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Revision as of 02:00, 4 April 2020

Sibling Support
Date of Scene: 31 March 2020
Location: Liberty Island
Synopsis: After a brief scare from some paparazzi, Shazam and Mary have a good heart to heart about things.
Cast of Characters: Mary Bromfield, Billy Batson

Mary Bromfield has posed:
It's been... a pretty crazy couple of days for Mary, and the urge to just hide in her room and play games until her eyes fall out is strong. But, well, she's got classes, and work, and responsibilities, so that's not really an option for her.

So instead, she's taking a bit of a break at the Statue of Liberty, as Mary, not her heroic alter ego. Mainly because she just needed a little bit of inspiration and encouragement. Plus, it's a nice spot to people-watch and see who's coming and going since it's a great way to witness tourists in their natural environment.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam has haunted the Statue of Liberty lately, between meeting his new friends and Achilles. He spots his sister right off. He starts looking for a place to change to talk with her as Billy, then smirks a little and drops down to hover over the bench. "Hello young lady. Is this seat taken?" He hopes she appreciates the humor and waits for her answer to sit down.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary looks up at Shazam and grins a bit wryly, "Well, sure, Captain Thunder, you can have a seat." She scoots over a bit to make room for Shazam, seeming somewhat amused by it, "How's it going?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam sits down and flexes a bit. "It goes well, young miss. I caught a purse snatcher, stopped a fender bender and honest, I got a cat out of a tree. This is a great gig until some kook shows up with a giant robot. Which hasn't happened yet. Darn it.]!" And he's having trouble keeping a straight face now. "I'm looking forward to some Dungeons and Dragons with my friends... Princess Sparkle Finger and Fire Jockey and..." He tries again to keep a straight face.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary chuckles, "Well, that sounds like fun. That's definitely not something just anyone can deal with." She gives Shazam a bit of a side-eye at "Princess Sparkle Fingers" but lets that slide. For now.

"Though, if anyone can handle a giant robot, I'm pretty sure it'd be you. I've just been sitting people-watching. Trying to not think about some stuff." Because, yeah, she puts on the brave face because Den Mother and she has to, but... doesn't mean she doesn't hurt.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam looks around and sees no one approaching. The threatening weather may have a little to do with that. He doesn't mind harsh weather since he was chosen. "Thank you, that is very kind." He leans closer and says softly, "You don't have to be a strong leader type all the time. I think that is why Shazam made it so we can change back. We can chill. You've been watching over our bunch so long you forgot you're one of us and we can... like support you too. I think this is why you been dropping those 'little brother' refs all the time. Anyway I will listen to you anytime. Just make sure Freddy and the guys aren't around. Or Darla. Or the folks. Okay?" Uncertain smile.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, and slips an arm around Shazam, giving him a firm hug from her position on the bench. "Thanks. And... yeah, you're right. I wasn't trying to put you down... I mean, I'm proud of you. And I'm proud of you being my brother."

She smiles, sitting back and looking at Shazam, "And yeah, we can always talk. You know that if Freddy ever figures out how to change on his own, he's never going to leave you alone, right?" Her lips quirk a bit, as she's keeping her voice down, "And you can always talk to me too. Never too busy to chat with my brother."

Billy Batson has posed:
It seems like one of those moments without words (not even Shazam). Billy wraps his arms around Mary and hugs her tight, patting her back. Big little sister. He rests his chin on her head a moment.

Lightning flashes, more lightning. Did she do it, why is it not making noise?

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, and looks up at Shazam, "Um... was that you?" She looks around puzzledly, then it sinks in. She didn't do it, he didn't do it...

Oh boy. Oh BOY.

Billy Batson has posed:
The next moments may blur for Mary as she gets held tight and Shazam streaks with her, into the sky. Once he's a few thousand feet up he switches to carry her with both arms in a more comfortable fashion. "Don't change back, you'll zap me too. At least we aren't... "

Shazam glares at the Eyewitness News copter paralleling their course. He says, "Put your head... agasinst my chest so they don't see your face. I'll get us out of here..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary puts her face against Shazam's chest so (hopefully) she's not easy to make out, "Well, okay, now I've got a bit of sympathy for Peter..." She pauses, hanging onto Shazam as she amends, "Not //much// mind you, but still." And she's mainly thinking how much ribbing the others are going to give her about this.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam can't go anywhere near his full acceleration with his big sister all too little, frail, and squishy in his arms. Then he realizes the crappy weather is gods sent. He dives into a bank of clouds and heads for home. "Any of them say a word to us... they don't get to transform for a month! Deal?" Look who's parenting. "I'm sorry Mary. For what it's worth I'd kill to have a great girl like you... shutting up."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "For the record, this is //not// what Freddy meant when he said we were all Game of Thrones, Billy!" She can't help but laugh at the silliness of it all, though at the comments about not transforming, "Well, exceptions for giant robots, but otherwise no transforming."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam nods. "Stop with my name when I'm Shazam. It's a bad habit to get into. Annn dI said a girl like you. Not /you/. You know, someone smart and pretty, and who could... fly... and is blonde... and likes belly shirts... and rainbows." He starts to blush and clamps up.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, "Wait, //Julie//?" She grins, "Well, Julie is pretty awesome, so well... want me to put in a word for you?" She chuckles, "I mean, I'm not sure what she likes, but I can always do a little bit of scouting for you. After all, isn't that what a sister is for?" She gives Shazam a curious look, "Hey, at least someone should have a shot at being happy, right?"

Okay, yeah, it still stings a bit.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam looks down at her and says, "If you would, that'd be great. I mean I looked at that story she wrote. Incredible stuff. Freddy wanted to read it, but I hid in the bathroom with it. Then he said to Frank and Rose I was in there a long time and... I hate Freddy sometimes. I mean she wrote that thing about hiding in the bathroom and sneaking out and her parents get all worried... when a teenage boy does it, The folks really sit up and take notice... "

Billy notices something that is not about him. He has done that lately. He makes a guess, "Peter isn't interested? Awww Mary, I'm sorry. Is he gay? Nothing wrong with it but... I mean he's very neat and well groomed..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary shrugs, "Well, not the first time I've been blown off, so... guess I'm just not a blonde superhero. Seems like he has a type." She gives Shazam a bit of a sad look, "Though, I'm going to track down Marie and demand a refund for that tarot card reading, I'll tell you //that// right now."

Yeah, she looks like she's hurting, but hey, no waterworks at least. She's been through that the five stages. That's what she's telling herself.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam oohs a little more and says, "You want to see something? It's a little out of our way and you need to stay under my cloak. Okay?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary tilts her head, then grins, "Okay... now that's all sorts of mysterious." She nods, "Lead the way." She then pauses, and adds, "You know, if you don't want me to call you the one thing you should show me how you did the trick so you don't automatically summon the lightning." Which, well, it IS a valid point!

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam throws his cape around her and accelerates. He yells against the wind, "You have to say it without caring about it. You care about everyone and everything. You need to be like, 'meh'. Then he pulls his cloak back and... they are flying over a pastoral island, a volcano on the horizon and the Aurora Borealis shimmers softly overhead in green and blue. It is early evening. "Welcome to Iceland. Pretty isn't it?" Then he does land on the rocky slope. "It tingles when you fly through the lights."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary shivers a little bit, "Oh-oh-oh-ohkay, yeah, r-r-r-r-eally pretty." She then looks over at Shazam, "Can... you... drop me?" Okay, she's shivering a lot now, but then again she's wearing her normal clothes and not using her pow...

Oh. Yeah.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam drops Mary and flies a safe distance away. then he whoops and streaks straight up!

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary falls and then says, with authority, "SHAZAM!" There's the crack of lightning, and suddenly Lady Shazam is flying upwards towards her brother, turning on a bit of the afterburners to follow him up. Then she smiles and looks around at the Northern Lights, "It's beautiful up here."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam enjoys the feeling of static playing across his face and hands for a moment then nods and says, "Yeah. Come back here when you feel down. I do. And now, race you home... little lady!" He departs with a blur of speed to anyone who doesn't have the speed of Mercury or Speed Force or you get the idea. He trails lightning bolts in his wake.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Lady Shazam grins, "Oh no you don't..." With that, she takes off like a bolt of lightning, the sonic boom crackling like thunder in her wake as she rockets off after Billy! Racing time!