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Latest revision as of 21:29, 7 September 2022

Another Night, another Day
Date of Scene: 07 September 2022
Location: Chelsea Residences
Synopsis: Hidden feelings are finally out in the open
Cast of Characters: Artemis Crock, Atrid

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock had had a restless night, tossing and turning, suffering all sorts of nightmares. But at least these nightmares were not so realistic as before..But they still had her waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat a couple of times..At least until day break arrived, along with the peaceful chirping of birds and wildlife outside, and a soft stream of golden sunlight falling on the bed. She'd been holding onto him with a viselike grip all night, but seems to relax at the sight of sunlight, blinking, rubbing her eyes. "Huh, what..?"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen smiles and kisses Art softly. "Hey, hey love look at you." He says smiling. "As beautiful as ever you were." Atrid strokes her hair gently. "I told you I'd stay and stay I have. Come here cutie." He pulls her closer. "Whaddya say until we here from Jean we stay here today, order food in watch movies, whatever but nothing with the outside world today, huh? Whatcha think about that?"

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock smiles faintly upon seeing him, snuggling up to him, returning a soft, tender kiss against his lips. "Hey there, handsome...I hope I didn't keep you up all night.." she sighs, curling up against him, grateful for the company, grateful that he at least helped to keep the bad things away, even though she'd never admit it so easily.

"Wait, you want me to stay here, all boxed in for days?" that sets her off again, frowning, shaking her head, pulling away. "I can't! I have things to do. And the best way for me to get over this is to keep busy, get my hands dirty. Get in some practice.." she glances around for her street clothes, dressed only in a short black nightshirt in this heat.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head. "No love not for days, just for today." He says softly. "Let's make a date of if, hanging out watching movies eating food. Snuggling and nuzzling, no no, no hitting the streets today, no training today. You need this one day to relax and recover, and you'll be staying here for today."

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock sighs, laying back on her pillow. "Geez, you're enjoying this waay too much, pampering me like I'm a delicate china doll? I'm not sick or delicate you know.." she frowns, staring out the window. "What good am I here, being useless and weak? I need to be out there, looking for the bastard who did this to me..Or at least doing something to keep my mind off those nightmares.."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head kissing her softly. "No you're not...under normal circumstances. These however are not normal, so you'll listen and you'll let me pamper and take care of you for now." He says with a smile. "Go take a bath I'll order us some food, and we will lie here and cuddle and eat and watch movies. Tomorrow we will start the hunt for this bastard, but today you are to be taken care of...I...can't lose you..." He whispers softly.

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock sighs, "Geez, you're soo stubborn. I'm fine, really!" she starts to climb out of the bed, a bath does sound good though, "I mean, you're not gonna give me a bubble bath and treat me like a kid too now, are you?" she smiles faintly though, her expression softening a bit at the last bit as she climbs to her feet.

"You know...That last part actually sounds pretty good..Are you really that worried that you're gonna lose me? Because I'm pretty tough you know. I've been through worse. Really.." she watches him thoughtfully, wanting to say more, but holding back for some reason. "Atrid..."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen smiles and takes her hand leading her to the bathroom and the tub. "I may just give you that bubble bath but not to treat you as a child. Only to dote on you and be the the loving adoring pampering boyfriend you deserve." He says with a loving look in his eyes.

"Yes I am Gods damn it, you're tough so am I but we aint invincible. Art...losing you...I..." He trails off and looks her in the eyes. "You what Art?"

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock groans, shrugging him off. "Don't need you to handhold me or give me a bath or protect me, you know.." yeah, she's being stubborn and difficult and angry, even though she seems torn, pausing to glance back at him.

"I dont know...How to react to this. I'm not used to people...Caring about me. How I feel about you, I just..." she sighs, finding it hard to put her thoughts, her feelings into words. "Why do you care so much? Am I really worth all that fuss?"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head not backing off. "No you don't need it, but it's nice to have someone to take care of you once in a while." He says softly. "Yes I do care this much, yes you are with all this fuss." He says softly its that last question that gets him looking away and sighing softly.

    "The way you feel about me is what?" He asks again softly before he blushes looking down for a moment. "You're worth it Art because I think...well...I love you..." He says softly.

Artemis Crock has posed:
"Yeaah.." she smiles faintly, "Just..Everyone I cared about left me, or turned evil. My dad, my sister, even my mom's in jail now." Well, okay so her sis came back but is she really a good girl now..? "I just..I don't want to..To lose you too. But, if I get too close then it'll hurt more."

She frowns, starting to unbutton her shirt. When he goes and says that and she freezes, turning away from him. "Atrid..." she bites her lip. "You..Shouldn't say things like that unless you really mean them.." she murmurs softly, although her cheeks turn slightly pink, shivering a bit.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen helps her take off that shirt and wraps his arms around her. "I ain't goin' no where love." He says softly. "Listen Art, I love you now, with this breath until my dying breath, and that won't change. I never say that which I don't mean, so take heart in the fact that I do mean it, and that this...this is real." Atrid says kissing her neck softly starting to run the bath for her.

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock shivers a bit stiffly, shaking her head. "I don't want to lose you, Atrid..I think I'm falling harder for you than you know.." but she's still holding back. "And I don't like it. I dont want you to turn evil, or just go away like everyone else." She turns around suddenly, hugging him tightly, wordlessly.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen hugs her back tightly kissing her deeply and passionately pouring every last drop of love and affection into her. "I'm not going to go away my love, I'm not going to turn evil, well no more evil than I am today or was yesterday or the day before." He says softly running his hands up and down her back. "You are my world my everything and I'd kill or die to keep you loved and protected."

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock just shakes her head, hugging him more tightly as she presses more tightly against him, her lips finding his in a slow, deep loving kiss. If actions could speak louder than words - and she's always been better at doing rather than saying - than her kiss right now says a lot.

"You'd better not die on me or turn evil or something stupid, or I'll kill you myself.." she pauses only briefly to glance up at him, tugging at the buttons of his shirt, her heart racing a little faster now, running on adrenaline, on pure emotion..Is that what love feels like? "You have to promise me, you'll always find a way back to me, and I'll always find a way back to you, no matter what!"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen smiles and helps her remove his shirt. "Yes I swear it to you, no matter what the hell happens I will find my way to you always and forever, but Artie, Swear to me you'll always find yer way back to me and you'll never give up on me no matter how hard it may seem."