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Latest revision as of 12:40, 21 September 2022

Bugs in the System
Date of Scene: 21 September 2022
Location: The Crowe's Nest
Synopsis: The pressed-upon new leadership of the Justice League Dark holds a clandestine meeting int he livingroom of an ancient witch, kept alive by occult means. There's ice cream, cannoli and hats for birds. This is either goig to be a great leadership team, or we're going to need to raise dead on the Golden Girls.

Red Robin has no idea he's been recruited for tech assistance for someone who does not use the Instant-Gram, the BookFaces, or MySpace.

Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Sara Pezzini, Gabby Kinney

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    There are not many people who get the chance to look into the personal life of Nettie Crowe beyond the glimpses and semi-truths she tells people about her life. Bringing people back behind the counter was a rarity, and to her workspace was almost unheard of. So in that Nettie invited Gabby and Sara to review the goings on of the Justice League Dark and offered her own sanctum as the locale was unusual.

    However, it's always better to share the fancy pints of ice cream with others when it comes to planning and scheming.

    So a couple of pints in cardboard tubes are set about with a trio of spoons, as Nettie sits on the chaise, crochet hook in her hand as she work son a granny square. The record player in the corner is warbling out a 1930's torch song.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
JLD meeting, over ice cream, there was no way Sara could turn down ice cream. Nettie was another of the members of the JLD that she had seen, heard the general abilities of, and had seen around. Summed up, old magic user with a smart ass bird.

Arriving to the shop, she parks her motorcycle on the sidewalk, out of the way of foot traffic, and removes her helmet. Her aunt would hunt her down and spank her adult butt if she came empty handed, so once she was standing she collected the Rubbermaid container of cannoli from the saddle bag and headed for the door.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Not far behind was the little Honda Trail that Gabby was fond of riding. It was just her size and great for road or offroad. How could she not love it? Her rebel fighter helmet is removed, and she hops off to snag a bag off the back herself. It's slung over her shoulder she lifts a hand to wave at Sara while heading inside. "Hey Sara," she greets a bit sleepily. Not that it was going to stop her from being here.

Down into the apartment she goes flashing a grin at Nettie once she pokes her head down with a little 'shave and a haircut' knock at the doorway before doing so. It was kind of her thing after seeing 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?'

"Hey, evening," she greets. "Is Corvax around? I got something for him."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Enter, friends!" Nettie calls out from her place of comfort, and she sets aside her yarn and needle as she turns to regard those coming down the spiral staircase.

    Corvax, the large black familiar to the witch flits across the room, and perches on Nettie's shoulder.

    He says 'caw'. He does not caw. He just says the word, keeping a wary eye to Sara Pezzini.

    And then his head tilts back a moment.

    "I'm always about, whelp. Nettie can't get rid of me so easily."

    "Except when I offer to sacrifice you for the rush of power."

    ". . . N-Nettie!!"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
There was always a certain level of nervousness when entering someone's home, especially when you didn't know that person very well. Sara could feel that slight anxiousness at the back of her neck as she entered. Years of training have her eyes scan the room for entrances and exits, windows, door ways, even as she is offering a smile and extending the Rubbermaid container toward Nettie, and now the talking bird.

"My aunts homemade cannoli," she explains. "Never come empty handed, that's how I was raised."

Its very difficult not to stare at the talking bird, but some how she manages. Witchblade is hastily whispering in her head all the possible reasons for the talking bird, and familiar is on that list... not that Sara wanted to hear the list, but this was the price she paid as the wielder.

Good to see you both again," she then offers, her smile growing more bright as Gabby enters. "Was starting to feel a world away from all this."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Whelp? Gabby's eyebrows raise a bit at that particular phrase from the crow, though she does grin a bit. "Good to see you too, Sara," she offers while stepping to the side to find herself a seat. The bag slung over her shoulder is flipped around to her lap as soon as she does to dig through it.

"Oh, I didn't really bring anything, sorry. Was I supposed to?" A little look of consternation flits over her as she considers this. Had she somehow snubbed them by not doing so? A little huffed sigh comes as she shakes her head. "Sorry," she says again.

"I mean I did bring SOMETHING, but given I'm just a 'whelp', I don't know if I should hand it over. I mean what would a whelp know about--" Her hand withdraws from the bag bringing a tiny tricorne hat in black, with little yellow stitching along the edge as embellishment. "--Hats?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Ooh, cannol-" the bird begins, and then shakes his head and goes "Ah. Caw. And shite." he mutters.

    Nettie looks over to the bird, and she motions for the other two to have a seat.

    "I was a world away from all of this, but Gabby presented me an excellent argument to come out of retirement. And that would be tiny hats intended for more polite corvids than myself." she gives a bright grin to Sara, motioning to Gabby.

    "Please help yourself to the ice cream. Except the Milk and Cookies one, that one's mine." she states and picks up her crochet work again, and lowers her glasses to her nose.

    HATS. The bird looks at the tricorne, and then gives a sigh.

    "I promise ye, it's coming from a place of fondness. Naught a sailor alive on the sea in my time weren't called it once or another time *now if you please it has been centuries since I have had a proper hat*." Corvax states, and then Nettie gives a small smile at the antics.

    "... how did it go, clearin' out?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Pulling the top of the container off, Sara sets it down by the ice cream so that the bird, Nettie and/or Gabby can get to them easily. Once that's done, she settles herself into a chair and looks over the ice cream choices.

"No need to pretend you can't talk on my account," she offers toward the bird, eyes searching the types. Brand didn't matter really, ice cream was ice cream.

"Clearning out..." she mutters then glances to Gabby. "Well... I can honestly say it is one hundred percent clean now."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself a little amused snort at the response. She's grinning though, that's a good thing. "All right, all right. I'm just teasing. Come here, we'll see which one fits you."

Which... one?

Her hand dips back into the bag to pull out a few other variations on the first. All tricornes, but some larger, a few smaller, some with a little bolero style string beneath for settling on the head. Some not. A total of four. Two black, and two brown. It looks as if one may have even been made from actual leather cut from some old jacket or another while the rest were felted wool.

"I'm good with whatever flavor," she assures the pair, glancing back over to Sara with a tired grin. "Ah. It was messy." A pause before she states, "Constantine and Zatanna combined their magic and boosted Ghost Rider's hellfire to burn it down. I blew a few bombs from inside so it'd implode and not let anything out before it had a chance to. So I'd say it's gone."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Well, can't be too careful. I've seen what your stoaway does. AND YEAH I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" the crow caws, raising his wings, and just in case the Witchblade comes out to say hello he flits over to Gabby.

    "Hats, hats, hats...."

    The witch listens a moment, pausing her work with the yarn as she takes a breath, and gives a nod. "Aye, sounds like that's about the right of it to make sure no one goes wandering inside of it. Good to see the kids getting on." Nettie comments, and she purses her lips a moment, and then sets her yarns down, and patting herself she takes up a silk packet, and draws it from a pocket, withdraws a cigarette, and with nary a care to the other two lights it with a cheap bic, before tucking everything away again.

    "Met one of the new young bucks. Padraigh. Son of a Death God. Good lord does this city attract the weird ones." she murmurs. "Which of the Ghost Riders was it? Last I was reading there were a couple hanging their bones around the group. I'm tryin' to learn 'em all by name."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Noble," Sara answered regarding which Ghost Rider. "I haven't seen Blaze in months."

She selects which ice cream will be hers, then collects a spoon. "Witchblade can hear you just find... er... I'm sure you have a name, but I think I missed it. Anyway, he doesn't consider you a threat, so no need to worry about him," she adds, then sits back in the chair.

"I need to get out an introduce myself to all the newer members, and start getting an idea of what everyone can do. Makes no sense to try and work as a team if we don't know what people can do, or is that just my logical brain over thinking it?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
These are answers Gabby knows at least. The first hat is brought up to rest on Corvax's head judging it a moment or two before shaking her head. "Try this one," she states, putting the leather one in it's place which was just a tad smaller. The fit is far better. "Move around with it a bit, let me know if I need to add a tie to it."

While she lets the crow familiar do that she reaches out for one of the tubs of icecream. AND a canolli. She wasn't going to miss out on either.

"Yeah, that one's Danny's rider," she adds before taking a bite of the pastry. It's tucked into her cheek causing it to puff out like a chipmunk as she adds, "Robbie and Eli stepped away from the JLD after breaking up with Rien." An awkward pause comes, and all she can do is shrug. "My sister's love life is a soap opera."

"I've met Paddy. He told me to call him that it's not an insult," she hastens to add. "I can get you a list of the newer members I've already visited. Been doing a lot of running around to catch up on things."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "We should have a get together, get to see the new faces, the old faces, the faces that I've probably squished as wee babes at some point --" Nettie ventures, and gives a soft click of her tongue. "All love lives are soap operas, kitten. Some are just more action packed than others. Once you start involving matters of the heart into the workplace --"

    The robot cat then chooses to make its appearance, Elizabeth giving a digital 'meow!', and batting at some of the yarn.

    "Paddy's a rogue, ballsy. Reminds me of someone else I met, though that lad was Italian. Short, but goodness did he impress the ladies with his charm and... ah... other charms." Nettie purses her lips and she leans back against her chaise for a moment.

    "MY NAME, ACCURSED AS IT BE!" the crow gives a tiny bellow, "IS UNIMPORTANT BECAUSE NOW --" his wings rise up, and he hops around, excitedly, back and forth "OI AM A PROPER GENTLEMAN ONCE MORE FOR THE SAKE OF A PROPER HAT!"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
For one brief moment Sara stares at the bird in the hat, blinks a couple of times, then just let's it go to open the pint of ice cream. There was just no topping a talking bird in a hat, a specifically sized for the bird hat at that.

"First we need a place to get together in," she comments before a spoonful of ice cream disappears into her mouth.

Once the small bite is gone she adds, "We also have to decide how we're going to do this. I mean I for one am not exactly able to use magic, Witchblade is just magical by nature, so there's gaps in my knowledge that I'm sure Nettie knows all about."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans back in her seat watching the behatted crow strut around. It did seem to fit him well so she's rather glad for that. Grinning proudly she offers, "You look very dashing, Corvax." Dashing was a word from back then right? She wasn't sure when then was, but it sounded old timey.

Glancing back to the other women she adds, "I spoke to Nettie about a place and she offered the training room in the back of the shop for us. As for how things work... Well, I'm not magical myself though I also have an enchanted weapon kinda. You've got Witchblade's powers, Nettie has magic. Not everyone in the JLD is a sorcerer or witch or wizard." She pauses considering. "Are wizards a thing? Never met one."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "You've met Constantine, haven't you? He's a Wizard." Nettie reminds Gabby with a wry smile. "Dunno how he's identifying these days, but yeah, that'd be a Wizard. I'm just sort of someone who dabbles about a whole lot of different things, but 'witch' fits well enough. And I've got a broom. Corvax, be polite to Miss Sara and Miss Gabby. After all, they're my coworkers now. And we should always be nice to those who are on the ship with us, yes?" she smiles.

    "Damn straight this is Dashing. No proper gent doesn't have a hat." Corvax states, and then hops around, and looks to Sara and then huffs.

    "YEah. Well. Sorry, Sara. Thank you for the cannoli. An' for agreeing to come back so our Nettie doesn't try to take the world on her shoulders again."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Having a name, Sara offers a nod to Corvax. "No worries Corvax, we each have our own attitudes," she offers with a grin. "And the hat is dashing."

She looks then to Gabby. "That's what I mean though, we all have our own thing, and our own way of doing things. Most of us are used to working alone, and then we get thrown into a situation together and most still act like they are working alone. I saw it with the angel invasion," she sighs at that, taking another small bite of the ice cream.

"Way back at the beginning I mentioned it was like herding cats, so the three of us have to come up with a way to start helping these solo thinking people actually work together, or conversely, we have to accept that every time we do something together, there's going to be problems."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tucks away the last bite of the cannoli and licks her fingers clean. Just to be certain she wasn't about to get anything around her messy. The urge to wipe her hand on her thigh is resisted. Nettie's explanation of Constantine being a wizard causes her to grin. "Oh! I didn't know that. The way everyone talked, I thought he was an asshole."

Moving on as if she hadn't just dropped a prime insult on said wizard, she glances over to Sara with a nod. "I know, that's part of why I want to help out. I'm used to working with a team. The easiest way to start it, is to start giving them reasons to work together. Training, or small missions. Things where their abilities can offset each other, and work together. And... yeah it'll be tough," she agrees nodding.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "One of the reasons I withdrew. So many people workin' alone. And those who didn't, got burned out quick tryin' to clean up after everyone else." Nettie replies quietly, and she breathes out in a snoooort. That was a good insult. Poor John Constantine was not here to defend himself though.

    "Gabby presented the same argument. That it's a bunch of solos trying to be themselves. Really, we should all be workin' as a group rather than simply throwing ourselves bodily at every issue. I suspect, by the by, that burning is why some have opted not to return to the fold. Which is fine."

    Nettie finishes another round on her square, and holds it up, looking to its pink and reds, and then to Sara.

    "I'm happy to provide the magic and experience, if you two don't mind occasionally being the heavy lifting and the... more delicate aspects I s'pose." Nettie gives a grin.

    "So. How about a mixer, here then? We can use my shoppe and the fledging space to stretch out, get a feel, and then re-confirm what this whole mess is about. We're s'posed to be the ones who take on the supernatural bullshite that gives Superman the willies in his wellies."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara almost spits a mouthful of ice cream out at Gabby's bomb drop, but she manages to get it swallowed amongst the laughing. "He is an asshole, but he's also apparently a wizard... who knew?" she comments through the chortles, then has to take a moment to catch her breath while she uses a napkin to wipe her lips off.

Turning her attention back to Nettie, she sets the pint of ice cream on the table. "Heavy lifting and combat are what Witchblade does," she admits plainly. "That said however, I would very much like to learn more about magic."

Picking up one of the cannoli, she sets it on a napkin by the ice cream before continuing. "A mixer is a great idea. I honestly have no idea how large this place is, but if we are supposed to be on par with the Justice League, we may need to consider expanding," she crosses right leg over left. "We're meant to be an organization that deals with everything that goes bump in the night so that Superman can sleep better, right? That means we're going to need to establish a number people can call to report those bumps, hire people to answer those calls who aren't going to freak out... we'll need safe training areas where people can throw magic around while we're learning to work together."

She pauses there, apparently on a roll with her thinking but needing a moment for her thoughts to catch up. "Sorry, I'm rambling now. In many ways that velvet room had part of what we needed, but it lacked one major thing, in my opinion... connection to reality. We deal with the reality of magic, and it always felt to me like we were hiding from it in the astral realm, which I've heard changes constantly anyway."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins in amusement at the reactions from the pair. She'd meant it as a joke, poor John, so to lighten the mood a bit. It seems to have done so to an extent. "Yeah, that was my concern with it too. How do people seek us out for help if they need it? There was no way. Plus there's all the recruits and stuff. Hard to meet them if there's no where to meet."

"I'm all for a mixer. Party. Whatever you want to call it. It's a good way to see who's still around, who wants to be around, and who is new."

"As for the rest... Well I don't mind that. I've already met several recruits, and reached out to others that have agreed to come back. Plus," she considers, "I know many people seem to get along well with me that don't get along with others."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mmm. One of the reasons why I liked the Laughing Magician -- the bar, I mean." Nettie is quick to add, "You could walk in and actually talk with people. Until such a time when further expansion may be needed, though -- the shop'll do. My fledging space for students and the like's got some protection. Every once in a while someone flits in with an actual haunting or complaint." she explains as she goes to stand up. She feels short. She's not wearing shoes, and her poor feet are in wool socks as if they're always cold.

    "And from my understanding, this wasn't s'posed to be the day-to-day. This was the Special Occasions, but lacking any undergrad grouping or pups' brigade --" she looks over her shoulder, her hands reaching up for a book "Meanin' of course the young and uninitiated in the ways of such things, like my students last year, no offense to either of you," she plucks down a book, and she thumbs through it a moment.

    "... looks like we handle it all from haunted dolls and mysterious scratches to the echoing cries of madness coming from the deepest voids of the Abyss. Ugh..." she gets a far off look "I thought retirement might be quiet, but it's just boring."

    "BUT, first lesson of magic, it sucks. Literally. The life outta you. It always requires payment. Ask Zee how lonely it might have been growing up knowing you were different. Or anyone whose teenager mysteriously up and disappeared leaving just scorched bedsheets behind after a bumbled summoning circle." she pauses, and replaces the book, and then pulls another down.

    "... I'm certain the two of you, having been involved with our League Dark, have seen someone who's pulled more than they were able to handle and paid awful prices. I don't broker in lies and fairy stories. Anyone who learns magic in the group should be appraised that it's a long and painful process and sometimes, unless you're very lucky, not worth the work for a few sparks from your fingertips."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
While Nettie is talking, Sara devours the cannoli. There is nothing remotely lady-like regarding the consumption of the pastry, then the mess on fingers and face are wiped away with a napkin, removing all evidence.

"I should have been more clear," she says when Nettie reaches the end. "I want to learn how magic works, I don't want to learn how to do magic. I know there are different kinds of magic, and I know everything has a price. Even Witchblade and I pay a price for what he can do."

The ice cream is picked up again, now that the cannoli no longer exists. "Day to day or special occasion, someone had to be ready to help out. A classic haunted house could be come something more, far more dangerous, if not dealt with quickly. Do we draw a line in the sand and say we won't help? I couldn't do that, and with new task force unit the NYPD has, there are a lot of calls coming in regarding the strange and unusual."

She blinks once, then gets a 'I have an idea' expression on her face. "We could use that you know. Just have people call the NYPD Special Investigations Unit and from there what the officers working that unit and myself can't handle, pass it on to the JLD."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Well, to be fair the haunted doll is pretty chill now that we've got her entertained with some toys and snacks," Gabby puts forth only to shrug a little bit. She knew what Nettie was talking about though, and how their reach was rather vast. "Yeah that does cover a lot of ground. I know a little about how magic works from my time in Limbo with Illyana, and from spending time with Rien, but I don't DO it myself." There's a moment she trails off glancing aside with some thought or another. She was going to have a very long life. Did she really want to continue to get involved in this?

As the thoughts run through her head she dives into the pint of chocolate chip cookie dough in distraction only to pause and give a happy little 'mmm' at the flavor. Okay that one passes.

"Mmf. But, yeah, I expect there's some that are going to have their own thing going on to and not be available for the day to day. Maybe that's what we try to have the more inexperienced folks work on? Like... I dunno, finding cursed objects, or magic books that have ended up in odd places. Ghosts. The occasional imp."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "That's like asking the difference between how to drive a car and how the internal combustion engine works. Magic is different person to person. I don't cast the same as Zatanna doesn't cast the same as Atrun-Rai doesn't cast the same way as the Queen of Limbo. Hell, I'm from a hereditary line, and I was an *exemplary* student of magic to the point where I got into a fair bit of trouble with it. Magical theory? I can teach. I can teach you practicum as well, but it doesn't always... eeh..." she winces a moment, and her nose wrinkles.

    "Match." she states. "But the long ommentary was also for both your benefits as leaders since inevitably... someone's going to not come back from field trips. I do like the idea of sending the pups after the little stuff. No sense in pulling someone away from their time or studies if it's a grocery store task, mm?" she questions, giving a slight grin.

    "And I do like the idea of taking from the Strange and Unusual file, Sara. Can we trust you to keep an eye out on your dayjob?" she considers, and she sits back down with another book.

    "And Gabby, are you very good with the... Instant-Grams? Those Bookfaces? ... MySpace?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A spoonful of the vanilla cherry ice cream pauses on the way to Sara's mouth as Nettie reveals how tech-savy she isn't. It made sense, given the woman's age and occupation, but still, Sara had never actually met someone with that little of a clue regarding InstaGram, Facebook and the like.

"My day job /is/ the strange and unusual now, its one of the reasons I had to step away for a bit. I'm in charge of the Special Investigations Unit," she explains. "Once the higher ups learned that I was one, an Avenger. Two, Witchblade's wielder. And three, part of SHIELD, they sort of shoved me into the position. Not many officers are willing to take on the challenge of the strange and unusual, but the unit is starting to get comfortable with each other."

Her eyes shift to Gabby and her lips twitch into a playful grin, "Yeah Gabby, you're good with the Instant-Gram and Bookfaces, right?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney isn't too phased. Her dad was probably just as old as Nettie after all. He might be a bit more tech savvy even if he didn't want to be, but not by much. Another bite of icecream is taken, and she grins broadly. "Yep, I got to keep up with all the new memes that come out. Though Red Robin is better than me. We could maybe have him help out with that, too," she reasons. "He's kind of an ancillary member of the JLD and on my other team, too. Tech nerd."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Hm. Maybe I should talk to this Red Robin and ask them if they could set up a digital alert schema...?" Nettie tries the words, and then she frowns like it was a bad smell.

    "That just sounds weird. Technology is its own magic that I'll never really understand. Except Elizabeth."

    The mechanical cat robot gives a miiiaaaw, and bats at Nettie's yarn again.

    "Yes you are, dear heart. a marvelous invention and heartfelt gift."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
One thing about being a NY city cop is that you were never really off duty. One thing about being in charge of an entire unit with in the NYPD is that you are never, ever off duty.

Sara's phone chimes from her coat pocket and without even looking she says, "Well, that's my cue... I need to head out." She slides the cannoli closer to Corvix, so he can have the rest if he wants.

"Thank you for the ice cream, the brief magical education, and for both of you being people I should have no issues at all working with."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins in amusement as the talk continues. At least until Sara's phone chimes, and she looks over with a knowing nod. That had happened plenty of times to her before. "I should probably get going, too. It's been a few days since I could sleep in my new place. Just been crashing at the Roost. Which isn't bad, but..." Her hands spread. "I kind of need to check on my other sister. She's not as great at socializing as the rest of us are." Which was saying something.

Another bite of icecream is taken though, and she closes off the remainder of the container. "Thanks for the icecream, Nettie! And enjoy your new hat Corvax. I'll check in later with you guys, and let Red Robin know his skills are needed."