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Latest revision as of 02:01, 4 April 2020

You Hello and I Say...
Date of Scene: 01 April 2020
Location: Jungles of Brazil
Synopsis: After the mission they decide on raclette.
Cast of Characters: Mason Tavner, Jessica Drew

Mason Tavner has posed:
    STRIKE is called in usually at two points in an operation. The beginning, or the end. Either they're there at the beginning to bust open the door, or they show up after the shooting to secure the location and make sure that the recovery teams are properly protected. Today it was the latter.
    The operation had been in the jungles of Brazil. A site that had panned out to be a resource gathering point for a possible cell that had provided material support for several mercenary outfits that had ties to HYDRA and beyond. The operatives had found it, hit it, and take care of it quickly. But there was still the matter of locking it down.
    It was in that small window, when the Quinjet carrying the STRIKE team set down, that the operations team would pass by the STRIKE team. And in that moment when those in the engagement might see the personnel deployed. There in the drop zone in the jungle. Most of them weren't identifiable, with their balaklavas and goggles. Some of them had their special ordinance ready...
    But Tavner? He was holding at the drop point as the rest of the team organized, leaning against the stump of a tree that had been blown apart by a plasma blast. At times he was checking the magazine of his rifle, his balaklava pulled up to the top of his head so he could blow a puff of air into the weapon's chamber, then grimaces as he tries to clear it of some gunk or other that had fouled the barrel in transition.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Balaclavas are not hot weather gear. Running with a gun through eighty percent humidity, no matter the powers that one possesses is not a cooling process, especially for the ones being shot. Jessica walks behind the group pushing the prisoners along, eyes down, feeling that peculiar let down that she sometimes has after a firefight, after raining death down on the sincerely deluded people that follow HYDRA. She pulls off her balaclava to shake out her hair, running her fingers through it in a vain attempt to keep it from clinging to her forehead. The team is in to mop up afterward, so she is less on her guard and pays no attention to the agents coming in. Until Jessica nearly passes a certain blond man talking to his gun.

Mason Tavner has posed:
    Talking to it might be an exaggeration, but not too much of a stretch to be fair. Perhaps whispering sweet nothings might be more apt as he again blows a puff of air before closing her up and rechambering. There's a moment when he looks up, awaiting the call from his team leader while the other teams move in...
    And as fortune would have it that's when he looks up and catches Jess' gaze. His lip twists into a smile as he gives her a nod from that distance away. Too far and too danger close to lift his voice in greeting. But that upnod and smile might carry with it more than the casual words they might use otherwise.
    Across from him one of his teammates touches a hand to his ear and murmurs, "We move in five." To which Tavner and the others nod.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The teams move like lines of army ants, head to tail, all business. Jessica's recognition of Mason pulls her up, and the man behind walks into her, stumbling. There is a little clumsy snarl of people all because she saw someone whose face made the world come to a standstill for a moment. Awkwardly, Jessica extricates herself from the line, crossing the incoming to place herself next to Mason.

"Um. Hi," she says, berating herself for that witty greeting.

Mason Tavner has posed:
    Still leaning against that trunk, Mason replies with that easy-going smile of his, "Hey." The balaclava settled on top his head almost like a beanie cap as he meets her gaze with his. A glance is given toward her team and their departure vehicle, but knowing that Jess being a high powered asset... they're not gonna leave without her.
    Now if it was him being left beyond in the jungle, Mason might have to hoof it.
    "So fancy meeting you here. Any recommendations where I can grab a good quesadilla?" Out here, in the middle of the jungle, with all the animals. No quesadillas.
    But his smile is at least warm, and the affection in his eyes a gentle thing.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica's eyes follow his to the departure vehicle knowing that the team is taking bets on who is interested in who and whether they had slept together yet. That Spiderwoman is hot. The conversation coming to an abrupt stop when the most senior agent of the group climbs into the car.

"Give her a moment. Maybe he has some intel for her, because no way a babe like that is going out with him." A chorus of smiles greets that statement.

She is still in that heightened state after the adrenaline hit that comes with fighting for your life, knowing that someone is not going to leave the scene alive. That moment of expanded time when she saw his face brings a cascade of realization and they have three minutes to talk. "Mason. No quesadillas. But, I've learned to cook and would make you some. At my place or yours, if you wanted to do that." It is out of her mouth before she can stop herself, courtesy of Mr. Adrenaline.

Mason Tavner has posed:
    "Oh," Mason says succinctly at first, his eyes widening as he smiles at her, though he does spare a glance for his teammates but doesn't acknowledge them beside a slight glower that only exists for a fraction of a second. Then his attention is back to Jessica and his lip curves up a little, "Yeah." He says at first then he adds, "Yeah sure, that'd be pretty keen."
    Keen. Hah.
    He gives a nod to her still holding his long range anti-materiel rifle across his chest, trigger finger resting against the case for good trigger discipline. Mason gives another nod and then adds, "Either place s'fine. I'll text ya?"
    And if she agrees to that he smiles and gives a nod. "Cool. Talk to you soon."

Jessica Drew has posed:
It doesn't take a clairvoyant to feel the pressure of the gazes of the men waiting for her in the truck. They all pretend to not be looking but she knows better. Another beat. A smile blooms on her face that belies her pallor and the beads of sweat that still stand on her upper lip.

"Great. Great," she calls over her shoulder. "Text." A door opens and she's gone.

Mason Tavner has posed:
    One of Mason's teammates smirks and nudges the guy in the shoulder, shaking his head ruefully even as Mason casually boots him back.
    "Yer such a charmer, Tavner."
    "Shut it Lekowski."
    And as they jostle each other the team leader pipes up. "Alright folks get saddled up we go in two. Tavner, gonna want your eyes up on that ridge. Rest of you try not to get in his way if we get hostiles. We all set?"
    There are nods around even as Jess gets into her vehicle and if she keeps watching she might well see the man lift his eyes back toward her and wave a hand to her surreptitiously. Just before that team leader gets them hustling into action.

Mason Tavner has posed:
    Later that evening after the teams are back on base, Jessica will get a message on her cell.

<< New phone who dis? >>
    Ha. Ha. So funny, Tavner joke.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Debriefing on the jet back to base had kept her awake. The bus back had been tedious and she caught herself dozing off at one point, head hitting her chest.

The small room with a cot and sink seemed like the Ritz-Carlton to Jessica when she got to it. Showered at least. Uncaring how much the room resembled a detention cell. The phone buzzing and vibrating on the nightstand make her rise straight up in bed before she slaps it hard to settle back to sleep. On second thought, she throws back the covers, a black sports bra and bikini briefs being as covered as she wished to get, and looks at the phone. A crooked smile lights her face up and she props herself against the wall to text back:

<<You're asking me? You don't know who you are?">>

Mason Tavner has posed:
    On his end of things, out in the jungle, likely still on site and waiting to be relieved... Mason writes back with a few taps of his thumb.

<< I should be grumpy at you since you left us so little to do. They'll probably cut half the teams because you guys are so efficient. >>
    A moment pondering then he shrugs to himself and taps /send/.

Jessica Drew has posed:
A grumpy cat animated icon appears on his screen. <<Trying to make your life easier. Always complaining.>>

Mason Tavner has posed:
<< Says the gal with job security. >>
    A few moments pass and then another message comes on the tail of that one.

<< I have a confession to make. >>

Jessica Drew has posed:
<<You. With the halo? Explain>> she types back, thumbs flying. Jessica bends over the phone, face lit with its light, and because she is alone, and he can't see her, grins like a little girl: pure delight.

Mason Tavner has posed:
<< Just... >>

<< Jess... >>

<< I've always wanted you to know. >>

<< It's hard for me to say but... >>

<< I don't really like quesadillas all that much, maybe we can have something else? >>

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica throws her head back against the wall and thumps the bed with the phone, bed sheets shushing with the movement of her impatient feet. "You rat," she murmurs delightedly.

<<Not cheesy enough for you? Do you want fondue? Whatever the prince wants.">>

Squinting at the line for a moment, she shrugs and sends it.

Mason Tavner has posed:
<< Ooh fondue. Coq au vin at that restaurant that does nothing but fondue is so good. >>

<< But for home cheese would be good. And maybe some chocolate. >>

A moment of nothing. Then quickly.

<< I should mention I do not have fondue accoutrements. >>

Jessica Drew has posed:
Scratching her forehead and shaking her head, she makes a face at the screen.

<<Neither do I. My grandmother may have one. If you want cheese, do like raclette? And wine from the alps?>

Mason Tavner has posed:
<< Raclette looks cool. I've never tried it. I'm tempted when I look on Amazon. Any gadget to help me melt cheese though makes me smile. >>

<< Hey Jess. My time to take a patrol is coming up. So I need to go. I'm looking forward to spending time with you. >>

Jessica Drew has posed:
<<Any implement to help cut through your cheese?>> she sends, with a thumb stamping take-that.

Jessica Drew has posed:
So intent on one upping him, she nearly misses his final words.

<<Take care. Be safe. Let me know when you're back.">>

Because she is alone, she can lean back slowly against the wall with a fleeting look of sadness. She slides down back under the sheets and sighs.

Mason Tavner has posed:
<< So much cheese. >>

And then there's nothing from him for the rest of the night save for a single small message of a smiley face to let her know he got back from the patrol safely.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The ting of a message received wakes her for an eye blinking moment until she turns and settles back to sleep.