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Latest revision as of 01:28, 19 September 2022

Cats and Carnage
Date of Scene: 14 September 2022
Location: Courtyard: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Monet, injured at the Themysciran Embassy, passes along a warning of the carnage of teh capricious CHEETAH to Kora.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Kora Ikassis

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's August 19th. A bloody mess of a mutant girl has been left at the embassy with large chunks of her body carved out by whatever it was she was up against. It's been a few hours and the brutal worst of it has been banaged some. Monet has regained consciousness but has rather bad internal injuries, broken bones, and somehow was lucky enough to not be paralyzed.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
While the older Amazons with healing skills worked hard on first measures to stop the worst of the bleeding, their youngest and newest to this side of the Atlantic did the scut work. Not that she minded in the least, emergency battle medicine still remained theoretical for Kora who unflinching and curious watched the stitching with great interest. She held compresses when asked and brought supplies from the dispensary on demand.

Bloodied bandages binned, human fluids cleaned up, the patient has been left under the young Amazon's watchful care. The young woman sits next to the patient, a textbook in her hands that she studies with a faint crease between her brows. There is nothing about her that indicates her origins. Having absorbed the lessons on how to dress like a college student, she wears black jeans, red high top shoes and a bright red THEMYSCIRA ARTS CENTER sweatshirt. A IV bag sways above her her, which she periodically checks, proud of the fact that she has learned to change it without assistance, and altogether unaware of how that would be frowned upon in a modern hospital.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The girl looks like she was thrown over through a meatgrinder and spat out the other end. How exactly she got to the embassy or was carried there has been lost track of. Monet is finally starting to come back into consciousness now. With much of her body heavily swathed in bandages and some degree of positioning to make sure that she wouldn't move and risk breaking anything else if she did shift when she woke up.

She would gaze up at the ceiling when awareness would set in, and go to open her mouth. She would wheeze over, trying to get out a word but her throat would hurt oto much. Sos he would go to instead speak telepathically.

<<Where.. Am I?>> To Kora.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Kora's olive skin blanches and her bright blue eyes widen in surprise, fastened on the injured girl's face. A question beats below her initial display of shock at hearing a voice with no sound. "Was...was that you?" Though to her credit, she holds her ground unflinchingly and remains by her side.

"You are in the New York Embassy of Themyscira. You were found on the street by one of my sisters and brought here. Themyscira is pronounced with a slight roll on the R, and very unAmerican vowel sounds.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would give the emotional equivalent of a nod. moving her body hurts so she's just sending things telepathically. I n this case, it's just the sensation. <<I.. Need water. Please>> It takes her a moment over to be able to focus to get the words out in her mind, to form them and then to send them.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Again the voice in her head. Kora gives the injured woman a leery look then nods. "They said you might be thirsty. Give me a moment, I will be right back." She holds up a cautioning hand and then disappears into a nearby room.

With a thermos, a straw, a cup and bowl of ice on tray on a tray, Kora returns within a matter of minutes. Pulling a rolling table near the bed, she first slips an ice chip into a cup. Then, gingerly lifts the injured girl's head and holds the cup to her lips.

"Let's go slow on liquids. Suck on this ice chip first and then I will hold a glass of water and a straw to your lips. I will raise your head if it doesn't hurt. I learned how to move the bed." Remote controls and mechanical beds are still among the vast list of new things to the young Amazon.

"What do you remember? Do you know who did this to you?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Her eyes would be closed when Kora would re-enter. The light is painful. Everything about her body is painful at the moment. She doesn't trust herself to use her telepathy to shut off parts of her brain that are responsible for feeling pain to deaden them. In her state it would go badly.

It's so hard for her to desperately not gulp down hte water when she's so parched and raw, but the Amazon is right and she forces herself to do it. She takes in another breath, wincing..

What Kora gets then is an image of a female humanoid. Furry. Striped. Long claws. Teeth. Tail. Some sort of.. Anthropomorphic Cheetah. Claws dripping with blood.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
The young woman's pleasant face contorts into an unhappy frown at the image she receives. "This is some human like a...cat?" She regards the supine woman compassionately, "I don't want to call you Sick Girl. What is your name? And excuse my manners, I am Kora Ikassis from Themyscira. Please call me Kora."

After a long slow intake of breath, "I've never seen such a thing. Perhaps the Princess has. Have you seen the creature before? Do you know why it attacked you?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Being asked a simpler question was something she could focus on. <<I am Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix. The.. Thing called itself Cheetah. I intercepted her while she was trying to rob a museum. She had gutted a guard in the process. I tried to stop her.>> And seemingly did little better than the guard did.

M isn't sure if he survived or not. She thinks that.. Cheetah got what she was after.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Those are a lot of names. Should I call you Monet?" she asks kindly as she readies a cup of water for her.

"There are many things that I don't understand in this land but something or someone who kills and maims in order to rob must be stopped. Truly. I wonder if the Princess knows about this Cheetah."

With a faint whine, she raises the head of the bed, watching Monet's face for signs of pain. When she is more upright, she holds a cup and straw to her lips.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would close her eyes over and then slowly force herself to give more data. The woman.. Cheetah. <<She moved fast. I've only seen Kryptonians move so fast before. Her claws cut through anything they came into contact with>> Steeling herself to send images of the woman in her memories moving faster than the human mind could begin to perceive.

<<She.. Is dangerous. She has a.. Had a.. Hatred of Amazons. Spoke of her.. Revenge.>>

Kora Ikassis has posed:
After a glance at the blood seeping through the new bandages, Kora agrees heartily, "This Cheetah cat should not be allowed to roam, stealing. We must stop it. These images...." The young woman shakes her head, wondering what creature would hurt another for gain.

"Well, I will speak to our Princess, concerning the creature. Or perhaps, she can visit you after you have rested."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would give another mental impression of a nod <<It.. She.. Cheetah spoke of a hatred for Amazons. She will possibly be targeting others here. You have.. To alert them>> Getting out the mental perspective is harder and fuzzier.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Will you sleep now? You need rest," she lays a soothing hand on her shoulder. "I will certainly alert my sisters to this danger. If its hatred for Amazons is so great, I am sure they know of its existence. Sleep."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
That's enough for M. She's passed along her warning. Her body is covered in bandages and she can barely move. At the command, she gives in for once without arguing, and sleep claims her.