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Rose is cooking, with music
Date of Scene: 07 September 2022
Location: Level 4 - Kitchen and Dining - The Roost
Synopsis: There is loud music going in the Roost as Rose shows she has been learning more than just ways to beat up people. What is going on? First Laura, and now Rose can cook too? This is a sign of the End Times!
Cast of Characters: Rose Wilson, Conner Kent, Gabby Kinney, Megan Gwynn

Rose Wilson has posed:
If the house is a rocking, who bothers knocking? The kitchen area is filled with the grinding of metal, banging of heavy objects.. And? Oh, Rose is cooking too. The heavy metal music thumping like a banshee in a dryer behind her as she wields a knife to thinly slice several peppers into strips. A pair of pots already simmering on the cook-top starting to waft enticing scents into the air.
    Rice bubbling away in an improvised cooker, a pot with a plate lain across the top with a can of stewed tomatoes holding it down. A second one bubbling slowly with a bright red sauce that smells faintly of coconut. And a skillet slowly coming up to temp only to be tested every couple minutes with a dribble of oil.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner rarely visits the Roost during the week, but he did today and as he arrives using the secret rooftop entrance he can hear it. Weirdness, again. Someone is cooking and it can't possibly be Phoebe or one of Laura's experiments (with food, and possibly napalm). Who likes heavy metal here, besides Conner himself?

Well, the young woman that introduced him to 'real music'. Which, as far as Conner knows, has never ever cooked anything. He hurries downstairs, as the kitchen blowing up again is likely to make Tim kick them all out for good. "Rose... what are you... cooking?" He asks, as soon as he comes without hearing distance.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson glances up as the kitchen knife bounces once against the cutting board before her fingers pluck it tip first out of the air reddied to bury itself deep into whomever just walked in. A light brow arching upwards as she finishes crunching on the last bit of a pepper. "Well, shit... Thought I was the only one up at this hour" she breaths as the knife lowers a little. "I was setting up some curry as I was starving when I made it back from that last mission."
    She flips the knife over again, capturing the handle again to scrape the bell pepper slices into the pan. Then reaches for some chicken breasts she had in the wings. "Did you want some? I might have gotten overzealous with my chopping" The knife gesturing towards the peppers starting to soften in the skillet. Her head canting to one side as she watches you from the one bright blue.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I just got here, I think no one else is awake, because Gotham," replies Conner, looking curious. "New skills learned in your trips?" He asks, maybe amused. "Sure, I will try it. I mean, if I can survive Laura's cooking I can survive anything." But first he goes to the fridge to look for a soda. It is a very big fridge for the rather big team, but Impulse tends to empty it very quickly. Particularly the sodas. And the pizzas. "You got a mission. You missed a... thing, last weekend. Then again, maybe it was for the best. It took me two days to get rid of the sewer stench."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Heavy Metal music? Cooking? This unfamiliar sequence of events lures in Gabby as she returns herself having tucked her motorcycle away in one of the garages. Curious and more than a little hoping it's not Laura, she heads for the kitchen too. It only takes a minute to find her path blocked by Conner's back causing her to lean to the side to peer around.

"Oh, hey, Rose. Conner. Something smells..." A little sniff is given causing her face to contort. "I'm not sure what it smells like to be honest. Food-adjacent? Something Laura might like."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson makes a face at the quip about the food. "I can?t smell worse than a sewer at least. And I was working on some mild curry actually. Found an old recipe from childhood." She takes out a bit of aggression on the chicken breasts, leaving the results looking more fileted than diced. "I thought that if I wanted anyone else to try it, I should stop at two fucking bird?s eye pepeprs instead of the handful I had pondered."

She scoops the chicken slaughter into the skillet and drops a lid atop it before reaching over to stir the sauce. "Had to go search out some decent coconut milk. The local stuff was more water than milky. Shame." A half torn bag from an asian market across town resting atop the trash can.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner steps out of the way, giving Gabby an apologetic smile. Fridge was in the way, see? That is his excuse. "No, I mean, there was this sewer fire-breathing monster... nevermind," beat, "I am sure your cooking is fine. Spicy is good. I have a kryptonian stomach and all."

There, he found the last soda can behind a week of leftovers. Since Ahab the robotic cook exploded, the Outsider's eating habits have taken a dive nose. Except maybe Phoebe, but Conner suspects the magical girl has hidden her food stash somewhere in the labs.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney runs a hand back through her hair to get some of the windblown mess a bit more organized. It doesn't help much. "Mm, sorry Rose, not trying to be catty. I'm still getting used to the enhanced sense of smell. Outside of pizza or omelettes or fast food places it's... different. Especially peppers." This causes her to pause, and murmer thoughtfully, "Maybe that's why Laura likes things insanely spicy." A small shrug is given, glancing to the chicken going into the pot. "Besides it's all still cooking, I'm sure it's gonna smell great in a few minutes." Glancing over to Conner she remarks with a wistful hope, "Anything else hiding in there? Probably not huh? Speedsters," she sighs with a faint grin.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been pretty busy lately, between X-men stuff, JLDark stuff and...Other stuff. So it's been a while since she's had a chance to really catch up with her friends in the Roost. Buut, she really needed to talk. Soo without further ado, she heads straight for the kitchen of course, nose wriinkling at the smell of..Food..

"Ooooh, who's cooking? Smells good...Need help eating it?" she giggles, finding the crazy angry heavy metal music an odd thing to cook to, but people have their own tastes.

When Connor mentions a fire breathing monster, she gives a pause, peering at him with a slight frown. Seriously, in her line of work, she takes everything seriously, even dragons. "Woah, wait seriously? You're cooking...That?" she makes a face. Really that'd be something.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson blinks at Megan?s outburst, then bursts out laughing. "Yes, yes, we're having flightless dragon curry. And yes. Please?" She frowns suddenly before snatching up a wooden spoon and starting to stir the peppers before they burn. "Crap!! Umm.. Garlic, I know I had it here a minute ago." She starts searching the counter top for the garlic as the sauce gets stirred with the knife blade. "As for anything else, I think I saw a lager in the bottom corner of the left most 'fridge. It should even almost be chilled enough to drink." A fierce grin flashing. The garlic resting behind one of the emptied cans of coconut milk infront of her.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner eyes Megan as she appears, like she usually does, adding freeform chaos to every situation. He is not even going to try to untangle it, instead he tosses his soda can to Gabby. He can find another. Somewhere. Didn't they have a soda machine in the rec room? Maybe N.O.W.H.E.R.E. stole it. (Those bastards).

"There is indeed a lager, and if it is not yours, Rose, it is probably Red Hood's. You know how he gets about his beer," and Conner doesn't like beer anyway. "Let me raid the soda machine, I know it is somewhere," and he has super-speed. Which he was told not to use in the Roost. But this is somewhat of an emergency!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Lager? I dunno, I think I had my fill of Guiness the other night," Gabby considers as she reaches up to snag the tossed soda can out of the air. "Thanks, Conner. I can manage with water or something though if you want it." It was just better to ask than to go through the fridge herself once he'd already looked.

Megan's appearance earns a laugh. "Oh god no not that thing. That was so bad my sinuses were draining for like... forever." And she was trying very hard not to puke the whole time. The enhanced smell was certainly not good in this case.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs nervously at that. "Ooh, I mean...Spicy BBQ dragon. Sounds fuuun.." not. Still, she peers around as Rose starts searching for garlic. "Anything I can do to help? I mean...I'm not the greatest cook but..." The mention of beer in the mix does cause her to arch a brow, since no one ever gives her any real alcohol.

"Oooh, sounds interesting.." she makes a face at Gabby. "Waait, how come you get to drink beer but I always get tricked with sweet drinks? Sooo not faiiir.."

But Gabby is given a curious arch of a brow. "WAit, you're serious? You guys fought a dragon? Like, where were you, wonderland or something?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson chuckles softly as she shakes her head. "It was mine, yes. Got it at the same place I got the cans from." She pauses to glower slightly, "Wait.. You really faught a dragon while I was.... Gah, fuck me." She turns and offers the spoon to Megan. "Stir the sauce.. I need to find the garlic before I loose the peppers and have to break out the hotter ones." She focuses on the filleted chicken for a moment, adding in salt, ground black pepper, and the juice of a lemon. The tangly steam rippling up over the skillet as she finally spots the garlic. "There you are! Into the pan with you." she states as she adds in the table spoon full of diced garlic to sautee with the peppers and chicken. "Sorry, nearly done. The meat needs to cook through, then it all gets mixed together and served over rice."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Look, we called it Smelaug for a reason," explains Conner, bringing half a dozen soda cans, different flavors. Apparently he found a soda machine somewhere. "It came from the sewers. Do you know what smells worse than sewage? Burning sewage. It was no Wonderland, it was Gotham. Which is the opposite of Wonderland, I bet."

He opens a soda can and starts sipping, then adding. "Anyway, Tim got hurt and Gabby rescued him," he glances Gabby. He was helping the firefighters and missed the return to the Roost. Smelaugh (pronounced Smell-augh) was dragon-like enough to blast plasma. "I gotta ask Tim where the hell he found that monster."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
With the new abundance of sodas, Gabby cracks open the one she'd originally been given to take a quick chug off of it. "Yeah it was pretty awful. And I had to go down INTO the sewers that thing came from. No air flow down there," she points out with another grimace.

Thankfully there's the distraction of cooking going on to take her mind off such horrible memories. Taking care to keep out of the way of those who know what they were doing she ends up just leaning against one of the counters where things weren't currently being worked on. "Oh, yeah, Megan I... uh. Should probably talk to you later about something. No biggie though," she assures with another sip of the soda. Then she offers, "I can get plates out. Or would bowls be better?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns at the thought and shivers. "Huh, that's kinda creepy. I mean, even for Gotham, random fire breathing dragons are hardly run of the mill, unless it was like, some mutated alligator or something." Okay that's more believable but still. She blinks at mention of Tim. "Oh noo, is he gonna be okay? "

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson answers, "Bowls are probably best for this, yes." She adds the meat and veggies to the sauce, taking it back over to give a couple more stirs. Before starting the assembly line of a couple scoops of rice into a bowl, then a ladel full of the completed sauce over it and offering a bowl to each in turn. "A squeeze of lemon or lime and some basil and it would be perfect. Enjoy." She offers ahlf-smile as she does just that to her own before digging in with a spoon and closing her eye as the mix of flavors rolls across her tongue.