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Resonants: Tis Better to Ask Permission
Date of Scene: 18 September 2022
Location: Diana's Office: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Thor and Diana speak of the Starport and using it for the relics.
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Thor

Diana Prince has posed:
A quiet Sunday afternoon at the Themysciran Embassy.

Diana was expecting Thor, and her assistant was prepared to bring him back to the Princess' personal office. Seated behind her desk, Diana is wearing dark blue denim pants, with a russet hued top on, sleeveless with a golden necklace around her neckline. Her dark hair is tied back, and she's wearing minimal makeup at the present moment.

With her right hand on her laptop, her left is holding her phone, she's texting and reading an e-mail as she waits for the Thunderer's arrival.

The light of the afternoon sun shines in through the windows behind Diana, offering a nice amount of natural light to the cozy, fancy, office within the north end of the Embassy.

Thor has posed:
    Were it not for Hedla, Thor's majordomo, then he likely would be left adrift in his sea of obligations and social appointments. For she is the one that handles those tasks to ensure that the Thunderer gets to where he's going on time, that he recalls appointments, that he acts on the occasional thoughts he has when he voices some concern or need. Such as the one that spawned from the words, 'I really should speak with Diana soon about this Starport situation.'
    It wasn't an order. More a musing. But it became an action to be taken when Hedla had called through. In short his people talked to her people and voila. All it took after that was a reminder of where he needed to be and thus...
    When Thor arrived he maintained that illusion of punctuality. Since he arrived early even. Brilliant.
    Into the office he sweeps, announced by Diana's assistant and given thanks by the Asgardian prince. He moves into the room with an easy gait, lips parting as if about to speak but then sees her upon the phone and instead holds his tongue.
    He smiles a little, giving a lift of one hand as greeting, then mouths the word 'hello', perhaps not realizing that she's more texting than talking. Though he does advance upon a chair and lightly taps it with a hand as if asking if it were ok for him to occupy it. If she gives some sign it is. Well then he does.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana has a grin form on her lips as she can tell Thor is not entirely sure that she's not so preoccupied that she can't react to his arrival. She finishes with the texting shortly after he taps on the chair, and she sets the phone down.

Her hands leave the tech devices, and she looks to him, as she folds them together on the edge of her desk.

"Hello..." She says in a warm tone then for him. Her left hand motions to the chair across from her desk, a wooden chair with a comfrtable cushion attached to it. "Of course, please. It's good to see you again... how have things been progressing?" She asks before glancing to the side.

"And would you like adrink?" She furthers asks.

Thor has posed:
    "Good!" Thor replies as he takes that seat, causing it to complain ever so slightly with a creak. He rests his hands on the arms of the chair and looks across at her. Wearing his usual casual fare for rushing about on Midgard he doesn't cut as much of a fashionable silhouette as Diana does so easily, more he looks like most any mortal traveling in New York on a Sunday. Blue jeans, sneakers, black t-shirt, but over the black t-shirt is a gray hoody that is only partially zipped up. At least his hair and beard are growing back rather well, not long enough for a pony tail or braid, but definitely getting there.
    "And only if you're drinking then I shall partake of whatever you so choose." Polite, even as he settles into the seat and hears another creak, taking a moment to look at the chair, then back to her.
    "I had been meaning to talk to you." He declares. Which might explain why he's there.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana nods to the assistant who was standing still in the doorway of the office. "Tea, for us both?" She asks of the young British woman. The assistant moves off to acquire the drinks, then Diana sweeps her stare over to Thor again, casting him a playful grin. "Well I'm glad." She notes, leaning back in her own chair now, she palces her arms upon the arms of said chair, and stares across the desk at him.

"I have heard rumblings about your quest to garner items that could help with the inter-dimensional arrivals. I hope that has been going well... it seems very taxing a mission to take on, but I guess any worth its weight generally is..."

Thor has posed:
    "Oh yes, assuredly so." As to the going well, Thor answers with a nod and a smile toward the assistant when she wanders off to get them tea. He looks back, "We have acquired suitable items for the most part, though an effort of some undertaking comes to us soon. Once that's successful, however..."
    He lets that word hang there for a time before he smiles a little, then bites on the corner of his lower lip as he holds his words and thoughts for a moment. Then embarks as he uncurls a hand, "Well, another facet of our efforts was to find a place to store these items and to enact the ritual. I asked Zatanna and a Lady Croft to narrow a potential locale. They did some research, offered some options. But as it turns out."
    That last word he says has some emphasis as he pauses there, his smile curves up a little. "Well I am no sorcerer, but as I am told there are ley lines that reach near the Starport. That there is strong positive portent in that area. Also there are no ill signs nor prophecies that affect it. So it is feasible, if there is room and it would fit your vision, that it could be enacted there. At the Starport." Those last three words uttered faster, as if he might have lost her in the explanation.

Diana Prince has posed:
It's near the end of what Thor says that the assistant returns with the tray of drinks. She delivers it to Diana's desk, serving the Princess first, followed by Thor secondly. She gives Thor a smile, because... Thor... and then moves to leave the office again.

"Thank you, Greta." Diana says as the young woman departs. Holding her tea cup now, Diana raises it up to her lips to sip from it as she considers. When she lowers it again, she levels her stare toward Thor.

"We have room for something of that nature, I am sure. We built the place to be prepared for expansions. This way we wouldn't have to continuously pester the Atlanteans for their assistance. Or... so we hope. A location could likely be arranged near to the main landing fields on the southern clover of the port." She notes, turning her eyes to her laptop. She reaches out for it and after a pair of clicks she turns it around to face Thor, and points to where on the starport from a bird's eye view of it. "Likely here." She indicates.

Thor has posed:
    Greta is given a warm smile, for the meeting is going well, then Thor turns his attention back to Diana as she speaks. He does, however, take up the cup of tea and considers it... then nods a little and takes a sip as she explains.
    When the laptop is turned around he leans closer holding the saucer carefully yet still managing to make it ring faintly as it clicks a bit against the cup. He nods again as she points out the location then he makes a small 'hmm' sound.
    "That could work, I imagine. We'd need to store the artifacts securely somewhere, though they could be on display in some form as well. But if you have the room and facilities then that could work well."
    That said he considers for a moment, "It makes sense to combine efforts since we are trying similar things. Make it easier for outworld travelers to come to Midgard. But if you have any reservations I would hear them, Diana. Do not fear it would endanger our friendship for I feel that is stronger than such things."

Diana Prince has posed:
That last bit makes Diana show him another warm smile, and a tilt of her head. "Well, I appreciate that." She states while turning the laptop back around to face her. She stares at it for a moment. "Idealy, I think we'd want this port-- for what you are seeking --to be a little separate from where arriving, and departing ships are parked... But, we could start a small extended area to be constructed for this purpose." Her eyes go back to him then.

"After all, as you say, it is very similar in intention, and since the Starport has developed security for such things already... it would likely be a perfect match. We have to assume those arriving are not all coming with ill-intentions too... as it is best to stay positive. At least as much as we can."

She smirks then before taking her tea up again. "The items you have acquired need to be stored near-by also? We have room for them, in the museum area at the Port."

Thor has posed:
    "Then there you have it," Thor says as he lightly taps his knuckles on the desk then points at her with that same hand. "Storage and suidesk purpose. It seems a fortunate match."
    That said he nods a few times as he turns his head to the side slightly, giving some thought to what transpires and likely the future. Only a handful of moments before he looks back toward her and smiles once again. "I'll have Zatanna go on site and perhaps she can help in aiding whatever construction might be needed, as I do not know all the ins and outs of what is required for such a... magical undertaking could be."
    He sips the tea again and then eases back into the chair, the matter mostly handled it allows the tension to slip away. "It is good then to have that and to be able to work in that direction. Thank you for seeing me."
    Lifting his chin, "There, now that that business is out of the way, you can tell me what passes for you and yours of late?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Another sip of the tea that Greta had brought is taken by Diana as Thor speaks. When she lowers it down once more, she shows him another grin. "To be honest, a lot of this has been... learning as we go. Getting the combined creators of three of the world's most reclusive societies to all work well together has... had its ups and downs. I have very much enjoyed the ups of it though." She says in a dry tone before a breath is taken in.

"Beyond that, things have been relatively quiet for me of late. The Justice League is ever busy with their own lives, and the Avengers seem to be handling what issues they face without the needs of my services. The Titans are not currently in any perisl that I have been informed of... and Cassie and I recovered the last lost World Eater Heart that we misplaced near Egypt. I don't know if you had heard about those situations, but they hopefully have puttered out... so to speak. I'm likely threatening that to blow up again, just by saying all of this though..." She smiles, then laughs lightly. "Lets hope not..."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, there is some thought given toward speaking of a thing beckons it forth." Thor says with that smile, holding his tea cup easily enough in the saucer. "Though I think in this case you may be safe."
    He nods a few times, however, about the starport as proper and getting the Atlanteans and Wakandans to aid. "If you had told me some years back there would be an effort by these cultures together to create some place for the world as a whole? Well..." A beat as he tilts his head to the side, "I would not question your truth, but I would be doubtful."
    Though one thing he keys onto is when she mentions those teams. "I was speaking with Clint about this some small time ago. About the Avengers in particular. We shared..." He exhales a breath of a laugh, barely a thing as he shakes his head, "We groused about times past. About how the best time of our lives had been back when... we had formed, when we faced those threats, saved the world as we could. And then we reflected that the world now... it has changed. And not for the worse. As you are fully aware it's simply another phase Midgard has entered. Being known on the Galactic stage. I told him we were there and we helped ensure the world reached this point. But now that it has... it's time for others to take the vanguard."
    A smile as he looks down, then he takes another sip of tea. "Thus we do what we can now to make it easier. But I do miss those times."

Diana Prince has posed:
The words that the Asgardian speaks has Diana focused upon them, her attentive gaze locked on his facial features as he speaks. A quick smile comes and goes from her own as she hears that last part. "Having good times in life, leads to memories of missing the past. It is only naturally a thing after all, when we lead good lives. The better they are, the more memories we'll have that we will inevitably miss the further we traverse past them in time."

"I would love to hear Clint's stories. He is a bit of a mystery to me. In my short time as a active Avenger, he was always a quiet, and distant member. I don't think he trusted me very much, but I may have misread that." She shows another quick smile before she purses her lips together then.

A breath is taken in. "We are not done yet though. Next we build upon the Moon, from there.. Mars. It is my mission to help mankind spread to the other celestial bodies within our own solar system. This is our home, all of it, it is time for the people of Earth to spread their wings."

Thor has posed:
    "Clint," Thor starts as he then pauses as if needing to select the proper words and he takes his time in doing so. "Lives within himself very clearly. He can spend much time in silence and introspection, which may in part make him the man that he is. That ability to turn inwards perhaps hones his shooting. For some it is so when they do something that truly defines them."
    Then his lip twists, "Such as when I drink mead."
    Yet he presses on, "No we are not done. There is still much to do. But I feel we are past the... danger that threatened to stop us before Midgard was... out of the cradle if you imagine. Now one cannot argue, but this realm is strong, and likely to grow stronger still."
    Then he scritches his chin with two fingers, affecting an oh so wise manner, "Thanks to my guidance, assuredly."

Diana Prince has posed:
The first bit there has Diana gently nodding her head to what the light haired man says across from her, but the second half has Diana breaking another smile and adding a short laugh. She tilts her head to the left just a bit. "That must be it." She says in a placating sort of way. "Gods willing, we shall never lose your positive influence either." She teases back at him.

"But yes, more plans are needed, and the civilian space companies of the world need to be supported so that they too can embark on the venturing out in to the space beyond our atmosphere. We already have the Watchtower on the Moon, but I have never liked being the only team to have such a place up there. It feels ... wrong to me. Too 'overlord'. But, hopefully we can change that soon enough. Again, with your blessed guidance, of course." She tells him with a warm smirk.

Thor has posed:
    Another sip of his tea then Thor laughs and he holds up a hand as he replies, "I shall try to fit it into my so terribly busy schedule." That said he laughs again and shakes his head, enjoying the camaraderie between them as he looks across the desk to Diana.
    "So how is your family?"