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Latest revision as of 03:40, 24 September 2022

So how do you pack for a trip to the LAND OF THE DEAD
Date of Scene: 23 September 2022
Location: Sif's Ranch
Synopsis: Sif and Jimmy talk about her trip.
Cast of Characters: Sif, Jimmy Hudson

Sif has posed:
The ranch was becoming more lovely each week. It had been an abandoned wreck of ramshackle buildings and broken fences originally. Then bought by someone with a dream, it had been reborn. The wooden fences were mended, surrounding the many paddocks and fields. The barn was repaired and repainted. The home with the wraparound porch had become cozy and welcoming for those who entered, though it was few who were invited there by the mistress of the property. A separate duplex had been added which allowed the pair of live-on-site employees their own apartment homes that were quite roomy. The horses were often loose in the fields during the day but brought into the barn at night.

This evening, Sif was at that residence on property, preparing for the adventure the next day. Which meant she was packing a travel bag with a few supplies, though she had no doubt that Helda would be adding to those once everyone was at the Embassy for the departure. Her sword was already laying on the oversized bed. Although there were a wide range of other weapons hanging on one wall of the walk-in-closet and she seemed to be perusing those as she considered what else would be best in this particular trip.

She was dressed casually. A pair of jeans and a simple pullover blouse. Her hair getting longer but still just brushing her collar after that explosion a few months back.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Another part of that ranch this last year... had been Jimmy Hudson. At first just a hand to help, a friend to give some advice. Then later something more. Which had him feeling comfortable enough to be leaning there in the doorway of her room with a pensive look on his face as he watched her pack and put her gear together.
    It was difficult at times being in a relationship with an Asgardian. Especially one so active in between the realms as Sif. He'd had a taste for the intra-dimensional travels himself, had lent a hand to the efforts of various teams trying to acquire artifacts. But this one trip he wasn't coming along. Though it was never said, there were hints, indications that some might well think it might be too risky for him.
    Which in turn made his worries for Sif grow all the more. "So how does one go about packing for a trip to this land of the dead place?"
    The young man asks with that casual drawl, arms folded, expression reserved. He's got all those tell-tale signs of body language indication his reservations about this whole shindig. He knows her for who she is, and sure his misgivings might be misplaced. But he still has them.

Sif has posed:
To be fair, most anyone would be nervous about this particular trip. Especially with that destination.

They had been traveling the nine realms, finding artifacts for a project born of Thor's mind. The adventures had been many and varied. But as the saying goes, the worst was saved for last. Or was that supposed to be the best? She didn't understand Midgardian phrases fully. It had led to some confusion on her part in the past.

"Since it cannot be trusted, one packs food and water. To be certain not to have to partake of the local fare. Though it is possibly not a danger, one cannot be certain so we practice caution. There have been stories and rumors to partake of the offerings of Niflheim leads to one being trapped there."

She came out of the closet with her shield, adding it to the pile on the bed. A dagger was also placed there. She looked over to Jimmy with a smile. "We have no desire to test the veracity of the tale."

Then she gave a little shrug. "My other thought is weaponry, should we have to fight our way through or back. I am unsure what threats we may face. There is much mystery shrouding that Realm."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Shifting his weight to the other foot, Jimmy sort of just weathers those words. His response is mainly to nod as she's speaking just slowly accepting. Accepting. Accepting. Then she comes out with that shield on her arm and he eyes it for a time, then back up toward her.
    "I know it's probably not a big deal ultimately right, you guys have done similar things or worse constantly for the last thousand years so I'm worrying for no reason." As he says this he pushes off of the wall and walks over to look at the equipment she's set on the bed.
    One hand lowers to touch one of the packs and then he lifts his gaze back to her, "You have any particular instructions for while you're gone?" He asks, though she recognizes the behaviour at this point. He usually tries to focus on the minutiae of normal things when the wild rears its head.

Sif has posed:
He got like this from time to time. Sif had learned to recognize it. It was his feelings for her showing through, his concern for her welfare. In truth, it was very sweet and it was nice to have someone care in such a way. Though the reality was more in matching with his words. They had done things of this sort for many centuries.

She paused in her packing to turn and look at him more fully. Reaching out a hand that was too callused from wielding a sword to be 'soft' but gently touching his cheek with it. "It will be fine. We have done such before and lived to tell the tales. I promise I will act with all caution while there. I have no desire to lose you so soon from my life." Though technically he'd be the one losing her. But it still worked.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    A deep breath is taken as he looks across the way, then her hand lifts and his eyes close for a moment. He covers her hand with his, meeting her gaze. A small squeeze is given, silently telling her everything she needs to know. Then he nods and murmurs simply, "Alright."
    Shaking his head as he looks at her he says with a small twist of his lips, "Ah'm clearly such a great guy." Perhaps really self-deprecating instead of boastful, he takes a deep breath and murmurs, "You just... I would say be careful, but that doesn't fit."
    He meets her gaze and rests a hand on her hip, drawing her close for a moment as he pushes away from the bed to step close. "You don't let anything stand in your way, Sif." His tone drops somber. "You don't let anything stop you. You're comin' home."
    He lifts his chin a little as he affects that stern tone, "And if you don't, we're gonna have a fallin' out, you and me." Which clearly should be so very terrifying. Yet it likely has the opposite effect.
    As he steps close and touches his lips to hers.