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Latest revision as of 13:32, 9 September 2022

We Have A Problem
Date of Scene: 08 September 2022
Location: Seaside Victorian House
Synopsis: Morrigan's not wanting to eat, so Riordan calls in some help. He doesn't know he's the food though!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Jason Blood

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had went radio silent over the past twenty four hours and when that happened that was a clear sign that something was up. She wasn't at the school, so that meant that she was at home. And apparently the situation at home was reaching code red.

Jason had gotten a simple text from an unknown number: "Could you stop by Morrigan's when you get a chance? This is Rio."

The sender of the text was non other than Riordan and he was actually in his human form today should Jason show up. The black haired man with dark eyes and a lot of tattoos is seated on the front steps smoking a cigarette and whistling to himself as the hand that holds the cigarette is rested on his knee. He seems to be just waiting around, but not impatient with it. People, even Immortals, had things to do in life.

Jason Blood has posed:
Just the radio silence was enough to get Jason's hackles up, but the message? Jason is drawing up a ritualistic teleportation spell right away upon the text. But this time, he aims for her doorstep, not wanting to cause a disruption like last time.

Stepping out and onto her porch, Jason looks quickly to Riordan. "Thank you for messaging me. What is the matter?" His voice is twinged with concern.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Rio's used to the teleportation and he takes one last drag from his cigarette before he puts it out on one of the steps. He stands up when Jason steps out and gives a nod of his head to the man, "Mister Blood." the Herald greets him. "Sorry for the dramatics, but her highness is...not doing well." the man frowns.

"We've discovered that her condition is slipping, her vision is almost gone again. But she's having a bit of a hard time listening to me when I tell her what needs to be done to move past this and get better. I was wondering if you could help talk some sense into her?" he asks. "I'll warn you she is a bit moody. I haven't gotten her out of the lab today." he offers.

Jason Blood has posed:
There is a deepening frown on Jason's already deeply frowning face. "I do not like hearing that at all," he says.

He glances towards the cottage, and then back to Rio. "So she knows what to do, she just won't do it?" He frowns. More. "Yes. Let me talk to her. Please, lead the way."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I figured you wouldn't, I don't mean to throw in dramtics either, she's going to be pissed that I called you in, but I don't want her suffering and I have a sneaking suspicion that neither do you." the man states as he turns to head towards the door to the house.

"Yeah, she knows what she needs. She just doesn't want to take blood from someone. I don't have blood to spare and the surplus blood she has isn't working. Apparently fresh is what she needs and Morrigan hasn't ever bitten anyone." he explains like he's taking someone on a tour. The door to the front door is pushed open and then he leads Jason past Occam who gives a 'mew' as they pass.

The door to the basement is opened and Rio doesn't attempt to go down. "The lab is the second door down there, she's been keeping it open, so I'm sure she'll hear someone coming. Scream if she gives you any trouble." he points out to Jason.

Jason Blood has posed:
"Of course I don't," snaps Jason, with a bit more of an edge to his voice than he intended. "Sorry, I just..." He has been on edge, naturally, this whole time with her and her situation.

"How has she gone this long without..." He pauses, and then just follows along. "That's impressive, but also, she needs sometimes to follow her nature."

Jason chuckles. "Oh, I doubt she would give me trouble. Or could, or..." He shrugs. "Thanks." He nods, and turns and heads down to the basement.

"It's Jason," he calls ahead, not that that is necessary.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"No need to apologize to me, I know that things are stressful. Just...I'm going to give you two some alone time. I don't need to hang around. If you call I'll come though." he states. "We didn't think that she needed blood anymore. I should have figured it was too good to be true." Rio muses. "Either way...I'll be back around later." he salutes him.

There is music playing as the sound of some medical device is going off in the second room. A mechanical voice reading off numbers. "Those aren't right." Morrigan's voice is hard to miss in the space. But when Jason calls out there is a sudden lack of sound as the music disappears. "Run the numbers again, just to be sure. I'll recheck them tomorrow as well." she states before shutting things off.

"Did Rio call you?" the woman asks as she rises from the chair that she was sitting in. She's looked better and she is definitely not really seeing correctly.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason turns to regard Rio, arching an eyebrow. "I will sort it out." He turns to make his way down the, his ears starting to fill with the music. And something else.

        The Doctor seems to be in a bind,
        Once again she finds herself blind.
        It might be a race against the clock,
        But it sounds like the cure might be your --

"Morrigan!" says Jason, with a bit more focus on it as he says it, as if doing so to drown out some internal dialogue. Which, knowing Jason and his headmate, is entirely possible. Even probable. He frowns at her, not that he can see, as he moves over towards her. "Yes. He's very worried about you. As well he should be!"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"It's appreciated." Rio's last words are soft before the man simply disappears.

Morrigan's hackles are a bit raised. She could smell Jason and it makes her sober. Why did life always have to kick her when she was down? His tone though makes her flinch for just a second and she manages not to get snappy at him.

"I'm fine! I'm here." she tells him. She can't see, but she realizes that he's in the room. "Did he tell you that I need to feed off of someone to get things back to normal? Nothing else is working and it's..." she sighs. "I'm sorry." she whispers to him.

Jason Blood has posed:
"Sorry, I was trying to get someone else out of my head." Jason mutters. She likely knows who. But he realizes in her response just how tense the situation is. "He didn't say that, specifically, but he did say that you needed to feed."

Jason crosses the room towards her, his hand moving up to undo the cuff of his shirt and roll back his sleeve even as he approaches. "Don't apologize. You do not ever have to apologize to anyone, least of all me." He reaches up with a hand to brush his fingers against her cheek. "You have tried your best. Maybe you can try again when you can think clearer, but for now..." He takes a breath. "You need to feed."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Etrigan's always thought that I just wanted to suck your blood." Morrigan chuckles to that. Then she sobers again, "Mmm. So he decided to leave that out. What a jerk." she shakes her head. When he steps closer there is a moment that Morrigan looks like she might go backwards, but she doesn't.

"I feel the need to apologize when it seems like someone called you over to be a snack." she points out to him. When his fingers brush her cheek she leans into the touch, "I know, I just don't want to hurt you." she whispers to him.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood says, "No, Etrigan thought something else." replies Jason.

        "Haha. Not your blood.
        That would be a dud.
        Something else more fun.
        But your blood maybe after she was done."

He frowns for a moment. "Jerk." Is he agreeing with Morrigan? It does not seem so.

He laughs softly. "Oh, but I would be happy to be a snack, or a meal, if it helped you. I'd already told you that." His fingers spread so his palm can flatten against her cheek. "I have lived a long time. I have bled many a time. Trust me, this would be the sweetest hurt I had ever felt if it restored your sight.""

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of an eyebrow quirk and then there is a bit of a smile, "I mean, if you enjoy that sort of thing." she grins. She tries to sober a bit more and there is a sigh that leaves her lips as he says he'd be happy to be a snack for her. "You're very sweet to me, Jason." she whispers to him.

To her it was sweet. "What if it didn't hurt? What if there was another thing that you felt during it? Would that be better?" she asks him. "Though I'm not sure how long it hurts...or if it would effect you." she ponders. So many questions!

Jason Blood has posed:
"Etrigan seems to think I would," replies Jason flatly. And then he smiles to try to soften it. "Sorry. He crows in my head at the worst times." He smiles at that whisper and nods, leaning his head forward to touch his forehead to hers.

"I am not sure what you mean, but Etrigan is the one who enjoys pain, not me." Jason pulls back and studies her face. "You do not know how it feels? Do you have reason to think it is something other than pain?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan frowns a bit at the flatness, "Jason..." she states softly as she reaches out to let her fingers travel up his arm and then to his cheek. "You don't have to apologize. I know that he's frustrating and my situation probably hasn't helped much with you feeling at ease." she states. She seems to relax when he touches his forehead to hers and she takes a breath to steady herself.

"I am unsure how it feels. I've never bitten myself and no one else. I've always drank from bloodbags." she admits. "I mean, I don't have any reasons to think that." she adds. "I promise I won't take a lot." she states to that. "And I'll drink from wherever you would feel more comfortable." she whispers.

Jason Blood has posed:
"Yes, well. He had promised he would go away, and for a time he did, but..." Jason shrugs. "He is insufferable, Morrigan. Always there, always chiding me." He breathes out as well as she does. "But that's neither here nor there. Just like him - nowhere."

He listens to her speak, and he nods. "Well. I suppose we shall have to find out." He leans over to brush his lips against her cheek. "Take what you need. I am sure I can recover. This would be an odd way to go, although likely a pleasant one." He considers her offer. Where, indeed?

        She is telling you where!
        Somewhere down there!
        Make this something fun.
        As long as it has to be done.

Jason sighs. Surely Morrigan can tell that Etrigan said something rude.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I know you wish he'd go away permanently." Morrigan states quietly. "We'll work through it, Jason." she tells him. She wanted very much for this to all go away without having to feed, but they were here now. The kiss to her cheek makes her smile, "I don't think you're going to die on me now, Mister Blood." she teases him gently.

"We'll try the wrist for now. Seems the least likely to get me into trouble. That and it'll be easier to pull me off should I go feral." she muses to that. Feral? What?! "You should probably have a seat though. I think you're going to be a little woozy after this." she points out.

"Next time Etrigan is in the dreaming I'll thump him." she grumps out.

Jason Blood has posed:
"Well, yes, but then who would I have to talk to all night?" Jason nods slowly as he pulls his face back. "I don't think that I will either, but that is the problem with dying - it usually comes unannounced." He nudges her. "Like your escapade in the desert."

He considers her warning. "Yes, I suppose if we are worried about having to pull off, the wrist is best."

        The sound of Etrigan laughing runs through his mind.

"ALright, then, where do you want me?" Jason glances around, pondering seats. "I don't know, Mo. I think if you thump him, he'd just like it."

        She could.
        I would.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I mean, if you're looking to talk to someone all night I'll talk to you." Morrigan chuckles at that. "Mmm, yes. It will get you when it is least expected and traumatize a bunch of students when it happens." she frowns to that. She pushes past it though. "If I bite you in the throat I'm guessing that's the normal way, but I don't trust myself." she admits to him.

"You could sit in the chair?" she reaches out to pat her office chair. "Otherwise I'd suggest upstairs and in more comfortable climates." she muses to that. "Yes, that weird little devil probably does like it." she chuckles with a shake of her head.

Jason Blood has posed:
"I am happy to talk to you. I would, even if I didn't otherwise have a Demon chattering at me." Jason sighs and nods. "Well, let's not repeat that, then, shall we?" He moves to take a seat in the chair. "Well, yes, if you do not trust yourself, then wrist probably is safest."

He leans back in the chair and offers her the wrist that already has the sleeves rolled up. His eyes twinkle in amusement. "We could go where it is more comfortable, if you want, but do you want to risk my bleeding all over it?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan lets him settle into the chair and she listens to him as she kneels down in front of him. "We won't be repeating that any time soon...I hope. At least not with Macha at least." she tells him. "If I hurt you I apologize in advance. I don't want to do that." she states as she lets her hands rest on her thighs for a moment.

Her fingers find the wrist that is offered and she touches him softly as she brings it up to his lips. She presses a kiss there first as she listens to him, "You bleeding on the comforter is not a concern. I have a doctorate in hematology and know special ways to get the stuff out." she muses.

She then quiets, letting her lips part as fangs brush over the skin of his wrist. "Ready?" she asks him. Apparently he's going to have about 3.6 seconds to answer that before her teeth bite into him quickly.

Jason Blood has posed:
Looking down at Morrigan, Jason shakes his head. "I'm not worried." He reaches out with his hand to brush it against her cheek. "And if it hurts, it hurts. It hurts me more to see you like this."

He allows her to manipulate his wrist as necessary, nodding slowly. "All the cool tricks," he says softly. Considering. He almost is going to open his mouth to make a remark, but then decides to let it go. No need to make this worse.

He shivers reflexively as he feels the fangs against his wrist, but otherwise avoids recoiling. He nods. "Yes, I--" And that's as far as he gets before he is bitten!

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's heart was going to beat out of her chest if he kept being so sweet, but when her tongue runs over his pulse there's a dark whisper in her mind and it causes her to tunnel vision into biting him. She doesn't have a death grip on him and her teeth don't rip or tear into his wrist. She's still gentle in that regard, even if she is drinking his blood.

The bite itself isn't painful after the initial pricks of pain to get to the destination. Jason might feel a bit euphoric in those moments.

Morrigan cradles his wrist with her hands, her eyes shut tightly as she tries to keep herself together in this moment.

Jason Blood has posed:
Remaining silent, Jason waits for the bite. There is a certain anticipation in it, an eagerness, academically speaking, to feel it. When he does, he manages to avoid a grunt. As he feels the blood flow and that slight bit of pleasure, he releases a breath he had not known he was holding.

"Take what you want," he says to her. "I will let you know if I feel too faint."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan doesn't feel a wave of relief wash over her, it's quite the opposite for the first few moments. The Doctor in her warring with the other things. How much is enough, what if it's too little, what if it just doesn't work? All are things that she tries to calculate. When he doesn't scream there is some relief in her.

It might seem like eternity, but she finally pulls back from his wrist after a few long moments with a pained sound. Her hand clamps down on the wound and before too long her magics heal it closed. "That is enough for now." she tells him softly as his blood marks her chin and lips.

Jason Blood has posed:
For his part, Jason sits patiently, allowing her to feed. Breathing slowly, trying to stay relaxed. Not knowing if his nerves would lead to her nerves, and if she had nerves if that would lead to panic. And panic while feeding, he imagines, is not a good thing.

As she pulls away he smiles down at her. He feels a bit lightheaded, to be sure, but that is a small sacrifice. "How do you feel?" he asks, and he looks to her eyes. That, of course, may be paramount.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan places her hands on the floor as her body feels like its on fire and she is quiet for a few moments as she tries to get over the rush. "I'm not a drug user, but I imagine it feels like that the first time." she tells Jason quietly.

She straightens herself back up after a moment and looks up to where he is in the chair. She's blinking a bit and that's a good sign. "It might take a bit for things to come back. But I can see the outline of you if that makes sense?" she asks him.

"I miss seeing your face though." she admits quietly as she wipes the blood from her chin.

Jason Blood has posed:
Nodding slowly, Jason considers that. "It felt different than just drinking it did?" He tilts his head, studying her. "Perhaps a natural way to induce the behavior."

He waves his hand in front of her face and smiles. "Well, that is an improvement. We'll have to see how far the improvement goes, and if you need to take more from me next time to get you further along." He seems confident that there will be a next time.

He reaches out to brush his fingertips against her cheek. "I miss having you look at my face. "

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan nods at that question, "It did. Usually it's just warmed up blood...doesn't taste nearly as good as fresh." she shakes her head at that. "It might be, yes. I'll have to add it to notes I have." she chuckles to that. "How are you feeling? Not feeling faint or anything like that?" she asks him.

She reaches out to poke his hand when he waves it, "Yes, it's an improvement. Though I'm guessing it will need to work through finding what needs repaired." she admits. The touch to her face makes her smile, "I promise when I get my sight back I won't stare at you while you sleep like a creepy overly attached girlfriend." she muses.

Jason Blood has posed:
There is a laugh. "I never thought I would hear how good I taste, but here we are." Jason grins at her. "Of course. For the science." He considers her question. Whether to answer honestly or not. Science or her feelings? "I feel fine." Her feelings trump science.

He laughs as she pokes his hand. "I'm sure it will come in time." The next piece. "Uh. Are you expecting to stare at me? And, I don't know that you would be creepy, per se, but..." He ponders other pieces of that sentence for a minute. "Attached, huh?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan actually flushes when he says that, "I...was that bad to say?" she asks him. "Ah well, that ship has sailed." she chuckles. She might be a little worried. But she reaches out to brush her fingers over his cheek. She might get sight back faster if she tries to will it into being. "I'm glad you feel fine. Though I don't want to make feeding a regular thing." she frowns at that.

"I mean, I've not been able to see since I came back. So maybe I do want to stare at your face?" she grins to that. "I'm quite attached to you. Unless I need to put the brakes on that." she tries to focus on his face.

Jason Blood has posed:
"No, not bad. Just not something you expect to hear." Jason leans into her fingers. "I feel fine. Relax. And if doing this regularly fixes your eyes, then it's worth it."

He laughs softly. "Maybe that is the secret to my enduring success. You being unable to see my face." He flashes a grin. And then there is a seriousness. "Why would I want you to put the brakes on it?" His turn to reach out and brush fingers against her cheek.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile as she listens to him, "Thank you for being here for me." she tells him softly. "I'll relax, I promise." she laughs softly to that. "We'll see how things go. I don't plan on biting anyone else as it is." she admits to him.

She brushes her fingers back to draw them back through his hair and then rest on his shoulder, "The last time I saw you with my eyes was on my roof. I long to be able to look at you again." she states. "I was just asking." she teases him. "I feel much better." she purrs out as she leans into the brush of his fingers. "I should apologize to Rio for being a brat I guess." she adds.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood says, "We covered this, Morrigan. I will always be here for you, now. I learned my lesson." Jason smiles at her, brushing his fingers against her cheek. "Bite who you need, but know that I am always here if I need to be bitten."

Considering this quietly, Jason nods. "Soon, that will come, I am sure." He reaches over to take her hand and give it a squeeze. "I think that is a good idea. He was a good friend to call me to come." He smiles at her. "Come on, let us go and thank him, and you can apologize, and we can retire to the bed now that I am not going to bleed on the comforter.""

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I know, I know." Morrigan whispers to him. "How about if I just nibble on you in the non needing blood way, hmm?" she teases him. "Riordan just wants to make sure that everything goes smoothly and that I don't suffer, which I appreciate." she admits.

She rises from where she was kneeling and gives him a nod, "Ah...I can see the stairs again. Excellent." she muses. "And yes, bed sounds wonderful after all of this." she grins to him. She reaches out to squeeze his hand warmly before she makes her way towards the stairs, "I'll clean up down here later." she states over her shoulder before she's leading him up.

Jason Blood has posed:
"Ah, that does sound delightful." offers Jason with a warm smile. "And yes, he is good about that."

Jason watches her rise. "Excellent," he murmurs, as she turns and heads towards the stairs. He waits until she starts ascending them to slowly stand, taking two steps before wobbling considerably, a hand moving out to sturdy him. Good thing he wanted for her to leave first. He did /not/ want her to know just how much of a toll it took out of him.

        Next time do not be such a dummy.
        Get yourself first some time on tummy.
        Because I can already feel that though you made her warm,
        Something tells me you're too weak to perform.

Jason sighs and shakes his head, and slowly shuffles towards the stairs.