his side, and biting at the toes, he is oh such a hunter. But again either he knows it is a person or something as he is not biting to hard, might come from Bart playing with them or might be just smart cat. He nods, and says "I thought about testing out of some of mine, but it looks better for the zoo, if I am actually going and they know I am trying."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Don't look at me, I love testing out of classes. As an immigrant, it's /hilarious/ to know this country's social and justice systems better than its natives do. Then again, you practically have to be an expert just to pass all the tests required to get a green card." She shakes her head, "And then people get mad because we're better educated when it's a requirement for entry." Chuckling, she watches Munnin get licked by Idu. Sneaky dog! Muninn lets out another squeak, batting the tongue with a paw. A trio of rapid strikes (no claws involved) pat-pat-pat against the sneaky tongue! And then the cat becomes overcome by the need to groom. To straighten the misplaced fur, with a veangeance!