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Latest revision as of 02:02, 4 April 2020

I would have words with thee.
Date of Scene: 19 March 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Back Yard
Synopsis: Toril gets taken to SHIELD
Cast of Characters: Toril Forsberg, Thor

Toril Forsberg has posed:
Since being literally pummeled into unconsciousness by Green Lantern, Toril had been relatively still. She simply laid there quietly breathing as she healed and recovered. Slowly though, she starts to come to and her eyes flutter. The Earth under her groans as she attempts to push up only to groan with the effort as something is holding her down. As her eyes open, she blinks to see the hammer on her chest. She slow blinks as it looks familiar for a moment before she gasps in realization.

"What...?" She looks around slowly till her eyes fall uopn Thor and she stares, "Thor? Why are you... Where is this? Why would you..." She just stares in confusion.

Thor has posed:
    "I bid you greetings," Is the first thing she hears from him, that voice calm and level, with a touch of the joviality to it. Though not as much as would be normally there for the Thunderer seems subdued. Perhaps it has to do with the situation, with the Mighty Mjolnir resting atop the young woman's chest to hold her down while across the way in this garden?
    It's really a rather lovely back yard haven... what with its fine grounds keeping, the twin statues, the fountain. There is a stone table with bench seats on either side. It is from there that Thor speaks to her and he says, "You have been rendered unto my care, for you apparently were upon a murderous rampage of some sort. The Lantern Green brought you to me in your state and did bid me ware for your wroth was mighty."
    He settles into that all-speak accented language, easily enough as it might fit her most. "Tell me your name, good lady, and what has passed."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
What he gets in response is a look of confusion before she smiles a little at being called mighty but them again confusion. "I do not know this Lantern nor would I think myself all that mighty." She smiles, "Though I did... I did..." She stares again at the hammer and them at Thor before she closes her eyes, "I did something and then..."

She falls back and closes her eyes, placing a hand to her forehead before her eyes burst open, "Toril! I am Toril and...I was off doing something. Fighting and then...." She shakes her head, "I can not recall...where I was or why."

Thor has posed:
    "Mmmm," Thor says as he looks to her, clearly the jury is still out. He takes a deep breath and gives her a once over and asks, "Are you injured?" Though she did not see to be. There is a faint creak and crackle as he pushes himself to his feet, the stone benchseat disliking the shift of weight a little.
    "And if I release you will you be able to control yourself?" She'll likely hear footsteps as he moves around to the side then back into her field of vision, arms folded over his broad chest as he looks down at her.
    "For I would speak to a countryman from a place of more geniality, over food and drink. If you are hungry."
    His eyebrow quirks, asking that question silently.

Toril Forsberg has posed:
"I feel as if I fought an army nigh on a day but I think I will fare well. Why would I not control myself?" Toril smiles, "Well, other than to have some excitement. You are Thor after all." She nods and then looks up at him.

Thor has posed:
    An eyebrow cocks as he gives Toril a /look/ what with the quirked eyebrow and the slight twist of his lip. He extends a hand and with a _whum_ the weapon leaps into his hand, smacking into his palm lightly and then leaving it to rest upon his hip. He's not the Thor she remembers likely, not quite so young, longer hair though tied back in a ragged pony tail. He could use a shave, and those clothes he wears? Blue jeans, a grey hoodie? Work boots? Decidedly un-Asgardian.
    "Come," He motions to the table he just left, "Sit and speak with me, Toril, for we have much to share I fear."
    And with that he will step back to that picnic bench area, and there upon it rests a warm loaf of bread with some butter as well as a flagon of mead, though likely not Asgardian.

Toril Forsberg has posed:
A slow breath is released when the hammer is free and she pushes up to her feet and smiles. She looks him over and blinks, "You wear strange clothes. They suit you." She nods her head walks over to sit and smiles at the bread and flagon, "This looks good." She then slowly looks up and around, her brow scrunching as she looks to what she can see, "This is...strange." She slowly turns in her seat, seeming to just now take in the sights, "Where are we? I do not recognize this place."

Thor has posed:
    It is a beautiful day. The sky is blue, Spring has truly reached the city. No hint of chill in the air and the temperature is perfect. High up the skyline of the city is majestic, and the few clouds in the sky drift slowly, peacefully across the way.
    "We are on Midgard," He tells her and takes up the loaf of bread, tearing off the end and dipping it in the partly melted butter, then extends it to her. "In the land known as Manhattan. This is the hold of my friends, the Avengers. We protect this land as we can." Which is much to be fair.
    With a certain formality he holds the bread out to her, nodding to it, and he offers, "Will you indulge in the sharing of this with me?" And complete the guest rite that so weighs heavily upon Asgardians after all.

Toril Forsberg has posed:
"She stares for a moment longer at the buildings and then looks to the bread.

"Oh, yes. Midgard has places like this?" She takes a bite of the bread and looks to him in confusion, "My thoughts are scattered amd my mind stretched but I cannot recall a land of this kind or an Avenger name. When did this happen?"

Thor has posed:
    As she bites he smiles a little, manner easing a touch. His blue eyes find hers and he nods as he uncurls a hand in her direction. "Midgard has gone through many changes in the time you seem to have lost." A glance is given to the side, then back towards the seemingly young woman, his eyebrows lifting. "It is some twelve centuries since the end of the war with the Svartalfar. The nine realms are at peace, my father Odin rules. Though my brother Loki has fallen out of favor for having made an attempt upon the crown. He is exiled."
    A breath is taken as he frowns, "Tell me, Lady Toril. What is it that you last remember?"

Toril Forsberg has posed:
A slow blink comes to her and she looks over at him with wide eyes, "12? Are you sure?" She shakes her head and then looks to the side, "Of course you are." She slowly breathes out before sucking in a breathe and then smiling, "Well, no point in worrying over a few centuries, right? So, the last thing I remember is... umm... I was out. Searching." She then blinks slowly and stares down, "Searching. Searching for something."

Thor has posed:
    The Thunderer watches her and his eyes sweep across her form, as if trying to gain some kind of hint, some insight into this other Asgardian that has been brought before him. Yet there is naught that grants him such, only something in her eyes and manner gives him pause. And so he presses on.
    "So you were on a quest?" He offers helpfully, lifting his chin as he tears another piece of bread and dips it into the butter, taking a few bits. It's a rich stoned white bread seemingly fresh from the bakery today and likely chosen for its similarity to what is available at home. He pushes the tray toward her so she need not reach as far should she wish more. The flagon is offered as well.
    "Or seeking to find someone?" Thor cants his head to the side, curious.

Toril Forsberg has posed:
"It was a quest for something... I just can't..." She shakes her head, "I can't recall it. I can't remember much of anything. It is as if I were grasping at water." She takes some bread and the mead, taking a swallow and a bite before looking to him, "As if grasping at sand and only ending up with a few grains."

Thor has posed:
    "Well, whatever it was you are safe now. You are amongst friends, and if you wish quarters will be secured for you nearby." There's a pause as he cants his head the other way, "Or would you prefer to return to Asgard? The physickers of our people may well be of some aid to you."
    That said he takes a drink of the mead from his flagon and then sets it to the side, leaving it near at hand. "Perhaps you merely need time to focus and reflect on what has passed. If it was dire then your mind might be attempting to save you from the ill effects of what you suffered."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
There's a shudder and she shakes her head, "I do not think I wish to go to Asgard. I..." She frowns, "I wish to find more about this and this place." She nods her head and then looks to Thor, "I feel as if I need to understand more before I even attempt a trip home."

Thor has posed:
    A nod is given and he chews on the inside of his cheek, "I will go then and speak with some, perhaps arrange with you to have quarters of your own. There is an organization here known as SHIELD, it is their task to handle people such as us in their midst."
    He chews his lower lip for a time, blue eyes level upon her. "I would ask you to be patient with them, for they will ask you much of what I have already asked you, and more beside. But I will vouch for you if you grant me your oath that you will walk peacefully in these lands unless set upon."
    There's a pause and he leans to the side, "Is this acceptable to you, Lady Toril?"

Toril Forsberg has posed:
A smile and she nods, "Of course, I do not mind. I wish peace except to those who would break peace." She then grins and leans toward him, "I cannot guarantee the safety of those who would disturb the my peace or of those around me."

Thor has posed:
    "Then come, good Toril." Thor rises from his seat and steps around. He extends his hand toward her open and ready to grasp her forearm as those blue eyes light with warmth, his expression gentle. "Embrace me, and know me as friend, and we shall walk together under this glorious sun and beautiful sky. And I shall regale you with all the tales I can muster from the past that may be new to you."
    And as he says that he stops before her to help her rise should she accept, and if she does he'll pull her in chest to chest for that warrior's thump-thump-thump upon the back.