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Latest revision as of 05:21, 25 September 2022

You Wanna Pizza This
Date of Scene: 25 September 2022
Location: Domino's Pizza
Synopsis: Tell me if you've heard this one: A Bunny, a Wolf and Fox walk into a pizza shop and... stop four of the Founding Fathers of the United States from robbing it?!
Cast of Characters: Bunny Macleod, Rahne Sinclair, Cecily Winters

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    It was admittedly supposed to be a trip for urban exploration that Rahne was invited to, which had to be curtailed on account of 'torrential downpour' that had come up from Gotham City to harass Manhattan. And since it was too dangerous, even for the adventurous BUNNY MACLEOD OF CLAN MACLEOD -- MESSENGER SERVICE, Bunny had elected to apologize to Rahne for the travel by taking her out for Pizza.

    So bunny had ducked into a local Domino's (not the best pizza, but hey, it's hot and tasty), laughing in hysterics, her pink hair plastered to her forehead as she runs in with damp sneakers. She's even shorter, given she's not wearing her skates to give her added height.

    "And so I said to him 'Hey Mister, it's not a Delivery, it's Du-Jour-NO!' as chicken noodle soup went everywhere!" she laughs out loud, dripping wet from the rain outside, making her way up to the counter.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair came because of a text. She came because of that, but she also had some other reasons. See, there was this bird outside her dorm window.

It was making these noises, and Rahne just could not concentrate on her essay. She just...just could not. That damn bird. Talking shit like that. "I dinna know bird, but I could tell," she'd mumbled to Bunny when she'd arrived.

She'd yelled at that bird for five hours. Til her fellow dorm-mates literally threw her outside. She was looking for something to do. So, she ended up here, soaked by the rain and listening to Bunny's jokes.

"Ah dinna get it," she says in the here-and-now. "Is tha french?"

So sad, she's so far behind still.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Nothing like a rainy evening in New York. When fresh new smells rise up out of the woodwork and others get shoved down into the recesses of the city. Thank the goddess for pizza. For someone so well-dressed, it's a mystery that she's walking in the rain. A big black umbrella is held over her head, though, as she makes her way down the sidewalk towards the Domino's. It's definitely not the 'best pizza in New York City' but who can tell which is, with how many places claim it's so? At least a chain store is consistent.

    She doesn't arrive too long after the other girls, careful with the door so she can snap her umbrella shut and not slam her tails in either that *or* the door at the same time. "Still better than a thunderstorm in Gotham, I swear it never stops raining in that city..." she grumps softly.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Well... yeah --" Rahne would get a Concerned Look from Bunny, the teenage package handler opening her mouth, and then closing it "Well, yeah Soup du-Jour, it means Soup a' tha Day. And then Digorno is a frozen pizza brand and..." Bunny looks sadly up at Rahne. "You don't get out much, do ya Rahne? Don't worry, we'll get you there!" Bunny gives a bright grin, colorfully and casually dressed as she backs up to the counter of the pizza shop with a grin, and then looks to the fancy lady who's walked in with them.

    "Lady, anything in New Yawk is better than Friggin' *Gotham City*. That whole place is a friggin *mess* and -- Whoa -- hey! You got /TAILS/!" she states the obvious, and it takes every ounce of control to not continue on that line of thought. "Rahne, check that out! Lookit 'em! Are those real? Robotic? Is you one a' them mutant folks?" Bunny asks, enamoured momentarily with poor Cecily.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne turns. She doesn't seem to be a huge talker, and the obvious blush on her cheeks when she's called out on her introversion is obvious. Obviously. Also, very freckly cheeks.

She looks at Cecily, her head tilting upwards like a quiet ball of confusion, then bites her lower lip gently. No, no sniffing. Even if she is clearly...nevermind.

She pauses, taking a paper towel from a table to wipe her head (soaked still) and gives Cecily a smol smil. Then looks back to talkative-Bun.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Oh you're not wrong," Cecily says with a sigh at the mention of Gotham's shortcomings. "It's always so dreary.." she trails off when the girl suddenly just exclaims about her tails and stares at her. She slowly blinks and turns her head, the fluffy fox ears atop her head starting to fold flat. Her eyes drift down towards the mass of twitching fluffs that's jutting out from the base of her spine, wiggling and waving now that they don't have to be coiled up to hide from the rain under the umbrella.

    Then slowly, she looks back to Bunny and Rahne, nodding, "Yes, well," she gives a thin smile. "I'm a lot of things," she states, sounding as crisp and professional as her attire. "They're real, yes. As real as I am hungry, honestly," she gives a faint, polite laugh.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    It's OK, Bunny does enough talking for at least three of Rahne, and she's about as loud to make up for it too as she covers for the poor redhead's sniffing, but then she crosses her arms, and her eyebrows rise up. "Oh! SHOOT! Yeah, I'm sorry about that!" she quips, "You get all sorts a' people in New York. I live in Brooklyn and --" she's cut off by the door snapping open! Four men wearing a George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson masks slam the door open, raise guns, and start yelling "THIS IS A STICK UP!"

    Because it's Saturday Night in New York City, and there's money to be made in robbing chain stores with pizza!

    "Everyone get your asses on the ground!" Franklin yells out.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne has a very definite reaction to a stick-up. She sneezes into her paper towel. Wishing it were softer, her nose is sensitive. :(

"H'lo," she says. To the bad guys. Little wave, still holding the sneezy towel.

Then she sighs, and looks at the guns. "Oh." She is probably the last one to act. Damn colds.


Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily shakes her head, "City is full of all sorts. Mutants, aliens, and others..." she waves off the apology, her smile looking just a touch more genuine. Then she hears the door slam open, the telltale noise of firearms coming up, and just.. sighs. "..speaking of all sorts.." she mutters, tails fluffing up in an agitated fashion. She looks over her shoulder, "Ah our founding fathers, truly far have you all fallen..." she quips, her voice a bit on the deadpan side. She has her umbrella in both hands, and doesn't seem like she's reaching for her own gun just yet. "Can you at least wait until after we order our pizza?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny Macleod was new to the heroism thing (mostly), and she narrows her eyes a moment, curling her fingers as she breathes out and gives a step forward, points to Jefferson and says, in her loudest voice:

    "HALT EVILDOER OR I'LL--" she's cut off suddenly as Jefferson and Franklin grab her by the arms, lift her up off her feet and carry her to the back with "Nope, we're not shooting little kids with cape fantasies tonight --"

    Washigton and Adams hold their firearms at Rahne (who Adams kinda gives a sypathetic, if muffled 'bless you' to before Washington elbows him, nearly jostling the gun out of John Adams's hand), and Cecily as the Dominos employees get the heck outta dodge, and Bunny is thrown and locked into the walk-in fridge!

    "HEY NO WHAT ARE YOU DOing this isn't--"*CLICK!*

    "All right, ladies -- your wallets, any jewlery, credit cards--" Franklin states as he comes back. Jefferson goes into the back office and drags out the manager.

    "Be a lamb and open the safe." he grins, eyeballing the lady, and then turning back to Cecily and eyeballing her.

    "Tell me you know a blue hedghog an' maybe I'll just take a clipping of the fur."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Adams gets a small thank-you from the little redhead, but hauling Bunny off? That won't do. She sighs, then glances at Cecily, Rahne does. "Ah be not as helpless as ah look. How about ye?" she asks, wanting to make certain before she tries anything heroish.

She's wearing a schoolgirl outfit, and hasn't got anything to give the guys, so she's not really hauling out much. Unless they want her cross, dangling from round her neck.

She does not like the way they handled Bunny. So, you know. Gonna have to do something less happymaking in a moment.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily winces, watching the two haul the girl off. Her ears lay flat against her head and she huffs softly, "You really shouldn't treat a lady like that..." Then she glances at Rahne, seeing the look on her face. She seems more intent on Jefferson, though, and his talk of taking some of her fur. "Right, just a moment, then," she states, turning to the nearest masks. "Hold this, please," she says politely and *FWOOMP!* Her umbrella opens up, spring loaded and covered in water--to say nothing of the force with which the fox opens it. At the same time, her tails fluff out behind her, obscuring her silhouette to at least make aiming at her center mass a little more difficult.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Well, what Rahne states seems to distract Washington and Adams a moment. They look to each other as Jefferson waits on the time-lock safe to open.

    And then Cecily speaks up.

    "Heh, trust me lady, better for the kid to not see what's gonna happen -- no one likes it when the gradeschoolers are let out." Washington states, and he was about to reach out for one of Cecily's tails.

    The jukebox hanging on the wall in the tiny dining room ticks. Elton John's 'Saturday Night' kicks on as the umbrella opens, springing water everywhere at Washington and Adams, who call out in alarm and raise their weapons to the fox!

    Rahne's not about to escape it -- Franklin reaches for her shoulder, intent on making the younger lady a hostage as he calls out "GET DOWN GET DOWN! ON THE FLOOR TAILS!"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne gets yoinked. She's yoinked, and she has this person with an arm around her, and a gun. She sighs. They literally train this situation, in school. Is that weird? It seems weird to me.

"Sorry bout this."

Rahne lifts her right hand, mostly caught but short enough to allow her some flexibility in arm movement, and lifts the barrel of the gun. Then she lays her hand on top of the man's firing-hand.

The claws have to be a surprise. She takes the gun away, squeezing the man's hand with her now-sharp fingers, and then she ducks low and lets her body weight fall on his wrist.

A moment later she's slightly more furry, and sliding across the floor toward Washington. Not Adams, he seemed nice. But she'll try to sweep the leg if possible.

Yes, she still has Franklin's weapon. Might be a bit slippery now though.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Don't apologize," Cecily tsks, "They knew what they were getting into, especially in this city..." The fox growls some, her tails fluffing out as she turns. Jefferson is of no concern, she can see that much. Adams is getting a sweep. Ah. Jefferson. The blue hedgehog quip. "Do kindly not call me that," she hisses through her teeth, retracting the umbrella and re-locking it before swinging the hook-end for Jefferson's neck.

    A hook, a yank, and she's dragging his face towards her own suddenly upwards-thrusting knee. Hopefully the mask will keep a broken nose from leaking out all over her nice stockings. She still hasn't pulled her gun. They'd be a waste of bullets. She just wants pizza.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    A hook, a yank, a CRUNCH. The face of Jefferson goes down to Cecil's knee as he gives a cry out, his arm flailing nad his cheap handgun flying off to the side, thankfully not causing any further trouble as he slides beneath the ovens, Jefferson's nose does errupt in blood, but thankfully the mask holds it pretty well as he cries out.

    Rahne's kind apology makes Franklin a little bit wary, but then suddenly CLAWS. CLAWS EVERYWHERE. Or really just on his hand, though he gives a loud cry out, dropping the gun as the wrist goes down, snapping bodily. He's not the healthiest of the Founding Fathers, Ben.

    Adams's leg is swept out from under him, and Washington is now terrified, and wet. He gives a yelp, and the would-be leader of the quartet turns to attempt to go out the door, only to completely forget that it opens inward. He SLAMS into it, cracking the door's glass and falling backwards with a terrified cry.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
For all her speed, Rahne really doesn't want anyone to be permanently hurt. She sweeps the leg, but she also dives to make certain that the nice robber's head doesn't slam into anything sharp or too hard. She stops him just before he's badly hurt, but ends up on top of him.

With her claws unsheathed, her eyes glowing yellow, and her face furry and werewolfy.

She glances at Cecily, then back to Adams, and asks, "D'ye still want tae do this?"

Seriously, she thinks that Franklin needs help more than he needs a pizza shop's daily takings. It's a pizza shop.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily winces again as Washington smashes his face on the door. "...between the cost of the glass and those injuries, they're going to have more out of pocket expenses than these guns are even worth..." the fox takes a moment to adjust her clothes before putting her umbrella down--and reaching over the counter to grab a pair of food service gloves. She picks up one of the pistols and works some magic on it. Rather, in a brief flurry of motion, she drops the mag, pulls the slide to empty the chamber, and then just about pops it in half via the field-stripping mechanism on it.
    "You know, these are such terrible models, you'd have gotten hrut even worse if you'd pulled the trigger and it went off in your face..." she huffs quietly. "Now keep still or you'll have more than a concussion from a glass door..." Cecily says with a faint air of menace before glancing back to the manager. "Give the cops a call, would you?" And then a glance to Rahne, "...want to keep an eye on them while I get your friend out of the walk-in? You look like you have things well in hand. Or perhaps paw."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Eh, they'll get over it. There's probably a Wayne or Stark or Queen fund for the Criminally Inept. Probably.

    Adams isn't going to be hurt -- he throws his side weapon away in the trash can and then holds his hands up like he's the one under threat -- which he kind of is. Washington is dazed and confused, but he stays down giving a 'uuuuugggggh' on the floor. Jefferson groans from behind the counter, and Franklin is busy crying in the corner. They hadn't counted on actual capable heroes.

    "Uh... yeah, no problem -- we hit the panic button but yaknow how long it takes 'em sometime." the manager states from the floor... and she gives Jefferson a kick for good measure.

    "That's for stealing Hamilton's joke."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Think ah got et," the Scot says, her accent showing more and more under stress. Which this really was, even if it did seem easy. She nods to Adams, then gets off of him with a 'stay down' whispered. For his safety, not theirs. She cares.

Then she goes to check on the crying guy, a hug being offered, and she upnods Cecily to go bring Bunny out from the cold. But she looks at the manager then, looking...like herself.

"Wot joke?" she asks, completely lost. Then she looks at Franklin and rubs the poor guy's back. And asks.

"Wot are you guys dressed as anyway?"

Someone please let Bunny back in, I'm not as funny as she is.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily rounds up any other firearms that are on the way, dumping their constituent parts on the counter before she makes it back to the walk-in. She has to take a moment to make sure it's unlocked before she actually pops it open. And then there she is, arms open, tails floofed out behind her. "Hey. Come on, let's get you out of there. You're rain-soaked and you're going to catch hypothermia," she says, her tone seeming more concerned now than before, and her tails look so soft and warm.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    The manager, whose nametag says 'SALLY' on it, looks up to Rahne with mixed surprise.

    "Oh... uh... watch Hamilton? I think it's on Disney now?" she ventures, unsure.

    The safe beeps, and pops open -- only to be slowly closed by the manager on duty.

    Bunny meanwhile looks COMPLETELY SOUR at the fact that she missed ALL the action!

    "What the evahlovin' Dvorkian HECK do any of tha Foundin' Fathers hafta lock me up and outta the action that's downright UNAMERICAN!" she curses. She was, indeed, quite cold and still soaked through, shivering and a stammer added to her words as she STOMPS out.

    And then she jabs her hand up at the fox.

    "Bunny Macleod." she introduces herself. "Thanks."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne can be heard from the front. She can be heard, but sneezing isn't communication. She mostly is just kinda there, all werewolf and snot. Into a kleenex, offered to her by one of the robbers.

"Thank ye," she mumbles. Then she looks at the manager and shrugs. "Ah'm Scottish?" she says, then flops down into a seat, to watch the bad guys while the cops come. Then, she says, "So no pizza?"

That, Bunny would have heard.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Cecily," the fox replies, taking the girl's hand and giving it a firm shake--still wearing the gloves she'd taken. Then she peels them off and tosses them in the nearest trash bin. "Come on, let's warm you up," she gestures towards the front of the store with one hand while conjuring a wreathe of purple-blue flame in the other. "If you don't mind, that is...?" she offers the girl. Then her ears perk at the mention of pizza, and her ears lay flat. "I do hope we can still order," she chuckles dryly.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Uh... I don't think so, the cops are gonna be here soon and the registers don't work--" the manager states.

    Bunny, hodling her hands out to the flame as she goes 'ohmigod warm yes please' looks to Rahne, then looks to Cecily, and then tilts her head back.

    "How about Chinese? Who robs a noodle joint?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
As Bunny and Fox come out of the back, Bunny says that thing. And Rahne sighs. She helps Franklin support his wrist, and realizes it's probably hot dogs again today.

Never tempt fate. She'll never get fed at this rate.

It's a good thing that Bunny is cute. Because she sure isn't up on how stories work. But Rahne isn't the one to tell her. And after all, this is comics.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily's flame is warm. Not too hot, but it's definitely giving off plenty of heat. "I did come out here looking for a meal," she states quietly. "Be it pizza, or noodles, I do suppose I am down for either, so long as I get to put something in my stomach. Should we do something about these... gentlemen?" she asks softly, looking at the would-be robbers. The small-time crooks. "Zip ties, lock them in the cooler, that sort of thing..."