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Latest revision as of 14:09, 10 September 2022

Chasing spirits
Date of Scene: 10 September 2022
Location: Tir Na Nog
Synopsis: Megan catches up with the mysterious guy who grabbed the cursed helmet. drinks are had.
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Padraigh O'Malley, Saeko

Megan Gwynn has posed:
It's been a couple of days since the attack at the museum, during which Megan was injured while trying to secure a certain cursed helmet. Unfortunately the helmet was lost during the scuffle, taken by a mysterious figure whom she was unsure if he could be trusted or not.

Either way, she needed to find that helmet, even if it meant wrestling a giant Necromancer for it..Okaay, that might be a bit tricky, but..Maybe she can talk him into handing it over? Good thing she still had the shard of scale armour which was still functioning as a racking device..

And naturally it led her to...An Irish pub. She draws a breath as she steps through the double doors around evening time, and the place is starting to pick up.

"Ohhhh yaaay, this'll be fuuun.." right, just look for tall dark and spooky, easy peasy!

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
    Padraigh has been sitting at the bar leather duster pulled close and tight around him a cigarette in one hand as he drags on it. A bottle of whiskey and a tumbler in front of him and a stout Irish beer in his other hand. Taking a swig than a drag he looks to his right and speaks softly. "Aye, yes yes I know I know, ye wan'ed me ta stay and make sure da Lassie was alrigh' but truth be told fella...I needed to ge' tha' object out before it fell inta the wrong hands boyo, iffin I see'er again Ill be sure ta check up onner well bein'." He says with a chuckle rolling his eyes.

Glaring at another patron who's staring at him as though her were crazy he gives a malicious smile and barks at the man. "Wha' ye' be havin' a problem Lad? I can be takin' ye' ou'soide in a heart beat. No than siddown an' keep yer eyes on yer girl, or I may jus' taker from ye."

Saeko has posed:
Another patron to the bar soon to follow, Saeko was many things...but tall dark and spooky probably wasn't the right call. Alright, so her hair was a rich raven color...but the tall bit was somewhat lacking and in her human guise? Well, only startling beauty might cross the line into spooky. With no tails, furred ears, whisker marks or pointed incisors she looked perfectly human as she stepped through the doorway, her form wrapped in figure-hugging black jeans and a white tank top, Saeko herself was headed to the bar, a little quirk on her lips of a smile.

She was a curious sort and something had sent the kitsune's magic senses tingling.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn peers around, and steps into the bar, probably sticking out a bit with her bright pink, black streaked hair, although she's trying to blend in more in something more casual - blue jeans, green tshirt, black leather jacket. It doesn't take her long to spy the tall spooky guy who seems to be talling to thin air again..Or..Is there something there? Marroon eyes narrow on the spot next to him, so focused that she nearly trips up a passing waitress who is forced to do a little dance to keep her tray of glasses from falling.

Megan meeps and darts back, and turns to face Saeko, blinking and beaming at her. "Heeey! Fancy meeting you here! It's Saeko right?" well, she's only met her a handful of times so far, but she never forgets a face. "How you doin?"

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley looks up hearing a voice he of course has to make sure if they're really here or if they're well /here/. Seeing a waitress have to do that dance to avoid dropping glasses. Ah yes they are physical beings. "Oh boyo, see look at that speak o' the devil an' she shall appear." He chuckles and he waves Megan over. "Oi Lass, how ye' be doin' dahlin', ye' be feelin' alrigh' yea?" He asks. "You an' yer frien' why don' ya come over here I'll buy ye' both a drink."

Saeko has posed:
A little non-verbal exclaimation of delight and Saeko turns to face Megan, moving closer and taking her hand. "It's been a while!" she offers lightly, a little 'air kiss' to the girl's cheek. She'd say more, but Padraigh's introduction by calling out to them has her tilting her head to the side. Technically, an offer for a drink was an 'offering' to the divine spirit.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles to Saeko. "Ditto, good to see you again, I actually had a question for you..But it can wait." she peers at Paddy as he seems to recognize her and grins, "Ooh, how can I say no to a free drink?" except..She's kinda sorta underage but shush! Good thing 'Cinnamon' brought her fake ID! *ahem*

She nods to Saeko, "Come on then, we may as well have fun while we're here!" she giggles and skips over towards Paddy, nodding. "Heya, I've been looking for you, but since you're not running away or trying to attack me, I guess that means you're one of the good guys, am I right?!"

She beams, hopping down on the nearby barstool. "And since you're asking, I'll have an Irish Cream with hot choco."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley chuckles and nods to the tender. "The Lassies drinks be on me yea." He tells the barkeep before turning to look at Meg with a raised brow. "Well tha' be dependin' on wha' ye' be callin' a good guy." He chuckles and shrugs. "Iffin yer askin' I me' a bloke called Constantine I think he said his name was. He handed me this." He slides the JLD card over to Megan pulling his hand back once she's got it.

"Ye' see I made me bones offa fightin' the shit tha' goes bump in the night, thin's tha' ye' an' others donnae even know about." He shrugs. "I have gifts tha' ye' cannae begin ta comprehen' but I'm willin' ta do whatever is necessary ta achieve my goals. So ye' can tell me iffin ye' be thinkin' tha' makes me a good guy."

Saeko has posed:
John Constantine? Saeko knew him. Even the Tenko had found her way to his pub at one point, but she does listen before offering a little giggle at his comment. After all, did Kitsune share exactly the same rules on morality? Almost certainly not. Of course, she still herself was considered one of the 'Good-ish' guys herself. Lazily signaling for her own drink, she shrugs her bared shoulders. "Suprise me?' she offers in lightly accented tones.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrugs, "I mean I'm dating an ex-villain who is sometimes a little naughty. One fifth of my soul is filled with black magic and uh..I've killed before?" Okaay so they were demons but still counts! "Ooh and I went toe to toe with an Angel.." who pretty much was the first thing immune to her powers but protected her anyway but shush, she's trying to sound more badass than she is! "So yeah! Nothing can surprise me and...!"

Her eyes widen at mention of Constantine, "Ooh, really? I thought he quit JL Dark, I mean, yeah he recruited me to the group back when I helped with that crazy haunted house bit, but like, I heard this Totally crazy story since then that there was like some evil doppleganger floating around so I guess technically I didn't actually meet him but just his evil twin?"

Uh oh, she's babbling again. Someone's running on a sugar rush! And then there's the card, She blinks at it, "Ooooh are you a new recruit? Haven't seen you around the Velvet room before.."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley shrugs and looks at Megan for a moment as her and Saeko's drinks arrive. "Awww cute an Angel, and ok an ex Villain." He peers at her his sight activating. "Uh huh...your soul is more...well...I won't talk about that in mixed company." He says with a chuckle taking another drag and exhaling it. "As far as a New Recruit, I might or might not be thinkin' abou' it. I don't generally run in teams, they usually slow me down." He winks. "Though I might be persuaded if there are more attractive ladies like you on the team, no' taken o'course I ain't that type o' bloke."

He laughs and turns to look at the stool beside him. "Aye Aiden, yes I hearder. Listen Lass I'm a Demi God, me Mum she's a normal mortal Lass with a love of Celtic Mythology and folk lore, dabbled a bit in some Druidic practices. Me father Arawn Celtic God of Death and the Underworld, I can see through the Veil into me fathers realm o' the dead. I see spirits and ghosts, they talk ta me and I speak right back, I can also raise the dead back to life, and change my shape to look like anyone I met. Oh and lets not ferget the barely agin' thin' and the immunity to pretty much every disease ou' there." Padraigh shrugs. "But me names Padraigh O'Malley, most folks jus' call me Paddy though."

Saeko has posed:
Megan's comment? Oh that brings a little giggle from the raven-haired beauty before she shrugs her shoulders. "I'm just...a consultant at times, lending a hand to those who ask for it." There's a wink there, but with such talk of things more obvious there's a little tilt of her head and a faint moment where those irises of hers switch from normal to a more amber light, pupils taking on a more ovoid form. "I am Saeko, Tenko of Inari," No membership card for her, just a little grin before she folds her arms under her bust. Technically in talking to her he was seeing a sort of 'Spirit' right this very moment!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow at Saeko. "Consultant? Of what? Come to think of it I don't really know much about what you do when you're not.." being a cute and badass kitsune, she wants to say but not wanting to reveal her secret ID if that's like a thing with her.

Turning back to Paddy as the drinks arrive, she takes a slow sip of her Baileys hot choco before responding again. "Cute? Are you calling angels cute? They're like, super scary when they're mad you know! And I can be scary too!" No really, just watch her!

She gives a shrug at his casual response to a potential invitation. "S'up to you, you might wanna talk to Chas and Rien if interested, but, as for that helmet, either way I need to see it. You may be way over your head, and JLDark can definitely help.."

And then he speaks of necromancy and her eyes widen, hands tightening around her glass, "Wait what? You can raise the dead?! For real...?" her voice is barely a whisper at the end, hands trembling slightly as she holds her glass...And perhaps there is a desperate look of longing in her dark maroon eyes as she ponders something..

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley looks at Saeko and chuckles nodding. "A pleasure ta meetcha Lass, and ya do be lookin' wonderful tonigh' iffin I might be so bold as to say." He says giving a knowing smile and a playful wink spirits after all am I right? "Yes compared to my Father Angels are fluffy kittens and those lil' wha' are they called again, righ' righ' Corgis. I've seen scarier every time me Da visits me." He shrugs. "As fer tha' helmet, serious black magic, serious evil spirit mojo, shite tha' be in my wheelhouse, now I willnae be sayin' no to help but lets ge' somethin' clear I ain't over me head, as fer joinin' yer group, I think tha' might be somethin' fun so long as aint no one gettin' in my way." Again Paddy grins.

Saeko has posed:
"Exploring, seeing what I find that catches my interest?" Saeko offers lightly before she raises her drink to her lips. That mention of the raising dead brings a little bite of her lip as she could practically -feel- Megan's emotion before she continues with a light shift of focus. "Other times? I just lounge around and eat strawberries."

With that, she takes another sip of her drink and looks between the pair, looking herself completely human for now.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles faintly at Saeko's comment of strawberries, staring into her hot drink, stirring it slowly, distractedly, "Heh, strawberries..They're pretty good, yeah.." she sighs, "But, you said..Raise the dead? Right?! Are we talking like, zombies or full on human restoration?? Cuz like...I.." she sighs! shaking her head. No no no, raising the dead is wrong, she can't ask him to resurrect her dad, he might not even be the same, would he?

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley nods his head. "Yes I can raise the dead. How they come back and what I'd need to do it varies greatly depending on how long dead they are." He says with a shrug. "And it ain't nothin' ta be taken lightly, there's always a cost, all magic has a cost." He whispers looking off into the distance outing his cigarette and sparking up a new one hell he can't die of cancer or anything. He takes another drink and leans back. "How about you two Ladies, what do y'all do?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, "But..It would be wrong, bringing someone back from the dead..It's against the laws of magic, isn't it? Besides he..He wouldn't be..My dad.." she wilts a bit, taking a long low sip of her baileys. "Soo, I guess you're basically like the son of Hades or something right?" she laughs nervously, "That's Titally not creepy at all.."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley shakes his head. "No the laws of magic and my divine powers allow it, I wouldn't be able to do so if they didn't." He says honestly. "As for whether or not he'd be your father...Alas that I couldn't tell you, I would say that it is probably best not to try and summon him unti I've researched and could give a more definitive answer." He chuckles at her last statement. "No not Hades but my father is over the same realm for the Celts, and Creepy nah not at all why would it be?" Paddy asks with a brow raise.

Saeko has posed:
"Bringing back the dead fully intact is...tricky," Saeko offers, she herself not one who dabbled with such magic, but certainly the Amatsu Kami had. "And yes, costly, even for the gods..." she'd say more, but it seems that Padraigh had the answers given before she takes another sip of her drink and sighs. Divine or not, the rumors about Kitsune and alchol were true, it was a poison she was -not- immune to!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at Saeko, still looking..Troubled, "Hmm? Have you...Dabbled in necromancy too, Saeko?" she shivers, "It's seems kinda..Alluring but scary too. I wish I could see my dad just one last time. But I couldn't imagine him coming back as a.." she sighs,shaking her head, "Ah, Nevermind..It was silly of me to bring it up! I mean, it's best to leave the dead in the past, right?"

She forces a smile though it's faint, staring back at her drink in silence for a few moments. "Anyway, we should focus on that cursed helmet..I can tell you all I know, and maybe you can share with me what you know, I'll contact some others members too, see if they know anything further that might help." she glances at Paddy, "You may be powerful, and a lone wolf, but this was my responsibility and I'm not gonna just hand it over cuz you said so." she pouts a bit, already a bit on edge as it is.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley nods his head solemnly. "Not in the past per se, but definitely best to leave then where their spirit is resting." He says with a soft smile. "Never forget, and we never fully move on but those we love never truly leave us, do remember that." To Saeko he smiles and nods. "Indeed Saeko, raising the dead is no easy feat and it's not for....forgive my pun, but the feint of heart." He chuckles to himself. "Powerful yes, a Lone Wolf...Most times, but this helmet isn't something I'm likely to let out of my possession, however it's not something I'd ask you to fully hand over just like that. As I said, this be yer case, I'm helping on it but I'm the least likely to be affected by it's evil ya know?