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Latest revision as of 15:31, 20 September 2022

Heavy Lifting
Date of Scene: 20 September 2022
Location: Roof Landing: Triskelion
Synopsis: Under the watchful eyes of Agent Martin (NPC), several senior agents
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Jessica Drew, Natasha Romanoff, Lara Croft

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The recruits in Tactical Response Team 7 have been at it for a good month now. They ran a good gamut of exercises and have gotten into that steady rhythm of training and testing alternating from day to day but with enough randomness in the activities themselves that they don't fall into too much of a pattern of expectation.
    On Saturday it was the assault course, live fire at points with rounds calculated by AI to hit close enough to send shivers up the spines of the cadets. Sunday it was inventory, cataloging the storage in storage 17 bin 12 that required them to go through at length all the peanut butter crackers that had been in storage in case of an extinction level event.
    Monday? They got those five trainees up on the rooftop of the Triskelion. The team was jazzed, wearing their fatigues with the HALO drop gear their instructor Agent Martin had suggested they equip themselves with. Then they showed up on that roof, the five of them watching the comings and goings of the various Quinjets.
    Which was when Martin told them, "Alright, greenhorns. You ready for your first jump?"
    Which had Alexander as well as the four others shouting back, "Sir, yes, sir!"
    Only for Martin to smirk. "Well too damn bad. See that storage point of seven hundred and twelve team survival kits? I need those moved over one at a time to hanger seven. Let's move it!"
    Which, to their credit, the cadets didn't groan. Though they did look... crest-fallen.

Jessica Drew has posed:
A head pops over the side of the building. Crest-fallen recruits strike Jessica as the world running right, she gives Agent Martin the high sign. Then, finishes her climb over the parapet, having run her personal outdoor training course. Even senior agents have to clock their hours on the range and on the obstacle course. The mutant agent is kitted out in a black tactical modified for her, no heavy boots, but fine meshed booties and gloves that allow her to cling.

The agent ambles over to Martin's side and seats herself on a crate. She amuses herself watching the recruits put their back into it. "So how are they doing?"

Her smile broadens on catching sight of a particular blonde-haired recruit. "That one giving you any trouble? She points with her thumb at Alexander.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is currently sitting up and over o the rooftop. Seeming to not mind any sort of things about the weather. Of all things with her she has a book. An old looking book by the faded, almost pulp-like status of it. But not the extremely old things that she's tended to showcase a preference for when leisure reading. And it's in Mandarin rather than Russian.

And if one could make it out then it would be about astronomy, which was well outside of her usual parlance.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Agent Martin had his arms folded as he looked on and glowered, half-smirking the whole while. He was a military man, came to SHIELD out of USAF Intel, spent a good amount of his time training officers in his later years and now...
    "They're a bunch of chuckleheads," Martin says, his stubbly short gray hair getting a brush of his hand. He's in the SHIELD black fatigues that are often used sans the combat harness. Just like the squad is in except their insignias are much more humble. "But not the worst I've seen." His lip twists as he looks sidelong toward Agent Drew.
    She points out the blond one who is moving with the others creating a bit of a chain to pass each fifty pound box from one to the next so at least they don't have to walk all that distance each time and they get a few moments to rest in between boxes. A grunt is heard. "Aaron? Middle of the road. He'll pass but..." Shaking his head the man grunts, "Uninspired. Like O'Hara over there excels at hand to hand, but get a gun in her hand and..." Another shake of his head. "Dickerson? Exact opposite. But Aaron's always in the middle of the pack."
    They continue to move and carry those boxes while a Quinjet's engines roar as it hovers past and sets down on one of the nearby pads. "Though notice they don't cut up as much when you or the other spider is around." A nod is given to Widow on her perch.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess leans back against another crate and pulls her legs up to sit cross-legged. The trainer's drill sergeant gruffness tickles her and gives her a sense of security. He doesn't pretend to make nice like some of the more politically minded agents.

The agent relaxes and lets her breathing come back to normal. The run up the side of the building at speed had winded her as it was meant to. She gives Natasha a wave and a pleasant nod as she calls up,"Come down and join us." In an aside to Martin, "So we can really give them a scare."

With a faint frown, her eyes fixed on Alex, "So what is this about being middling? I -know- he can be superlative in the field. Is he afraid of standing out?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to put her book down over while moving to fold it shut and glance over, "Agent, what happens to be the issue? And is there a reason why you're lollygagging while your'e on assignment duty?" She goes to stand up. Not irritated, but seeing if there's a legitimate reason for them to be gossipping amongst htemselves over while they were instructed to work.
    "Or am I going to hear that you're not on a time sensitive thing and you've been authorized to do so at a leisurely pace?" Oh Natasha, ever the social one.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I dunno." Martin shakes his head, chewing on the inside of his cheek thoughtfully as his eyes follow the progress of the team. There's a brief moment when one of the cadets, Mumford it says on his lapel, scowls as Tucker half-tosses the heavy box into his arms. Yet the instructor's watchful eye catches it and he growls, "Cut the grab ass!"
    Which has those two looking down and their expressions muting.
    "Dunno if he's playin' some game. Seems to be competitive. Still." He eyeballs Jessica for a moment as if she might have some insight. But then when he hears Widow's voice as she draws near he answers her even if the words aren't entirely meant for him.
    "Just keepin' an eye on mah detail, ma'am."
    Though the cadets are making good time. They have a good number of those boxes hustled on to hangar 17 and with that teamwork are busting some butt.

Lara Croft has posed:
After one of the Quinjets sets down on its designated drop pad, the crew aboard it descends, one of which being that of Lara Croft. Wearing a tac vest over a tanktop, her arms are bare, though she's wearing some fingerless gloves, and some tacticl trousers, with the hems tucked in to leather boots. She's pulling a pair of shades up off of her eyes and resting them on her hairline as she speaks to some of the people she was flying with. Some words are shared, a small laugh exchanged, and Lara starts to walk away from the Jet.

Her course takes her toward those moving equipment around, a duffle bag held in her right hand at her side. She pauses when she recognizes their faces, and offers a smile. "What have we got going on here?" She inquires then.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess looks up at Natasha and chuckles, saying to Martin, "She is equal opportunity. Gives us all hell on missions." At Martin's question, she shrugs and purses her lips, not committing herself to anything else concerning him. "Really, dunno."

"There we go. The whip," her eyes slide upward to Romanoff, "and the carrot." She nods at Lara, a smile forming. "Let's see who they put on the speed for."

Jess lifts a hand to wave Lara over. "Come join us," she pats the box next to her. "It's fun to watch other people work for a change."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would just looking at the group and move to cross her arms, "Then keep -at- it, Agents. Or I can always decide that you seem to feel like you're operating efficiently and that I should send a message to your squad detail that you could stand to put the extra time you have over into additional drills since practice makes perfect and you're obvoiusly having time that can be put to additional use while you're on duty."

Oh yes, she's ever the friendly one here. she would give a nod over to Lara, "Dame Croft."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Agent Martin gives a nod in Lara's direction, "Agent Croft. Training exercise with the new greenhorns. Just givin' 'em some of that ole PT." He keeps his arms folded as he stands there, watching as they keep up that pace of moving those boxes, handing them off in turn to each other and half-jogging half-walking to their comrade or to the end point.
    Though Dickerson seems to be flagging a bit which gets the instructor to growl, "Pick up the pace, Dickerson. This ain't some picnic. Get too slow you don't get no potato salad!"
    Though for those nearby they'll hear the older man grumble to himself. "Gettin' hungry."
    Though it's as they're reaching the last quarter of the boxes that the older man steps forward and claps his hands several times, his voice managing to be heard as he shouts over the whine of an incoming Quinjet. "Alright, last sprint. Let's hustle up, gentlemen! And lady!" Which has those recruits busting their butts.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara moves to stand where Jessica had indicated she join them. She shows a grin as she removes her tac vest with some pulling of velcro. The vest is set down on top of the duffle bag, and she tucks her gloves in to a pouch on it, before she finally spins around and takes that offered seat...

A smile is given to Natasha, and a nod. "Agent Romanoff. I assume you're overseeing whatever is happening here?" She inquires, before Lara's gaze sweeps back over to Martin.

"Don't be too hard on them." She says in good humor, showing the trainer a sweet smile, her eyes watching the 'green horns' do as they're ordered.

Lara leans over to Jessica then, speaking lowly. "I'm one of the few around here who was lucky enough to have avoided military service. It looks just as dreadful as I always assumed it would be..."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Grasping her ankles and rocking in place. Jess watches the recruits pick up their speed at Martin's bidding. She gives Lara a quick grin.

"I bet they think they have it rough," she comments, shaking her head.

"Well, don't ask Agent Martin what he thinks about military training. They do a good job of it here, in my opinion."

With a hand to her stomach, "Yep, it's time for lunch. Eat with us, Lara. I haven't seen you in the Trisk for ages.

"Shading her eyes against the sun, she looks up at the trainer, "Well, they don't seem half bad, Agent Martin. It looks like you have whipped them into decent shape."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Not an entire embarrassment," The older man replies to Jessica, then he raises his voice.
    "Alright, good job, good job!" Martin claps his hand together as he starts forward, then turns to look at the three other SHIELD agents. "If you will excuse me, agents." He gives them a short salute that isn't regulation in any way since SHIELD isn't exactly big on that. But then he's moving out on the tarmac.
    Which is where those cadets are all catching their breath, breathing heavily, several of them with their hands on their knees as they try to recover from that last surge of exhaustion that the evil man Martin put on them. "Good work, almost looked respectable out there for two seconds."
    Aaron looks up at the instructor and grimaces as he squints with one eye, then looks back down. While Agent Tucker is groaning and looking like he might keel over. "Alright, break it up and head on in. Go get yourselves some grub, you got the rest of the day to recover and cry yerselves ta sleep."
    Which is when they start to head on in, though that Agent Aaron seems to linger a bit as he tries to catch his breath, that exercise clearly having tuckered him.

Lara Croft has posed:
"Mmm..." Lara quietly utters while she places her hands down upon the tops of her knees within those tactical styled pants. She sweeps her stare off of the training agents, back to Jessica, and flashes her a grin. "I've been working from my home back in London for a bit... it's been a little crazy there, of late." She quietly states before looking back to Martin as he starts to dismiss the trainees.

"Well done, Agent Martin. Now I know who to go to, if I am struggling with motivation to keep up my jogging exercises." She chides the man casually.

Jessica Drew has posed:
After unfolding herself from the box, Jess puts her hands behind her back and stretches backward with a faint groan. She then peels her thin gloves off and tucks them into the belt at her waist.

"Tell me it is Tex-Mex day in the canteen, please. I have a hankering for mega-carbs and salsa."

She gives Lara a quizzical look and then nods, "Lots of ceremonial things to attend, then?" They share a heritage, but in many ways, the agent feels divorced from her homeland and more at home in the United States.

She spies the loitering recruit, "Alexander, want to grab a bite with us?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would take a moment to glance over at Martin, "It's your squad of cadets." So she'll defer ultimately to him on their tutlage. However, she is seeming to presume that they're slacking just a bit. But she's not calling anything else on it now.
    She would nod at Lara, "Very well. I take it that your.. operations, at least, have been going adequately?"
    As Jessica would speak up on ceremonial things, Natasha would give a nod. With recent events and all..

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I'll be there for you ma'am, pick the time." Agent Martin says with a smirk. He's old. But not that old. Then it's into the stairwell he moves, holding it open for the cadets that are following after him. He seems to think about shouting something in Agent Aaron's direction, then glances toward Jessica... and doesn't.
    Distantly one can hear his voice in the stairwell motivating those trainees to move it move it move it. Such as is proper in life for that man.
    Though at the words sent his way, Alexander straightens up and looks between the cadre of agents there near the perch Jess had taken up. A few quick steps lead him over there in a half-jog that slows once he draws near then he gives a nod. "Agents."
    He can't fight down the small smile. "That'd be appreciated." The having a bite thing. Since the youth may not suffer too much from fatigue. But he does get hongry.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shows a quick smile to Natasha, while she leans down to her stuff beside her feet, and digs through the duffle bag to pull out a bottle of water. Lifting it up, she uncaps it and takes a swig from it. "We're making the best of a unfortunate situation." She softly says, with a nod given to Jessica as well.

Her eyes go back to Alexander upon his arrival. "How are you doing?" She asks him then with a little grin. "Adjusting to your new life of 'rules' and 'regulations'?" She inquires with a playful slight tilt of her head at waiting for his response.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess snorts at the question, leaning forward slightly with a smirk to watch his response.

"I'll ask you at lunch. You know what? I'm going to grab a quick shower before I head to lunch. Save me a place, would you?" The agent doesn't tarry and nips down the stairs on the heels of the other recruits, heading straight to her locker for a change of clothes.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A quick look is given toward Natasha, but Alexander seems to judge that it's alright to let down his guard a little as he responds to Lara. "I'm doing alright, reminds me of when I was little." And he was put through his paces by a particular deity of war.
    Then he adds with a slight smile, "Though still getting used to, you know, having to wake up before noon." Since his ESU schedule was... a bit lax.
    Though he does give Jess the side-eye there at her smirking, his own gaze narrowing. "Alright, we'll meet you there." That said he starts to move off with Agent Croft as he walks. "How are things over at your side of the Triskelion?"