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After the Dwarves
Date of Scene: 08 September 2022
Location: Shadowcrest Manor - Bristol Township
Synopsis: Thor visits Shadowcrest. Zatanna recounts the results of her recent exploration of the ley lines around the Starport.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Zatanna Zatara

Thor has posed:
    The evenings in Gotham are rather grim all told.
    Just a casual thought spared as across the night sky the silhouette of the man with the hammer is barely seen. Perhaps glimpses caught against those same clouds, or perhaps just the subtle whorl of the weather that is seen behind his passing. Hardly perceivable by most unless they're looking for it though those with a gift for such things it might be as easy to perceive as the rise of the sun.
    Though the Thunderer does not dawdle. His flight path takes him once again past the severe noir metropolis and to the outskirts where the moneyed families make do with their myriad ancestral homes. It is to one in particular that he flies, descending once he catches sight of it.
    Floating down slowly, slower still until he reaches the patio where he had been with Sif when they had visited that other day. Landing lightly with barely a sound though assuredly what eyes there are in Shadowcrest already know of his presence and likely announced it as well.
    And if that were not enough, well there's also the faint rap of knuckles upon the glass in the door.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Clouds rush across the face of the rising moon, promising rain and cool weather later in the evening. The full moon's light reflects on Shadowcrest's windows nestled into an affluent neighborhood. Except for the initiated, the mansion is hidden from the public eye. To the uninitiated, it is parkland filled with ancient trees, held under an obscure title in trust.

The mistress of the mansion is ensconced in a deep wing-back chair facing a fire lit in the library's large fireplace. Legs crossed, she sits, staring into the flames, a closed book in her hand, a finger marking the last page read. Dressed in tailored black as is her wont, she wears knee-high boots and a pencil skirt that reveals fishnet stockings. Under the jacket, a crisp white shirt shows cufflinks winking at her wrists. Her dark shoulder-length hair gleams in the fire's light.

At the tap on the window, she looks up alertly, with no fear on her face, and rises from her chair to cross to the door and crack it open.

"Well. This is an unexpected pleasure," she says, opening it wider and gesturing to Thor to enter. "Please come in."

Thor has posed:
    "I beg your pardon, Lady Zatanna." Thor hooks the hammer upon his hip, wearing what looks to be Asgardian garb though not as regal nor as elegant as she perhaps has seen in the past. More perhaps... workman-like. For it is simply black boots, a grey pair of breeks, and a white jerkin that offers a place for a leather belt to be looped around his waist.
    "I would have called but I..." He glances back in the direction he had come from, New York most likely, then half-smiles to her. "Have forgotten it. For which I am sure Hedla will make me pay a price in recrimination for my lack of forethought. Yet I thought to stop in and share a few words."
    It's only then that he enters, taking a few steps within then turning to smile apologetically to the sorceress. "And to offer thanks for your efforts."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"No pardon is necessary from someone who I count as a friend." She smiles warmly, gesturing to the other chair facing the fire, "Please come and sit. I've actually had the first fire of the season lit. It makes the library cozy."

The periphery of the room of the largely unlit room is surrounded by tall shelves of books, many of them leather bound, their titles catching the cool light of the magical lamp gleaming on the magician's desk. Interspersed among the books, astrolabes glint and stuffed heads poke their noses into conversations held among Zatanna's visitors.

"It was kind of you to come all this way to give me your thanks. None are needed. The trips have been fabulous and I have been honored to travel in your's and Lady Sif's company."

Thor has posed:
    Following after he walks with her until they reach to that suitable spot near the fireplace. Though he does not take a seat nor presumes to be staying until invited, so he stands there with a hand on the back of one rather comfortable looking chair and nods to her.
    "You've been of much aid, that is assuredly so. Though this also isn't entirely a social call. I intend to speak with Diana soon about..."
    He smiles a little, looking aside, then back. "Well about using the starport as the place where we will perform the ritual. I was hoping you could give me what information you can in a suitably... layman's manner." His smile broadens as he doesn't exactly rush away from his reputation of being not the smartest soul in Asgard's court.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Do sit down and have something to drink. Whiskey, ale, mulled wine, cider? Whatever you wish, will be my pleasure to serve you!" She smiles faintly at his self-deprecating manner, shaking her head. "Please."

She takes a few steps from the fireplace and pulls a cord to summon a servant to the library.

Her footsteps are muffled on the oriental carpet under their feet as she returns to her seat. Smoothing her skirt under her, she sits, turned to face him.

"Well, I've been remiss in not getting back to you sooner," she replies with air of apology. "So all the more reason to thank you for coming, busy as you must be coordinating the trips and the installation at the Starport." She smiles suddenly, "It went well. I had two able mages assisting me which made it much easier to survey the ley lines, from Atrun-Rai and Phoebe Beacon whom I don't know if you have heard of."

"The Starport site looks very promising, in fact more than promising." With a satisfied nod of her head, "It's ideal. As though it was meant to be. We sounded the area very thoroughly and it's my opinion that Gateways will have a sound base there both geologically and through the ley lines."

Thor has posed:
    "Warmed cider would be lovely," Thor answers with a smile even as he steps around that chair and then settles into the seat, putting Mjolnir down to rest on the floor beside him. Then he waits as she busies herself with the needed efforts to secure their beverages and holds his silence until she returns.
    She tells him it went well and offers the names of her comrades to which he smiles and nods, then adds, "I have not had the pleasure of meeting them, no."
    Then she speaks on the quality of the site and a look of relief touches his features. "Ah, that is good news then. And have you heard from Lady Croft? I intended to speak with her as well before matters progressed. In case there is some... horrible prophecy or the like looming."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Serendipity or magic? Whatever the case may be, a servant knocks and brings in a tray with a copper pitcher of hot cider that he pours into ceramic tankards for them both, filling the room with the spicy scent of cinnamon and apples. Zatanna takes a sip and nods, at which the servant withdraws.

Then, the magician raises her tankard, "To a successful conclusion of the missions!" she says, looking Thor directly in the eyes after the custom of Midgardian Nordic countries, a half-smile curving her lips.

After a sip, "No, in fact, I haven't spoken to her. I'm fairly confident that there are no prophecies about the area. The ley lines felt uncorrupted. That said, Atrrun-Rai rumbled once about something interesting to his patrons in the area. When I asked, he told me it wasn't an issue."

Thor has posed:
    His own drink lifted in time with hers, Thor smiles and gives a nod as he replies with, "Indeed, to success." His own blue eyes holding hers then he tilts it back for a few swallows before setting the tankard down with a low 'clunk' of sound. Then he settles in further into the seat, "Good then, however, that there are no ill tidings such as we know. It will make it easier to go to Diana and address matters."
    So at least that portion of the business is handled as he turns his head to the side and considers their surroundings. One eyebrow quirks as he considers what he can see of Shadowcrest and his thoughts wander along those lines. Likely to the history and the background of the storied mansion. Which thus, leads him to speak.
    "I know rather little about your home. Only that it has played some part in the magical past of the world. What can you tell me of it of late?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The magician nods her assent to Thor's summary,"I hope the meeting goes well. It likely will be one of the most important events in Midgardian history."

Zatanna's, smile deepens at his question; she glances into the shadows around them with the understandable pride of ownership, her blue eyes returning to Thor. "The house has been passed down through our line since the early part of the 16th Century, the oldest parts of the mansion were designed by Leonardo da Vinci when he was under the patronage of Francois the First. The magic holding the mansion across multi-dimensions is deeply complex but allows it to move and remain stable."

Rising from her seat, she walks over to a table where a bird vaguely resembling an eagle is perched on a stand. Its talons and sharp beak have a fierce, rapacious edge to them and its feathers are a brilliant red. As she approaches its eyes flame orange with firelight. "The house has wards and defenses. We have accumulated an extensive collection of magical objects over the centuries, some of which are dangerous. Hence, my friend here who protects the library." The bird rustles its wings and it moves a step, eyeing Thor.

Thor has posed:
    "I don't know about that," Thor says with a calm tone, "We are helping, and hopefully will head off some difficulties in the future. But the historical aspect? That is what Diana has already accomplished."
    That said he gives a nod and lifts his tankard again as if giving salute to that completion of the starport then takes another sip. He shifts in his seat a little as his eyes widen while he listens and pays attention to the words she's given him about the past of Shadowcrest.
    Then as she points out the bird of prey he gives a nod, "Formidable. Then it was wise I imagine we asked for your aid. Yourself and the good Doctor have been invaluable."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Regarding him with a brief gleam of amusement lighting her eyes, "I hope the wisdom of your choice will bear its self out in the work Dr. Strange and I do, Lord Thor." She returns to her seat and raises her tankard to him.

"Do you know, despite your fame, I'm not well acquainted with how you came to be among us. How has your time on Midgard been for you?"

Thor has posed:
    "Oh I first came to Midgard some time ago," Thor offers as he uncurls a hand to the side. "When I reached my age of adulthood one of my first travels was here during the war my father waged against the Svartalfar."
    The Asgardian smiles a little, lifting his chin as he uncurls a hand to the side in a calm gesture. "Though in all honesty I had visited here even before then. For I was a... rambunctious child."
    There's a tilt of his head as he smiles and considers, then embarks on a tale. "Let me tell you of the first time my brother and I. Oh and Lady Sif, when we snuck through the wilds of Asgard's outskirts and found ourselves lost..."
    Which in truth had been quite a fine adventure. The first story of many he finds himself confiding in to the Mistress of the Magical Arts. At least for this night.