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Latest revision as of 01:04, 2 September 2022

Neverending Journey
Date of Scene: 01 September 2022
Location: Blake House
Synopsis: Thomas and Megan finish the last leg of their African safari trip, and after a short adventure they relax at the falls.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Megan Gwynn

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake awakes and instantly knows he's in Africa. The different animal noises, lions, hyenas. The smells. It smells like... it smells like a mixture of flowers, brine and human sweat. He looks to see Megan cuddled next to him and a large scorpion on his chest, ready to sting...

Scorpion.Scorpion! SCORE-PEA-YUN. One of the kinds that could land you in a hospital. He'd been stung before and apparently pissed about losing its footing. He reaches out carefully and grabs Megan's arm. "Megan... help."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been sleeping soundly, curled up against Thomas all night..At least it's a bit cooler at night, but there are sooo many scary monsters everywhere, and she is thankful that she's not here on her own. When she wakes up of course, it's back to the familiar hit, dusty old place. Annnnd then there's a scorpion on his chest. Her eyes widen in fear, frozen on the spot. "Meeeeep...Wha..What do I do? Err..? Just..Don't move! I'll...Err...Think of something.." she glances around for a knife or something flat that she can slide it onto.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks at the irritated arachnid, its pincers in an aggressive display, stinger twitching.

"Get. My. Knife," he says softly. "I am about to freak out." He attempts to get the blade at his side and the pincers dig into him a little. "Eh. Eh. Eh...."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps, carefully sliding the knife out of his back pocket, slipping it into his hand. "Ummm...Don't stab yourself? I could always try a sleep spell..?" of course she might end up putting them all to sleep..

Thomas Blake has posed:
Megan is pretty sure he never opened his eyes that wide, even checking her out in her little cat outfit. He accepts the knife. "I meant for you... Never mind. Get ready to book out of this tent." He slowly moves the knife closer, closer.

"Okay, get out. NOW!" The knife flashes and Thomas gives a yike of dismay. From outside the tent she can see the small structure heave and convulse in an epic battle of man vs, big bug.

"Gahhhh get away you... hah missed... aaaah another one! Aaaaaaaahhh!"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps and darts out of the tent, expecting Thomas to be the calm one here..And she did promise not magic but..Now she's freaked. "What? Another one? Where!? Bah, screw this...Mists of Morpheus! Go a little!" pink mist rises from her hands and thankfully the wind is in their favour, blowing it towards the tent and hidden scorpions rather than away. Hopefully Thomas is smart enough to move away from the tent too.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake exits the tent. He has two scorpions twitching and impaled on the slender blade, and Megan's pretty sun hat. He gets a face full of Morpheus and falls on his face. The scorpions die peacefully at least. Dust puffs around his sleeping form.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps, waving the dust away from his face, flicking the scorpions away while trying to pull him to fresh air. "Gah! Are you okay? Geez, those scorpions..This place! I guess I failed huh.." she sighs, wings wilting.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake waves a hand to his mouth after a few moments of being tugged and fanned. "CPR," he whispers. "A lot of it." He opens one eye to see her reaction to the request. Waves some more to come close. Opens an eye again to see if she is doing anything.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps some more, checking his pulse, and breathing, checking his body for obvious signs of injury or poison. "Ooh nooo did you get bitten?" she leans over him, stroking his face carefully, gently, checking to see if he actually needs CPR. Megan has basic furst aid skillz at least but..

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake snakes a thick arm around the fairy's neck and hauls her in for a kiss, every indication is he is the picture of health. He holds her on top- of him, arms around her waist. "What do you think you failed" I told you get out to give me room and you did. You made up a contingency plan to help me. Which could have been quite handy. Why are you so down on yourself Megs? Have I done something? Have you Mutant friends or those groups I'm not supposed to know about? You hung in there on a very difficult hike. You did what I told you with the devil bugs. What are you doing to make you think you failed? Heat stroke can happen to people. If anyone failed, I did." He brushes hair from her face and kisses her again.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn acks, but doesn't protest, laying down on top of him, hugging him tightly, kissing him slowly. It seems to relax her at least, "Ohhh I dunno, I've been nothing but trouble this trip, getting sick, slowing you down..Panicking when a scorpion climbs on you..Relying on magic when I'm supposed to be not." she pouts, stroking his face. "I'm sorry."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake snugs hr then rolls her off gently to get up. "No, you were fine. /I/ panicked. Except I stab shit when I panic. No you just overdid it. It's okay, you're new to this. When you were a rookie X-Man, you made mistakes. Now you're a professional Mutant Fairy." He holds out a hand to help her to her feet. "Anyway, you in the mood for something to eat? There a really good lodge about a mile down the trail. I want some coffee and eggs. What do you say?"

Yes, Megan was 20 minutes from an AC, room service, and a soft bed.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn bliiiinks, climbing to her feet. "Oooh! Does it have cold water, AC, a bath? Cuz I could really do with those. And lots and lots of ice cream!" she giggles. At least she seems calmer now, taking his hand, climbing to her feet. "Sooo how far?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake snuggles his fairy, glad to see the color return to her wings. "I'm not sure about the ice cream but definitely cold drinks, then a short walk to the waterfall." He begins folding the tent up and packing their bag, offering her a package of fig Newtons. "I mean we are in Africa. Also ice cream on top of a hike in this heat is a bad idea... pretty sure they have shaved ices with flavors. Much better. He shoulders the bag and gives her a swat on the shoulder. "You're doing good."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oooohs, "Waterfall! Can I swim in it? I looove waterfalls, especially in the middle of a hot desert.." well, they're probably not in an actual desert, just a hit and dry savannah. Just wait til she experiences a real desert. "Awe, whyyy can't we Ave ice cream?" she pouts a bit at the thought, but does her best to keep pace with Thomas, peering around at all the lovely sights and sounds. Making sure there are no more hungry lions or scorpions or charging elephants. Was that an elephant trumpet she just heard??

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake strolls alongside Pixie and takes her hand. "Lactose will give you a sick stomach in this heat. Ices won't. And yeah we can swim there... did you bring a swimsuit?" He frowns a little and looks down at his shorts.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "Yeaah I packed a swimsuit! Ooh, I didn't think of that, I mean, I'm not usually Lar use intolerant?"she pouts, "But I'll take your word for it.." she squeezes his hand,skipping alongside of him as she peers around, equal parts curious and nervous. "Sooo should we be worried about that elephant? Sounds a little too close for comfort.."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shrugs, "We'll just keep making noise so we don't surprise anything. There's a herd of elephants over there. We can't hurt them and they know it, we're good. So this is all it takes to please you? A shower and some ice cream? Wow, I was working so hard at it the other night." He squeezes her hand back carefully.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, looking happy now that they're not being chased by scary things..Plus she's figured out to fan herself with her wings rather nicely. "Yeah, Okaay, I guess I couldn't hurt em even if I tried." she laughs nervously but nods, staying close to him. "Really, did you expect me to be high maintenance? Cuz I'm not..Really." she pouts, "At least..I'm trying not to..?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gabs her about the waist and shakes her a little. "You're doing fine for a newbie. Also got to say this, you are the best smelling hiker I ever traveled with. I obviously am not. I think you go pouty because you want me to kiss you." He does kiss her. The couple arrive at a crossroads. They are now in sight of the lodge which looks quite comfortable. On the other trail is the roar of falls.

"You decide what we do first. Lodge or a swim?" He holds his hand out.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles and blushes, snuggling up against him. "Awe you're really fine, I like your scent." but she doesn't protest when he kisses her again, which only causes her to giggle some more. "Oooh, Umm well a waterfall does sound fun but after all the heat and walking, I'd love a little RandR."