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Latest revision as of 02:57, 1 September 2022

Hell(boy) of a night
Date of Scene: 01 September 2022
Location: Sheldon Park - Bleake Island
Synopsis: Red stumbles across Phoebe Beacon, wearing jammies and studying for a biochem course that she's taking, fitting things between supernatural investigation, occult research, and crime fighting. She gives him a little bit of insight into the other parts of her life.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Hellboy

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Gotham Night is full of danger. If it's not gang war, it's murders and serial abusers, it's horrible and full of terror, not the least of which generally arrives with a cape.

    And while most other nights she would be out among the capes on patrol, Phoebe was up on the rooftops of Sheldon Park's Cauldron neighborhood, with a little censor of incense, some seating cushions and a cooler, with Introduction to Biological Chemistry splayed across her legs.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy's office is in Gotham. He lives in Gotham. Gotham is his city. He isn't best friends with Batman, but there are people who live in New York City who have never been on the Ellis Island tour. Still, he's used to the horribleness.
    What he's not used to finding on the rooftops of Gotham City is Phoebe. "Hey, Kid," he says as he stops sneaking around somewhere behind her. "What are you doing up here? I thought you were a cultist or something out to summon a horde of angry locusts or...something..." He walks up next to her and flops down on one of the cushions. With his left hand, he opens the cooler and looks inside. If this was a demon summoning, it was working prerty well.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    -I don't even think it would be a first to summon Demons with biochem. Positively Faustian.- Phoebe signs as Red puts on an appearance. She's looking a bit out of sorts. She's got poofy curls from her hair growing back, and is wearing a GOTHAM U FRESH T-shirt over a pair of pajama pants with fancy tyranosaurs with tea cups on them.

    The cooler has some bottled waters. Some still mineral, some fizzy in fun flavors like 'shouted the word raspberry in its general area' and 'Mandarin'.

Hellboy has posed:
    Water. Boring. Still, Red takes one with the Right Hand of Doom and flicks some water off it from the ice. He looks at Phoebe as he turns the cap. He pauses, looking her over. "You look like crap," he says, frankly. Then he puts the bottle to his lips and chugs the whole thing down.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    -Feel like it too.- she answers back with the same level of frankness, before she looks up to Hellboy with an amused expression. -Can't look pretty all the time.- she signs. She grabs out one of the mineral waters herself and gives it a twist. -How you been?-

Hellboy has posed:
    "No," Hellboy says, crunching the bottle and shaking his head. "You still look pretty, you just look like you don't give a crap." He furrows his brow at her. "What do you need? A hug? A beer? No, you're not old enough to drink," he says, lecturing her and waggling his finger at her even though he was the one who suggested it. He puts his left fist into his right hand, holding them together as he rests his arm on top of his knees. "I care about you. We'll get to me later. What's wrong? Seriously."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks at the lab book, and then looks back at Hellboy. Her eyebrows rise up.

    -Being a college freshman, accomplished paranormal investigator and crime fighter isn't enough to be up?- she asks, and then she wrinkles her nose. -Beer has zero affect on me. Healing powers supercharge my liver and kidneys.- she explains, and then she looks at Hellboy as the two sit in the lantern light on the roof, with some cinnamon incense burning in the little censor.

    -Last year around this time I was adopted by my mentor. Legally. My mentor and a guy who kind of assigned himself as my other dad. Turns out the former was a demon in a meat puppet and was mind controlling the other. Had a falling out with the latter few months back.- she signs, and then she stretches her hands a little, trying to put her thoughts into hand-signs.

    -Both British. We had a plan, over the summer I'd be in intense training and we would go through a bunch of towns in the U K that have crude or rude names and have a pint in each town.- she pauses.

    -Just been on my mind a lot I guess. With college coursework and investigations and fighting the things that go bump.-

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy watches the catch-up on Phoebe's life. He furrows his brow with compassion in his eyes as his already thin lips tighten. He lets out a sigh and looks at the crumped up water bottle. "That's rough," he admits. He looks at her again, then stands, stooping to pick up the cushion he was sitting on. He drops it right against the one Phoebe was sitting on, then flops back down on it. Then he puts his left arm around her. "Don't make it weird," he says. "You just really looked like you needed a hug, okay? Maybe someone to lean on right now."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe had paused her explaination, which doesn't delve too deep into her history in fact, and she looks as he lets out a sigh. She begins to consider that she overshared, and signs out -I'm sorry, that was T M I- before Hellboy picks up the cushion, and she considers, briefly, how much it would hurt to be knocked off the rooftop by a blow from the large, red being.

    Instead, he drops it down next to her, flops back down, and then gives her a one-armed hug.

    -No This Is Weird Already- Phoebe signs again, but she permits Red to give her a one-armed hug. Only because they've fought together, is what she tells herself, but her shoulders stiffen, and she looks uncomfortable with the contact.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy removes his arm from around her and gives her a pat on the back before leaning back and looking up at the sky. Not the stars. Gotham City doesn't get to see starlight, are you crazy? Even the sun is often blocked from shining. Still, he looks up, then over at Phoebe again. "Look, kid," he says, the term not one of condescending or belittling. He continues, "I know I'm not your dad or your new dad or your boyriend or...just whatever. I'm here for you, okay? We're all in this together."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe just stares across the city at the mention of her new 'Dad'. She taps her fingers together, she looks over at Hellboy, and then she shrugs.

    -Don't need a dad, new or otherwise, but it's nice to know someone has my back. I got yours.- she signs to Red, and then she leans back as well.

    She looks up at the clouded sky as well, and she tilts her head a moment. She brings both hands up, and she brings her palms together, before slowly splaying them apart, as if she were trying to part the clouds above them to defy the city weather and light pollution.

    Instead, constellations and stars appear about ten feet above the two, in pale, twinkling gold and blue, a display of magic for their sake.

    And then, with a toothy grin on her face, Phoebe signs -Nice Night.-

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy looks over at her each time she signs, watching her hands. He looks her in the eye and gives her a smile. "Yeah," he agrees. He looks up at the false stars and manages a smile. "Yeah, it is."