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Visions of the Past
Date of Scene: 31 March 2020
Location: Cafe Lalo
Synopsis: Daniel and Sofia clear the air somewhat on their respective pasts, and origins.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Sofia Maroni

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    It had been a fun event. Daniel didn't often get to excercise his piano fingers so he'd spent a solid week of his free time preparing for it. The rest, as they say, is history. Except.. was it really? Deja vu had struck hard. He'd seen her before. Sofia responded to his verbal cues. He responded to hers. So it felt like coffee.. was going to be a lot more than just coffee. That leaves Daniel sitting at a table waiting for company. He'd hardly call it a date... is it? Or was it an interrogation. He mulled that thought over a cup of tea while staring off into space.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    The coffee shop is casual, and so is Sofia. The blonde walks in wearing comfortable jeans over boots, a peasant-top blouse in paisley, and a mid-length leather jacket over. Blonde hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and she eases comfortably into the seat across from him. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting." she begins. And she's actually still a couple minutes early.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Daniel stands as she arrives, seating when she does. "Quite the contrary." He smiles broadly and gives a gesture for the waitress. "I.. have to say.. I was quite surprised to meet you... again." His hand naturally drifts over to his tea cup again and lifts it to sip. "In the interest of fairness, I'll share first. Temporal displacement." Naturally, there's going to be a story there but he's likely letting her at least get her drink order in.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia had been wondering about their connection ever since the gig where she met Daniel. Correction: where she met Daniel *again*. And she'd also been wondering how to broach the subject, still chewing on a few ideas when he leads with his own explanation. The blonde laughs softly, nodding to him. "That definitely explains how you caught my USO tour of France during the War." she replies. In a lower voice, she replies. "Olympian... and I don't mean the Summer Games." Her head tilts, then, and she corrects. "Okay, half-Olympian."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Daniel ahhs somewhat expansively, if silently, over his tea. "I wish I could say it was so extraordinary as all of that. As a scientist one.. experiments. They don't always go as planned." Now, he allows a soft laugh. "But you.. radiant as ever.. I have to say your voice has improved over the years. No doubt with experience comes the passion of wisdom."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    She smiles more broadly at that, the blonde's natural radiance showing through as well. "If you believe the rumors, mom was skimmed from the ocean's waves and is related to the Sirens." she replies. "But thank you all the same. So your being here is the result of a mistake, is what you're saying."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "Ahh." Daniel seems to be considering how best to answer the question. No doubt he has secrets of his own. "My arrival here? That was intentional. The when, however, was entirely out of my control. I'm a physicist you see. Astrophysics, space-time, multiple dimensions.. if you're familiar with Doctor Jane Foster at all.. that was my field. Is. My field. Only I was working in the area about sixty years before she was." He winks.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia regards him with a curious smile as he begins explaining. "So in other words, you were tinkering with forces you didn't understand and now you're way ahead of your time." She pauses, then adds. "In a manner of speaking. I don't know much about space-time or multiple dimensions, but I won't insult you by saying that I'm just a simple singer."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "That.. is a very good way to put it." Daniel chuckles at the last and lifts his cup in toast to her summary. "Though.. now I have a much better grasp on things. And less." The cup is lowered and he tilts his head in thought. "It's funny how as one mystery is resolved.. the doors to so many more are opened." A shrug and he looks back to her. "No one is summed up by their profession. Even if they say it does."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    "All I know is that I'm not ready for interdimensional travel quite yet." Sofia offers casually. "But I do get around pretty well on Earth." She raises her cup in return. "I'm something of a messenger, you might say. But please keep all this to yourself. It's complicated enough that my older family members are thinking of me as some long-lost daughter of myself."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    There's a lift of his brow at her last statement. "I.. can imagine that family gatherings are.. complicated." Daniel does his best to couch his words to a semblance of open speech. He seems to understand the idea of discretion in this. "So if I needed to.. get a message to someone.. say.. yourself. How would you recommend that I do that?" His head tilts with good humor in his regard of her.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Her gaze shifts and she leans in a bit closer, lowering her voice as well. Brown eyes shift left and right, checking the space around them. "I would suggest sending a text." she replies, deadpan. "That, or the US Postal Service." The woman chuckles softly, then, and leans back. "Otherwise, I can find someone using my caduceus and play back stored messages."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Daniel leans in as she lowers her voice. Text? That's hardly.. ahhh.. Naturally, he looks her over for a modest scepter but, finding none, leans back with a smile on his face. "In any other world, I might find this conversation.. but then things are different now." His brow furrows as he regards her in thought. "I suppose I can say that if you need help the door swings both ways. You have my number. I have.. friends. Do not think you are alone in the world.. volcanos notwithstanding."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    "I know your name, and therefore I can find you." she replies almost casually. He looks her over for the messenger's scepter but there's nothing apparent. Sofia smiles as well. "I'll definitely keep that in mind, Daniel. And likewise. If you need to find someone, just let me know." She takes a napkin, then, and reaches into her coat for a pen to scribble down a phone number. Her handwriting is neat and bold, the strokes almost artistic. The way people USED to teach penmanship. "Call me. My phone is always on and I always have a signal."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "That must come in handy." Daniel replies as he reaches for the note, regarding it with a warmth. It had been years since anyone considered penmanship. It was a lost art these days. With the note in pocket, he rises from his chair to be the gentleman as she prepares to depart. "I'm glad we talked.. though I might enjoy a longer conversation sometime. Perhaps along a beach somewhere. Your choice." He smiles, "Au revoir, Miss Marion."